The observed phenomena of Shadow Stalker being unable to escape her grasp was apparently due to the forcefield and not any trump abilities."

So, one of her powers exhibited power negation ss even pointed out here. Doesn't this seem like something that the PRT would have wanted to test? You know, someone would wonder if it would have the same effect if she were to grapple with someone like Lung or Hooky. Potential power negation has the ability to kinda flip the table and they would want to try and figure out its intricacies before things are exploding.

I get that they are focusing on the more blatant of what she is capable of but c'mon. Sadly, this behavior is all too believable though.
Considering Taylor's complete ability to manipulate her momentum and inertia with pure will, does she actually need to generate any of that momentum at any point?

Cause that would fix the lack of flight
If we're going off comic Juggernaut as a basis, she'll still need to have a foundational surface to work off to get forward momentum (aka She needs to be standing).

Comic-Juggy isn't too good in the air, or in water, depending on writer. Something about muscle mass making swimming difficult.

So suggested means of combat include telekinetically holding her in a method that prevents her from targeting anyone, or dunking her.
This has been a fun chapter, the PRT getting to learn what a real unstoppable object is, and Taylor getting bulked up via more food to keep up with her growth is something most fics tend to ignore when they have her go through any kind of transformation.

Also a Vicky who acknowledges and is playful about her Collateral Damage Barbie nickname is something I have *never* seen done.
Her lack of secret identity should perhaps lead to recruitment attempts by E88 and maybe others. Crusader and Victor might be the only ones to give her trouble there.

The only trouble Crusader could give her is trouble cleaning his guts out of her boot treads.

Victor might be able to pull something off if she pussyfoots around long enough for him to drain her "skills" with basic movement to the point she's flopping around helplessly, but it's much more likely he'd damage her control enough to get himself killed when she hits him harder than intended first.

So suggested means of combat include telekinetically holding her in a method that prevents her from targeting anyone, or dunking her.

They tried that on Juggernaut in his very first appearance. He just walked downward back to the ground.

Repeat after me: NOTHING stops the Juggernaut.
Victor might be able to pull something off if she pussyfoots around long enough for him to drain her "skills" with basic movement to the point she's flopping around helplessly, but it's much more likely he'd damage her control enough to get himself killed when she hits him harder than intended first.

Most of Taylor's power comes from Cytorrak, yes? Which is magical. Unless Kryslin is REALLY changing how things work, I can't see Victor's power being able to drain magic power. In most fics, magic to shards is a VERY out of context problem.
So, one of her powers exhibited power negation ss even pointed out here. Doesn't this seem like something that the PRT would have wanted to test?
They did state that this was only the beginning and intermediate tests, and that was all that her father had signed off on. Testing that field would more than likely be advanced testing, which requires three things; 1: Danny's permission. 2: Taylor feeling that she has better control to avoid accidentally harming anyone. 3: Having another parahuman to test against. Which they do have plenty of but I could see them not wanting to do so until Taylor feels she has a handle on her strength.
I could see this testing happening further down the line, once Taylor has a better handle on things
Thank the lord! A fic that actually uses more realistic numbers for what we see characters in the comics doing! Every time I used to see the Hulk or Juggernaut rated at 100 tons lift when calm, it used to make my eyes twitch.
Back in the 1980's the Marvel Handbook, a comic/encyclopedia cross, listed Hulk's Absolutely calm strength at 70 tons, but increasing exponentially when angered. Exponential growth is scary. Juggernaut was listed as having effectively infinite strength, and thus well beyond class 100, which was the highest level they bothered to list.

One issue is, of course, it's damn hard to visualize how heavy an object is and what one should be able to lift once things are measured in tons, so artists often over or undersold the strength of characters, and just used the numbers as a "who's stronger then who" guideline.

Once, in a comic I once had, Thor struggled to keep a building under construction from falling long enough for Spidey to use girders to brace the damaged foundation. Said building was just girders and foundation at that point, and was at least ten stories tall. This strikes me as a reasonable yet challenging feat of strength for one that can lift 100 tons, just as maneuvering individual girders into place quickly seems reasonable for one that can lift up to 10 tons. So, at least some times, the feats of strength shown are reasonable for the characters involved...