Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Can someone remind me why we took CIA agents when we knew that Lord of Dust was coming ?

People tended to be thinking longer term and how best to leverage ourselves in VC. *shrug*

This is gonna hurt but I'm almost glad for that on account of this being the tutorial sequence. If we have to learn the hard way then now is better then later.
Wasn't this pretty much hinted at since Turn 1 though?
Lord of Dust was. Zombie invasion, not so much.

For the record I voted for Green Berets.

If you think about it, intel operatives probably would better have been acquired from VC, because then they'd be able to blend in like natives without special training because they are natives. It wouldn't be a whole different world.

But eh, what's done is done. No point complaining.

EDIT: I don't think the company would've been available for this turn anyway. The intel company we just got certainly isn't on any deployment plans yet.
We probably shouldn't have deployed our troops on all of the operations. We should have just picked the portal and rolled with it.
Can someone remind me why we took CIA agents when we knew that Lord of Dust was coming ?

SV being SV, everyone wanted the CIA dudes when we could have gotten better men that can actually help hold the line a bit longer.

I'm actually glad we got the ballistic vests...will that help in anyway possible @konamikode?

we didn't thought that a Freaking Zombie Invasion is gonna happen

every one though we were just gonna get shove into VC so they prepare long term instead of short term gain that would help against the Zombie
Also because Diamond Dogs only had a 30-man local intel team, which is not quite up to the same capability as a hundred-person CIA intel team (which, I should note out, is basically the size of a fairly largish CIA station's staff), and covers a capability gap that Diamond Dogs has.

Plus let's be real - an extra company of troops isn't really going to do much to bolster numbers or firepower.

Honestly I think all the salting is a bit silly. Right now we have people going "you were so focused on the long term you ignored the immediate short term and we're goign to get facerolled!" Well, with different choices made, it could just as well be people going "you were so focused on the short term now we're longterm gimped!" Excessive salting and overthinking is counterproductive.

And, I think, it's a good object lesson in why we shouldn't bite off more than we can chew.

We probably shouldn't have deployed our troops on all of the operations. We should have just picked the portal and rolled with it.
True. There's something to be said for concentration of force.

Well, it's not like it's impossible for us to rebuild Diamond Dogs with Europan recruits; that sort of thinking's just silly. If that were the case, Tier 1units would never be able to make good their losses or keep their numbers up. Just that it's going to take longer to do so because we're going to have to start somewhat from scratch.
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Dear god I hope not. The last thing Metal Gear needs is Umbrella "Bioweapons are fun! :)" Corporation running around.
Oh please! If anything, I'd be more hypothetically interested if say; we somehow recruit Wesker at the rate Resident Evil is becoming Villain fodder bait.

Imagine, he'd be "almost" like an Ocelot... A bit ambitious? But an Intrigue/Research 'hero', who can help us plagerise/masterise the not!tiberium unicorn ripoffs.
Oh please! If anything, I'd be more hypothetically interested if say; we somehow recruit Wesker at the rate Resident Evil is becoming Villain fodder bait.

Imagine, he'd be "almost" like an Ocelot... A bit ambitious? But an Intrigue/Research 'hero', who can help us plagerise/masterise the not!tiberium unicorn ripoffs.
My personal headcanon is that Code Walker is actually a Wesker expy and his parasites let him pull of the same shit as Wesker, including his tentacle form.
Baying Wolfhound CL
I've had barely any time to write recently, so I'm probably a bit rusty and had to knock this thing out in one sitting, but I hope people enjoy it.

Wordcount: 1089
He had a reputation for being a light sleeper. Most people put it down to situational awareness, but the truth was he'd simply always wake up ten or twenty times during the night. Hounded by dreams and memories, he'd never really get into a deep sleep. Recently, it had been worse than usual, and tonight, he barely slept at all. As usual, when it got too much, he'd slip out of bed, a certain sort of mania flooding his body with energy he'd never normally have. Sometimes he'd clean. Sometimes he'd obsessively go over his equipment and sometimes, he'd train.

Tonight was a night for training. How could he possibly not, in the face of what was coming? He dressed quickly and silently and if anyone was woken up by it they had the decency at least not to ask him what the fuck he was doing. Up, dressed and out the door in two and a half minutes, his assault rifle slung in easy reach. Soon enough he was out in the open air, his boots ringing on the metal flooring of the supply strut. It was a cool night, which suited him well. For as much experience as he had with the tropics, he was still Irish and the relentless heat bothered him. Give him cold rain and cloudy skies any day.

He passed a few night guards on his way to one of the many shooting ranges set up on Mother Base, a few greetings passing between them. 'Hello's' and 'Up again's?' with a cheeky 'They should have you on night shift, you daft dog.' thrown in for variety which got an insult hurled back. They knew his quirks and even if they were so green that they didn't, he was Old Guard now. That seemed to count for a lot, even if he personally wished he didn't have to be reminded of the past with every respectful glance from someone new. Surprisingly though, he wasn't the first one there. Sub Commander Miller was running through the range, or rather, hobbling. He couldn't help but hang back and watch.

The clatter of gunfire, the ring of a bullet hitting it's target. He might have lost an arm and leg, but anyone who considered him crippled was a blind fool. He was damned good, even if he was wearing sunglasses at night. As he watched from the shadows, Sub Commander Miller let out a sigh, pausing to reload, having difficulty given that he was doing it one handed. "Come out. I know you're there."

He felt strangely bashful, like he'd been caught seeing something he shouldn't have. Intruding on a quiet moment, but it was far too late to slip away now, so instead he strode out, offering a salute to his superior.

Miller looked up from his now reloaded gun, offering a quick salute of his own. "Wolfhound. Awake again?"
"Awake again, Sir. Old pains." Patrick replied. God, he sounded tired, but Miller just nodded at that. Then again, he'd know better than most, understand better than most, even if he was ten years younger.
"They always seem their worst in the quiet hours." Miller said, before eyeing the assault rifle. "You normally use a LMG, don't you?"
"An ALM48, yeah, but I was practically born with a rifle in hand. Then Assault rifles came into circulation before I hit double digits during WW2. Da brought me home one of the originals, straight from a Nazi's cold dead hands. I grew up with them. Old dogs and new tricks I suppose." He said with a ghost of a smile.

Miller stood back. His hand gripping his cane after holstering his sidearm. "Lets see how good you are, then."

The dance was one he had been learning since he was a child, never standing still, always seeking cover, raining precise shots at every enemy he saw, because he always had to consider himself outnumbered and make every bullet count. He pushed, faster and faster, trying to keep his movements as sharp and smooth as he could and at the end of it, he reloaded, putting the safety on as he slung the weapon again. The silence was heavy, and he expected the response before her got it.

"You've gotten slower." Miller said, though there was no sound of judgement in it.
"I know, three seconds slower." He hated it. He was never cut from the cloth as the FOX types, and God forbid he was compared to The Boss. But he was slowing down. Old injuries, Middle age, even his depression. He had read that it slowed reaction times, maybe he should finally dredge up the courage to go to the medical strut about it, though he hated the idea of it.

The silence stretched on, and he felt a laugh bubbling up. He wished things were different. Every day he wished things were better, that the past had turned out better, but there was only the future, and it seemed so bleak now. Before he knew it, the words were pouring out like a waterfall, things he had never said but which haunted him every night, staring at the ceiling and trying to sleep. "You know, Sub Commander. I knew we were fucked the second we captured the first nukes with no casualties. But then, then Boss did so much more than that, and at that point I knew we were all going to die here. The Americans alone would have crushed us, but all the major powers at once? Huey, that rat bastard, the snake in the grass coming forward to stand trial, confessing even! Everything going right, everything lining up perfectly. I knew it was going to blow up in our faces. But crystal zombies invading from another world... holy fuck, but even I didn't see that one coming. Every time something good has happened in my life, something has taken it away, you know? Every time. This time though, I'm an old, graying Wolfhound, my teeth aren't as sharp, my eyes are duller, the strength of youth is slipping away. But I'm not going down without a fight. The Universe can throw everything it has at me, at us. I don't care. Fuck the Universe, I'm going down swinging. I'm still alive. We're still alive. We're going to save the World."

Patrick looks over to Miller, who has an inscrutable look on his face. Eventually, he nods. "We're not here to suffer."

They looked to the stars, and then to the slowly rising dawn. It might be the last either of them ever see.
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Oh please! If anything, I'd be more hypothetically interested if say; we somehow recruit Wesker at the rate Resident Evil is becoming Villain fodder bait.

Imagine, he'd be "almost" like an Ocelot... A bit ambitious? But an Intrigue/Research 'hero', who can help us plagerise/masterise the not!tiberium unicorn ripoffs.
I have this dream of conducting a proper military operation in a Racoon city scenario that involves lots of dakka (miniguns and remote controlled turrets oh yeah) when I brought it up.

Though ever since Kojima brought up parasites it sounds feasible to go with a resident evil crossover.
Insignificant Numbers (-20)
  • Quality can only make up for so much quantity.
  • Various bonuses and specialties all but rendered ineffective due to disparity in troop count
Ah, shit.

Hindsight is one hell of an absolute bitch. We should have known, but we wanted to be heroes. The bonuses aren't too grossly against us, so we just take the loss and leave Kandahar to die on day 2.

... Fuck.

At least now we can consider the ops' missions in this format.

EDIT 1: Goddamn you, @konamikode.
… I'm not gonna lie Snake, I'm not sure we have the punch for this mission.
This should've been it. I've played enough TRPGs to know that when the DM tells you to reconsider, or asks if you're sure, you reconsider.

Guess the hype of the Denuke mission series was too damn strong.

EDIT 2: This will probably happen again in the Valkyria setting. The enemy will arrive in force, and OOC we know what that means for the locals, or the characters that are in the way, but unless they're extracted against their will, there's no reason for DD to be there because there's no way of effectively fighting the engagement in the first place.

EDIT 3: AND if there was a hit to reputation/Hero points for not doing anything for Kandahar, it's going to be made worse by committing, then pulling out.
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>Remembers discussion of naval bombardment by battleships.
Oh almost certainly. This isn't some wierd hidden ninja village we're running here/tongue in cheek
We're going to either be the mysterious village of culturally alien people or the bad guys in some sort of science fiction story in terms of how people view us.
We did warn that going the FOXHOUND route means we're going to be severely short on manpower and always outgunned, but people want their super special forces status and yet still send them to large-scale fights that DD isn't suited for, so what do I know.
We did warn that going the FOXHOUND route means we're going to be severely short on manpower and always outgunned, but people want their super special forces status and yet still send them to large-scale fights that DD isn't suited for, so what do I know.
Yeah, we probably can't stop three Empire Panzer Divisions with one tank anymore.
What if we make DB omakes for literally every member of Diamond Dogs, so nobody dies?

All the salt is overblown. I didn't see any of the salters warning us away from taking Kandahar or making an alternate plan, so it's not like there's legs to stand on. Yeah we fucked up. Yeah we can recover. It's a robo-zombie apocalypse, shit happens. Let's just learn from our mistakes.
All the salt is overblown. I didn't see any of the salters warning us away from taking Kandahar or making an alternate plan, so it's not like there's legs to stand on.
I don't know about everyone else, but personally, I didn't stop and attempt to grasp the sheer number disparity because I assumed, incorrectly, that quality would bolster the defense.

It was ignorant and naive of me. 100k vs. 10k should'be been warning enough. What can a couple hundred guys do about that without the hardware to back them up?
We did warn that going the FOXHOUND route means we're going to be severely short on manpower and always outgunned, but people want their super special forces status and yet still send them to large-scale fights that DD isn't suited for, so what do I know.
I don't know about everyone else, but personally, I didn't stop and attempt to grasp the sheer number disparity because I assumed, incorrectly, that quality would bolster the defense.

It was ignorant and naive of me. 100k vs. 10k should'be been warning enough. What can a couple hundred guys do about that without the hardware to back them up?
Like I said, it's an object lesson in biting off more than we can chew.

Perhaps, after this, we can put to bed the delusions of Diamond Dogs manfighting the Empire and Federation at the same time.
There are 10,000 Mujahideen, which ought to be a substantial enough conventional force in themselves. And from what people were saying, the Nanozombies themselves were just total shambling fodder to be mowed down by machine guns; only the special units were a threat. Numbers matter, but the kind of trash mobs that walk slowly forward into kill zones and rely entirely on melee attacks can't leverage those numbers either.

In any case if it was just raw numbers and not the basic disparity in capabilities being considered then Diamond Dogs would have to be a literal Army to make it up, at least two corps, IE, no possible setup would have ever made this viable.
Look, this just means we have to kidnap lots of dudes before we leave and kidnap lots more dudes in Europa.

Also to be fair we're going to be a LOT more effective in large scale ops than we are against zombies. Because we can just blow up all their supply trains, commanding officers and their hopes and dreams.

You can't do that to zombies OR nanomachines.

Let alone nanomachine zombies.
Look, this just means we have to kidnap lots of dudes before we leave and kidnap lots more dudes in Europa.

Also to be fair we're going to be a LOT more effective in large scale ops than we are against zombies. Because we can just blow up all their supply trains, commanding officers and their hopes and dreams.

You can't do that to zombies OR nanomachines.

Let alone nanomachine zombies.
This is correct. This is why I can't wait until we are making sweet love to an Imperial Armoured Division with the assistance of a couple of tank destroyers.