I absolutely loved Utawarerumono, ESPECIALLY the scene where everyone is fighting to pick up that I-beam with a handle, and she does it one-handed ...
I do believe the description was:
"That is not a sword." Anko stated in a shocked voice. "That is a metal Tetsubo with an edge."

If you've seen Utawarerumono, Karulau's giant sword in that is pretty much what Naruto used.

Source - I wrote the darned story!
Thanks for referencing it!

That was a GREAT story! I just rampaged through it in about 4 hours, it just carried me along. My congrats, and thanks for writing it! :)
Now to answer the raised question : Why Is Taylor still wearing her glasses?

Because at the moment, she still needs them to see. Canonically, a Worm trigger event does not regenerate your body, fixing any defects or injuries. This is one of the few times that I'll nod my hat at canon, because in this case, Wibbles makes sense. However...

The Juggernaut's classic powerset is that of a Brick: Super strong, super durable. There is also being the embodiment of Irresistable Force, Summoning the armor, and an insanely powerful healing / regenerative factor. Can't have a little thing like being reduced to charcoal slow down the Avatar of Cytorrak, after all.

At the moment, Taylor's body is adjusting to a new template. That healing factor is currently making the structural improvements needed for a proper Avatar of Cytorrak. Once the rebuild is done, a number of little things that might slow down his new Avatar will be taken care of. Like adjusting her vision so she no longer needs glasses. She might still wear fakers, though. Hey, it works for Superman, and it worked for Thor for a while.

Also, keep in mind that many identities are paper thin in Brockton Bay. It's one of the things about living in an open air insane asylum like Brockton Bay. The sane people know who the crazy people are. And because of the Cook Pot Conspiracy, Law Enforcement can't do much about the super powered villains...
Also, keep in mind that many identities are paper thin in Brockton Bay. It's one of the things about living in an open air insane asylum like Brockton Bay. The sane people know who the crazy people are. And because of the Cook Pot Conspiracy, Law Enforcement can't do much about the super powered villains...
To be fair, if you knew the identity of someone who could turn into a giant fire breathing dragon when enraged, would you snitch?

Then there is also old miss "that building full of people is now a parking lot" Purity. Would do anything that would in anyway be perceived as a threat to her children?
Relentless might be too close to Dauntless for PR (or Dauntless himself, given it's a teenage girl) to be happy with,

I vote for Invictus. Unconquerable isn't quite the same as unstoppable, but it's close enough.

Also, keep in mind that many identities are paper thin in Brockton Bay. It's one of the things about living in an open air insane asylum like Brockton Bay. The sane people know who the crazy people are. And because of the Cook Pot Conspiracy, Law Enforcement can't do much about the super powered villains...

I'm reminded of an old gag from Texts From Superheroes.

Canonically yes, within hours of her civvie ID being made public.
Yes, but that changed the situation drastically. Right now, they're playing a game of I know, you know, and I know you know I know. It's all very polite and kept behind closed doors.

When the local Bond villain wannabe decides to upset the apple cart and make those identities known to the general public, well, now the PRT can't keep playing footsies and has to be seen to be doing something. They are the Public Relations Team after all.
Also apparently getting recorded in a dedicated journal over in Maintenance titled "Desired Obsolescence."
If most organizations don't have one of those, they should.
Who knew that the PRT's pens had that much ink under pressure in them?

And poor Miss Militia, getting coated with ink when it broke.
I actually knew that. Aside from the actual pressurized ones, which are mainly used for vertical, upside-down, or space applications, a lot of them have a significant fraction of a teaspoon of very thin and staining ink...
A cheap ballpoint can make a good mess, but get a gel pen or heaven forbid one of those fine-point descendants of the felt-tip? You're doomed.
At home, while getting ready for dinner, Vicky sneezed. "Collateral Damage Barbie senses tingling," she said, looking around.

"What are you going on about this time?" Amy snarked from where she was helping.

"Someone's trash talking me," Vicky answered.
I'm sure some people would rather she apply her Thinker rating somewhere else... such as pulverizing minions a bit less.
Phoenix Force or Portal to Space.
Fixed that for you. The first is only effective until she contacts Cyttorak, masters magic or both. Then it'd be planar shattering conflict.

Being thrown into space only buys you time. Eventually you'd have a Juggernaut meteor homing straight towards you. Killing you and whatever state/province/geographical area you're in.

So, basically the Dragon Slayer.

Not really. Dragon slayer is a two sided flat blade. A tetsubo is round or octagonal
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As far as names goes, I'm going for Resolute. Has Heroic connotations and doesn't really impinge on any other names from Canon that I can think of.
When the local Bond villain wannabe decides to upset the apple cart and make those identities known to the general public, well, now the PRT can't keep playing footsies and has to be seen to be doing something. They are the Public Relations Team after all.
And that worked out so well for everyone. Aster was grabbed by BBPD/PRT, Purity started carpet-bombing/building busting Brockton Bay with possibly hundreds of casualties, and Purity got her kid back. And then the Slaughterhouse 9's Bonesaw got her hands on Aster, and it didn't end well.
And then the Slaughterhouse 9's Bonesaw got her hands on Aster, and it didn't end well.

Waitaminute... Did Riley actually do work on Aster? I don't remember that.

Edit: nope. Just read this part(26.6 if curious) and the threat of Bonesaw was leveraged against Taylor, in conjuction with having Greyboy doing some assistance to keep the fun-times going.

She shot Aster after stepping through the portal because she felt that was the best move she could make. Mind you, Grey Boy did threaten Kayden with having Bonesaw work on Aster but it never got to that point.
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I believe the idea is that she was going to, and thats why Taylor shot Aster.

Taylor looks at your average 9mm handgun. And then looks at her hands. And back to the handgun. There's a squeeze, and said handgun is now a ball bearing about two inches in diameter, smoking slightly from the heat of compression. "Don't like guns. Too noisy."
Like she needs a gun. Given the the sheer amounts of kinetic energy she could impart to anything by a meaningful yeet. Scientifically notarized as a metric fucktonne. Like look up pictures of blocks of aluminum shot by pieces of plastic going 7000+ m/s. She could do that.