Siberian tries to claw her, and just skids over JuggerTay's body.

Depending on how the author interprets the power interactions between Jug and Sibby, I'm not convinced that Tay would no-sell the projection. After all, Alexandria also had complete invulnerability on her outside but Manton had no problem in trying to convince Rebecca that monocles were the future.

It's too damn bad telepathy/mental attacks just don't happen in Worm.

Mental attacks, like Vicky's love-me aura or Slash's Broadcast(she Triggered, just how the Trigger manifested was changed). Plus, we have such wonderful things on Bet like Mama, her son(Valefor), and the great Doom Chicken in the Sky. There's all sorts of offensive mental attacks that exist in Worm. Heck, it could be argued that Strangers could also be interpreted as mental attacks.

Everything here is open to debate as far as exactly what she has, especially without access to the gem. If they want to make an OP story, that's cool. I'm just saying that they might also be planning on taking this in a different direction so maybe we should hold off on assuming some things.
Alexandria also had complete invulnerability on her outside but Manton had no problem in trying to convince Rebecca that monocles were the future.
Alexandria's invulnerability is a consequence of her shard abusing loopholes in the laws of physics. Juggernaut's invulnerability is a consequence of Cyttorak flipping the laws of physics off. Personally, I'm going to be betting on Taylor.

And not just because Taylor trampling Sibby on her way to ruin Jack Slash's day sounds like it'd be the most fun to read about.
Alexandria's invulnerability is a consequence of her shard abusing loopholes in the laws of physics. Juggernaut's invulnerability is a consequence of Cyttorak flipping the laws of physics off.

So if a Shard turns laws of physics off, then it's OK to be vulnerable to Siberian but if Cyttorak turns physics off(when it's incorporated into a Trigger), then it's too bad for Manton? I'm not sure that I understand the distinction between the two in these circumstances. Now, I do believe that Jug WOULD bypass the invulnerability that the projection grants to others due to Juggernauts Breaker effect so whoever Manton is protecting is gonna have a very bad moment of surprise before they become chunky salsa.
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So if a Shard turns laws of physics off, then it's OK to be vulnerable to Siberian but if Cyttorak turns physics off(when it's incorporated into a Trigger), then it's too bad for Manton? I'm not sure that I understand the distinction between the two in these circumstances. Now, I do believe that Jug WOULD bypass the invulnerability that the projection grants to others due to Juggernauts Breaker effect so whoever Manton is protecting is gonna have a very bad moment of surprise before they become chunky salsa.

The thing is, Alexandra is invulnerable. But shards have arbitrary limits (like Alexandra's leaving her vulnerable to Siberian). Cyttorak doesn't play those games like shards do.

Hell, if Coil's shard works like I think it does (two simultaneous precog paths, with the shard mastering him through the one the shard decides Coil will want), then I doubt Taylor would probably be seen in those precog paths, which could have hilarious effects
So if a Shard turns laws of physics off, then it's OK to be vulnerable to Siberian but if Cyttorak turns physics off(when it's incorporated into a Trigger), then it's too bad for Manton? I'm not sure that I understand the distinction between the two in these circumstances. Now, I do believe that Jug WOULD bypass the invulnerability that the projection grants to others due to Juggernauts Breaker effect so whoever Manton is protecting is gonna have a very bad moment of surprise before they become chunky salsa.
To use a clearer analogy, Alexandria's power uses quirks in the legal system and some hefty bribes to get what it wants. Cyttorak is an out and out criminal that ignores the law. In this case, it's the laws of physics.
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Depending on how the author interprets the power interactions between Jug and Sibby, I'm not convinced that Tay would no-sell the projection. After all, Alexandria also had complete invulnerability on her outside but Manton had no problem in trying to convince Rebecca that monocles were the future.
Even if the Tiger striped Thinker-Sting can bullshit past Cyttorak granted armour, well Juggernaut can't be stopped. As in damage will only mildly inconvenience them. Cain was reduced to a skeleton once and it only slowed him down a little. The meaty bits grew back eventually.

Also Taylor's forward motion can't be stopped by anything except her. Even Scion would be pushed back by her walking forwards. But to me the real question is whether Cyttorak's 7 siblings will show up for the party and choose exemplars of their own?
To use a clearer analogy, Alexandria's power uses quirks in the legal system and some hefty bribes to get what it wants. Cyttorak is an out and out criminal that ignores the law. In this case, it's the laws of physics.

I'd say it's more like Cyttorak is a separate political entity that doesn't give a fuck about your laws, and has a big enough army you can't force the issue.

I can't wait to see where this goes.

EDIT: Fixed a bit of awkward phrasing.
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Even if the Tiger striped Thinker-Sting can bullshit past Cyttorak granted armour, well Juggernaut can't be stopped. As in damage will only mildly inconvenience them. Cain was reduced to a skeleton once and it only slowed him down a little. The meaty bits grew back eventually.

Also Taylor's forward motion can't be stopped by anything except her. Even Scion would be pushed back by her walking forwards. But to me the real question is whether Cyttorak's 7 siblings will show up for the party and choose exemplars of their own?
The entire pantheon appearing would usher in a return of Magic and the Age of Gods
Depending on how the author interprets the power interactions between Jug and Sibby, I'm not convinced that Tay would no-sell the projection. After all, Alexandria also had complete invulnerability on her outside but Manton had no problem in trying to convince Rebecca that monocles were the future.

Mental attacks, like Vicky's love-me aura or Slash's Broadcast(she Triggered, just how the Trigger manifested was changed). Plus, we have such wonderful things on Bet like Mama, her son(Valefor), and the great Doom Chicken in the Sky. There's all sorts of offensive mental attacks that exist in Worm. Heck, it could be argued that Strangers could also be interpreted as mental attacks.

Everything here is open to debate as far as exactly what she has, especially without access to the gem. If they want to make an OP story, that's cool. I'm just saying that they might also be planning on taking this in a different direction so maybe we should hold off on assuming some things.
No. The only mental attack in Worm is Broadcast. Simmy makes micro-lesions with incredibly fine telekinesis, emotion-effectors insert and/or remove chemicals to change mood, strangers do all of that and mess with electrical signals. Most masters actually use a form of hypnotism, like Bastard Son and Valefore.

Broadcast only really counts as a "mental attack" because it is literally "ideas coming from outside the brain", as the victims' shard sends new thoughts out.

Remember, Shard-based powers are EXPLICITLY not supernatural. They rely on energy/matter manipulation and dimensional fuckery. They don't touch any "astral plane".

Getting back to the story, Taylor obviously has the Crimson Gem. What about the gems from the other members of the pantheon? Are they going to show up?
Looking back, I should clarify: when in motion, the only thing that can Physically stop the Juggernaut is their deciding to stop under their own power. Outside forces can slow them down, but even if slowed to a crawl they don't stop unless they want to stop.

Drawing directly from a major mystic being, the Juggernaut is highly resistant to magic directly targeting them, though clever indirect applications of magic do work. Without the protection of their helmet, psionics are their biggest weakness. In Marko's case, a lack of intelligence is a close second.

Otherwise, he's stronger then Thor and the Hulk, tougher then either, and has at least Hulk grade regeneration. (For reference, that's somewhat faster then Wolverine grade, but a bit slower then Deadpool grade at it's best.)

On the other hand, the closest thing to fighting smart he's ever managed was engaging the Hulk without his armor, so the Hulk would underestimate him. (It was during one of Hulk's smarter periods. Amusingly enough, it worked.) Hence why his opponent of choice is a bloody telepath.

Or at least, that was the case back when I followed the comics in the late '80s and early '90s. If anything of note has changed, feel free to let us know.
Or at least, that was the case back when I followed the comics in the late '80s and early '90s. If anything of note has changed, feel free to let us know.
Well, these days Marko seems to have lost the armor and Cyttorak's blessing. He got corrupted by the Asgard Serpent, and wasn't a suitable avatar for the deity.

The deity's new champion? Piotr Rasputin, the Colossus. And Cyttorak really prefers this one, giving him even more power than Marko.
Well, these days Marko seems to have lost the armor and Cyttorak's blessing. He got corrupted by the Asgard Serpent, and wasn't a suitable avatar for the deity.

The deity's new champion? Piotr Rasputin, the Colossus. And Cyttorak really prefers this one, giving him even more power than Marko.
Which is really weird, as Colossus is a devout Eastern Orthodox Christian.
Illya was in danger, and Piotr's own power wasn't enough to save her. He literally had to choose between his faith, or his family.
Besides, if I recall correctly, Juggernaut is Cyttorak's Champion, with no worship requirements whatsoever. Heck, to my knowledge, Marko was the Juggernaut for years without knowing Cyttorak was a god, much less worshiping him.

So long as the current Juggernaut makes Cyttorak look good, he could care less what his champion believes in.
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Interesting... I had toyed with a Juggernaut!Taylor where QA landed on the husk of one of 616's variants and Cyttorak took over through the gem. (Tay had jugg powers and a few other of Cyttorak's goodies) I look forward to seeing where you go with this.
Well, these days Marko seems to have lost the armor and Cyttorak's blessing. He got corrupted by the Asgard Serpent, and wasn't a suitable avatar for the deity.

The deity's new champion? Piotr Rasputin, the Colossus. And Cyttorak really prefers this one, giving him even more power than Marko.

Marko was back to being the Juggernaut at the end of the Once and Future Juggernaut arc, which is the same one where Colossus temporarily got the mantle, and has been involved in the current Krakoa storyline with his powers intact.

Besides, if I recall correctly, Juggernaut is Cyttorak's Champion, with no worship requirements whatsoever. Heck, to my knowledge, Marco was the Juggernaut for years without knowing Cyttorak was a god, much less worshiping him.

So long as the current Juggernaut makes Cyttorak look good, he could care less what his champion believes in.

Exactly. That's why the term used in the comics is "exemplar."

The Juggernaut isn't there to be a holy paladin or cleric following the holy word of their god with fervent devotion. They're there to show off just what it means to embody the thing that the god represents.
What does the name have to do with boobs? She has a bodybuilder's physique now doesn't she?
Taylor was described as amazonian, so I'm guessing she's got curves and muscles. I kind of imagine the ones from Futurama, but a lot smarter and not as cartoonishly endowed.

Hell, if Coil's shard works like I think it does (two simultaneous precog paths, with the shard mastering him through the one the shard decides Coil will want), then I doubt Taylor would probably be seen in those precog paths, which could have hilarious effects
I think a good way to handle Coil's power interacting with Taylornaut would be to have her always act the exact same in both of his timelines. She'd be reacting to the events of one timeline in both, with amusing results. Whether Coil can keep the timeline of his choice or only the "prime" timeline that Taylor is reacting to would be interesting.
So if a Shard turns laws of physics off, then it's OK to be vulnerable to Siberian but if Cyttorak turns physics off(when it's incorporated into a Trigger), then it's too bad for Manton? I'm not sure that I understand the distinction between the two in these circumstances. Now, I do believe that Jug WOULD bypass the invulnerability that the projection grants to others due to Juggernauts Breaker effect so whoever Manton is protecting is gonna have a very bad moment of surprise before they become chunky salsa.

If I understand her power correctly and someone more familiar with the cannon source can probably fact check me here, but Alexandria's Shard essentially Quantum Locks her body in a sorta stasis if you will while at the same time allowing her to have the ability to move think and speak not to mention affect the physical world. It is not necessarily turning physics off more adjusting the underlying physics of the universe to fit the Shards parameters. One of the weakness is that 1 Alexandria herself still needs to breath and two physics DEFYING powers such as the Siberian will essentially bypass that quantum lock and damage her.

Where as with Taylor being a Champion of Cyttorak (an inter-dimensional plane lord who makes the shard entities look like ants on an ant hill) can basically tell physics to go take a hike and when you are done just sit in that corner right there and shut up until I tell you otherwise. So yeah as far as the Siberian is concerned she might as well be a .22 pellet air gun trying to shot at and Damage, an M1A1 Abrams Tank In a war zone! Not Gonna Happen.
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What you could do instead to show Cyttorak dunking on Entities and their Shards is when any Siberian fight happens and Taylor is engaging the projection, her blows pop the Siberian, but also send painful feedback through the link back to William Manton, eventually overloading him with pain as Manton keeps like an idiot sending Siberian to reengage the enemy to no real effect.

Hitting a projection so hard the summoner feels it. That is Ultimate Strength.
Taylor was described as amazonian, so I'm guessing she's got curves and muscles. I kind of imagine the ones from Futurama, but a lot smarter and not as cartoonishly endowed.
Seeing how the word Amazon roughly translates from Greek to English as "without breasts", a proper Amazonian figure should be all muscle, no boob.

At 6'10", 320lbs isn't actually all that bulky. She's heavier than a typical NBA player of her height, but lighter than many NFL players even several inches shorter than her. That means, realistically, I think it would be more on the She-Hulk end of the spectrum... but, in the end, we can just settle things by asking the author.

Hey, @Kryslin, care to confirm if Taylornaut's new build is more like Jennifer Walters minus the green skin, or Marisa Rossetti with long dark hair instead of a helmet-ahaped bob?
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