I was wondering about that as well, but I'm not going on Discord because I still need to write essays. (Also I accidentally got my language settings on that website stuck in Dutch and now I can't change it back.)
I was wondering about that as well, but I'm not going on Discord because I still need to write essays. (Also I accidentally got my language settings on that website stuck in Dutch and now I can't change it back.)
Since I'm bored and want to contribute in ways that don't involve breaking our QM's mind, I'm going to toss up a potential Fultioning victim recruitment list blatantly based on Nix's for some the VC1 characters because holy shit there are a lot of them. The rest will probably be up sooner or later.
This list is going to cover the Main Characters and Stormtroopers (because why not)
And apparently the conscription age in Gallia is 15. This raises the question: where's the cut-off point for being a child soldier by Diamond Dog standards? The UNCRC and it's related stuff haven't been signed yet, though anyone under the age of 15 is banned on Earth thanks to the Geneva Convention.
In that light, DD's presence in VC is going to be extremely disruptive. Back in MGS, MSF owning a nuke was enough to put Big Boss in the eyes of the world, and necessarily good attention. OTOH, the fact that nukes can manufactured meant that there was some measure of control, plus you could sorta-reliably know who had a nuke, since they require resources and military power to ward off anyone who would come after you, plus a nuke's presence and location can be intuited based on a location's military presence, remoteness, and security. Smaller polities don't have the same clout, due to having less nukes (usually one). Plus, nukes are impractical outside of their deterrence value - once a nuke is used, it is going to invite retaliation from the other powers.
What on Earth made you think I was treating your post like an Omake? I do grammar checks for regular posts as well because if the error is caught in the regular post then it might not show up in the Omakes (And in main story posts: @konamikode I'm crawling towards your latest story post. It has errors. ).
Laughing Panther & Sleeping Sloth Character Omake.
Word count: 2521
Canceling The Apocalypse
Laughing Panther let out a weary yawn as she finished up work for the day and slowly made her way towards the supply rig. Despite herself she couldn't help the small frown that made its way to her face as she thought about the upcoming fight tomorrow promised. This wasn't just another skirmish or war between a few petty warlords back in Africa. This was it, the real deal, the honest to god apocalypse. The day her mother had talked about when she had read stories from the bible to her when she was just a child. God has looked down upon the world at last, he has judged what his creation have done, what they have made of the world he gifted them, and he has found them wanting.
Absent mindedly her hand came up and started toying with her mother's old and beaten cross. "For though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for You are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." She whispered to herself as she finally arrived on the supply rig.
Normally around this time on the eve of battle Panther would be excited, happy that she could once more walk the battlefield and indulge in the blood and suffering of her enemies or those just unlucky enough to have gotten in her way. But now as she prepared to go out to battle against the wrath of god itself, she couldn't help but feel uneasy.
Panther wasn't afraid to die. She hadn't been afraid of that since her first taste of battle and her first time taking a life. She could still remember how fascinating it was to see the life drain out of the first man she killed, the terror in his eye's as the last of his precious life blood drained out, and the rush of pleasure she felt as he closed his eyes for the final time. It was on that day she knew that the battlefield was where she was destined to go and where she was destined to die. It was also the day she knew with certainty that when everything was said and done she would be burning in hell.
And yet despite the fact she had already made peace with her inevitable end, she still couldn't quite shake the unease in her gut.
Shaking her head to banish the thought for later, Panther strode into the barracks, quickly making her way to her cot to grab her special bottle of whisky and two shot glasses.
She grinned as she stalked away from the barracks, whisky in hand. Today may have been a surprisingly stressful day, but she knew just the way to blow off some stress. All she had to do was find where her Sloth was hiding, and then wake him up to share a shot or two.
Panther paused for a moment to take in her surrounding and get a feel for where her prey may be hiding today. She ignored the hustle and bustle around her as people moved each and every way around her preparing for their upcoming deployment.
"If I were Sloth where would I be?" She muttered under her breath, as she looked from left to right before craning her head upwards and smirking.
Her usual smirk once more in place, Panther made her way up the stairs as she maneuvered towards one of the high up and out of the way sections of the supply strut.
As she finished climbing up to near the peak of the strut Panther rounded a corner and made her way towards the direction of one of Sloth's preferred napping places. And sure enough, sitting there leaning on a crate fast asleep without a care in the world, was Sleeping Sloth.
Panther paused for a minute to take in the form of her Sloth. Coming in at an even 6 feet tall, with light brown skin, a swimmer's build, medium length black hair, and heavy bags under his amber colored eyes, Sloth looked like an overworked college student cramming for finals. He certainly didn't look like a veteran guerrilla fighter more used to the sight of battlefields in the back waters of the world than he is with textbooks.
But of course, that was if you only bothered to try and get a surface read on Sloth, and Panther had long ago seen pass that little veneer. She could still remember the day they met, the cold look in his eyes, the almost machine-like efficiency in which he moved, the small excited grin on his face as he did his best to gut her with those knives of his, the dead body of her former employer resting on the ground as she desperately tried to make distance between the two of them.
The smirk on her face grew even larger as she reminisced on good times long past.
"You just going to stand there staring or are you going to join me." Sloth mumbled as he opened his eyes and let out a weary yawn.
Panther chuckled, not even bothering to ask how he noticed her as she sat down right next to him.
Sleeping Sloth woke in an instant. One moment he had been dreaming about a sunset on the beach and the next he was fully alert, his long-honed instincts screaming at him that something dangerous was approaching and he needed to prepare.
Making sure not to give any indication that he had awoken, Sloth strained his senses to get a feel for what it was that had woken him from his nap. There was the faint sound of footsteps approaching and then silence as whoever it was seemed to pause to look him over. Immediately Sloth began going over and discarding ideas of who it was that had found one of his favorite napping spots and decided to ruin his end of the day nap.
It couldn't be the Boss since he hadn't been given a very quick and painful reminder of the basics of CQC. It couldn't be one of the kids since he would have heard them coming long before they got this close. It wasn't just a random member of Diamond Dogs since they were all very use to his habit of taking naps in out of the way places when he had nothing else to do. And it wasn't Ocelot since he couldn't hear the sound of spurs on the ground. That only left one person who would bother going out of their way to find him around this time.
"You just going to stand there staring or are you going to join me Panther." Sloth mumbled as he opened his eyes and let out a weary yawn.
With the ease of long practice Sloth ignored the shiver that went down his spine at the sinister chuckle that escaped Laughing Panther as she sat down next him. Instead he took in her form, trying to get an idea of what Panther had in store for him today.
At 6 foot 2 inches tall, with long black hair, light brown eyes, and a muscular build, Panther struck quite the intimidating figure. And that was ignoring the way she moved and held herself, as if she was an animal on the hunt. Or the analytical, almost predator like look that was constantly in her eyes. At times it felt like she was dissecting people with just a look, trying to figure out just the right way to inflict the maximum amount of agony in her prey before she finishes them off. With a gaze like that it was no wonder most people found her so unnerving.
Luckily for Sloth, he had long grown use to ignoring the sense of incoming danger he experienced when in the presence of Panther. And it was thanks to that and his familiarity with his friend he was able to see the signs that something was bothering her. The slight rigidity in her normally lax posture, the grin that didn't quite reach her eyes, and the way she hadn't immediately begun picking at him the moment he acknowledged her.
"So, what's bothering you?" Sloth questioned, in his typical lazy drawl.
"What makes you think something's bothering me?" Panther asked, her grin still firmly in place. Looking to all the world as if she had just come up there to kick back with an old friend. Even as she filled the two shot glasses she had brought with whisky and handed one to Sloth as she downed hers in one quick go.
Sloth didn't even bother dignifying that with a response, as he raised a single eyebrow at her and downed his glass just as quickly.
For a moment they just locked gazes in a silent battle of wills. Before with a dismissive snort, Panther looked away to refill both their glasses and immediately downed hers yet again.
"With everything that's been going on lately, with the nukes and painting such a huge target on our backs. I've been thinking back to what you said to me way back when, about finding a cause worth dying for, something more than just my obsession with blood, death and war." Panther began the grin having faded from her face to be replaced with a contemplative look. "When I first came to Mother Base I admit I was more interested in getting a chance to observe the legendary soldier then I was in the ideals and dream he seemed to have. But now after having finally seen just a glimpse of that dream of his, I can't get it out of my head. It was just so……..."
Panther trailed off, unable to describe the feeling that had come over her for that singularly glorious day.
"Beautiful." Sloth supplied, an understanding look in his eyes as he stared intently at her.
Panther nodded her head; a far-off look having overcome her features as she looked out over the seemingly endless ocean. "When I felt it, I couldn't help but wonder if this what you meant when you told me I was alive but I wasn't truly living. That was how I knew that I had finally found it, a cause worth living for, and worth dying for."
Once more Sloth starred at Panther's face and this time he couldn't help but marvel at the difference. To think that this was the same woman he had met working as a mercenary for a jumped-up warlord a few years ago. He could still remember the demented laughter she choked out during the entirety of their desperate fight against one another, as he desperately tried to close the distance and stay out of the sights of that shotgun of her. The look in her empty eyes as the fight finally ended and she starred up at him as he pointed his pistol at her and prepared to finish the hardest fight he had ever had in his entire life.
"So, you finally found what you were looking for, I don't see why that should be bothering you." Sloth stated as he downed the entire bottle of whisky while she was looking away and quickly placed it back down.
"I've finally found a cause worth fighting for and now before I even got a chance to bask in the feeling, we have to deal with the honest to god apocalypse." Panther said, as she rolled her eyes and turned her full attention back to Sloth. "God has finally decided to end this world of ours, so excuse me if I find that to be just a bit unnerving."
"If it bothers you so much then just cancel the apocalypse." Sloth suggested, an easygoing smile having made its way to his face.
"You say that like it's easy." Panther exclaimed, a disbelieving look covering her features.
"Nothing worth doing is ever easy, doesn't mean you shouldn't try anyway. Besides were in a mercenary band filled with badasses, hell our fucking cook smashed a zombie's head in with a cast iron skillet when it tried to sneak up on him. We are led by the greatest soldier to ever live, the hell master himself, and a god damn Russian cowboy. There is a woman with super powers that breathes through her skin living on base as we speak. We have a fully operational giant bipedal nuclear battle tank at our disposal. Hell, our boss beat said giant bipedal nuclear battle tank, by himself, on foot!" By this point there was a downright fanatical like gleam in Sloth's eyes as he seemed to come fully awake for the fist time since the conversation began. His back having become ramrod straight and his voice booming with conviction.
"If god up in his heavens has decided that this is the end, then all that means is we need to gear up, look him in the eyes, and tell him no! It's not like canceling the apocalypse would be the first impossible thing our little group of misfits ever pulled off!" All at once the manic like energy that had suffused him seemed to drain out of Sloth, as he once more slumped down and his voice lowered back to normal.
"And if we fail, then at least we didn't go silently into the night. Besides there was never any room in heaven for people like us anyway." Sloth finished, his voice still filled with that unwavering certainty of his.
For a long moment Panther just stared at Sloth as he sat there slumped as if the sudden burst of energy that had overcome him had been nothing but an illusion. Panther seemed to almost burst as she broke down into laughter, her entire frame shaking as she dropped to one side. Finally, after who knows how long, the laughter trailed off and Panther let out a sigh.
"You know what you're right, thanks Sloth I needed that." Panther giggled, as she went to refill her glass, only to pause as she realized that the entire bottle of whisky was empty. Ever so slowly she turned her head from the empty bottle of whisky, to the now smirking form of Sloth. "Oh, you dick. You drunk all of my good whisky, you fucking asshole." She complained.
"Consider it my revenge for you ruining my nap." Sloth teased, as he let out a yawn.
Panther chuckled as she quickly grabbed a cigarette from her pocket, lit it up, and took a long drag. "Why the hell are we friends again?" Panther questioned.
"Because I didn't kill you when I should have." Sloth mumbled, as he rested his head on her shoulder and drifted off back to sleep.
Panther spared his sleeping form a single glance, before she took another drag of her cigarette and stared off into the distance at the setting sun.
"Thanks, Joquan." Salina said, to the sleeping form of her best friend. She would let him rest for a little while before she woke him so they could go back to the barracks. After all, come tomorrow morning they had an apocalypse to cancel.
Authors Note:
This is just a little something me and my boy @Ixe threw together in between classes. We ended up deciding to write about what would be going through our characters heads as they prepared to go fight a zombie apocalypse, after all the crazy shit that has already happened recently.
We had a bit of a problem getting a handle on Laughing Panther's voice since she's such a twisted person, and even now were still not certain we managed to capture the feel quite right. But we eventually decided that while she probably is normally much more unnerving to be around and just kind of crazy in general. She probably would act a lot more human and let her guard down when she's by herself or talking with the person she's most close to in the world. Of course, at that point we had to decide how a religious, obsessive, protective, manipulative, battle hungry, sadist, would think. Which as you can imagine is easier said than done.
Writing Sleeping Sloth was comparatively easy after we got Laughing Panther down, mainly because he's such an easygoing and passive character outside of a fight. He only really gets worked up when talking about Outer Heaven and looking out for his friends. So, once we ironed out Panthers dialogue his just came kind of naturally.
Special thanks to @E1ChristO over on the Critique page for helping to clean this thing up.
We had a bit of a problem getting a handle on Laughing Panther's voice since she's such a twisted person, and even now were still not certain we managed to capture the feel quite right. But we eventually decided that while she probably is normally much more unnerving to be around and just kind of crazy in general. She probably would act a lot more human and let her guard down when she's by herself or talking with the person she's most close to in the world. Of course, at that point we had to decide how a religious, obsessive, protective, manipulative, battle hungry, sadist, would think. Which as you can imagine is easier said than done.
Nah bro...just delving into memories of pain, suffering, and sorrow of seeing scars betrayal of mufassa and said lion realizing just how much danger Simba would be in because of it.
Good movies...shame on movie producers for not following such good paths before!
The base was in a panic, and it had been since their situation had been announced. Ant wasn't sure of just what actions that the Three Heads would take just yet, but he knew that they needed to be ready for anything.
Ant could only hope that Miller didn't order Ant and Himself to perform a solo infiltration of the wormhole. Not that he thought Miller would actually order that, of course, it's just…
...he was sort of used to Miller pointing the two of them at anything Miller decided was 'freaky bullshit.' It'd become a habit almost at this point to assume that the two of them were going to have to punch, shoot, and run away from whatever strangeness Miller didn't want to deal with.
Musing on that, Ant almost didn't notice the quiet sounds approaching him from around the corner of the office he was borrowing from Cookie while he pulled emergency double duty to get everything ready.
The door hissed open, to reveal…
Ant felt both of his brows go up slightly in surprise. While he supposed he had some rapport with the Diamond Dogs' Diamond Dog, DD only usually bothered to track him down when he and Whale were together, to try and beg some actually decent cooking off of his partner.
Not that Ant could blame him. They ate better at AWSES than they did some days here.
Ant missed the MSF brand Nachos and Curry so much.
"Boof." DD brought Ant back to the moment as he trotted into the room wearing his BDU, one eye lit up with a purpose as he approached Ant's temporary desk.
"Hello to you too." Ant responded politely as he always did to the Wolfhound's greeting. "And what brings you here today?"
"Ruff." DD's response had Ant feel a slight shock of surprise at the request, but it didn't seem to be a joke given how serious DD was. Especially given the situation. But, now of all times?
"I'm sorry DD, but I'm already working on another assignment to help out supply..." Ant tried to do his best to let his fellow Diamond Dog down lightly, feeling more than a bit regretful since this was quite the opportunity to actually help DD. Ant would love to, but he was already pulling double duty…
DD let out a huff and then curled around to his side, grumble-growling under his breath as he tried reaching into the pouch that ordinarily carried his fultons, before successfully producing something
That something was a set of papers that DD presented to Ant, tail wagging as he did so.
Ant took the now damp and somewhat teethmarked papers and began to give them a once over. They were a set of orders, signed by Big Boss himself and countersigned by Ocelot, for him to consider DD's request a priority over any other assignment until told otherwise. Ant could tell immediately that the orders are legitimate, since no one can match Ocelot's theatrical signature properly and Big Boss's signature was his actual signature and not someone just writing 'Big Boss' to try and request extra gear.
"Well," Ant hummed as he looked over the paperwork one last time before setting it down on the desk, "Everything seems to be in order here. I'll inform the supply team of the change of plans. Meet me at Classroom D-4 in half an hour.
DD's response was an excited yip before launching himself up at Ant, putting his paws up to keep himself steady as he licked his comrade in arms, leaving Ant to move on from resigned huffs to laughter in short order.
"Come on, easy-you're acting like I just told you we're having two secret barbeques a month now or something." Ant chuckled as he soothed DD and ushered him back to the floor.
DD perked up at what Ant said, eye widening and ears going rigid and straight.
"No." Ant cut off DD's excitement brutally, making an actual cutting gesture with his hand. "Once a month is enough. Miller probably already knows exactly what we're doing but lets us get away with it. Twice and he'd bring his foot down."
DD's ears went back flat as he let out a mournful whimper, but Ant was wise to his game and didn't let the act get to him.
"No," he repeated, tapping his comrade on the nose with one finger. "Besides, with two a month you'd start putting on weight. Do you want your wife to see that?"
DD's whimpering became sincere at the threat, the dog trotting in place at the thought of the extra weight he'd have to work off if he didn't want CC making ironically catty remarks at him.
"Exactly. Now, get going. I'll meet you in half an hour." Ant pointed to the door to close the conversation down with a sense of finality.
All he got for his troubles was jumped on and licked a final time before DD ran out the door with a departing, "Boof!"
Wiping off his face with one hand, Ant couldn't wipe the smile away. That Dog was a riot and a half. Also a damn good paw at Texas Hold 'Em. Producing his iDroid from behind him, Ant flicked the device active and pinged Cookie.
"Cookie, it's Ant. Boss has me reassigned. Good luck."
"God dam-"
Flicking the iDroid back off and thus closing that channel, Ant returned it to its place on his belt and got a move on. He needed to grab some materials from his room for reference before making the run to the strut where the classrooms were set up. All the jeeps and trucks were probably busy so it was likely he'd be actually making the run too.
After all the bad news they'd been receiving with Whale nearly being killed and the Apocalypse needing to be canceled, Ant felt a bit optimistic about doing something he enjoyed, like teaching.
Ant realized now he was a fool to feel optimistic. He should have known it would turn out like this.
Here he was at the front of the classroom, a few of his personal notebooks on the teacher's desk as he stared down the unexpected addition to the lesson.
DD was sitting front and center, forepaws places on his desk as he panted excitedly as if he were happy to be here. Knowing him, he probably was. DD was the good sort.
Ant was fine with that, it was what he expected. What he didn't expect was the other person in the room.
Revolver 'Interrogator? I hardly know 'er' Ocelot lounged back in the student's desk he'd picked for himself. A small pile of note books were in front of him along with along with a handful of differently colored pens. He looked to all the world as if he was just there to learn, but Ant knew better. Ocelot never had quite forgiven him for declining to join his unit on base, Ant was sure of it. Oh, Ocelot never said anything, but there were always hints…
Ant knew anyway that there was nothing to do but to charge on ahead.
"Thank you both for coming," Ant started off, deciding to stick with politeness.
That proved to be a mistake as Ocelot spoke up, waving a hand in a grand gesture as he smiled genially, "Actually, I brought another guest to your… class."
There was a faint, barely there noise as the mysterious super-human sniper herself faded into being. She was in the back of the classroom at the door closest to the exit. It was decidedly obvious that she wasn't interested in being there, given the blatant annoyance on her face and how both her arms and legs were crossed.
Ant knew better than to let anything show. That was exactly what Ocelot would want. And if there's one thing Ant was sure to do in this situation, it's not what Ocelot wants.
"That's fine. It's probably for the best that our Special Asset knows how to deal with these threats." Ant realized that what he was saying was the truth as he said it. Quiet may have been the only operative on Mother Base who could actually fight the nightmares made flesh on truly even terms.
Or even SUPERIOR terms.
That alone made this more worthwhile than just giving DD some advice on how to best handle the living dead and a primer on what else may be out there as opposition.
...Helping Ocelot was a good thing too, Ant supposed.
Ant paused and took a moment to recollect himself before he continued, "Unless there are any other surprises," Ant shot a look at the unapologetic Ocelot, who simply spread both hands, "I'll begin the briefing."
"What we are dealing with is a threat above and beyond conventional human forces, or even normal technological threats like AI Weapons, or Metal Gears. It's the stuff out of old stories, legends and myths. The sort of thing that everyone discounts as 'just fantasy'." Ant turned his back and began to write something on the board. Three large Gs, and nothing else. "And a lot of it is. I've seen enough of these situations to have developed a system and understanding of how to handle situations. I've also started creating a basic 'categorization' system to make it easier to make snap decisions based on what information you do have available. In my experience and research, monsters you find in one location will have others very similar to them in other cultures, even to the point of nearly the same weaknesses." Ant finished that explanation, pausing for any questions before he continued.
"Buff!" DD interjects, tail pausing in its wag.
"Just like 'Zombies, yes." Ant nodded his approval to DD's interjection, and turned to face the board. This caused him to miss the glances that Ocelot and Quiet shot at each other in reaction to what just happened.
Ant instead filled out the G furthest to the left, turning it into the word 'Ghouls'. Then he drew a line down from it and wrote 'Zombies'. From there, three more lines branched off into 'Voodoo', 'Parasitical' and 'Possessed'.
Ant turned back around, only to see Ocelot dutifully taking notes and DD panting excitably. Quiet looked somewhat less like she didn't want to be there. So that was good.
"Since DD mentioned them, I thought it would make a good example of what the system is before I explained it more broadly. 'Zombies' fall under the 'Ghoul' category, and from there branch off into specific sub-types with their own weaknesses and strengths. By knowing this, and knowing how to categorize the enemy based off of behavior and appearance, you can quickly develop a counter-plan with a better chance of success than just shooting it praying."
Ant didn't need to mention who he knew who usually shot and prayed. Even if it did work out for him more often than not.
"In the situation we're in..." Ant paused as he looked back to the board, then carefully traced a line as he spoke, "… We move down ghouls, to zombies, to parasitical. Now, can anyone guess why?"
DD let out a plaintive sound as he seemed to think on that question, only for Ocelot to glance over at the dog and deign to speak himself. "Parasitical is obvious. They're controlled, as far as R&D can tell, by the material infesting their bodies. Zombies because that's the catch-all term for moving corpses. Ghouls..." Ocelot's mustache twitched once before he continued, "You use ghouls to refer to 'monsters' that are formerly human."
"Correct, mostly." Ant didn't feel any grudge that Ocelot already grasped the point of the system, since that was the entire point of having made the system in the first place, "'Ghouls' are any monster that had been human, or appears to have been human. Now, as for the other two..."
Ant turned back to the board, quickly writing Goblins at the G furthest from Ghoul and then writing Ghosts in the middle.
"This is the 3G system." Ant stated, simply pointing at it. "Goblins are monsters that are not and have never been human, and Ghosts are used for non-physical entities of various sorts, both human and not."
DD seemed to be paying attention raptly, while Quiet simply had one brow going gradually further up her forehead. Ocelot chose to speak again at this point, gesturing to the board. "So what you're saying is that everything is Ghouls 'n Ghosts 'n Goblins?"
"For hard and fast classification? Yes. The point of the 3G is system is ease of identifying threats in the field and coming up with reliable plans on the fly, not absolute etymological accuracy. Now, is there anything else before we continue?" Ant responded.
"Just one more thing." Ocelot smiled that damnable smile as Ant got an ill-boding feeling. "How would you 'classify' our Special Asset here?"
Ant responded before he even looked at Quiet to see her response. Not that he needed to, as he already knew his answer.
"Quiet isn't classified, as she's not a monster." Ant said that as if it was the most obvious thing in the world… which to Ant, it was. He wouldn't have classified Quiet as a Monster even when she was their enemy.
Skulls were monsters, but Quiet wasn't.
"Oh?" Ocelot merely prompted him, seemingly interested in his response.
"Monsters are defined by their lack of humanity. Either they've lost it, or they never had it at all. Our 'Special Asset' is human, so she can't be considered a Ghoul, Ghost or Goblin." Ant's response was just as firm, as he met Ocelot's stare with his own. He couldn't help but wonder what Ocelot stood to gain from this. Bringing Quiet here, and then trying to get him to classify her as a monster? Was he trying to get her mad?
Possibly, but Ant wasn't certain why.
"I see, so your system only defines 'Supernatural Threats', rather than everything supernatural." Ocelot's smile would be disarming to someone who didn't know him.
But Ant did know him, so it's not disarming.
"Correct. The linh dương for instance I wouldn't normally classify." Ant' was glad to move off of the previous topic to safer ones that were actually also a part of his lecture. It also made him feel comfortable enough to glance over at Quiet, who was giving him the oddest look. He wasn't sure why, since he'd just stated the obvious so far.
"Interesting… and illuminating. That's all of my questions for now." Ocelot waved a hand for Ant to continue with his permission.
"Any other questions?" Ant glanced to his other two guests.
DD barked a negative, waggling his head from side to side. Quiet hummed, a curious and thoughtful expression on her face.
"It's a cow that eats snakes," Ant answered Quiet's question, or at least what he thought her question was. He wasn't as confident as he was at interpreting Whale, or even DD.
Still, judging by her surprised expression, he must have guessed right. It was nice to bridge the language barrier. Or, well, lack of language barrier. Whatever the right way to phrase that is.
"Now, since there's no further questions, I'll explain in further depth-"
"So? What's your opinion?" Miller asked Ocelot as they spoke in hushed tones in the Command Center.
"He believed everything he was saying and he was internally consistent in his explanations and logic." Ocelot slapped his open notes like a car salesman, "He's either completely insane, or the world is. Frankly, I'm not sure which is worse."
Miller huffed, looking over their developing battleplans, "Considering the situation? It might just be the world itself that's mad…"
"Either way, this '3G System' of his and his notes on our opponents 'probable weaknesses' could prove useful. I'll see about writing it up into something brief for the men, if it pans out." Ocelot snapped his notes shut and tucked them away. "So, what do you think?"
"If we all survive this, then maybe I'll consider it." Miller's expression was as grim as his tone. "A 'counter-supernatural' unit might be necessary, all things considered. If problems this big exist…" Miller lets a sardonic smile slip, "I guess I can't just keep throwing those two or Boss at them, can I?"
Word Count: 2725
Welp, this turned into a lot more than I intended it to. Sorry @konamikode.
You didn't ask for this, but you're getting it I guess.
Edit: This is for Day 1 since it's now Day 1? I can do that, right?
"That is not how war works!" The analyst in Brunhild, the woman who prided herself on seeing the subtly shifting patterns in human culture and behavior, was enraged at the logic a machine meant to decide nuclear war presented. The commander she wanted to be, living a life of protecting others from evil, rejected this idea that war was self-perpetuating. "War is not endless, nor a cycle. The entire business of war is how efficiently you can throw resources down a black hole! It's not sustainable!"