Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
Huh I just found something.

Although he claimed to hate kids upon the arrival of rescued child soldiers to Mother Base, Miller was shown to have a soft spot for them, requesting that Venom Snake not kill any if he were to encounter them. He also supported Snake's decision to fake the deaths of the Mbele Squad instead of executing them as planned. Finally, he he was willing to forego payment to prevent killing any child soldiers. He would not allow Diamond Dogs to use child soldiers themselves, opting to instead give them an education and life beyond being a hired gun. In addition, when he learned about how Huey had planned to use his then-toddler son Hal as a test pilot for Sahelonthropus, he displayed clear revulsion towards Huey for this act. He implied to Ocelot that this was because of his harsh upbringing back in Japan, and in part because of his guilt regarding Chico's death.

@konamikode would the GED research help Miller chill the fuck out?
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Which begs the question of how the fuck a guy who can't walk anywhere without being spat at was able to secretly repair a giant-ass war machine without anyone raising the alarm.

Probably because it was already a wreck that they kept as a trophy. If he wanted to waste his time poking around the world's most expensive paper weight, they weren't going to bother trying to stop him.

Also remember, it couldn't be used without a child in the pilot's seat (or an AI). While they did have a bunch of kids on MB, none of them had any idea how to use the thing.
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Have we actually had a discussion on the usefulness of a basic education program being instated now instead of later when we have more action points? Sure, giving the opportunity to the child soldiers and our men to get an education or further expand their skill set is a good idea, I'm not sure we can do it when we have so many pressing issues at hand. We have so many pressing issues at hand and I don't think spending our precious AP into something that won't even net us a benefit in the near future seems.... impractical.
Have we actually had a discussion on the usefulness of a basic education program being instated now instead of later when we have more action points? Sure, giving the opportunity to the child soldiers and our men to get an education or further expand their skill set is a good idea, I'm not sure we can do it when we have so many pressing issues at hand. We have so many pressing issues at hand and I don't think spending our precious AP into something that won't even net us a benefit in the near future seems.... impractical.
Question. You said we needed more Effiency to get more actions. Would upgrading our Tactical and Strategic Operations Center give us that?

Nope. Some book learning might help though?

Hey, Hey guys, apparently getting our Basic Education Program both helps us unfuck Eli/Liquid AND give us more actions. So can we please drop the Kurdesh Op and do that research this turn?
It's a 1 Turn Project, that should pay for itself on Turn 2, and start really kicking off in Turn 3. We get more AD to play around with before we leave the current world, which means more AD to play with in the New World, it helps reduce the DC for Eli to calm the ever loving fuck down, and going by the Insightful rating I got for posting Miller's thoughts on Child Soldiers just a second ago, it might even help Miller chill out too.
Have we actually had a discussion on the usefulness of a basic education program being instated now instead of later when we have more action points? Sure, giving the opportunity to the child soldiers and our men to get an education or further expand their skill set is a good idea, I'm not sure we can do it when we have so many pressing issues at hand. We have so many pressing issues at hand and I don't think spending our precious AP into something that won't even net us a benefit in the near future seems.... impractical.
The primary advantage of doing it now versus later is that if there are multiple tiers of education as in GED-> Bachelors-> Masters we'll have the opportunity to gather the needed reading material before they become unavailable for purchase. The actual AP bonuses are implied to take some time to come along by the QM statement in the turn post about none of the actions giving AP right out of the gates.
It's a 1 Turn Project, that should pay for itself on Turn 2, and start really kicking off in Turn 3. We get more AD to play around with before we leave the current world, which means more AD to play with in the New World, it helps reduce the DC for Eli to calm the ever loving fuck down, and going by the Insightful rating I got for posting Miller's thoughts on Child Soldiers just a second ago, it might even help Miller chill out too.
Where are you getting the idea that it'll give actions immediately after completing it? It seems contrary to the following QM statement.
*I've purposefully made it so you can't research more actions right off the bat*
**Here's a hint, you need more manpower, more efficiency, or something autonomous that can do the work for you**
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The primary advantage of doing it now versus later is that if there are multiple tiers of education as in GED-> Bachelors-> Masters we'll have the opportunity to gather the needed reading material before they become unavailable for purchase. The actual AP bonuses are implied to take some time to come along by the QM statement in the turn post about none of the actions giving AP right out of the gates.
Where are you getting the idea that it'll give actions immediately after completing it? It seems contrary to the following QM statement.
......The posts I quoted in the post DIRECTLY above yours?
So I know the Paz omake prompt mentioned having someone around from the MSF days so...hopefully it wouldn't be an issue if I used a slightly more important character.

Omake Ops #3: A Nostalgic Song

Insert "This is good" Ishmael picture here~

This is good stuff, Coupon counter dings up 1, Paz Side op lowers in difficulty to Hard from Very Hard.

Decided to have some fun with my OC Character Stalking Tiger

Word Count: 1194

No major issues here, have another point towards the coupon. Your character, whenever I get around to looking at it, has a Dodged Bullet point :3

1052 words, quality is so-so, but I kinda liked writing this flow of thought.

You get a bonus chance to recruitment next time I roll for it though :3

Sadly this one doesn't make the coupon cut. Too many commas, a few misplaced words, and there were quite a few sentences without an 'a' in front of a noun where it was required.

@konamikode would the GED research hell Miller chill the fuck out?

It'll help, yeah.

Where are you getting the idea that it'll give actions immediately after completing it? It seems contrary to the following QM statement.
......The posts I quoted in the post DIRECTLY above yours?

I apologize if there was confusion, but while Education leads to further actions, not everyone's going to be able to finish all their classes necessary in a single turn.

I should've probably explained this further/addressed it earlier, that's on me.

As a compromise, I'll give out a dice coupon for this turn once the voting period is over.
I apologize if there was confusion, but while Education leads to further actions, not everyone's going to be able to finish all their classes necessary in a single turn.

I should've probably explained this further/addressed it earlier, that's on me.

As a compromise, I'll give out a dice coupon for this turn once the voting period is over.
Well that's unfortunate. Still it will lead to more actions later on, and help Eli and Miller chill the fuck out, so I'm still happy with it.

Also, cause I am REALLY proud of this idea I had, could I post a small teaser for omake here Konami?

What! Who is that!? Who's there!? Why is it raining now?! How is this happening?!

"So Sad."

You! Who are you!

"A host of sorrows."

Where are we?! Why am I here?!

"And you are one of them."

*A scared woman, who has been lost in the dark, locks eyes with a phantom of the past, and watches as a single tear of blood falls down his face in the rain.*
Actually the only ones with Parasites were The End and The Pain. The Fury, The Fear, and The Joy were all mundane if weird humans, while The Sorrow was outright fucking supernatural.

All of the cobra unit was supernatural, the parasite's definitely are, they can do some fucking weird shit, like make people intangible and give people hammer space and the like.

Sorrow's a psychic.

Fury had that Fire Ghost thing.

The fear had some weird biology.

Joy was just superhumanly capable.
Wasn't Fury the cosmonaut who came back wrong and dead, but is still living on as some sort of ghost of vengeance aka the face of fire?
Wetworks (Stalking Tiger) by SKsniper128 (Coupon Point)
Made another Omake starring Stalking Tiger + squad as a main POV

Word count of: 1017


Stalking Tiger carefully crept through the vacant metal halls within Mother Base. The sheer size of the rig and the assorted platforms meant that, for all the personnel within the Diamond Dogs, there were sections of the facility that sat empty and unused. Halls and corridors that no one had any business traveling in.

Halls like the one he made his way down.

Laughing Panther kept pace on the other side of the corridor a few steps behind. Both men cautiously covering half-open entryways as they proceeded forward.

His eyes narrowed as he heard the scuff of a boot on the metal deck. He adjusted his grip on his weapons and subtly gestured towards Panther.

The other man nodded, proceeding to take a few steps forward to cover the next entryway as Tiger positioned himself alongside the door.

He sheathed his knife and reached out with his free hand to grasp the handle.

The moment he attempted to turn the handle, he knew something was wrong. The grip was stuck and refused to budge. Almost immediately after that, the hatch flew open, dragging Tiger into the doorway along with it.

Caught off guard by the sudden action, he didn't release the handle until he was already in the line of fire. Instead he threw himself into a forward roll, landing at the feet of a shocked adversary. He lunged forward and tackled the man in front of him, grasping his combat harness and swinging him around to block the line of fire of the one in the doorway.

The man on top of him grunted and fell limp as Tiger headbutted him and slugged him in the solar plexus for good measure. With his makeshift cover on top of him, Tiger returned fire with his own weapon. A feminine gasp indicated that he found his mark.

He shoved the groaning man off the top of him as he stood up and called back out into the hallway, "Thanks for the backup Panther. I couldn't have done it without you."

Panther shrugged as he held his weapon in a relaxed grip, "It looked like you had it covered."

Tiger rolled his eyes and turned back towards his downed foe, "Right, wel-"

He stared down the barrel of a gun. His instincts flared and he threw himself backwards away from the threat. He grunted as his back slammed into the unyielding metal bulkhead and slid down onto the deck.

Panther immediately engaged, a pair of shots connecting with the downed man's chest. Red liquid dripped steadily onto the metal deck as all movement stopped.

"Shit! I thought you took care of him! Tiger, you green?"

Tiger patted himself down quickly feeling for any wetness. He froze when his hands landed on a warm wet patch on his clothes.


Panther looked over, "Tiger? Shit."

He flicked on a flashlight to confirm what they already knew.



Tiger leaned back against the wall and left out a heavy breath as the adrenaline slowly bled out of him.

"Finish the mission Panther, you're the only one left."

He shook his head, "Fuck man, I'm not leaving you behind, gimme your hand."

Panther moved closer and reached out to pick him up in a Fireman's carry. Tiger waved him off shaking his head, "The objective is just down the hall on the left, get it and go. You don't have time to waste on me. I'll be fine, trust me."

Indecision warred with the instinct to follow orders. The man grimaced as he stood back up, "Fine, I'll be right back!"


Tiger lay there and listened as Panther's footsteps drew further away. A chuckle drew his attention to the door.

"'Finish the mission?' 'You're the only one left?', really?"

He rolled his eyes as the man Panther shot also started laughing, "W-what's next? 'T-tell m-my wife...I...'" he trailed off as he continued to laugh.

"N-nah, that's impossible, he can't get out a full sentence without having to friend zone or sister zone that poor girl."

"You mean like the one who tried to chat him up last time we went stateside?" Puma turned his head to face Tiger, "I mean seriously, I don't think she could have made it any easier. All you had to do was smile and get her a drink. Her panties would have blasted off her hips."

Tiger raised his gun, "Shh...the dead shouldn't speak."



Splashes of warm red water hit Puma's face as he lay on his back. Another set of shots hit Cougar where she sat next to the doorway, the water dripping down off her harness.

The laughter only increased as they pulled their own squirt guns and returned fire.


"Holy shit, look at them!"

"Jesus, is that all blood?"

"Miller didn't send anyone out on any Ops did he?"

Quiet murmurs could be heard as the four trouped their way back to their barracks. Of the four, only Laughing Panther remained intact, all others dripped copious amounts of thickened red water onto Mother Base's metal decks. Red droplets and boot prints followed them like a trail of blood.

"And what, do we have here?"

They all froze.

White Hair, Red Scarf, Shotgun shell bandoleer, twin holsters for those ridiculous revolvers and cowboy boots.

He stood before them, blocking the entrance to the barracks, a fire hose dangling from his relaxed hands.

"I had heard that a group of soldiers was making a mess around here, figured that I ought to sort the problem out before it got worse."

The corner of his lips tugged upwards slightly and he triggered the hose.

"I wonder what happened to them?"

Tiger ignored the comment as the four trouped their way through the barracks. None of the four were spared the assault of high pressure sea-water, as a result, they now dripped copious amounts of salt water onto the decks within the barracks. Fortunately, the unexpected deluge had removed all traces of the faux blood from their bodies, so there were no further comments regarding their mental state or demons or some combination of the two.
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A Ball Game at Mother Base by Atreidestrooper (1 CP)
Just something silly; this came to mind due to most of the members being above Elite levels of being fit, and that there are 100 FOX level members, which means doing weird shit is within their skills.

* * * *

A Ball Game at Mother Base

In one calm afternoon, the members of DD were engaged in a rather particular game.

Now, Miller was the first one to introduce it, where he stated that he knew that Japan used to have a weird game that basically made the Lifting of a Soccer Ball into an Aristocratic Art, which he then combined with Basketball.

The basic rules were that you had to keep the ball above the ground without using your hands. Then, you have to shoot the ball at a target that would be placed a couple of meters above the heads of the players.

Unlike Basketball, the players are not supposed to get in the way of each other when in "possession" of the ball, but fighting for control of the ball while it was up in the air was fair game, leading to moments where a group of players would try to tackle each other away from where the ball was falling to. Or, some even deftly tried to flick a ball away just as the ball got a few inches away from somebody.

All in all, a game that only a member of the Diamond Dogs could comfortably play without breaking something while doing so. If any person who did not keep fit upon the standards of the Diamond Dogs tried to play the game themselves, they would either be deeply hurt, or end up seeing things that men were not intended to see.

Why did Miller end up introducing such a game into the Diamond Dogs, you ask?

While the Struts of Mother Base were large and could house many things, a whole Soccer field was considered to be a waste of space, and thus those into Soccer would glare at those who preferred Basketball, which could be played even on the Mother Base as all one needed was a hoop at a sufficiently high place and enough space for a half-court.

Of course, anybody with a lick of reason would have successfully guessed that the argument was more than a little ridiculous, since all you really needed to play some Soccer/Football was the ball itself, and maybe pushing for creating a Flight Deck if the space was really needed. Indeed, the whole thing was little more than some extended ribbing, an exaggerated posturing between the fans of different sports.

Those who played neither game found the little "feud" to be more than a little silly, but it helped to alleviate the mood somewhat to see such silly posturing and name calling to happen. Especially when the situation with the Vocal Parasites had affected morale, it became a welcome thing since such posturing didn't need vocal communication to make things understood.

That it was Miller who ended up setting an "end" to the "feud" was interesting, though the intent behind it probably wasn't as light hearted as the resulting game ended up as.

Miller had once entered into the scene of one such "feud", which had been happening in the mess hall, and he promptly found it unacceptable. He had, according to rumor, seen the ribbing and name calling and posturing and found it... wanting... for the lack of a better word.

So, Miller ended up "appealing" to the two groups to find a "compromise", and ended up creating a game that the two groups could play upon the Mother Base without having to create any more extra doodads. It was already the case that the Construction Staff tended to add doodads that Miller apparently wasn't fond of.

In the end, the game was just as strange as Miller's problem with the light-hearted and silly "feud". In a group of people who were lesser talented in terms of physical abilities, it would have just been Miller being a bit eccentric in his own paranoia about things.

However, the game ended up being popular amongst the member of DD, if only because it brought in a sort of physical challenge that wasn't something that happened in a common manner. It wasn't everyday where doing a handstand was a viable tactic in a game, after all.

As it was, in place of the feud, now there was a lively game being held on the Struts from time to time, with each "match" being watched to some extent while the players did back flips and other such acrobatics so as to keep the "control" of their ball as much as possible.

As time passed, the rules of the game slowly became more complex. It was, in a sense, expected. The basic rules that Miller set out as a means to end a "meaningless" argument wouldn't have been remotely enough to be usable as a game, so it was natural that it would get developed as things went by. The game started being fought between an offense and a defense instead of a Free-for-all, then a rule defining how long a person can "possess" the ball was made, and then somebody started thinking the hoop (as a Basketball hoop was initially used) wasn't being part of the game enough, and changed it to a pillar with a target on top, making it easier to score.

At this point, the one being the most perturbed was Miller, since he apparently didn't even think that what he did meant anything more than a distraction from his duties. Besides his Chemical Burger Passion that was "suddenly discovered" recently, but that was a "well guarded secret" that nobody talked about.

Beyond Code Talker, apparently, but that was that.

Still, the game continued to be played, though the sort of required skill in body coordination eventually limited the pool of players, though that had the curious side-effect of helping the Boss to sort the wheat from the chaff in terms of physical skill. Or, at least, it introduced the new recruits to one aspect of being a field agent in the Diamond Dogs; you can't really slack off on the physicals.
(It also showed how the Diamond Dogs were seriously silly in their antics, but that was something else.)

All of that aside, in this calm afternoon, the ball was kicked up to the sky, and the players started to toss each other away from where the ball would probably fall, causing a ruckus as bets were made and beers were passed around.

All in all, a calm day on Mother Base, which was something to be cherished.

* * * *​

1067 words. Just a calm day at Mother Base.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DragoLord19D on Oct 7, 2018 at 2:38 AM, finished with 1647 posts and 50 votes.
That's two more for the omake pile gentlemen and we need probably 4 or 5 more to get the extra action before the next turn...then again...

anyway im back for now before I hit the hay, now my experience with MGV?

I have become magpie...

the stealer of worlds!
That's two more for the omake pile gentlemen and we need probably 4 or 5 more to get the extra action before the next turn...then again...

anyway im back for now before I hit the hay, now my experience with MGV?

I have become magpie...

the stealer of worlds!

So your Venom Snake was an enthusiastic recruiter instead of a meticulous one?