Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Wonders why people think Artificial Valkyrians is a possibility when their current troops don't have the genetic capability :V

On a similar tangent, you gotta wonder how tiny 14-16 year old girls that look to weigh 100-115lbs soaking wet are lugging around armor, submachine guns that actually begin to resemble full sized MG's, and occasionally committing borderline supernatural acts explained as 'anime' tropes?

The explanation becomes quite clear when you think about it :3

Oh no, they're all superhuman.

We're going to be fighting a bunch of anime superhumans.

On the other hand, it seems like not everything is so damn horseshit strong so we probably only have to worry about enemy units with unique character models.
A different topic, one that has been bothering me for awhile

How does the map function on the iDroid work? I know that it takes data from the intel team and uses that to update the map, but does it also pull imaging data from satellites?

Is there anyone who is well-versed in MGS lore who can help me out?
A different topic, one that has been bothering me for awhile

How does the map function on the iDroid work? I know that it takes data from the intel team and uses that to update the map, but does it also pull imaging data from satellites?

Is there anyone who is well-versed in MGS lore who can help me out?

Probably it uses a generated map based off of surveys and maps of the region. Presumably it links up with Diamond Dog's server which contains all the map and survery day that they would need, which is why Miller can update you mid-mission.
A different topic, one that has been bothering me for awhile

How does the map function on the iDroid work? I know that it takes data from the intel team and uses that to update the map, but does it also pull imaging data from satellites?

Is there anyone who is well-versed in MGS lore who can help me out?
It's supposed to have a measure of sonar at work, IIRC.
A different topic, one that has been bothering me for awhile

How does the map function on the iDroid work? I know that it takes data from the intel team and uses that to update the map, but does it also pull imaging data from satellites?

Is there anyone who is well-versed in MGS lore who can help me out?

Good old fashioned sciencey magic.

Consider it balance

VC gets anime physics

MGS gets technobabble and Kojima flavored weirdness
Wonders why people think Artificial Valkyrians is a possibility when their current troops don't have the genetic capability :V

On a similar tangent, you gotta wonder how tiny 14-16 year old girls that look to weigh 100-115lbs soaking wet are lugging around armor, submachine guns that actually begin to resemble full sized MG's, and occasionally committing borderline supernatural acts explained as 'anime' tropes?

The explanation becomes quite clear when you think about it :3
Because the Boss didn't look that strong but she could lift at least 700 pounds in each arm without any sign of difficulty?
Who is this? WHOOOOOOOOOOO!? (no, srsly I need to check the recruitment thread)
Dusty Bookworm
And the Modern Thermopylae​

The second he had heard that Big Boss had handed out orders for Diamond Dogs to mobilize to protect the people of Kandahar, Mark Linkman, Dusty Bookworm, knew that they were all going to die. Diamond Dogs was an organization made up of the best. The top one percent of the top one percent he had once heard. Operations, management, supply, infiltration...if it had something to do with War and it's associated art, they had the best. No nation, no ideology, no religion,no ethnicity, no language defined who made into DD. Only skill. Against any other foe Diamond Dogs, the new Soldiers without Borders, would have already turned the tides. Armour would be scattered and directionless, the men broken in spirit and body, the leaders scared witless. But this was no ordinary foe.

He still couldn't help but snicker. Real honest to god Zombies! The dead brought back to kill the living! With some kind of living machines to boot! Hah! Only alongside Big Boss.

But he wasn't afraid...the living dead or no. Because he heard the screams, the terror, the disbelief. And it didn't matter. Because 'Bookworm' wasn't some ironic name. He loved history, military history especially. From the recent wars in the Asian South-East to the World Wars, to the Napoleonic Wars, to the American Revolution, The Hundred-Years War, The Punic Wars, to the days where 'war' was two tribes of intelligent monkeys clubbing and cutting each other with rocks. And he knew what was going to happen. Maybe even before anyone else.

Because 2,000 years ago this had happened before. 300 Spartans, led by King Leonidas and assisted by almost another 1000 Greek soldiers against the veritable horde that was the Persian Army. The Greeks died to a man, but by the time the Persians had made it to Athens, the city had already been evacuated. The city was burned, yes, but the people lived.

And as his comrades and friends broke, as they grew terrified by this foe they could not stop, he grew angry. Because he knew why they were here. Why the Boss had sent them despite the odds being against them. It was their lives for time. Every minute They, The Diamond Dogs, the Mujahideen, Commander Ocelot, so long as they held, so long as they fought, for every inch! For every minute! As long as they yelled and screamed and bled and died! It was one more civilian who managed to get away. One more child who would be able to live a life. One more chance for a better tomorrow.

Every minute they fought and held, was one more minute for the Boss to save the world. And if that wasn't a good enough reason to fight to the death, Bookworm didn't know what was.

Decided to throw my hat into the ring of vicious hat-eating terriers.

I'm going to be honest, Bookworm is a bit of a sacrificial pawn, this whole spiel is one part rallying speech, one part last words, and one part acceptance of the fact that it's a soldiers duty to fight and die, and that in this battle, all of these men are Heroes, dying to save as many people as possible. Because as long as some people live, it's not a total defeat.

Edit: So I might have not known about the Omake and OC rules when I sat down and wrote this so...if Konami wants to take this off the omake list or anything else until I fix my mistakes, I completely understand.
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Wonders why people think Artificial Valkyrians is a possibility when their current troops don't have the genetic capability :V

On a similar tangent, you gotta wonder how tiny 14-16 year old girls that look to weigh 100-115lbs soaking wet are lugging around armor, submachine guns that actually begin to resemble full sized MG's, and occasionally committing borderline supernatural acts explained as 'anime' tropes?

The explanation becomes quite clear when you think about it :3
Someone mind giving me an explanation?
Because the Boss didn't look that strong but she could lift at least 700 pounds in each arm without any sign of difficulty?

Yes but well she's da boss.

using her as a standard of measurement is like using batman as the standard for most human beings.

I know I posted this before in a hyperlink, but this is totally canon:

can I just point out that CPR.... shouldn't be able to treat explosion wounds.

….More poof on how Big boss is so badass he scaries physics into working as he wills?
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Wonders why people think Artificial Valkyrians is a possibility when their current troops don't have the genetic capability :V

On a similar tangent, you gotta wonder how tiny 14-16 year old girls that look to weigh 100-115lbs soaking wet are lugging around armor, submachine guns that actually begin to resemble full sized MG's, and occasionally committing borderline supernatural acts explained as 'anime' tropes?

The explanation becomes quite clear when you think about it :3
*Thinks about it for a bit, while idly listening to a few cassettes regarding parasite research and super organisms, then brainwave*

Hold on.. are you implying that, in this crossover, Valkyria can achieve their superhuman feats through a combination of their own genetics and a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms that can metabolize Ragnite?!

As much as I didn't want to be "that guy", I felt that someone would bring this up sooner or later...
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*Thinks about it for a bit, while idly listening to a few cassettes regarding parasite research and super organisms, then brainwave*

Hold on.. are you implying that, in this crossover, Valkyria can achieve their superhuman feats through a combination of their own genetics and a symbiotic relationship with microorganisms that can metabolize Ragnite?!

no he was Implying that most people in the world have some of that blood in them hence the super strength by our standards.

no he was Implying that most people in the world have some of that blood in them hence the super strength by our standards.

Actually that does make sense. Didn't someone say earlier that the first Valks died out because their genetics became so weakened through interbreeding with other populations that no one got any cool superpowers? Meaning that while there's not as many superpowered ladies running around since everyone's 1/64th Valk or something they're noticeably stronger and tougher than a baseline human? It handily explains why someone like Imca can straight-up tear through tanks with a big enough sword without having any superpowers for example.

I mean, it sounds exactly like the kind of BS Metal Gear would use as an excuse to justify people hauling around anti-tank weapons like they didn't weigh anything, so... :V
Reminds me of those times you can catch Peace Walker's and Zeke's slams.
Also lifting up a blast door if you don't get past it in time when rushing to the control tower.
Moreso since anyone you play as can do it.
A different topic, one that has been bothering me for awhile

How does the map function on the iDroid work? I know that it takes data from the intel team and uses that to update the map, but does it also pull imaging data from satellites?

Is there anyone who is well-versed in MGS lore who can help me out?
To quote TV Tropes:

  • Why does tagging enemies with the binoculars give you a lasting reminder of where the enemy is located on the map? Why would Big Boss be able to dedicate such details so perfectly to memory? The answer is the iDroid. Big Boss is tagging the enemies and programming their last known location into his holographic display map, and the iDroid's internal computer keeps track of this data and based on the patrol patterns of those guards makes precise calculations of where it assumes the enemy is likely to be based on that info. That is how even in the middle of combat Big Boss has a relatively real time display of the enemy's location. Furthermore Big Boss's iDroid serves as an ideal explanation for what kind of display Snake and Raiden logically would have been looking at when it came to the Soliton Radar. The information on where the enemies are located had to be stored somewhere, and it's unlikely that the nanomachines were feeding a direct map feed into their brains that look like dots moving around on a holographic grid. The only difference between Big Boss's iDroid and the Soliton Radar of course being the presence of nanomachines; with nanomachines the guards can be tracked remotely via GPS and thus this data can be fed directly into the display that Snake is carrying in real time, rather than Big Boss's model that has to guess where the enemies might be.
To quote TV Tropes:

  • Why does tagging enemies with the binoculars give you a lasting reminder of where the enemy is located on the map? Why would Big Boss be able to dedicate such details so perfectly to memory? The answer is the iDroid. Big Boss is tagging the enemies and programming their last known location into his holographic display map, and the iDroid's internal computer keeps track of this data and based on the patrol patterns of those guards makes precise calculations of where it assumes the enemy is likely to be based on that info. That is how even in the middle of combat Big Boss has a relatively real time display of the enemy's location. Furthermore Big Boss's iDroid serves as an ideal explanation for what kind of display Snake and Raiden logically would have been looking at when it came to the Soliton Radar. The information on where the enemies are located had to be stored somewhere, and it's unlikely that the nanomachines were feeding a direct map feed into their brains that look like dots moving around on a holographic grid. The only difference between Big Boss's iDroid and the Soliton Radar of course being the presence of nanomachines; with nanomachines the guards can be tracked remotely via GPS and thus this data can be fed directly into the display that Snake is carrying in real time, rather than Big Boss's model that has to guess where the enemies might be.
Of course, the real reason is that all of The Snakes are Type-2 Psychics. (Captain America vs the Scarlet Witch of normal Psychics)
One the one hand, this means even Europan grunts have a better baseline physiology then our guys, which is a bit disheartening. On the other, between knowing they can be pushed farther and Vemon's own ridiculous standards, the kinda training Kaz is going to put them through when they join up is just deliciously nightmarish to imagine.
Joking about blatantly superhuman abilities/stuff aside: The human body is capable of amazing things. I consider this and this to be just two of some of the most un-imaginable IRL physical feats I've ever heard of.
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I was bored so I came up with a method of passing the time that doesn't involve me attending to my college paper which is due in a few days: Imagine what our characters would be like if they were VC characters, example:

Name: Layla Edwards
Class: Shocktrooper
Personal Potentials:
  • Fancies Women
  • Loyal Teammate
  • Old Scars (Same as Bad Back really, only also triggers when moving twice per phase)
  • Never Say Die
Battle Potentials:
  • Super Damage
  • Evasion Boost
  • Melee Skills
  • Scout Killer

  • Big Boss
  • Cookie
  • Baying Wolfhound

  • "Whatever you say."
  • "Sloth Here."
  • "Edwards Reporting"
  • "Time to dance!"
  • "I'll make your face look worse."
  • "I'm supposed to feel bad, aren't I?"
Killing a Foe
  • "Terribly sorry, sweet prince."
Enemy Sighted
  • "Enemy Spotted"
  • "Dumbass Sighted!"
Team Attack
  • "Providing assistance."
  • "Making sure you don't fuck it up."
  • Let's work together."
Personal Potentials
  • "Gotta love those curves" (Fancies Women)
  • "Diamond Dogs stick together!" (Loyal Teammate)
  • "God, I don't think that'll stop hurting..." (Old Scars)
  • "Death won't be meeting me today." (Never Say Die)
Battle Potentials
  • "You're wide open!" (Super Damage)
  • "Do you think I'm going to let you shoot me?" (Evasion Boost)
  • "You are remarkably ugly" (Melee Skills)
  • "I almost feel bad, almost." (Scout Killer)
Healed by Ragnaid
  • "That helps ease the pain."
Rescuing an Ally
  • "Need a medic here."
After Medic Visit
  • "Don't die on me yet."
  • "Please tell me you can do something."
  • "Death doesn't suit you." (Weaver Archane)
  • "You didn't save my life just to die!" (Baying Wolfhound)
HP Critical
  • "Hello, again old friend..."
  • "Ever feel like death?"
  • ""
  • "Heh... ha, Life's a funny thing, innit?"

Needs to be posted in the Character thread, but can tell it's more in the VC character style than the metal gear one. No other qualms than that in this stage.