Made another Omake starring
Stalking Tiger + squad as a main POV
Word count of: 1017
Stalking Tiger carefully crept through the vacant metal halls within Mother Base. The sheer size of the rig and the assorted platforms meant that, for all the personnel within the Diamond Dogs, there were sections of the facility that sat empty and unused. Halls and corridors that no one had any business traveling in.
Halls like the one he made his way down.
Laughing Panther kept pace on the other side of the corridor a few steps behind. Both men cautiously covering half-open entryways as they proceeded forward.
His eyes narrowed as he heard the scuff of a boot on the metal deck. He adjusted his grip on his weapons and subtly gestured towards Panther.
The other man nodded, proceeding to take a few steps forward to cover the next entryway as Tiger positioned himself alongside the door.
He sheathed his knife and reached out with his free hand to grasp the handle.
The moment he attempted to turn the handle, he knew something was wrong. The grip was stuck and refused to budge. Almost immediately after that, the hatch flew open, dragging Tiger into the doorway along with it.
Caught off guard by the sudden action, he didn't release the handle until he was already in the line of fire. Instead he threw himself into a forward roll, landing at the feet of a shocked adversary. He lunged forward and tackled the man in front of him, grasping his combat harness and swinging him around to block the line of fire of the one in the doorway.
The man on top of him grunted and fell limp as Tiger headbutted him and slugged him in the solar plexus for good measure. With his makeshift cover on top of him, Tiger returned fire with his own weapon. A feminine gasp indicated that he found his mark.
He shoved the groaning man off the top of him as he stood up and called back out into the hallway, "Thanks for the backup Panther. I couldn't have done it without you."
Panther shrugged as he held his weapon in a relaxed grip, "It looked like you had it covered."
Tiger rolled his eyes and turned back towards his downed foe, "Right, wel-"
He stared down the barrel of a gun. His instincts flared and he threw himself backwards away from the threat. He grunted as his back slammed into the unyielding metal bulkhead and slid down onto the deck.
Panther immediately engaged, a pair of shots connecting with the downed man's chest. Red liquid dripped steadily onto the metal deck as all movement stopped.
"Shit! I thought you took care of him! Tiger, you green?"
Tiger patted himself down quickly feeling for any wetness. He froze when his hands landed on a warm wet patch on his clothes.
Panther looked over, "Tiger? Shit."
He flicked on a flashlight to confirm what they already knew.
Tiger leaned back against the wall and left out a heavy breath as the adrenaline slowly bled out of him.
"Finish the mission Panther, you're the only one left."
He shook his head, "Fuck man, I'm not leaving you behind, gimme your hand."
Panther moved closer and reached out to pick him up in a Fireman's carry. Tiger waved him off shaking his head, "The objective is just down the hall on the left, get it and go. You don't have time to waste on me. I'll be fine, trust me."
Indecision warred with the instinct to follow orders. The man grimaced as he stood back up, "Fine, I'll be right back!"
Tiger lay there and listened as Panther's footsteps drew further away. A chuckle drew his attention to the door.
"'Finish the mission?' 'You're the only one left?', really?"
He rolled his eyes as the man Panther shot also started laughing, "W-what's next? 'T-tell m-my wife...I...'" he trailed off as he continued to laugh.
"N-nah, that's impossible, he can't get out a full sentence without having to friend zone or sister zone that poor girl."
"You mean like the one who tried to chat him up last time we went stateside?" Puma turned his head to face Tiger, "I mean seriously, I don't think she could have made it any easier. All you had to do was smile and get her a drink. Her panties would have blasted off her hips."
Tiger raised his gun, "Shh...the dead shouldn't speak."
Splashes of warm red water hit Puma's face as he lay on his back. Another set of shots hit Cougar where she sat next to the doorway, the water dripping down off her harness.
The laughter only increased as they pulled their own squirt guns and returned fire.
"Holy shit, look at them!"
"Jesus, is that all blood?"
"Miller didn't send anyone out on any Ops did he?"
Quiet murmurs could be heard as the four trouped their way back to their barracks. Of the four, only Laughing Panther remained intact, all others dripped copious amounts of thickened red water onto Mother Base's metal decks. Red droplets and boot prints followed them like a trail of blood.
"And what, do we have here?"
They all froze.
White Hair, Red Scarf, Shotgun shell bandoleer, twin holsters for those ridiculous revolvers and cowboy boots.
He stood before them, blocking the entrance to the barracks, a fire hose dangling from his relaxed hands.
"I had heard that a group of soldiers was making a mess around here, figured that I ought to sort the problem out before it got worse."
The corner of his lips tugged upwards slightly and he triggered the hose.
"I wonder what happened to them?"
Tiger ignored the comment as the four trouped their way through the barracks. None of the four were spared the assault of high pressure sea-water, as a result, they now dripped copious amounts of salt water onto the decks within the barracks. Fortunately, the unexpected deluge had removed all traces of the faux blood from their bodies, so there were no further comments regarding their mental state or demons or some combination of the two.