[X] Plan "Operation Telemark"
-[ ] Ghor Province: Wormhole Assault
--[ ] Big Boss with D-Walker
--[ ] Quiet
--[ ] D-Dog
--[ ] Sahelanthropus
--[ ] 1st and 2nd Platoons, I Co.
--[ ] 4th Platoon, II Co.
---[ ] General Strategy: 4th Platoon, II Co. will operate as the forward recon to infiltrate and scout through enemy positions. Big Boss, Quiet, D-Dog, and I Co. units will slip through, using stealth and quiet takedowns of zombies to avoid being detected by enemy heavy units. Once the threat level has been evaluated and weak points determined, Sahelanthropus with the Mammal Pod AI will be deployed.
-[ ] Battle For Kandahar: Hold the Road
--[ ] Ocelot with D-Horse
--[ ] 1st and 2nd Platoons, II Co.
--[ ] 1st, 2nd, 4th Platoons, III Co.
--[ ] 1st Recon Tank Co.
--[ ] 2nd Rocket Artillery Det.
--[ ] 2nd Rotary Flight
--[ ] General Strategy: 1st and 2nd Platoon, II Co. will liaise with Mujahideen support in the city. They'll be tasked with training, support, and coordination duties to improve allied forces capability and make sure retreats and evacuations remain orderly. The Mujahideen will provide static defense, with the III Co. elements supported by the Tank company playing aggressively on hit-and-run strikes aimed at disrupting and delaying the enemy advance. The MLRS battery should be reserved for critical support or targets of opportunity, with the helicopters serving as a reserve fire brigade to buttress defense sectors against dangerous enemy pushes.
-[ ] Mass Evacuation: Afghanistan
--[ ] 1st Rotary Sqn.
--[ ] 3rd Platoon, I Co.
--[ ] 3rd Platoon, II Co.
--[ ] General Strategy: The II Co. humanitarian specialists run the evacuation. Hound Platoon accompanies to make everyone think twice about starting anything, and to end it fast if they do.
-[ ] Mother Base Defense
--[ ] Kazuhira Miller
--[ ] Eli
--[ ] 3rd Platoon, III Co.
--[ ] 4th Platoon, I Company
--[ ] Supply units
--[ ] Mbele Squad
--[ ] General Strategy: Third Company's counterterrorist unit is retained for anti-zombie base defense. They're specialized for close quarters combat, storming the likes of oil rigs so they should be good defending the same. Everyone else supports them as needed, with some off-time goven over to coordinated defense drills. Meanwhile Kaz coordinates operations for Diamond Dogs and the scientific contractors do their best to support Big Boss in the field by figuring out what the hell he's up against.
--[ ] Arm the Child Soldiers