Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Do not fantasize about maiming another user on SV
still waiting for the plot twist where the GM lies to us about the quest title and we in fact end up in another universe. :V
...Don't even joke about that, do you know What kind of hell @konamikode would be suffer from if he did that?
I mean, he would be in constant...Misery...
<moderator snip>
...*Psychotic giggle*
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Awesome chapter. Can't wait for more.

... well that was fast. Or was it? Up to you.

The Empire has Katyushas/WWII rocket artillery too. Made that damn derpy vehicle with heavy rockets. But what they don't have are guided missiles and cluster bombs.

That's a nice bridge head, depot or supply dump you have there. Be a shame if it was suddenly hit with hundreds of grenade sized bombs.

Now that Wolf is here ideas are flowing through my mind thanks to this picture...

Eli blinked, more surprised by being struck then the blow.

I would read this.
I know no posted omakes till turn options but I had a really fun/dumb idea. People interacting/dealing with their namesakes.

Could lead to some funny interludes.
"You expected Monarch Butterfly to be a lady soldier with good looks and sunny smiles? Too bad, it was actually a rather average British man who got too many obsession with Afghani culture!" - Daniel Tavish

I tried.
"You expected Monarch Butterfly to be a lady soldier with good looks and sunny smiles? Too bad, it was actually a rather average British man who got too many obsession with Afghani culture!" - Daniel Tavish

I tried.

Weaver Arachne vs spider round 1

Spider uses stare

Weaver Arachne is paralyzed and unable to move

round 2

Spider uses ignore

Weaver Arachne is ashamed

Weaver Arachne retreats, Sub in another Soldier Y/N


Big Boss has entered the Battle!

Spider retreats!

Victory for the Diamond Dogs

Gain, cleaned bunk! Gain, Spider Web! Gain, Eternal Shame (Weaver Arachne)
Feeding the refugees (and giving them jobs to do to keep them busy) would be a concern if we keep getting them in future turns (and we already have the child soldiers from Africa too). The update says that they have nowhere to go, but maybe they have some relatives in other villages they can stay at? Though that should be done once the conflict is over, but with wormhole shenanigans on the way, it's best if we can get in touch with the UN or some NGOs that can help them resettle in other more peaceful countries. Otherwise, they could help fill out some of the logistic/support roles.

I don't think it's in the available construction options, but maybe we can build rooftop gardens and greenhouses so we can grow our own food? That way we're not entirely dependent on food imports, and the fresh food can also help diversify the mess hall menu. Fair chance that someone in the command staff (maybe Ocelot or Code Talker) would take up microbrewing or distilling as a hobby. It's probably gonna need a way better water filtration system for the base, but it's doable considering they built a goddamn animal conservatory in the middle of the ocean.
I don't think it's in the available construction options, but maybe we can build rooftop gardens and greenhouses so we can grow our own food? That way we're not entirely dependent on food imports, and the fresh food can also help diversify the mess hall menu. Fair chance that someone in the command staff (maybe Ocelot or Code Talker) would take up microbrewing or distilling as a hobby. It's probably gonna need a way better water filtration system for the base, but it's doable considering they built a goddamn animal conservatory in the middle of the ocean.
Maybe the conservatory could double as that? I dunno. Oil rig is not really that suited for self-sufficent agriculture that feed entire base.
Yaaaaaaaaaay update.

Main OP: Perfect success. Sadly no Fulton.

Kaz OP: Perfect Success. Glad they got a chance to relax abit.

Saladin OP: Yessssss Sniper Wolf! Also Little Wolf is fucking adorable. No Fulton targets but those Adults and Refugees are definitely going to join up with us in time.

The Big One. Denuclearization OP: Just damn. Right in the feels. Ahab dreams of a better tomorrow and, even if it's just a small bit, Kazuhira's rage has eased. The Heroism is just icing on a already finished cake. Now to continue to walk this path next turn.

Kurdish Relief: Big Boss showing up in person was really cool. More chances for him to excise his inner demon. Also I liked Wolfhound. Also nice seeing those sexy sexy veterancy bonuses for the first time. That M270 is going to be Very useful in the future. Also the Little Birds are solid additions given our focus of warfare.

Education R&D: Nice seeing Huey being genuinely enthusiastic about something. Also funny seeing our super soldiers bitching about having to get an education.

Education Rumors: Huh. Nice to see a gap I didn't know existed in the organization closing. Giving them hope for a better future is great. Also Miller's thinking about holding Business Classes if we do another Education Research Action? Fuck yeah that would help him alot.

Denukeing: Yeah I expected there being some blowback from the men for this but it's seeing even those who most protested agreeing this is a powerful symbol that stirs their hearts.

Kurdish Refugees: Super cute seeing DD being so protective of all of them. Also DD is acting Tsun around Little Wolf. So Cute.
Feeding the refugees (and giving them jobs to do to keep them busy) would be a concern if we keep getting them in future turns (and we already have the child soldiers from Africa too). The update says that they have nowhere to go, but maybe they have some relatives in other villages they can stay at? Though that should be done once the conflict is over, but with wormhole shenanigans on the way, it's best if we can get in touch with the UN or some NGOs that can help them resettle in other more peaceful countries. Otherwise, they could help fill out some of the logistic/support roles.

I don't think it's in the available construction options, but maybe we can build rooftop gardens and greenhouses so we can grow our own food? That way we're not entirely dependent on food imports, and the fresh food can also help diversify the mess hall menu. Fair chance that someone in the command staff (maybe Ocelot or Code Talker) would take up microbrewing or distilling as a hobby. It's probably gonna need a way better water filtration system for the base, but it's doable considering they built a goddamn animal conservatory in the middle of the ocean.

I will not support any actions that would return them to a warzone. Especially not as it stands where there is a genocide going on...which isn't what you're suggesting. Good. Just felt the need to put that out there in case others start suggesting similar ideas. That and I miiiight be a tad overprotective of anyone who comes under our care and I don't think the incidents will settle before we leave.

Hopefully we can get gardening and such set up as part of upgrades because seriously it'd be nice if that could be done because gardening can be downright therapeutic.

Well I mean that's basically "Metal Gear Solid in 8-bit" or rather Metal Gear Solid is Metal Gear 2 in 32 bits, so eh.

It's happening.
Infiltration Detection Check (Easy): Undetected

Exfiltration Detection Check (Easy): Undetected

Loot Roll: 2, No fultons
"Hah! Age and a missing arm hasn't slowed you down one bit Snake. Bartender! An Old Fashioned for the Boss here, and make it a double!" Kaz laughs for the first time in a long while, the atmosphere and alcohol furthering his already good cheer.

Personally I'd prefer a good bourbon on the rocks, but an Old Fashioned was something I'd been known to favor over the years.

I'd never had the heart to tell anyone otherwise.
Oh Ahab...

"DD. Are you ready?"

Best dog.

With the heady surge of adrenaline rushing through my hungry veins, my focus sharpens to a razor's edge and the world seems to slow until I can feel individual heartbeats pulsing against my temple.

One Beat.

The first man to react attempts to bring his rifle up, nearly fumbling his trigger discipline and spraying his allies with a panicked burst of fire. My pistol lines up against his thigh and barks off a subsonic round that digs through major muscle groups, causing him to begin falling.

Two Beats.

Still moving with most of the momentum I've built up, I grab the flying body of the unconscious and toothless man. Gripping tightly against his collar, I burn my speed into force, spinning once and releasing the heavy body into two others who had begun to react. It gives me enough time to run towards them, stomping on the face of the screaming man with the gunshot in his leg and knocking him out cold.

Three beats.

Four quick shots of my fast acting tranquilizer pistol later, all of the men are down for the count and I turn towards the sound of scrabbling claws just as DD takes to the air and snags the arm of another man who had exited a hut with a fresh magazine in hand.

As time returns to normal, the last thing the soldier attempting to fend off the wolfdog sees is a boot flying directly at his temple.
Reflex mode in action.

The majority of survivors who had gathered looked to be mostly children, with one or two older teenagers and several women left clutching at bruised faces and torn clothing.

I saw no men among the relatively untouched.

"Saladin." One of the children whispered, a blonde haired, blue eyed girl who had been insistently herded towards the gathering by a panting DD.
There you are.

Oddly it isn't the sound of DD's paws dancing along the ground next to me, but of a low pitched whine of distress. Turning towards the noise, I feel an eyebrow raise at the sight of the one-eyed dog being tightly held by that very same girl he'd brought over twenty minutes ago.


"DD. Stay. Wait for pickup. I'll see you at home." I command, turning and jogging towards the chopper with the radio turned on.

"Kaz. Send in Quiet. DD's been taken prisoner."
"Cute little girls. His one weakness."

Gained Named Character: Hana (Sniper Wolf)
One fan complaint rectified.

  • Ahab dreams of a better tomorrow.
  • Kazuhira's rage against the world lessens.
Pretty good.

"You think he caught someone for us to chew on and milk later? Kitty and I got permission from Ocelot to watch the next interrogation!"
Ocelot and his merry band of female interrogators.
How old is Wolfhound anyway? He's original MSF so his skill isn't in question.

Why are all the old guys all baddasses around here?
Because the ones that aren't are retired or dead

Kept you waiting, huh?: 96, Big Boss arrives personally to support this mission.


Personnel/Armor/Aircraft Roll: 2, Armor
Type: Light/IFV/Tank: 3 Tank
Tank Type: Recon/SPG/MBT: 2 SPG
Gained: M270 MLRS
Crew: 3 (Training Complete beginning Turn 3) (Operator)

Snake's Fulton Roll: 85

Resources/Personnel/Armor/Aircraft Roll: 4, Aircraft
Type: Rotary Wing / Fixed Wing
Helicopter Type: Recon/General/Attack: 1, Recon
Gained: MH6 Little Bird
Crew: 2 (Training Complete beginning Turn 3) (Elite)
LOOT! Wonderful loot!

"S-so? What do you think Snake? Teaching isn't exactly my field, but I think I did a pretty good job considering I haven't been in school since graduating MIT!" Emmerich states proudly at the packet of documents in my hand that describes a series of courses good enough to earn anyone a high school equivalent degree in the United States.

You could only work harder so much before you burned out.

Working smarter, now that coupled with hard work offered so many more alternatives.

R&D 8:
Rolled: 60, Pass!
Gain General Education Program!
Gain bitching soldiers who realize they have first world problems!
LOL, don't complain.

Rumor has it that the Sub Commander has had thoughts at the bar about starting a business class if we ever get to the point we're ready for the men to pursue college degrees.
Pax hamburgia!

Speaking of, one of the kids have taken to following DD like a lost puppy on his rounds across the platforms. He seems to find it annoying, waiting impatiently for the puffing girl to catch up to him until he gives up and lets her hold onto his harness as they walk.


He watches over all the kids like a hawk, even that little shit Eli. He'll warn off anyone he isn't familiar with that gets too close to them without either Boss, Ocelot, or Quiet around. He even herds them towards the nearest mess hall whenever meal time comes around, pushing insistently past everyone else waiting in line without any serious complaint from the chowhounds.
Good dog. Best friend.
Maybe the conservatory could double as that? I dunno. Oil rig is not really that suited for self-sufficent agriculture that feed entire base.
Well it doesn't necessarily have to feed the entire base, just lower the upkeep cost. Packaging, preserving and transporting food across the sea has a sizable increase in its cost even in bulk. And like I said, even if it doesn't deduct heavily on our operating costs, just having freshly picked fruits and vegetables for our troops is good for morale.
Hopefully we can get gardening and such set up as part of upgrades because seriously it'd be nice if that could be done because gardening can be downright therapeutic.
This too. And it can also synch well with this turn's GED option, giving our troops and refugees even more peacetime career options.
Eh, I'm ambivalent about the M270. With only one launcher, it's pros are outweighed by its cons. Especially since the guided missiles for it weren't developed yet and no GPS would make actually hitting things a crap shoot. Honestly a Paladin or rquivalent would have been more useful as a single unit. An MBT would have been the best pull tbh
Eh, I'm ambivalent about the M270. With only one launcher, it's pros are outweighed by its cons. Especially since the guided missiles for it weren't developed yet and no GPS would make actually hitting things a crap shoot. Honestly a Paladin or rquivalent would have been more useful as a single unit. An MBT would have been the best pull tbh

I mean that might be true ya but on the other hand the M270 gives us the perfect baseline materials for developing a rockets for Mother Base which will be very useful if we ever have to deal with a naval attack in the VC universe. In addition it could even give us baseline materials for developing our own missiles if our M270 comes with a MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) which is a surface to surface missile system that can be fired from a M270 with a range of between 80-190 miles depending on the variant.
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Ehh, as long we could produce the thing (whatever it is) ourselves. Assuming we land near Gallia again, the most they could provide is raw material and probably not alot plus quite expensive.

Which I guess make a research of metallic Archea quite interesting for me. Damn thing could grow solid spikes of metal from the ground.

Still, worst come worst, we could just do what naked snake did. Living of the land and the enemies~
I mean, last quest our income was shit starting out, we were basically in the negatives for the first several turns. We only started to rake the dough in when we started fucking up the Imperial Invasion and taking all their shit for ourselves.
I mean, last quest our income was shit starting out, we were basically in the negatives for the first several turns. We only started to rake the dough in when we started fucking up the Imperial Invasion and taking all their shit for ourselves.
Depend on how we started again tbh. Last thread we only started with skeleton crew, while I doubt we would come with ALL of our asset, we probably still have sizeable mouths/weapons to feed.
...Don't even joke about that, do you know What kind of hell @konamikode would be suffer from if he did that?
I mean, he would be in constant...Misery...
<moderator snip>
...*Psychotic giggle*
cease Do not implicitly threaten a QM with having their feet shattered with a sledgehammer or otherwise fantasize about maiming one of our users.

The gif in question has been removed.

@DragoLord19D has been infracted for 25 points and received an attendant automatic three-day thread ban.

Everyone else, please keep this in mind and have a good time with the quest.
Considering Venom's heroic standing and meticulous recruiting style. Is Venom Snake a Super Hero?
Time to rename Diamond Dogs to the Justice League.

Big Boss as Superman!
Quiet as Wonder Woman!
Revolver Ocelot as Martian Manhunter!
Miller as the Flash!
Eli as Kiddie Batman!
Huey as Green Lantern (Guy Gardner era)!
And Code Talker as Aquaman!
Considering Venom's heroic standing and meticulous recruiting style. Is Venom Snake a Super Hero?
To put it this way, he falls into the "technically not superhuman but might as well be considering the stuff he's done" category. He makes the impossible, possible. He can apparently press against the weight of like several thousand tons, just because he can.

Eventually, you stop questioning this kind of stuff.

EDIT: I completely missed the point, sorry.

I swear, I am not drunk. Just stupid and trigger happy:V
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