For all that Wildbow claims Contessa is constantly stopping emergencies, she hasn't gone after Heartbreaker, Mama Mathers, or the Siberian. Taylor destroying some streets to get a snack is less threatening than those.
In order:
Heartbreaker never went after anyone Cauldron thinks is useful enough to warrant that response, and generally kept to 'small scale' stuff. He's just not on the level Cauldron would call an emergency. (If he went after, say, Alexandria; then he'd die very quickly.)
Mama Mathers only has powers due to drinking a Cauldron vial, and does jobs for them. She's one of their people, though not in the 'inner circle'.
Siberian is considered to be likely one of their best shots at taking on Scion.

What Cauldron would consider an emergency is anything that would endanger their primary goal, which is keeping the human race from ending. Anything else can be ignored - or even encouraged, since that could cause more people to trigger and increase the number of people who might be able to face Scion.
It's very much an 'ends justify the means' mentality.
Doesn't he have, like politicians and celebrities with "dead man switches."
Otherwise I would use a Barrett M82A1 .50 cal from at least 1 mile or 1.6 kilometers away.
I know he does in certain fics, which is why Dragon in Mauling Snarks dropped him off in the middle of the ocean, in a steel box that was guaranteed to hold structural integrity even after the plane crashed while still freely letting water in, while he was wearing a shock collar that was 75% C4 by weight. She professed to be disappointed that the Guild wouldn't be able to collect on his bounties, but doing so would set his thralls off, whereas in current circumstances he was just going to vanish.

Because Dragon was a good girl who looked after her Mother, the Ward Maul (no points for guessing Maul's real name).
Contessa according to Wildbow spends all her time doing the following tasks:

1. Prevent anyone from learning Cauldron exists via killing anyone who learns of their existence
2. Getting the word out that Cauldron exists so they can sell powers
3. Preventing any normal human from managing to kill a parahuman with a gun
4. Propping up legitimate governments world wide to stabilize society
5. Propping up criminal organizations world wide to stabilize society
6. Whatever the frell her path is saying needs to be done to actually form an "army" to beat Zion.

Yes, that should be multiple tasks that take 100% of your time, each, to be able to accomplish part of the tasks. And yes several of those tasks are mutually exclusive with other tasks. For example keeping legitimate government running and keeping criminal organizations going, both with the goal of "stabilizing" society. Or letting people learn of Cauldron's existence to generate clients, while simultaneously murdering anyone who learns about Cauldron. Task 1 in canon was only dropped because it apparently was now taking all of Contessa's time to the exclusion of any other tasks after Cauldron's existence was revealed on a live national broadcast.
Just send in a sniper. Heartbreaker's power works on his line of sight; a sniper shoots from far enough range that it wouldn't be a problem.
The real problem is the thralls in positions of power that he canonically has to watch out for that sort of thing. Which is solved by getting a thinker involved.
I have not found anything that suggests that Contessa would try to stop that from happening. The only reason I can see her doing so would be if he was somehow able to affect the fight against Scion, which I very much doubt.
Just send in a sniper. Heartbreaker's power works on his line of sight; a sniper shoots from far enough range that it wouldn't be a problem.
The real problem is the thralls in positions of power that he canonically has to watch out for that sort of thing. Which is solved by getting a thinker involved.
I have not found anything that suggests that Contessa would try to stop that from happening. The only reason I can see her doing so would be if he was somehow able to affect the fight against Scion, which I very much doubt.

Heartbreaker is a parahuman. This is the entire reason Contessa would stop anyone, even the Canadian military or the police, from sniping him. Parahumans being killed by bullets would destroy the "it takes a parahuman to fight a parahuman" myth that Cauldron has fostered ever since the first known parahuman got killed by a rando with a pipe. Unless the person pulling the trigger is a parahuman themself with gun related powers, it would set a precedent that Cauldron really don't want.