Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

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    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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Honestly I'd kinda say people like what's being discussed here are worse then Huey. Huey a is robotics man and a coward, but he never actually got his hands dirty, even when he killed Strangelove he just shoved her into the Mammal Pod and let the lack of air take of things for him. The scientists in the Federation, Galia, and Empire conducting Valkyria Research are the ones experimenting with human lives, upclose and personal, and treating children as garbage or tools instead of people.
I should point out that from the legal POV, this is sufficient actus rea ("the guilty act") for a charge of murder*, and I wouldn't really consider it that much different from what Valkyria Researchers are doing.

Perhaps none of them literally have blood on their hands, but they have the fault and the responsibility; they set things in motion. Although in Huey's case, he himself locked Stragelove in, so he has more personal blame attached to him...

*Murder requires two components: actus rea, the guilty act, and mens rea, the guilty mind (this is why in cop shows you always see them talk about establishing how the murder was committed (actus rea) and the motive (which forms the mens rea). If Huey had adequete counsel, it's possible to swing a downgrade of the charge from murder to manslaughter, if it can be proved that Huey didn't have the necessary mens rea for murder because he didn't intend to cause death or grievious bodily harm to Strangelove (as messed up in the head as he is, there's more than a few defenses one could try use to defend him).

But I'll leave that for someone else, not me. :V
R&D Analysis: Tanks by TikiTau
A/N: ...So, since I had fun writing that other bit on VC Weaponry...Well, I see no reason not to do it again with other stuff from Analytic Cormorant examining the stuff the Intel and Combat teams bring back! As usual, my opinions, as expressed through the rough draft notes of an elderly Diamond Dogs scientist. All hail the Valkyria Chronicles Wiki and Wikipedia for providing actual hard numbers :p

R&D Analysis: Tanks (Yes, much better working title for these reports, must remember to go back and edit the first one before sending it to Boss, Kaz, and That Ocelot)
Cormorant's Commentary: Tanks arose in this strange new world of ours we've found ourselves in for much the same reason that they did in our own. Namely, as a side effect of the trench warfare of their first major modern war (The First Europan War, also referred to as EWI in the literature the Intel Team has kindly acquired for R&D).

As a bit of background information, the first Europan War was, to a great degree, a result of the local Industrial Revolution, as the industrialization of Europa led to a much greater demand for Ragnite. This led to the two major superpowers of the continent, the Atlantic Federation and the East Europan Imperial Alliance, beginning to compete for resources, ratcheting tensions higher and higher. When an Imperial Prince was assassinated, open warfare broke out between the two superpowers.

Much like our own World War I, the majority of the war consisted of trench warfare, which is quite frankly a nasty business.

At the onset of hostilities, it appears neither side used armored vehicles to any great extent. The Empire, however, appears to have been the first to roll out the idea of tanks, and their opponents were forced to build their own to counter them.

Of some note, according to what histories we've been provided with, the Federation started on the backfoot, originally, compared to the Empire when it comes to the armored warfare game. The lack of a unified infrastructure, as well as the previous focus on infantry forces, left them quite shocked by the introduction of the Imperial armored corps. Accordingly, the Federation nations began to develop their own heavy armored units, and, while lacking the Empire's technological and military edge, did possess a larger, if more disorganized, economy as an over-all entity.

As such, in another of the moves that continues to puzzle R&D for the parallel development of this world and our old one, the general Federation tanks are, while of middling capability, something that the Federation can build in enough numbers to match the edge of the Empire's tank forces with sheer numbers.

As an aside, seeing the West go for quantity while the East goes for quality is rather bemusing for myself and a few of my colleagues from the Soviet Union, given some of the sterotypes of the Cold War. (Side Note: No, no, take this out in the next draft, Boss doesn't need the color commentary or already knows it.)

There is also a rather interesting arms race that has developed between the Empire and their neighbors. Given the Empire's initial edge in heavy armor, most of their neighbors found themselves unable to match it head-on, leading to the development of lighter tanks designed for ambush tactics. This led to the Empire developing larger, tougher tanks that can deal with blowing through ambush tactics. It's a bit of an endless cycle, although most of the commentators I see these days note that, on average, Imperial armor generally has an advantage against Federation armor. I'd imagine this is one reason, among many, for the heavy integration of infantry with armor units.

Another note for our troops, Boss, is that the mix of Ragnoline that is commonly used by tank units from the local powers burns very, very hot, requiring a heavy external radiator to deal with the excess temperature. Given it's also glowing blue, the troops can't really go wrong with shooting for the big glowing target with heavy munitions when dealing with an enemy tank. (R&D Side Note: See if we can put together a better heat sink than the locals. I'm sure the Armor Unit would love a tank with heavy armor and no giant target for all the Lancers infesting the area to gleefully ram explosives up their tailpipes.)

With that said, I will be moving on to my analysis of the intelligence provided by the Intel Team. Some of this is from other members of the R&D team, but, given my previous employment, a good deal of this is my own analysis and opinion.

Federation Vehicles
I shall start with my analysis of the Atlantic Federation's main tank, the Minute.

As alluded to earlier in this intelligence analysis, the Federation was hampered during EWI due to a lack of centralized infrastructure, as well as, if I am interpreting things correctly, fairly constant problems between the member states. In essence, everyone agreed that the Empire winning was Bad, but they all wanted battle plans and the like to benefit their state first, then the Federation.

To address this flaw, the Minute was designed to be easy to assemble and cheap to make while still having acceptable capabilities. In doing so, the Federation was able to create a design that could be produced by all member states on their own. The standardization of parts would also help ease logistical issues. According to the documentation, a Minute carries a 75mm cannon as well as a 7.62mm machine gun, as well as a top speed of roughly 47km an hour. Basically, this tank's roughly equivalent to one of our world's WWII era M4 Shermans, Boss. In addition, given pretty much every member of the Federation as well as their non-Imperial neighbors have access to these things, they're often customized as resources allow, so expect some variation when dealing with veteran units.

The United States of Vinland apparently sells these to just about anyone who wants them, so they're pretty common outside of the Empire and form the bulk of non-Imperial armor units out there. Might be worth seeing if we can procure some of our own at some point for reverse engineering and customization, if nothing else.

One exception I've seen reference to in the intelligence take is that Gallia has their own variant of tank, apparently the result of EWI and one of their local generals seeing the writing on the wall and building up an armored corps in time to stop the Imperial invasion of Gallia during EWI cold. Their main tank carries similar firepower to the minute but trades armor for additional speed and maneuverability, which I would imagine plays to their strengths, given the terrain. I saw a few old newspaper clippings one of Ocelot's unit pulled from a library mentioning an attempt by the same general to get a next generation tank program going, but nothing further beyond that. Given my personal experience with how government weapons programs operate, I'd imagine that would probably mean either it's top secret or never happened.

Imperial Vehicles
As opposed to the Federation, the Empire has a much more robust and advanced tank program already in place. They started the armor arms race, and they've spent considerable resources and manpower to stay on top of it.

The Imperials field a larger variety of armored units than their Federation opponents. In part, this is a result of culture. According to Intel, given the Empire has held onto more of their older feudal traditions as a rule of thumb compared to the Federation, they have managed to apply the concept of knighthood to their armor. Leads to a rather enthusiastic support of the armor corps, I'm suspecting, from both their nobility and the commoners.

The Imperial Light Tank is probably the eldest of the models still in wide-use. Frankly?

They're outclassed. The Federation Minute is slightly faster, heavier armed, and heavier armored. On the other hand, given the Light Tank is still, after all, a tank as well as quite mobile, the Imperial Forces use it for supporting light elements, outriders, flanking maneuvers, engaging enemy infantry, and what have you. Intelligence suggests most Light Tanks carry a 45mm cannon, a short ranged 85mm mortar, and a standard 7.62mm machine gun, all turret mounted. Respectable firepower for a light unit, and light tank or not, it still has enough armor to shrug off bullets.

By contrast, the Imperial Medium Tank is a rather nasty customer, Boss. This model of tank, nicknamed the Fatherland to the Imperials, is pretty much the gold standard of armor design in the current era. Mass-manufactured cheaply by the Imperials, slightly heavier armor than the Minute, slightly larger cannon than the Minute, and it still packs the anti-infantry mortar and machine gun. In addition, the Imperials snuck a nasty little trick in to deal with anti-tank troopers: Namely, this thing has a second machine gun turret on the back, covering the rear of the tank. Advise our troops to not chance running up and slapping C4 on the Radiator unless they're heavily armored. Much like the Minute, this model of tank is also easily customized, so if you see a non-standard Imperial Tank, I'd give good odds they customized a Fatherland.

Third on the threat line-up is the Imperial Heavy Tank. This one is much more specialized than the Medium Tank. Carrying heavy armor and a long-barreled heavy main gun with a fast loading magazine in the upper turret and a wide-muzzled heavy cannon capable of firing mortar shells in the tank's main body along with a heavy machine gun. It's a tough customer, although, like most armor around here, taking out the radiator will mission-kill it fast. The weapons and hull are both easy for the Imperials to swap out, apparently, so you often see heavily customized versions of this for their tank aces and elite formations.

Finally, and this one's just rumors according to the Intel Team, the Imperials have been working up a new model of tank entirely. The Assault Tank is probably the Next Big Thing in armored vehicle design for the local powers. Among other things, it's the first mass-produced design to feature sloped armor, which helps deflect shell hits away from the tank, and the fact that said plate is welded, not riveted. If you'll excuse some leftover nationalistic sentiment and some fondness at seeing them blow up Nazis, Boss, this tank's the local equivalent to the USSR's T-34, albeit with a shorter gun, and probably going to have just as large an effect on local tank design as the T-34 did in our world. And we know the locals are able to customize their tanks with improved cannons and the like.

If you can manage to acquire some of these, I'm pretty sure that, with proper facilities and some development time, given we're cheating with about forty years of armor development, the R&D and Engineering teams can turn out something that'll rip the local armor apart.

There's rumors of the Imperials building even larger tanks, but without confirmation from the Intel Team, I'm hesitant to even speculate. Artillery and airpower meant that, for example, the Nazi Land Cruiser idea never took off, and the Maus was a boondoggle that didn't get out of the prototype stage.

...On the other hand, well...there was the Shagohod. Hm.

We'll pull some preliminary and tentative threat assessments together, Boss. I still have some of my old notes on analyzing that thing after you trashed it tucked away somewhere.

Diamond Dog
Can't leave out our own organization, Boss.

As you know, our motor pool has a number of M551 Sheridans. Now, don't let the designation fool you. While the United States (of America. Not used to having to specify that now...) calls this an 'Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle', let's be honest about what it really is. It's a light tank. A tank that can be airdropped (in the 'regularly dropped from the air' fashion, not the joke that paratroopers tell about 'anything can be airdropped. Once.' fashion.), but still a tank.

It's an exceptionally versatile light tank, mind you. it carries a delightfully large and heavy-hitting 152mm cannon firing shaped charge shells, a heavy 12.7mm machine gun, and a lighter 7.62mm machine gun, as well as the ability to fire guided anti-tank missiles. From my old notes on such things, back when I was mostly just keeping an eye on Western armor development as a hobby, it did quite well in nasty terrain, and the infantry of the day loved having direct support.

However, in comparison to the local tanks...well, I think the best term is Glass Cannon? It can probably inflict horrendous damage on enemy armored units, but I'm a bit leery of what will happen if they get hit. Aluminum armor is all well-and-good for dealing with small arms and keeping the weight down enough for this to be air-droppable, but I really wouldn't like to be on the line of fire taking heavy shells from the bigger tanks out there.

Also, given the Sheridan's low rate of fire for the 152mm (about two shots a minute, I'm told. By comparison, Chattering Cockatoo, who is a font of odd trivia, mentioned that a M48 Patton crew could make 17 shots in the same time period, and quantity definitely DOES have a quality all its own), I'm a bit worried about its viability in a dedicated armor battle.

I'd suggest using these similarly to how the locals deal with the Imperial armor: Ambush tactics to disable the enemy armor if at closer ranges, hit them with the guided missiles from long range, and direct infantry fire support with the machine guns.

Mind you, if some of the R&D projects dealing with Ragnite pan out favorably, we might have a way to increase the durability of these vehicles, as Ragnite-Metal Alloy appears to be both quite durable and quite lightweight, given its common usage for infantry armor and adding additional plating to existing armored units...

We'll keep you up to date, Boss.​
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We're going to want to develop our own Soviet-bloc tanks given their cost-effectiveness and their relatively high armour values that would shrug off most tank shots frontally. There really isn't a reason why we should re-engineer what are essentially WWI/WWII hybrid tanks outside of familiarising with ragnite.
We're going to want to develop our own Soviet-bloc tanks given their cost-effectiveness and their relatively high armour values that would shrug off most tank shots frontally.
Ehhhhhhhh not such a big focus on us. We're a infantry focused group after all. Yeah we should upgrade our own stuff but we probably want to leave all the best armor units to the eventual Armor Focused branch of the DD we open up.
We're going to want to develop our own Soviet-bloc tanks given their cost-effectiveness and their relatively high armour values that would shrug off most tank shots frontally. There really isn't a reason why we should re-engineer what are essentially WWI/WWII hybrid tanks outside of familiarising with ragnite.
Ehhhhhhhh not such a big focus on us. We're a infantry focused group after all. Yeah we should upgrade our own stuff but we probably want to leave all the best armor units to the eventual Armor Focused branch of the DD we open up.
Cormorant basically just wants someone to attach some Fulton Balloons to an Imperial Assault Tank or two, then use that as the base to make a 'modern' or '.5 modern' Cold War Era tank. xD

His scientific specialty was pretty much mechanical engineering and math, so for him, tuning up a New World T-34 into a 'OH GOD IT'S THAT DEVIL DOG TANK FALL BACK FALL BACK' is a project he's pretty sure R&D can pull off, given enough time, resources, and facilities (also, the blatant cheating of 'okay, they're at the T-34 stage for Most Advanced Mass Produced Tank, what's the next upgrade we can skip the R&D process they're working to figure out and just start building?'). Maybe not a 'major' emphasis of the DD, but he wants to be able to field a Proper Tank for them, Just In Case. XD

Whether that's actually true or something that'll be voted on, I 'unno, that's just his personal IC bias as a mechanical engineer who was also a Great Patriotic War Vet (who thus has fond memories of T-34s fighting the Great Nazi Menace and blowing up enemy armor so his infantry company didn't have to try) who also worked on analyzing the wreckage of Crazy Russian Super Tank Shagohod (That Big Boss Wrecked) when he was a wee young scientist. xD

That, and given how damned common armor units are in Valkyria Chronicles, he wants to make sure the DD Armor units aren't second-best. Professional pride and all that, da?
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Cormorant basically just wants someone to attach some Fulton Balloons to an Assault Tank or two, then use that as the base to make a 'modern' or '.5 modern' Cold War Era tank. xD

His scientific specialty was pretty much mechanical engineering and math, so for him, tuning up a New World T-34 into a 'OH GOD IT'S THAT DEVIL DOG TANK FALL BACK FALL BACK' is a project he's pretty sure R&D can pull off, given enough time, resources, and facilities. MAybe not a 'major' emphasis of the DD, but he wants to be able to field a Proper Tank for them, Just In Case. XD

Whether that's actually true or something that'll be voted on, I 'unno, that's just his personal IC bias as a mechanical engineer Great Patriotic War Vet (who thus has fond memories of T-34s fighting the Great Nazi Menace) who also worked on analyzing the wreckage of Crazy Russian Super Tank Shagohod (That Big Boss Wrecked) when he was a wee young scientist. xD

That, and given how damned common armor units are in Valkyria Chronicles, he wants to make sure the DD Armor units aren't second-best. Professional pride and all that, da?
My character, Black Crab, is going to love all this new vehicle tech to toy around with especially the tanks and other armored units.

Well that, and I'm also really just wanting us to make mini-metal gear rexes because we already got walker gears, why not go for broke and make a somewhat bigger version that acts like a walker tank. A more affordable Metal Gear!(I'm for some goddamn reason imaging the last sentence like a Snake said it..... I'm playing to much Phantom Pain)

Also, could we fulton something like the Batomys, aka that superheavy siege tank, because I can just imagine the R&D unit tearing it apart to learn, why and how the damn thing works.
We're going to want to develop our own Soviet-bloc tanks given their cost-effectiveness and their relatively high armour values that would shrug off most tank shots frontally. There really isn't a reason why we should re-engineer what are essentially WWI/WWII hybrid tanks outside of familiarising with ragnite.

nah we should just make REX and have them as our infantry support walkers!

RAY shall be our naval power! SUCK IT SEA BORNE NAVY!
Also, could we fulton something like the Batomys, aka that superheavy siege tank, because I can just imagine the R&D unit tearing it apart to learn, why and how the damn thing works.
i'm not sure that the DD have enough Fulton Balloons in stock for that thing...

Obviously, the simple solution is to refit Sandal Hopper as a cargo hauler and use it to steal enemy super weapons. :D


You may want to add the armors we gained on turn 1 here. We got 3 M270 MLRS last turn.
<Cormorant> *Primly* Those are artillery units, not tanks.
(I'll think about it, I just forgot about those since I was concentrating on 'mobile tank units' xD)
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Well that, and I'm also really just wanting us to make mini-metal gear rexes because we already got walker gears, why not go for broke and make a somewhat bigger version that acts like a walker tank. A more affordable Metal Gear!(I'm for some goddamn reason imaging the last sentence like a Snake said it..... I'm playing to much Phantom Pain)

You mean Metal Gear Gustav?
My character, Black Crab, is going to love all this new vehicle tech to toy around with especially the tanks and other armored units.

Well that, and I'm also really just wanting us to make mini-metal gear rexes because we already got walker gears, why not go for broke and make a somewhat bigger version that acts like a walker tank. A more affordable Metal Gear!(I'm for some goddamn reason imaging the last sentence like a Snake said it..... I'm playing to much Phantom Pain)

Also, could we fulton something like the Batomys, aka that superheavy siege tank, because I can just imagine the R&D unit tearing it apart to learn, why and how the damn thing works.
Which tank is that? The one Maxy used at the Valk Temple or the Marmota super heavy transport?

The former? Mayyyyybe. The latter? Fuck no that things a battleship on land.
Which tank is that? The one Maxy used at the Valk Temple or the Marmota super heavy transport?

The former? Mayyyyybe. The latter? Fuck no that things a battleship on land.
The Batomys.

It weighs 1.3 Mauses!
(Batomys is noted to weigh 245 tons and be ~20m long, ~10m wide, and ~8m tall vs the Maus weight 188 tons, being ~10m long, ~3.6m wide, and ~3.7m tall.)
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i'm not sure that the DD have enough Fulton Balloons in stock for that thing...

Obviously, the simple solution is to refit Sandal Hopper as a cargo hauler and use it to steal enemy super weapons. :D
YES, I just manged to get the finally upgrade for Fulton Ballons on MGSV, so I'm in a slight snakey mode of wanting to take everything.

You mean Metal Gear Gustav?
I just looked it up and something like that yeah, but more armored and generally more like a mini-Rex given we have Huey(maybe) and Sahelanthropus to use in the development, well that and I just love Metal Gear Rex's design.
<Cormorant> *Primly* Those are artillery units, not tanks.
(I'll think about it, I just forgot about those since I was concentrating on 'mobile tank units' xD)
Fair enough.

Still can't forget: Maybe they're not the best out there... But our pilots know how to use them for full efficiency.

Makes me think we should go on jobs with loot for our final turn before the shift, guys. Especially if we happen to find heavy armor. Can't forget Big Boss go for the GOOD stuff.
Still can't forget: Maybe they're not the best out there... But our pilots know how to use them for full efficiency.
Oh yeah, no argument there, since our Sheridan Crews are what, 1 FOX, two Operators, and 3 Elites?

So even if they only have 20 cannon shells and 9 anti-tank missiles, and can only fire twice a minute, they'll probably wreak a bloody havoc on enemy armor. But that is why Cormorant recommended borrowing a page from the locals. No straight-up slugging matches vs Imperial Armor, more ambush tactics, hit and run, that sort of thing instead. xD
Alright, just finished up the first draft of my second omake.

All that's left is a proofread for grammar issues and tweaks to the wording I may want to do.

Combined with the first omake I wrote for the next turn, We create a weapon to surpass the Turn 1 Results update... in length.

If I've done my math right, I have written 5500 words minimum of character omake content for next turn.

Get on my level!

At anyrate once this omake bomb is posted it will be the last one for awhile,

Because I have my own quest that I need to make sure gets an update before the end of October.

Because once the thirtieth hits I'll probably be lost to you all for awhile.
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A thought occurs to me. The Gallian's have an actual navy. Like the only warship we see seems to be something like a mixture of a cruiser and a monitor in purpose. A high speed ship that's relatively well armed for its size, but puts an emphasis on fast. However they're also apparently specifically designed to protect Gallia's coastline. I'm sure we've been aggressively obtaining equipment from Chapter 1 so Mother Base is defended from most small ships, but one of those poses a genuinely significant threat.

They're equipped with two 305mm single barrel cannon mounts and a single double barreled 203mm mount, plus some smaller guns probably meant mostly to ward off light craft and boarding. That's not an inconsiderable amount of dakka.

Actually so far the Navy we've seen in the VC universe isn't super impressive, but I guess it isn't the focus.

Edit: Actually another thing occurs to me. That Gallian warship is super sub-optimal, which is allowed because god knows lots of warships were super sub-optimal, but honestly the 12 inch guns seem just like a bad idea. Why not put two more twin-linked 8 inchers in there so you've got three twin-linked turrets? That's a heck of a lot of shots on a broadside, and enough to deal with anything short of an actual battleship. Plus if they're just monitors/coastal defense ships they've probably got bigger things in their navy anyway to deal with any ACTUAL battleships, so these coastal defense ships should just be meant to sink anything their size or smaller.

Okay end rant, sorry.
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A thought occurs to me. The Gallian's have an actual navy. Like the only warship we see seems to be something like a mixture of a cruiser and a monitor in purpose. A high speed ship that's relatively well armed for its size, but puts an emphasis on fast. However they're also apparently specifically designed to protect Gallia's coastline. I'm sure we've been aggressively obtaining equipment from Chapter 1 so Mother Base is defended from most small ships, but one of those poses a genuinely significant threat.

They're equipped with two 305mm single barrel cannon mounts and a single double barreled 203mm mount, plus some smaller guns probably meant mostly to ward off light craft and boarding. That's not an inconsiderable amount of dakka.

Actually so far the Navy we've seen in the VC universe isn't super impressive, but I guess it isn't the focus.
The Federation Navy would like to have a word with you.

And laugh harder, with their Basically Nuclear Powered cruisers that carry railguns. They call 'em Amp Cannons, and the animation involves a tank driving up to the cannon, aiming down the barrel, and then firing. They one shot the Ace Custom Heavy Tank (Seriously, he took an Imperial Heavy Tank and gave it the speed of a light tank without lowering armor or firepower) belonging to the enemy general who'd been hounding Squad E with a hilarious 'OH SHIT CANNONS O_O' and The Best expression from him. The things also have tank treads on the side so they can crunch through the solid ice seas on the northern coast of the Empire. xD

Mind you, the real point of their sekrit plan is apparently to drive at least one of those Snow Cruisers into the Imperial Capital and then detonate the core.

Which is a Valkyria.

Who's been pumped up on pure Ragnite, so their Final Flame is even more destructive than the one Selvaria pulled off.

Did I mention at least one of the Valkyria involved is a 12 year old girl, but the Federation basically went 'look, she agreed and signed a contract' 'SHE'S TWELVE.' 'CONTRACT. GREATER GOOD.' 'ASSHOLES.' 'YES. But if we don't do SOMETHING, the Empire is going to finish stomping our shit in after Operation Northern Cross ended horribly with almost complete losses, and we sent six million soldiers in.' *ANGST ENSUES*

The Federation, much like the Empire, can also be real assholes. The United States of Vinland, as well, since they're revealed to be the ones who came up with the idea and also snagged the Valkyria for use.

Believe someone mentioned this in an earlier spoiler, mind you.
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The Federation Navy would like to have a word with you.

And laugh harder, with their Basically Nuclear Powered cruisers that carry railguns They call 'em Amp Cannons, and the animation involves a tank driving up to the cannon, aiming down the barrel, and then firing. They one shot the tank belonging to the enemy general who'd been hounding Squad E with a hilarious 'OH SHIT CANNONS O_O' expression from him. The things also have tank treads on the side so they can crunch through the solid ice seas on the northern coast of the Empire. xD

Mind you, the real point of their sekrit plan is apparently to drive at least one of those Snow Cruisers into the Imperial Capital and then detonate the core.

Which is a Valkyria.

Who's been pumped up on pure Ragnite, so their Final Flame is even more destructive than the one Selvaria pulled off.

The Federation, much like the Empire, can also be real assholes.

oh okay, I haven't played or seen VC4 played anyway. That sounds kind of ridiculous since it's, well, you know, powered by what it is. I was talking about more actual, conventional naval assets but that's a good point.
oh okay, I haven't played or seen VC4 played anyway. That sounds kind of ridiculous since it's, well, you know, powered by what it is. I was talking about more actual, conventional naval assets but that's a good point.
Main reason there haven't been a lot of naval assets showing up is, well...

The Empire doesn't need 'em, really.

Geographically, they have a massive iced up sea that's pretty much impassable guarding their flank. It's probably due to Ragnite, since it's mentioned that Ragnite crystals can be seen glowing blue, and the ice is freaking streaked with the stuff.

(Edit: Minor clarification, after double-checking the Glossary entry on it: It ices up solid every winter, but that also starts way early (Like, September, October) and I think the implication is it doesn't fully thaw until summer and isn't a great place to sail even then (lot of icebergs and ice reefs and what not), so a naval invasion would have to punch through before the sea ices up to do anything significant.

The Empire also does have a fair amount of naval fortresses in the area to slow things up and protect important stuff, so historically the Empire has never worried too much about naval attack, apparently, since there's barely any time to launch a serious naval operation without it risking getting caught in the ice. And any landed troops, well...Good job, they're in the heart of the Empire, which means tons of troops, no logistics, and the Empire has a stronger military in a lot of ways than the Federation does. So, again, doesn't seem to be something the Imperial military planners worry about.)

Also, Spiral Rock Formations Everywhere, which probably means Valkyur and/or Darscen shenanigans.

So, for the Empire, between the sea and some heavy fortresses, they just don't really have to worry about naval assaults, which lets them go 'Kekekekeke BLITZKREIG' and just slam their mostly land-based military into the Federation.

Also, from a meta point of view, the style of the series is 'squad based combat with a couple of tanks', not 'BATTTLESHIP: RAGNITE EDITION' (Unfortunately. xD)
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Oh yeah, no argument there, since our Sheridan Crews are what, 1 FOX, two Operators, and 3 Elites?

So even if they only have 20 cannon shells and 9 anti-tank missiles, and can only fire twice a minute, they'll probably wreak a bloody havoc on enemy armor. But that is why Cormorant recommended borrowing a page from the locals. No straight-up slugging matches vs Imperial Armor, more ambush tactics, hit and run, that sort of thing instead. xD

This. We are asymmetrical. Not having the ability to slug it out is not a bug.

You don't fight the spearhead. You got after the REMFs who do supply stuff.

Instead of a tank to slug it out? We should look at stuff like Attack helicopters, maybe some prop aircraft like the Douglas A-1 Skyraider and stuff like the TOW.

I tripped over a picture of an APC with a TOW system on a elevates turret. Wish I could find it. Thing was up 10, 15 above the rest of the APC. Something like that would be disheartening to fight.
Main reason there haven't been a lot of naval assets showing up is, well...

The Empire doesn't need 'em, really.

Geographically, they have a massive iced up sea that's pretty much impassable guarding their flank. It's probably due to Ragnite, since it's mentioned that Ragnite crystals can be seen glowing blue, and the ice is freaking streaked with the stuff.

Also, Spiral Rock Formations Everywhere, which probably means Valkyur and/or Darscen shenanigans.

So, for the Empire, between the sea and some heavy fortresses, they just don't really have to worry about naval assaults, which lets them go 'Kekekekeke BLITZKREIG' and just slam their military into the Federation.

That's a darn good point, and something I'm glad to hear about now. Thanks man. I'll have to reassess the situation.
This. We are asymmetrical. Not having the ability to slug it out is not a bug.
Well, when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you're a Russian Scientist with a doctorate in mechanical engineering and about two decades plus (well, not quite two decades, given he finished his schooling in 1951 and defected in 1968, but I'm assuming a good deal of it came up in his general education to get his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering, so hence some fudging, and round numbers sound better than '17 years of experience working on those sorts of things') a bit of working on Soviet Armor Design (including a couple of years poking the Giant Nuke Launching Super Heavy Tank), everything looks like it needs a good main battle tank (based on GLORIOUS SOVIET DESIGN, no less)... :p

As I mentioned in the notes, a bit of that is Cormorant's personal bias bleeding into his analysis of the Intel Team's Hypothetical Thieving and Magpieing ALL THE DATA (Because Ocelot, you see. It's the kind of thing I expect from him). xD
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