I'm puzzled. Does Juggytay have super speed, as well as strength, or was all this scientific talk about throwing stuff into orbit just a bunch of pulling legs? Because escape velocity is 11.2 kilometers per second, and up until now I didn't think Juggernaut was able to accelerate anything to that kind of speed.
Think of it like if a Cyttorak decides it's gorra 'appen reality gitz in linez. Or Juggernaut wills it, so mote it be. Provided said will involves forward motion.
Sorry correction DARPA had a 300 megawatt laser in the early 2000s. It was a multi-branch military project then the branches got into a pissing match over who owns it. Who knows what the military has now. We already have Skynet in the Aegis. We have the Hunter Killer robot drones being field tested by lending it out to Ukraine. So

Lasers Check
Skynet Check
HK drones Check

We already live in the Terminator Universe. I welcome our robot Overlord. Robot Uncle Sam. No, No the Liberty Prime resemblance is only artwork. . . :confused::whistle::rofl::lol:
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Nowhere close. DARPA research results that a rod of Tungsten of that size impacting will cause an explosion of 90% of a MOAB at 66 million USD per rod. Or you can buy 388 MOAB at year 2000 mass production prices of 170,000 USD.

That would be 120 million a shot today for the rods and 306,000 USD per MOAB. Each satellite would be limited to two four shot cells because the effect of the mass on the materials of the proposed satellite design. This presupposes that you have a Tungsten manufacturing industry of the required size to supply the rods and rockets able to ship them with.

And a source of Tungsten of course. A secure one not outsourced to China and Russia.

The US military has a multiple hundred gigawatts laser Air Defence system prototype. It vaporized a satellite target in mid orbit. Satellite based weapons are vulnerable to ground weapons and the F15 and F16
You forgot to mention that satellites move in predictable orbits. You have to wait until it is in position. You just can't reach some targets until you put satellites in very specialised orbits. And your opponent knows exatly where your stellites are at every moment.
You forgot to mention that satellites move in predictable orbits. You have to wait until it is in position. You just can't reach some targets until you put satellites in very specialised orbits. And your opponent knows exatly where your stellites are at every moment.
Exactly, course corrections take hours and depending on orbit days. With a firing window of several seconds to minutes. All that time to maneuver a counter to your OWP. China demonstrated a makeshift antisat weapon successfully in mid 2000s
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The Rod from God system is a boondoggle, just like the Star Wars Initiative was. It's a proposed weapon system which in theory would work well. But is not practical, and has so many flaws that it will not be practical until it's also been made obsolete by other technologies.

As for Juggernaut throwing people into space, I believe Cain Marko once did just this to Gladiator in the comics.
So bad time to note that a lot of the info I picked up years ago about That Particular 'Project Thor' was that the idea was for the rods to penetrate and open up buried reinforced bunkers.
I'm puzzled. Does Juggytay have super speed, as well as strength, or was all this scientific talk about throwing stuff into orbit just a bunch of pulling legs? Because escape velocity is 11.2 kilometers per second, and up until now I didn't think Juggernaut was able to accelerate anything to that kind of speed.

I think people (including the Marvel writers!) easily onfuse torque with energy. Torque, despite technically being describable in joules, is recommended to be calculated in newton-meters to avoid exactly this confusion.

Taylor, with a sufficiently long lever, could translate that torque into that kind of speed but would need something like an adamantium atlatl to make it happen.
Taylor could do strangely slow high energy projectiles. Grab a thing, charge it with her Juggernaut abilities, and pitch it. The thing would continue until the energy ran out regardless of things in the way.
I think people (including the Marvel writers!) easily onfuse torque with energy. Torque, despite technically being describable in joules, is recommended to be calculated in newton-meters to avoid exactly this confusion.

Taylor, with a sufficiently long lever, could translate that torque into that kind of speed but would need something like an adamantium atlatl to make it happen.
It's Magic. Divine Magic at that. Physics is curled up in a ball crying in the corner having been repeatedly violated by Magic.

A Juggernaut can impart as much energy as he wants on a projectile if he has a good enough connection to Cyttorak.
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Taylor could do strangely slow high energy projectiles. Grab a thing, charge it with her Juggernaut abilities, and pitch it. The thing would continue until the energy ran out regardless of things in the way.
Okay, the image of a slow thrown yet completely unstoppable projectile is strangely hilarious to me. It gets even better the stranger the projectile is..... a raw egg, an ice cube etc.....
So when does Cauldron realize that the Parahuman Feudalism Experiment won't work with Taylornaut in the Bay?

Well, they would view Tay as a parahuman, so it's just a question of whether a situation will develop from which they can convince themselves that she is ruling the city.

Technically, the Cook Pot Conspiricy's experiment never worked. They were looking for answers that already existed. And in canon, Cauldron rejected the very answers they got from the experiment due to the answers not coming from a source they could control. That, and their crimes coming to light in an impossible to cover up way.
I've suspected for a while that the 'Experiment' was actually Doctor Mengele - sorry, Doctor MOTHER - convincing the other members to let her do what she wanted.
I think people (including the Marvel writers!) easily onfuse torque with energy. Torque, despite technically being describable in joules, is recommended to be calculated in newton-meters to avoid exactly this confusion.

Taylor, with a sufficiently long lever, could translate that torque into that kind of speed but would need something like an adamantium atlatl to make it happen.
It's Magic. Divine Magic at that. Physics is curled up in a ball crying in the corner having been repeatedly violated by Magic.

A Juggernaut can impart as much energy as he wants on a projectile if he has a good enough connection to Cyttorak.
I think, at least if my physics maths are right, that even if Taylor doesn't yet know how to wrangle her Juggernaut powers to do so, her being unstoppable means that if she punches something sufficiently inflexible but also unbreakable, like, say, Alexandria or Chort, since she's able to just keep moving her fist as if nothing is there, she's constantly imparting a huge amount of kinetic energy every unit of time, an amount entirely based on the elasticity of the object she's punching. In ol' 'Lexi's case, or Chort as well, their bodies won't bend, but rather they will bend despite being not supposed to, which makes them an insanely high tension spring that will not break or bend plastically, thus Taylornaut's fist will continue to move forward unhindered by logic and reality and Shard clarktech calling BS on her and continue charging up the spring that is her poor opponent's body. Has anyone seen those hilarious videos of two people with large yoga balls, the small and light one is standing still and the big chonky one is running full tilt and when they make contact, the big one stops immediately and the smaller one gets absolutely yeeted at a speed several times higher? Conservation of momentum, as applied by sufficiently elastic objects. When one thing rejects reality's edict that it must stop moving as fast as it is, the other thing has to take that momentum into itself via its elasticity. Everything has elasticity, no matter how much Alexandria's Shard (sometimes affectionately named Brick instead of Sentinel or something) might wish it doesn't, so Alexandria might find herself in orbit in short order and halt her movement the moment she realizes that she's now several hundred kilometers away from her opponent.

Edit: If anyone's interested, assuming Alexandria can fly from one side of Earth to the other (presuming no use of Doormaker) in a couple minutes, I only have the end number here not the math anymore, she would be capable of imparting an acceleration on herself of about 588 m/s^2, about enough to reach Mach 1 after just 100 meters. I probably forgot what I did the math for, it may not even be for her speed feat during the Khonsu fight, but such a high acceleration that just keeps on going means Mach 50 in 29 seconds. I imagine that eventually Taylornaut will be able to launch things surpassing that speed in a far shorter span of time, and will keep getting more absurd as she starts to munchkin things far more than Cain could.
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Does anyone else think that Glory Girl is going to lose her title of "Queen of Collateral Damage" title to Taylornaut? After all, Cyttorak is going to be pushing Taylor almost as much as a Shard would all in the name of entertaining him with Michael Bay-esque action scenes complete with gratuitous amounts of explosions and collateral damage.