A part of me wonders if in theory Taylor can call upon and use these for capturing criminals:

Crimson Bands of Cyttorak

The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak is a spell dependent upon Cyttorak, which encases the victim in many red bands.[2] Details about the spell to summon the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak can be found in chapter 53 of the Book of the Ancient Scrolls.[3] The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak can encases the victim...

I mean, Cyttorak is her patron.
If she can convince Cyttorak to teach her magic. If. It is part of his mantle as the Tyrant God of Overwhelming Strength in all things. Physically, Spiritually and Magically. It's unfortunate that his current Marvel Champion is too stupid. In multiple sidestories and in Dr Strange as part of the pantheon called the Octessence that grants the Sorceror Supreme his power and knowledge. Strange isn't the only magic user Cyttorak has empowered and taught in the 1300 years since he reawakened from his banishment from Earth. When he awakened he started interfering and empowering his few worshippers again. From knowledge to more directly empowering the humans.
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If she can convince Cyttorak to teach her magic. If. It is part of his mantle as the Tyrant God of Overwhelming Strength in all things. Physically, Spiritually and Magically. It's unfortunate that his current Marvel Champion is too stupid. In multiple sidestories and in Dr Strange as part of the pantheon called the Octessence that grants the Sorceror Supreme his power and knowledge. Strange isn't the only magic user Cyttorak has empowered and taught in the 1300 years since he reawakened from his banishment from Earth. When he awakened he started interfering and empowering his few worshippers again. From knowledge to more directly empowering the humans.
Good thing Taylor is a lot smarter than Cain Marko. Cyttorak is probably waiting for her to adjust to his blessings before beginning to teach her magic.

Again, Cain Marko is not, and never was stupid. Yes, he's a thug. But he's not stupid. Nor is he unimaginative. Based on what happened leading up to and during World War Hulk, it's probable that Cain Marko wasn't limited in what he could do because he's an idiot, but because Cyttorak limited his access to the more esoteric abilities as a result of Cain Marko causing less destruction when he has full access to them. While Marko was trying to be a hero, and thus limiting the collateral damage he caused... Cyttorak stripped a large portion of the mantle from Marko, and only returned it during World War Hulk when Cain agreed to go back to causing wanton destruction and not limiting the collateral damage.
Remember folks, outside of Cauldron (and not even everyone in the cookpot conspiracy), the fact Siberian is a projection is not known. Even the S9 didn't know that in canon until they came to Brockton Bay and got their asses whooped.
... I was figuring Taylor would hit the projection so hard feedback would cause the projector's head to explode. No knowledge of the Siberian beyond being the "Ultimate Brute" needed...
Again, Cain Marko is not, and never was stupid. Yes, he's a thug. But he's not stupid. Nor is he unimaginative. Based on what happened leading up to and during World War Hulk, it's probable that Cain Marko wasn't limited in what he could do because he's an idiot, but because Cyttorak limited his access to the more esoteric abilities as a result of Cain Marko causing less destruction when he has full access to them. While Marko was trying to be a hero, and thus limiting the collateral damage he caused... Cyttorak stripped a large portion of the mantle from Marko, and only returned it during World War Hulk when Cain agreed to go back to causing wanton destruction and not limiting the collateral damage.
...that's gonna complicate matters. Hard to be a hero when the being giving you power wants massive amounts of collateral damage.
Considering some of the threats in Worm and how indiscriminate they can get, I doubt Taylor will be producing enough collateral damage to satisfy her patron.
Heck, even when she's TRYING to limit collateral damage, and with her patron's actual blessing in that regard, Taylor's causing a lot of it.
Cyttorak is just kicking back and watching the shenanigans while eating popcorn he stole from the Vishanti.
One fun fact I found out, the only person whom the Siberian can't make invulnerable is Manton himself.

Manton sees Taylornaut. Thinks "Brute. I can take her." Because how can he know that Taylor is anything but a brute? Attempts to claw Taylor, hits Taylor's own All or Nothing defense, which is backed by a whole lot more power... And gets stopped. Then gets yeeted at a high Mach number back towards the van, still unstoppable and invincible. Manton's van loses said physics debate big time. Sibby goes in one side, out the other.

If I was playing it up for humor, the holes in the van would be (briefly) silhouettes of the Siberian flailing just before the van and Manton have a Rapid Unplanned Disassembly Event. Trailing hypersonic shockwaves will do that.

Prospective Taynaught V. Siberian

Round 1.
S: approaches aggressively.
T: approaches aggressively.
Insert JJBA "oh your approaching me meme" here (except neither are Dio, both are Jojo)
Jack/S9 et all: "oh this should be good..."
S: fails to stop approaching.
T: fails to stop approaching.
*collision happens*
S: energies held together by a continental sized, "eldritch alien crystalline biological super computer", collide with the energy of one "angry punchy boi" *pops with all the force of a soap bubble.*
T: continuing to walk forward... "WTF?"
S9: WTF?? (surprised pickachuface.meme)
Manton: *screaming from violently sudden existential migraine*

Round 2
S: *reappears*
T: wtf?
S: approaches *less* aggressively
T: approaches aggressively
S: attempts punch
T: blocks punch with all the weight of a butterfly fart.
S: *pops.*
T: wtf? (surprised pickachuface.meme)
S9: wtf? (surprised pickachuface.meme)
Manton: *screaming from escalating existential migraine*

Round 3
S: *re-reappears.*
T: "So... you can teleport."
Inevitable BB Bystanders: SHE CAN TELEPORT?!?!? (surprised pickachuface.meme)
PHO: SHE CAN TELEPORT?! (surprised pickachuface.meme)
PRT: SHE CAN TELEPORT?! (surprised pickachuface.meme)
Protectorate: SHE CAN TELEPORT?! (surprised pickachuface.meme)
Cauldron: SHE CAN TELEPORT?! (surprised pickachuface.meme) wait... no she cant something fucky going on here...
S: looks confused, Tests strength on nearby building.
Random building: (why me?) crumbles like dry cheese.
S: looks reassured and attempts to attack Taynaught again *Pops*
T: *visible confusion*
Manton: *silently screaming as migraine has passed bounds of rational comprehension.*

Round 4, 5, 6 ... (or until the author gets tired of the joke)
continue in the vein of S appears attacks and fails, until either T gets bored, or Manton dies of a massive stroke.

Results of the fight vary for best comedic effect but could boil down to:
The Siberian has an even more terrifying reputation as a cape that can teleport in addition to everything else she is rumored to be able to do (her "death" is never confirmed, it appears to all reasonable investigation that she ran away.)
Crawler gets yeeted "AWAY" distance depending on how much he aggravated Taynaught beforehand. The rest of the S9 get either caught or killed by Taynaught.
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S: energies held together by a continental sized, "eldritch alien crystalline biological super computer"
Possible slight problem there? Manton drank a vial. So, Siberian is probably part of The Thinker's avatar projection shard systems, and is still folded-up in travel mode, running off limited stored power.

I'm... unclear whether that would affect interaction with Taylor, though...
Possible slight problem there? Manton drank a vial. So, Siberian is probably part of The Thinker's avatar projection shard systems, and is still folded-up in travel mode, running off limited stored power.

I'm... unclear whether that would affect interaction with Taylor, though...
considering this story is so far "mainly for the lulz..."
and this little thing was meant to inspire lulz...
I'm not to bothered by whether or not I was "technically" accurate in my description of Manton's shard.
and considering that the interaction between Cyttorak and ANY shard would end the same
(shard: I DO A THING!
angry punchy boi: LOL get fucked!), I don't think it really matters all that much functionally.
I think that a few other vials had a bit of what Siberian uses, so it'd be amusing if every time Sib "Pop"s against Taylornaut every other Cauldron cape using that Shard also suffers a momentary power outage.
Possible slight problem there? Manton drank a vial. So, Siberian is probably part of The Thinker's avatar projection shard systems, and is still folded-up in travel mode, running off limited stored power.

I'm... unclear whether that would affect interaction with Taylor, though...
And the god of angry punch boi's wishing for continued, and greater, shenaniganeries.... Orders it to unpack, quick like. Possibly giving it a boost to get back up. Cyttorak's limits are not well defined.
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Cyttorak: Oh, you're not giving a good fight - unpack, you bastard!
Siberian: YES!
Taylornaut: *PUNCH*
Various people throughout the multiverse connected to that shard: OW!
Taylor smacks the Siberian hard enough to break it.

Eidolon gets a sudden migraine as part of the stabilizer from his vial shuts off. The Endbringers all de-manifest.

Scion suddenly acts like he's panicking.
Taylor punches Sibby, who quickly goes pop, and her dimensionally stored shard promptly melts and leaves a massively scorched area on Eden's immobilized body. William Manton is found a day later in his van with skull exploded near his Corona/Gemma.

And Taylor has no clue just how successful that hit really was.
Huh. I just had a thought. Kryslin, could you verify what I think Queen Administrator is granting to Taylor? She has the power to unstoppably follow and find anything that she designates as a target?
Huh. I just had a thought. Kryslin, could you verify what I think Queen Administrator is granting to Taylor? She has the power to unstoppably follow and find anything that she designates as a target?
If you look at Chapter 1, Taylor triggers with QA, but, is empowered by Cytorrak. So far, QA seems to be mostly just along for the ride... Except... for fashion advice. :)
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Yes, and I also noticed Taylor was able to follow Sophia unerringly through walls and other obstacles, even when Sophia changed direction. Assault himself pointed it out. Cain Marko didn't have that power.

Eh, he might have it without knowing about it, actually. He's done such things as walk across the ocean before, without getting lost. I mean, if you don't have visual references it's really hard to walk in a strait line. Even with them, traveling in a strait line is kind of difficult. And on the ocean floor there are zero references for you to use.