Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

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Votes Closed.

On another note after this post I'm closing omake submissions until Turn 2 options are up and I'll probably set up a limit on how many can be submitted as well. Thankfully while there are many people (sends out love box drops) in both threads helping to tidy up the omakes before submission, the threat of burnout is still very real and it cuts into writing time for my 2 current quests and story.

I'll update the omake regs section to reflect this shortly.
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So does anyone want to Omake Miller getting a puppy and giving it a little matching outfit?
A little beret with ear holes and a green doggie jacket.
Omake regs updated with new submission rules.

Depending on how things go I'll probably have to make a limit on how many omakes a person can write for a given turn since I'm like, 99% sure at least one of the people pm'ing me are using the opportunity to stock up on written ammunition.

PP is a very unfortunate name, especially if it becomes thematic.
Hey Konami, whenever you have time, could you add two trackers to the Front Page?

One for relationships between characters, since you mentioned relationship increases while you were handing out Omake rewards, and we really don't know what our character's relationships are at right now.

And a second for the various Skill/Experience Levels for our troops and what kind of Malus/Bonuses they give?
Omake regs updated with new submission rules.

Depending on how things go I'll probably have to make a limit on how many omakes a person can write for a given turn since I'm like, 99% sure at least one of the people pm'ing me are using the opportunity to stock up on written ammunition.

*just starts laughing manically*
*JoJo Style 'MENACING!' SFX popups appear*
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I can almost guarantee we'll be declaring Outer Heaven as a sanctuary for awakened Valkyria that wish to live in peace or to fight their own wars without coercion.

Ok, channeling a bit of Armstrong there but the point stands.
I can almost guarantee we'll be declaring Outer Heaven as a sanctuary for awakened Valkyria that wish to live in peace or to fight their own wars without coercion.

Ok, channeling a bit of Armstrong there but the point stands.

Given the whole denuclearization thing I suspect it'll be closer to the former.

On a related note, I am sooooo looking forward to DD's interactions with the Nameless. Including Imca. Especially Imca. That girl is the perfect fit for the Diamond Dogs. what with the loss of her home, a massive revenge complex, incredibly skilled soldier...

Honestly you could put her in TPP and no one would notice any difference.
You know, I'm watching a playthrough of VC 1-4 right now, and Alicia says something right at the start of 1 that makes me think she would be a good Diamond Dog once we've started to remove the hate infesting the current version.

"I want to be able to remember, once the war is over, that it wasn't all just people killing people. That even in war, there was also new life."

Alicia would get along great with Paz and Miller once the latter chills the fuck out.
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Omake Prompts:

1. An omake about the beginning of Sniper Wolf's apprenticeship under Quiet. Heck that could even be a series of Omakes!

2. An Omake about Big Boss's first encounter with a cardboard box.

3. An omake about Big Boss and Quiet getting language lessons from one of their translators or Code Talker so they can communicate in another language.

4. Sniper Wolf's first encounter with D-Dog.

5. An omake of Sniper Wolf's first encounter with Eli/White Mamba.

6. An Omake entitled "Cooking with Big Boss!" which is a spoof cooking show where Big Boss teaches people how to cook random animals like in Snake Eater such as snakes, frogs, rabbits etc.

7. An Omake showcasing what happens at Miller's "Chili cook off" referenced in Darik29's Omake entitled "Cookie Explains Logistics (For Idiots)"

8. Big Boss hosting a cook off which again involves cooking random animals like he did in Snake Eater. This could than devolve into the reactions from various people on the base to his cooking, Miller seeing this as a challenge and starting another "Chili cook off" to compete which gets supply on his ass, or something completely different.

9. Miller's reaction to us fultoning ALL the animals if we get the animal conservation strut.

10. An omake about DIamond Dog's yearly jetski/speed boat race around Mother Base with all the shenanigans that would ensue in such a race being conducted by the Diamond Dogs.

11. An Omake that looks behind the scenes at how the Diamond Dogs get their code names.

12. An omake describing the experience of someone being fultoned by Big Boss.

13. Miller at least attempting to develop a new martial arts style centered around one arm, one leg and his crutch.

14-27 (if you include the support platoons for the fox units and the supply platoons). An omake about each of the platoons in action and showcasing their skills

28. Miller trying to become more combat effective by doing something like putting a small recoil-less rifle in his crutch/brace

29. Supplies reaction to the increasingly crazy things Big Boss fultons back from the field.

30. D-Dog teaching himself doggy martial arts if he looses his knife and has to go into fang to claw combat

31. An omake about Big Boss fishing and reeling in increasingly outrageous catches.

32. Paz giving someone singing lessons after asking for them.

33. The the shenanigans that ensue after various people on Mother Base notice these posters of Paz being put up all over the place.

34. An omake about Paz's idol career.

35. Fox level guerilla operatives either wrecking everyones shit at a laser tag facility (maybe during someones birthday party?) Or shocking observers as they go head to head in competition.

1. The soldiers reacting to Venom bringing in Sahelanthropus and hearing he took it down by himself on foot.

2. Things Diamond Dogs are not allowed to do

3. Soldiers coming up with stories about Big Boss that are inaccurate but not untrue "I heard he can tranq you from across a village" "Well I heard he tranq you across Mother bBse!"

4. The ghost of Srangeglove haunting Huey

5. The first day of a new volunteer (was not Fultoned ) / first day of a new recruit (was fultoned) and reacting to the various shenanigans that the Diamond Dogs get up to.

6. D-Dog interacting with D-Horse as he grows up

1. An omake about Spying Harrier (If they still stay) making animal prosthetics.

2. The tale of how your OC was recruited

3. Paintball between Fox level guerilla operatives.

1. Snake making Adults out of the children via giving them an education either in song form or a training montage
2. An omake about Venom Snake rescuing Miller, and how his phantoms were already starting things rolling in a different direction than canon albeit in minor ways at that point in time.

1. People talking (either DD soldiers or even Big Boss himself?) About all the, umm, esoteric code names Snake seemingly comes up with. (Who assigns these names, anyway?)

2.After many long hours (seriously, R&D is insane) of arduous research, DD has finally perfected cloning. For what reason did they research this? Why, to kill/torture Huey over and over again, of course!

3.Ever wondered if The Sorrow would show up again? Think something up, perhaps for Peace Walker? Or maybe take a cue from The Last Days of FOXHOUND.

4. After a bet got way out of hand, one or more DD soldiers are sent in gladiatorial combat to wrestle against a bear (whatever the biggest, baddest best is, pick that).

5. Big Boss holds a contest to see who can make the best Decorated Cardboard Box. Naturally, the DD soldiers did what they do best: sabotaging each other behind their backs (almost like informal stealth training?)

6. The Diamond Dogs are some of the most elusive operatives in recent memory. Fortunately, Frank East is on the case to bring an exclusive look at DD to the world!

7. Miller, at Paz's behest, starts to learn cooking. Not as easy as it sounds when you only got one arm, but if he could disarm a gun in 10 seconds flat... (Thinking about it, Ramirez Jr probably already knows how. Eh. Could just change it to learning Caribbean cooking in that case)

8. DD faces one of their greatest enemies yet: flocks of seagulls constantly pooping all over the struts and peeking everyone. Did The Pain come back to life, or something?

1. Diamond Dogs play DnD
Snake and DD vs the legendary brown bear. Bonus points if you can somehow work in the Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin opening song into it.
Hey Konami, whenever you have time, could you add two trackers to the Front Page?

One for relationships between characters, since you mentioned relationship increases while you were handing out Omake rewards, and we really don't know what our character's relationships are at right now.

And a second for the various Skill/Experience Levels for our troops and what kind of Malus/Bonuses they give?

Just got home, that's next on the list of stuff to get done :p

On another note happy Leif Ericson day for the proud people of Vinland
Future Fulton Extraction Targets
You know, I'm watching a playthrough of VC 1-4 right now, and Alicia says something right at the start of 1 that makes me think she would be a good Diamond Dog once we've started to remove the hate infesting the current version.

"I want to be able to remember, once the war is over, that it wasn't all just people killing people. That even in war, there was also new life."

Alicia would get along great with Paz and Miller once the latter chills the fuck out.
So, following along with this, I took a look at the Nameless unit and ALOT of them would work well with us. So Warning: Some VC 3 spoilers are here.

The List:
Kurt Irving: Bad Candidate.
Kurt Irving (VC3) Putting a link here cause the bio is fuck huge.
The man would be perfectly happy off the battlefield cooking and spending his time with whoever his wife is.

Gusurg: Iffy Candidate.
He's a good man, a good soldier, but his drive for Darscen independence and equality could get the better of him like it did in canon.

Carisa Contzen: Bad Candidate.
Carisa's family struggled with intense poverty while she was growing up, and as a result, she became a cunning woman who knows how to save money and get the most bang for her ducat. After enlisting in the Gallian Army, she joined the supply team that was responsible for transporting weapons and tank parts to the Nameless camp. Carisa seemed to see some of her own unfortunate past reflected in the Nameless crew's situation, and did what she could to help them out. After Gusurg betrayed them, Carisa was made a scapegoat for his actions and she was transferred to Nameless.

Carisa speaks with a slow pace and pleasant tone, but attentive listeners will notice a few sharp barbs inserted here and there between her words. Due to this strange, fairly random method of self-expression, most people admit that they never quite know what Carisa is thinking. Carisa is still quite bitter about her unfortunate upbringing, and the only reason she always has a smile on her face is that it makes it easier for her to get what she wants. Rumors have her piloting tanks during the First Europan War, so she's clearly a veteran of some years, but Carisa has stated that she stopped counting her age after she hit 20.

After Nameless was disbanded, Carisa traveled to numerous nations with a variety of goods in hopes of striking it rich as a merchant. Carisa believes that her place is wherever a transaction is going down, so she has never considered settling down or getting married.
She doesn't really have a drive to be a soldier or anykind of goal. She's a money pincher and didn't dole out standardized equipment and uniforms.

Imca: A perfect candidate....kind of.
Imca grew up in a small Darcsen village called Tiluca, located within imperial territory. Four years ago, Selvaria lost control of her Valkyria's powers during an experiment, and the result was the utter annihilation of Tiluca. Imca was the only survivor, as she had gone into the nearby woods to play before the incident occurred. Imca saw Selvaria walk out of the village as it was consumed in blue flames, and from that day forward, Imca lived only for vengeance. She survived alone, wandering across imperial lands as a lone hunter until the cold and snow of winter day drove her across the border into Gallian territory. She was found near death by Crowe, who invited her to join Nameless. She has been a member of Nameless longer than any other current member, so her Number is 01 and she is often called "Ace" because of that.

Imca is only concerned with her quest for vengeance, and therefore refrains from opening up to others. She rarely speaks and is known for being difficult, often ignoring orders during a mission to run ahead of the pack. No one bothers to complain about her conduct, however, as everyone admits that she performs better than most. The strength and stealthiness Imca naturally accrued during her solitary survival days serve her well on the battlefield.

At first, Imca totally ignored Kurt. Any time Kurt made a suggestion, Imca would reply with "No." This eventually became "Not impossible," and "Not bad," and then evolved into "No choice." Though she still tends to speak in negative terms, her atittude toward Kurt softened noticeably. Only on one occasion where she and Kurt were confirming their feelings for each other did Imca respond with "Yes." Initially, Imca only fought for Nameless as a way to stay alive until she found Selvaria, and also out of a sense of duty to Kurt, who had promised to help Imca achieve her goal. As she completed more missions with Nameless under Kurt's command, Imca came to care for her squad and squadmates.

When Imca learns of Selvaria's death, she starts to feel the weight of all the lives she had taken and all of the sorrow she had brought upon others while consumed with her personal vendetta. After Nameless is disbanded, Imca opens an orphanage as a way to atone for her past. Surrounded by orphans, Imca finally regains the genuine smile that had been taken from her years ago.
Her hometown got burned down by Selvaria. She's devoted her entire life to killing her, something her and Miller as of now have in common, hopefully we could make her chill out some. Also has abit of an issue with ignoring orders to charge ahead but I'm sure Master Miller with working prosthetic can fix that...but that goes back to the Selvaria thing. IF we wind up recruiting Selvaria somehow that's gunna lead to problems.

Gloria Durrell: Solid candidate.
While friendly to her squad-mates and a reliable source of advice, Gloria's past is defined by her extensive links to various forms of organized crime in Gallia. Years prior she had operated as the Madam of a brothel, discreetly gathering information on the shadier dealings of her clientele, including nobles and politicians. She also indicated that it would be her most likely line of work after the war with the Empire ended, propositioning Riela Marcellis with a job that she was "a natural" for, though more knowing squad member quickly dissuaded Riela. After she was arrested on charges of smuggling weapons into Gallia, Gloria asked to be enlisted into the Nameless rather than go to jail.

Gloria holds dear her own concept of justice, despite the less-than-legal nature of her past occupation, with corruption and might-makes-right mentalities especially rubbing her the wrong way. In the case of the former, her knowledge of underhanded political maneuvering gave her a window into Prime Minister Borg's mind when word got out of his dealings with the Federation, and considered selling out your fellows in order to save your own skin the lowest of lows. In her own experience, she liked to use the motto, "A road is just a road," meaning that a means to an end is inherently neither good nor bad; it is how an individual chooses to use it that determines how they are judged.
Ocelot could use someone like her.

Alfons Auclair: Solid Candidate.
Alfons was born as the second son of a respected noble family in Randgriz City. Unable to deal with a life of being restricted by old customs and traditions, Alfons abandoned his house to make a life for himself. After working as a private investigator, he enlisted in the militia. When it was discovered that Alfons had accessed personal information without the proper authorization, he was transferred to the penal military unit Nameless.

Alfons has a cheerful and frank personality and is quite considerate of others. He enjoys taking on the role of the squad clown, and often jokes about his weight to relieve tense situations. He is always a gentleman when interacting with women and likes to spout cheesy, clichéd lines, but remains unable to impress the ladies for some reason. Alfons likes to refer to himself as "the falcon of Gallia", and seems to have developed a unique friendship with the haughty Leila.

Alfons excels at speechcraft and puzzle solving, skills that he gained during his short career as an investigator. His investigative skills are so advanced that he has uncovered numerous dark secrets about Gallian nobles.

After Nameless was disbanded, Alfons returned to his life as a private investigator, but he remains disappointed that he is unable to purge all of the evils that infest his beloved homeland.
A great investigator. His loyalty and devotion to Galia may make him unreliable for ops outside of his home nation though and he needs to learn to NOT dig into certain things.

Valerie Aynsley: Solid Candidate.
alerie was one of the youngest assistant professors at Randgriz University (the university Welkin attended), and is a brilliant historian. While she was researching the roots of the Darcsen Calamity, Valerie repeatedly entered Randgriz Castle without authorization and also dug through some of Gallia's more sensitive documents. Gallia's ruling body was intent on keeping the royal family's Darcsen heritage a secret, and assigned Valerie to Nameless because they considered her a serious threat to national stability.

Valerie's professor once told her that knowing history is to know the world and thus humans as a whole. Believing in the truth of these words, Valerie is convinced that uncovering the truth about Gallia's history, war, and prejudice will help to build a future without unjust persecution. To this end, she has devoted her life to pursuing the truth in all things. She maintains a neutral position in all circumstances and is unaffected by things like age and rank when she interacts with others. Valerie does, however, have a tendency to bury herself in her research, at which point she becomes oblivious to everything around her.

After Nameless was disbanded, Valerie lost her position at the university and was unable to continue her research. She was given an opportunity to begin her studies anew with a researcher in a foreign country, however, and Valerie gratefully accepted.
A great historian, once we learn about the Valk weapons IC, having her be part of a team sent around the world to locate such weapons so we could destroy them would be good.

Riela Marcellis: Perfect Candidate. The girl who needs no introduction on why we should recruit her for those who played the last thread.

Amy Apple: Solid Candidate.
my grew up taking care of her father, who was an irresponsible sort prone to getting himself into debt. Amy is quite tough and likes taking care of others, and has never felt sorry for herself despite her unfortunate childhood. When Amy found out that there was more money in being Nameless, she requested a transfer so that she would be able to send more money home to support her family. Gloria thinks the other girls could learn a thing or two from Amy, and even goes so far as to say that Amy would make the ideal wife. Amy can't help herself when it comes to taking care of those who refuse to take care of themselves, and feels particularly drawn to Deit because of the way he reminds her of her father. Amy is 149 centimeters tall, but feels insecure about her height and always states it as 150 centimeters.

After Nameless was disbanded, Amy attempted to stay with Deit but was left behind when he departed on his journey. Amy was instead able to land a steady job through Gloria's connections, but feels unsatisfied with the simple and routine lifestyle.
A simple but kind girl. She just wants to earn more money to support her dad even though he's a useless deadbeat. Also feels unsatisfied with a simple routine lifestyle so DD work, both military and humanitarian, would be good for her.

Ada Ansorge: Bad Candidate.
Ada used to be one of the most respected detectives in Randgriz City. When she heard that Cedric had made a plea agreement and was now a part of Nameless, she personally revealed all of her past transgressions in order to join Nameless herself.

Ada has held a personal grudge against Cedric ever since she almost managed to arrest him once. Just when she thought she had him, Cedric pulled out a knife and stabbed Ada before escaping. Ada lost her reputation and pride over this incident, and was assigned to menial duties that basically guaranteed she would never have a bright future in law enforcement. In Ada's mind, Cedric had ruined her life. Since then, Ada has resorted to many illegal activities and dirty tactics to get information she thought she needed to bring Cedric down once and for all. Ada is consumed by her desire for vengeance, and his hoping to get the chance to kill Cedric with her own hands in the name of justice. Ada is not a very friendly person, and the way she speaks makes her seem particularly harsh. She doesn't care about feminine interests like fashion or accessories, but does like her cigarettes and bitter, black coffee. Ada's obsession with Cedric is so twisted that she actually saves his life on the battlefield because she feels that the only way Cedric should be allowed to die is in the course of facing justice for the crimes he has committed.

After Nameless was disbanded, Ada lost both her citizenship and her badge, but even that was not enough to make her give up on getting Cedric arrested. Ada used her connections to get deep into society's underbelly, where she waits for Cedric to make his next move.
Her obsession with Cedric is very strong and very twisted. She would never stay with us so long as he's alive, and if he died...who knows? I honestly wouldn't be shocked if she killed herself after.

Ilmari Gasotto: Horrible Candidate.
Ilmari used to attend the most prestigious music school in all of Gallia, and had proven himself to be an extremely talented musician. Unfortunately, Ilmari was as unmotivated about life as he was musically talented, and dropped out of the school simply because he couldn't be bothered with it any longer. After leaving the school, Ilmari didn't hold a single stable job, and instead wandered around with trumpet in hand. The military eventually caught up to him and assigned him to Nameless for avoiding conscription.

Ilmari has never gotten attached to anything or anyone. He can't stand being stuck in one place for too long, hates commitment, and altogether lacks energy and interest in life. Ilmari's free-spirited nature has gifted him with a unique penchant for creativity and imagination, but he doesn't feel particularly moved to use his talents to do anything productive. Ilmari's assignment to Nameless changed everything, though as it was in this squad that he met Riela, for whom he felt a pure and sincere love. Ilmari's love for Riela was so genuine that he even stated that he'd be willing to die for her. Why he couldn't have applied that level of motivation to anything else in his life will always be one of the universe's biggest mysteries.

After Nameless was disbanded, Ilmari resumed his life as a wanderer instead of pursuing Riela. During his travels, Ilmari developed an interest in fishing, and that soon became his main source of food.
A noble son who's lazy, unmotivated, easily distracted, hates commitment of anykind....yeah.

Elliot Oates: Bad Candidate.
Elliot is a natural-born liar who has committed many acts of marriage fraud. Elliot was assigned to Nameless when it was discovered that he was seducing a female soldier who was romantically involved with his superior in the Gallian Militia.

Elliot has the appearance of a polite and civil gentleman, which helps him to deceive his victims. He doesn't feel even a shred of guilt for scamming people, and it is said that he has seduced hundreds of women. The only people Elliot cannot bring himself to lie to are children. Despite his obvious skill and history as a smooth talker, Elliot was unable to seduce a single female squadmate while in Nameless.

When Elliot was still in his teens, he was truly in love with a woman whom he intended to marry. Her parents refused to allow their marriage, however, and tore the young lovers apart. The trauma and emotional pain inflicted on Elliot by this incident left him unable to genuinely love another human being ever again.

After Nameless was disbanded, Elliot didn't seem very troubled by the loss of his citizenship, as he would be able to make a living wherever women could be found. He still hasn't gotten over his first love, however, and remains single to this day.
A playboy to make even Peace Walker Miller seem tame he doesn't have the dedicated or desire to be anykind of soldier.

Frederica Lipps: Decentish Candidate.
Frederica is an information vendor who makes a living selling valuable information to anyone in any nation. She has repeatedly infiltrated the Empire, the Alliance, and Gallia as a spy to gather information. She currently possesses a stunning wealth of sensitive information regarding each nation's government and military personnel. Frederica had enlisted in the Gallian Militia in order to gather some military intelligence, but it became clear that someone was onto her, so she committed a few minor crimes to ensure that she would be transferred to Nameless as soon as possible. Even after joining Nameless, she continued to gather information however she could.

Shameless and refreshing, Frederica is a very confident woman who treats men as little more than adorably stupid puppies. She even treated Kurt, her superior officer, like he was just a little boy. Frederica's main concern is herself, and she is constantly evaluating how favorable or profitable a situation might be for her. Frederica is willing to sell her information to anyone who can pay her fees, and will not hesitate to seduce unwitting victims in order to get the information she wants. The one little-known weakness Frederica has is her fear of ghosts. Though she may make it sound like she sleeps with many different men for her own profit and enjoyment, the truth is that she is afraid to sleep alone because ghosts are known to appear at night.

After Nameless was disbanded, Frederica returned to her former life as a spy. Apparently, much of the information she gathered during her time in Nameless turned out to be quite rare and valuable.
So a incredibly skilled spy, one that Ocelot could certainly use, the issue is her willingness to sell info. In canon, she came to view the Nameless as her family, and swore to never sell info about them. If we could get a spot like that, it would be great, but DD wants to bring Peace to the world and her willingness to sell military secrets of rival nations to each other could jeopardize that.

Felix Cowley: The Golden Boy.
After losing his entire family during the First Europan War, Felix rallied a group of his friends together and created a defense unit for his hometown to ensure that a tragedy like that would never happen again. In order to make better use of his obvious talents as a leader, Felix enlisted in the Gallian Army. He quickly became respected as a military man, but upon disagreeing with a brainless superior and voicing his dissenting opinion, he was transferred to Nameless for being "unruly".

Felix strongly believes in justice and has proven himself to be both honest and reliable. He has a natural talent for rallying those around him, which has earned him the respect of his male squadmates. Unfortunately, Felix is a bit dense when it comes to understanding the complexities of the female mind and often makes unintentionally offensive remarks, which sours the mood of his female squadmates. Felix suffered greatly from the pain of losing his family to the First Europan War and as such, is more than willing to risk his life to protect his squadmates, whom he considers to be his new family.

Even after Nameless was disbanded, Felix traveled around as a mercenary, lending his talents to various military organizations and patrol units to continue his fight against the Empire. His straightforward personality and loads of combat experience make him a popular ally, but he still hasn't figured out the enigma that is women and remains severely unpopular with them.
A born leader, with a strong sense of morals and justice, who even given the chance of peace became a mercenary to continue fighting against The Empire. If there's ANYONE we can recruit from Nameless it's this guy.

Lelia Peron: Horrible Candidate.
Leila used to be in the Gallian Militia, but her company was commanded by a despicable captain who used intimidation tactics to control his subordinates and often forced the female squad members under his command to amuse him at night. Leila was not one to put up with such shenanigans, however, and gave her captain a taste of her crop. As a result, Leila was immediately transferred to Nameless for insubordination. Leila has an extremely dominant personality, and loves the feeling of having others obey her orders. She first realized she had this fetish when she was whipping her younger brother, Homer Peron from the first game, into shape. Leila really does care for Homer, and her crop is filled with hope for his future whenever she is dealing with him.

Leila likes Gothic fashion and always has her trusty crop in her hand. She's arrogant and overconfident, but has the admirable (?) goal of bending the world's men to her strong will in order to build a new, peaceful world. Even after being transferred to Nameless, she had her male squadmates submitting to her aggressive personality in no time. After Nameless was disbanded, Leila took to traveling the world as a "trainer", searching for useless men in need of her distinct touch. Such men are a dime a dozen, so she never has trouble finding new targets.
Considering all the men in the DD, our male commanders, and her...fetishistic interest in violence she's very much a bad fit for us.

Annika Alcott: Solid Candidate.
When Annika was a little girl, she witnessed a soldier saving her village and immediately knew she wanted to grow up to be strong like him. One day, she was being hassled by some hooligans and accidentally caused severe injuries to them while defending herself. She was arrested and assigned to Nameless as punishment. Annika didn't consider her assignment to be a punishment, however, as she relished the thought of facing strong opponents on the battlefield.

Annika posses remarkable physical prowess, and is surprisingly strong for a girl of her size. Her special moves include the elbow strike and low kick. Annika wants to improve her fighting skills even more, but she has trouble finding partners for groundwork techniques - in other words, willing partners who don't fear her grappling techniques. Though cheerful and lively, Annika is quite gullible and tends to trust people too much. Another problem Annika has is that she takes people a little too seriously sometimes, and can get into a big fight over a little joke. Once in Nameless, Annika chose Gloria as her master, hoping to learn how to train her soul as well as her body.

After Nameless was disbanded, Annika finally got to start the training quest she had always dreamed of, which would take her all over the world. Annika maintains her master/apprentice relationship with Gloria, and regularly writes letters to her to report on her progress.
She has Sniper Wolf's background, but grew up into a cheerful CQC girl instead of a cold sniper. No reason not to grab her.

Cedric Drake: Iffy Candidate.
From thievery to murder, Cedric has stained his hands with every color of the criminal spectrum, and his name is expected to live on in infamy for many generations to come. When he was finally arrested, it became clear that Cedric would be punished to the fullest extent of the law, so he made a plea agreement to be placed in Nameless instead. His main objective in joining Nameless was to earn amnesty, but Cedric was also interested to find out just how many people he would have to kill to earn the title of "hero". He hid his true name and story from the other Nameless, but proved himself to be a willing and capable soldier in every way.

Cedric is quite friendly and can get along with just about anyone, but he also a dark side to him that wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice an ally if it meant furthering his own goals.

Ada is a detective who continued to pursue Cedric even after his Nameless assignment, and though Cedric initially thought she was rather foolish, he began to think of her as an intriguing individual after she saved his life.

After Nameless was disbanded, Cedric hid himself away so well that no one seemed to know where to find him. From then on, every time a particularly devious crime was committed in Gallia, people started to whisper Cedric's name, but it always turned out be a case of mistaken identity, a baseless rumor, or a copycat criminal.
So another good man to serve under Ocelot, with the problems being his willingness to sell out his own allies, which Snake/Kaz/Ocelot would NOT stand for, but the criminal connections would be useful.

Giselle Fleming: Very Iffy.
Gisele grew up in an orphanage, but her superior intellect made it difficult for her to make friends with children of her own age. Some people in high places took note of Gisele's gift and brought her into a government-funded research facility. Unfortunately, Gisele considered fire to be her best and only friend and she accidentally set a few things ablaze while "playing" with that friend. Repeated cases of arson got her arrested and sent to prison, but she somehow managed to cause more fires while incarcerated. The prison system couldn't handle Gisele's pyromania so she was assigned to Nameless.

Gisele doesn't feel guilty about setting fire to things, and was more than happy to be sent to Nameless if it meant she could get out of prison. She only speaks as much as is absolutely necessary, doesn't express much emotion, and is so apathetic about food that she will eat any meal with a straight face no matter how terrible it tastes to others. Gisele has shown that she is willing to do just about anything without being held back by things like morals. She is rather stubborn, however, and will not do anything that she does not want to do. Strangely, Gisele seems to follow Kurt's orders quite obediently.

After Nameless was disbanded, Kurt took a moment to speak to Gisele and insisted that she refrain from doing anything unlawful in the future. Gisele accepted this request as Kurt's final order, and hasn't committed arson since. She went to work under the guidance of a charcoal worker in the mountains, and though she does feel the urge to set fire to the entire mountain from time to time, she has managed to hold that temptation at bay.
Kind of Sociopathic, absolutely a pyromaniac, and does what she wants, but has this weird thing where she tends to be really obedient to certain people. If we could secure her loyalty she'd be great for flame based troops/missions.

Giulio Rosso: Iffy Candidate.
Trouble began to rear its head, though, when he became part of the military during said invasion. Giulio's creative impulses were too strong to conform to concepts such as private ownership, taking more than he was allotted in terms of regular food supplies and nabbing rarer items from the personal stocks of Army commanders in order to make his dishes. To this day he still has a habit of borrowing without asking, and is always on the lookout for new and high-quality ingredients to use. Giulio lost both of his parents when he was just a little boy, and would have starved to death had it not been for a compassionate chef. The bowl of soup Giulio received that day nourished both his body and soul, and Giulio decided at that point that he also wanted to be a professional chef. His wish was granted when he landed a job as a military chef for the Gallian Army, but he was transferred to Nameless for repeatedly making unauthorized use of his base's food reserves. Even after his transfer, however, Giulio sought out every opportunity to hone his culinary skills. As he traveled from battlefield to battlefield, Giulio would experiment with new dishes created from local ingredients.

Giulio genuinely believes that good food can bring people happiness and build bridges between different cultures.

After his days with Nameless, Giulio traveled far and wide on a quest to discover new flavors. Giulio's cheerful disposition allowed him to quickly make friends wherever he went, and he was even quicker to hit on local females... but to this day, women everywhere have proven too smart to fall for his sweet words, and he has yet to find a girlfriend.
So he would totally love DD's desire to bring peace and a world made whole, but his sticky fingers when it comes to supplies could be abit of an issue, and while he would LOVE to spread happiness cooking for our humanitarian missions, I'm not sure he would want to be a soldier.

Margrit Ravelli: Great Candidate.
Margit was born to a highly respected military household, and is a distant relative to General Damon from the first game. After graudating from Lanseal Royal Military Academy, Margit used her family's connections to get herself placed as a second lieutenant in the Gallian Army. Margit did her best to perform as an officer, but her lack of experience and talent led to numerous failed missions, and she was eventually transferred to Nameless.

Margit's pride as a former officer prevented her from viewing and treating her squadmates as equals. This, coupled with her tendency to speak harshly and rudely to her fellow soldiers, soon made her presence in Nameless a solitary one. Margit spends every free moment tending to her flowers. By fighting her way through missions under Kurt's leadership, Margit slowly learned what it meant to be a commander. She came to sincerely care for her squadmates, and her feelings toward Kurt gradually grew beyond the boundaries of gratitutde.

After Nameless was disbanded, Margit left Gallia to search for more opportunities to flex her abilities as a military woman. With Kurt's teachings held firmly in her heart, Margit continued the fight in new lands.
Just needs to have her abilities/attitude as a commander polished and she'd be a great asset.

Serge Liebert: A Good Candidate.
Serge had a promising future in the Gallian Army due to his remarkable skill as a sniper, but when he found that he would soon succumb to an incurable disease, he requested a transfer to Nameless in hopes of dying in combat.

Quiet and frail, Serge barely seems to have a will to live and often goes unnoticed by those around him. He desires little more than to die a soldier's death, and is therefore perfectly willing to take on the riskier roles during a mission. Despite Serge's desire to die in combat, Kurt was able to teach him the value of what little life he had left, which helped Serge to become a more hopeful young man. Serge was one of the first Nameless to recognize Kurt's true abilities, and immediately felt a deep respect for his new commander.

Even after Nameless was disbanded, Serge continued to consider Kurt his commanding officer. Stating that he wouldn't allow himself to die without direct orders from Kurt, Serge settled into a quiet life under the tutelage of a shepherd.
Snake and Miller would definitely want him to find a reason to live, instead of hoping to die as a soldier, and would likely refuse him on those grounds. If he was truly determined to fight and die though, I'd think they/we'd take him, so he could die knowing he was doing something worthwile.

Clarissa Callaghan: Solid, if temporary, Candidate.
Clarissa was working as a medic in the Gallian Army's field hospital when she fell in love with an imperial soldier she was tending to and helped him escape. She was immediately transferred to Nameless as punishment. Her hobby is dancing, an activity she started as a way to lose weight.

Clarissa's fragile qualities and devoted personality had made her a favorite among the male patients in the field hospital. The sight of countless soldiers dying day after day began to desensitize Clarissa, however, and she felt like she was losing her humanity. It was the encouraging words of the imperial soldier she soon fell in love with that brought life back into Clarissa's eyes. Before escaping from the field hospital, the soldier told Clarissa that he would return for her one day, and she faithfully held onto that promise. Clarissa's sense of compassion is so strong that she would willing sacrifice herself to save another, a trait that Felix worries about constantly.

After Nameless was disbanded, Clarissa joined a dancing troupe and traveled around imperial territory searching for the man whose photograph she kept in her locket. Clarissa was eventually wedded to her beloved soldier, and she is now a mother with one child.
Her compassion as a nurse would work great for our own wounded and our humanitarian missions. Her would be husband could join us maybe, or she could leave to be with him, but either way it's an option.

Deit: Bad candidate.
Deit was born in a poverty-stricken region in northern Gallia. Being unusually tall and depressing, Deit was often picked on as a child. Having spent most of his childhood being punched and kicked, Deit has built up a high pain threshold.

Deit spent most of his life doing little and desiring nothing. He was unemployed for a long time, sustained only by the efforts of his sole surviving family member, his little sister Dyna. Deit's sister was so worried about his future that he resorted to enlisting in the militia just to offer Dyna a sense of reassurance. Upon joining the militia, however, Deit was transferred to Nameless for no other reason than because he was a Darcsen. This was such a shock to Deit that he retreated even further into his shell, refusing to interact with others and calling his squadmates only by their Numbers. Deit refrained from telling his sister about his transfer to Nameless. He doesn't speak much and tends to directly state his emotions when he does, which often causes conflicts between himself and others. Amy is the only Nameless who has managed to make a crack in Deit's shell.

After Nameless was disbanded, Deit started making a modest living with his wireworking skills, and eventually left on a journey to visit Darcsens in various regions. As Deit got to know more and more Darcsens, he felt his curiosity about his heritage growing. When he is reunited with Valerie at Kurt and Riela's wedding, Deit offers to assist with her Darcsen calamity research.
His history of being discriminated against sucks, but his personality is honestly crap, and he has no desire to fight or be a soldier of anykind in anyway.

Zahar Alonso: Perfect Candidate.
Zahar is an alcoholic soldier who hails from the kingdom of Fhirald. After Fhirald was destroyed during the First Europan War, Zahar wandered around aimlessly as a mercenary before enlisting with the Gallian military. Zahar's combat skills were acknowledged and he was assigned to the Gallian Militia, but he got drunk and caused trouble far too often. He was labeled an alcoholic and transferred to Nameless.

Zahar is usually regarded as a nuisance due to his habit of spending the majority of the day drunk and rambling endlessly about things no one cares to hear about.

Zahar may not seem like much now, but rumor has it that he was a talented and respected general in Fhirald's army. He retired, choosing Jaeger as his replacement, and was away from Fhirald when it was destroyed during the First Europan War. Overcome with a devastating sense of guilt and responsibility, Zahar sought solace at the bottom of the bottle. No one knows how true these rumors actually are, but it has also been suggested that Zahar is actually a really nice guy who doesn't discriminate by age or social status.

After Nameless was disbanded, Zahar returned to what used to be Fhirald and now uses old connections to support a certain someone's efforts.
An old soldier, disillusioned, and with no home to return to? It's people like him that Outer Heaven was MADE for.

Shin Hyuga: Decent Candidate.
Shin is a black-haired young man who was born from the union of a traveling Gallian merchant and the woman he met in a nation to the Far East. After his mother's death, Shin and his father immigrated to Gallia. Full of Eastern valor, Shin joined the Gallian Militia but was transferred to Nameless because he wasn't a pure Gallian.

Shin comes off as serious and stubborn, so most people don't bother trying to talk to him. He rarely speaks and is conservative and standoffish, which doesn't help his case. Still, Shin does have a more sensitive side to seasons and the beauty of nature. He is grateful to Gallia for accepting him and his father when they immigrated from their homeland, and Shin intended to swear fealty to Cordelia. Annika took a liking to Shin because of the way he dedicates himself to his training.

After Nameless was disbanded, Shin took Gloria's advice and left Gallia to work as a guard for a ragnite merchant in another nation.
Loyal, dedicated, and with no real desire to settle down into a peaceful life.

Antonio Jose Rodriguez: Decent Candidate.
Antonio has not exactly racked up a list of achievements on the battlefield, but he instead found his true calling on the training grounds and has earned a solid reputation as an instructor. Though he never technically expected to be assigned to the field, Antonio was enraged when he was nearly discharged from the Gallian Army out of suspicion after Gusurg switched sides. He resolved to live long enough to get retribution, and decided that he would live or die with Nameless.

After Nameless was disbanded, Carisa introduced Antonio to a weapons merchant in a foreign nation, with whom Antonio got a steady job as a product inspector. As a side note, there is a man named Calvaro Rodriguez who trained Squad 7 from the first game, then went on to work as the drill instructor at the prestigious Lanseal Royal Military Academy. Though Calvaro and Antonio are rumored to look similar in appearance and obviously share the same last name, it is unclear whether or not the two are actually related.
A good instructor to help Miller and Snake train new soldiers, once he's trained to SNAKE'S standards of course, but the lack of ability and or will to fight on the front lines might be an issue.
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