"Tch. Some new brute in the wards? My dogs can take her."

"No, you don't get it, nothing stops the Juggernaut, Bitch!"


edit: not the original but live action Juggy seems to fit Taylor's svelte-for-the-role build better than animated/comic Juggernaut, and it really works with the SS chase in Ch1

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj8gAhAHuV8
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Taylor VS Endbringers

... Supplex Behemoth so hard he'll just dig down out of shame and not resurface for a year!

Skip Leviathan like a stone across the ocean and punch his lizard face once he makes a full circle

Ziz would just fly above you and all you can do is toss rocks at her while she catches them and throws them back... she's smart enough to not get within punching range
Ziz would just fly above you and all you can do is toss rocks at her while she catches them and throws them back... she's smart enough to not get within punching range
Depending on when it would happen in timeline Taylor may very well just huff and start walking up. Nothing stops the Juggernaut. Including seeming lack of support for where the steps are landing. Marvel Earth should be forever grateful that Juggernaut is Cain and not someone with actual imagination and some great goal or dream.

Earth Bet on the other hand got Taylor.
Narwhal is currently taller than Taylor.
I do not think she has anything resembling a traditional secret identity either...a 7 foot something woman with bleached hair, built like an athlete is hard to not immediatelly point to and say "Hey, it´s Narwhal". Her name might not be know, but you´d know when meeting her + I believe her costume does not actually feature a mask. Just force fieds to make her look "Decent" and make up her "Horn"
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I can't wait for Taylor to start her heroics career. Just for the sheer mismatch when Taylor first fight is attempting to stop some burglars or street toughs and they try fighting back.
I can't wait for Taylor to start her heroics career. Just for the sheer mismatch when Taylor first fight is attempting to stop some burglars or street toughs and they try fighting back.
This, she is absolutely mismatched for street level stuff. She is the "Punch Endbringers in the Schnoz"-type of Cape.
You know, with the fact that they found out about her Thinker power from the very start there is a very good name that Taylor can use - Inevitable. Especially with her being an Alexandria fangirl.
A lot of people probably would be laughing at her at first thinking its an exaggeration but not for long.
I do not think she has anything resembling a traditional secret identity either...a 7 foot something woman with bleached hair, built like an athlete is hard to not immediatelly point to and say "Hey, it´s Narwhal". Her name might not be know, but you´d know when meeting her + I believe her costume does not actually feature a mask. Just force fieds to make her look "Decent" and make up her "Horn"
Seriously, there's not many 7+ ladies out there, much less super atheltic and bleached hair.

Kinda impossible for her to get a disguise.
Seriously, there's not many 7+ ladies out there, much less super atheltic and bleached hair.

Kinda impossible for her to get a disguise.

True, even in the Netherlands she'd stand out (the Dutch are on average about the longest People around)

7ft reminds me of the following. There was once a Frysian mercenary, Grutte Pier, who wielded this massive sword of 7ft long (the sword still exist, it's in a Dutch museum). Would Taylor be more or less dangerous swinging such a sword around than she would be swinging her fists?
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the Dutch are on average about the longest People around
They need it to keep their heads above the waterline

Would Taylor be more or less dangerous swinging such a sword around than she would be swinging her fists?
Based on the latest chapter, sword would get the forcefield too when she's swinging it, so more

If she has an extra 6 feet of reach it becomes that much harder to avoid her, and also that much more likely it starts cutting things just due to it's shape

Taylor could still cut things with her hands if she was going fast enough, but it's kinda inherently easier with a sword
Ask a stupid question...
Doctor Nickelovich-Smythe made a note on his clipboard. "Good. Now, commencing the secret identity test. As requested, you're in civilian garb. As an added obfuscation, please put these on." He handed Taylor a pair of dark sunglasses.

Roger explained. "Height was an issue, so we've brought in Narwhal, who is also out of costume."

Taylor looked over in surprise as the taller woman entered the testing chamber.

"Both of you, please adopt neutral, casual stances," Roger suggested. "Bring in the 'civilian.'"

Assault entered the chamber. "Whoa!"

Doctor Nickelovich-Smythe carefully asked, "Can you determine the identity of any of these women?"

Assault tipped his head back to look Taylor in the eyes (or sunglasses). "Taylor Hebert -- can't miss that hair. Kind of tall, too. And..." he gestured vaguely with his hands "...built."

"And the other?"

"Narwhal, obviously."

"And how did you determine that?"

Assault tried vainly to control his silly grin, while wiping away some drool. "I never forget a nude."

Battery appeared, as if by magic, and slapped him in the back of the head.
I do believe the description was:
"That is not a sword." Anko stated in a shocked voice. "That is a metal Tetsubo with an edge."

If you've seen Utawarerumono, Karulau's giant sword in that is pretty much what Naruto used.

Source - I wrote the darned story!
Thanks for referencing it!
You know, with the fact that they found out about her Thinker power from the very start there is a very good name that Taylor can use - Inevitable. Especially with her being an Alexandria fangirl.
A lot of people probably would be laughing at her at first thinking its an exaggeration but not for long.
I still prefer Relentless, but Inevitable might work pretty well too. People talk about her strength, but she's also likely got comparable stamina.
Relentless might be too close to Dauntless for PR (or Dauntless himself, given it's a teenage girl) to be happy with, though as noted in story she hasn't yet officially joined up with the Wards and has a very understandable reason to not want to. Having relatively positive contact with Vicky & Amy and having a physicality that makes keeping a secret identity even more of a fig leaf than usual, New Wave might be a viable option to consider - they do also have a "pure" Brute in Manpower to act as a mentor, and something something lessons about use of proper force and avoiding collateral damage for both her and GG.
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