Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

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This turn...sheer S ranks!!!

Now it's time people...the QM has let us off the leashes again!

Let the Omakes flow!!! Once he posts the next turns choice!

We should get college degrees by the time we leave this place, but let's also get the next level of denuking the world!

Also sniper wolf get! Best sniper in the world! If we get a silencer and the best damn sniper rifle the girl will go far!
It is late so I'll be offering a bit more insight tomorrow.
Speaking of, one of the kids have taken to following DD like a lost puppy on his rounds across the platforms. He seems to find it annoying, waiting impatiently for the puffing girl to catch up to him until he gives up and lets her hold onto his harness as they walk.


He watches over all the kids like a hawk, even that little shit Eli. He'll warn off anyone he isn't familiar with that gets too close to them without either Boss, Ocelot, or Quiet around. He even herds them towards the nearest mess hall whenever meal time comes around, pushing insistently past everyone else waiting in line without any serious complaint from the chowhounds.
It would appear the Diamond Dogs agreed with DD + Wolf = adorable.
so 2 turns until wormhole shenanigans(Galia?) let's get ready then any knowledge we can use to set up a modern education will key 2nd anything that'll help set up an initial food and ammo supply are the priority we can worry about man power, medicine and fuel after we arrive.

vehicles are great but blueprints would be better because we're not gonna have access to the military networks or black markets that have the specialized replacement parts necessary for their continued operation nor do we have the personnel who have the skillsets to make them sure we got emmerich but he's one man and we'll want him on other things to start with.
Side Ops: Nuclear Disarmament 2, "No Tomorrow" Available
I take it we'll try to finish what we started before we go? For a better future?
I hope so.

"It'll be easy Snake! Really all it takes is a little money to grease the wheels, a few forged identities, and we're in business!" Emmerich nods to himself, mechanical legs whirring as he spins to face me with an arm pointed towards the outside.

"To be honest I was surprised that you asked me to do this, it feels like real progress you know? Not developing weapons or machines, but really doing something to help the men and refugees that come through here! New lives Snake, the first building blocks set down by our own hands!"
Guess this really makes everyone feel better. Makes me hope we can try to talk with Huey at least once before we go to the new world.
I'd like to see how it goes. Before it's too late to try.
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Well, I just fought my first battle against the Skulls with D-Walker, and I have to say.

Dakka >>>>>>>>> supernatural powers, every time.

That gatling gun just tore them to shreds.
Well, I just fought my first battle against the Skulls with D-Walker, and I have to say.

Dakka >>>>>>>>> supernatural powers, every time.

That gatling gun just tore them to shreds.
I remember trying that. The flame thrower sucked against them from what I remember. That made me kinda sad.
Least everything else that is flesh burns more easily.

Found it funny that the stun railgun on it can hit through walls when charged. Eli never saw it coming.
Just to note: we only have one MLRS piece. Approaching anything close to grid square removal would take at least 11 more pieces. It's still good for saturating an area quickly in rockets but it's only about 12 rockets in a barrage and a long time to reload afterwards.
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Yeah, but now Gallia is full of incompetent or powerless leaders and who knows how many moles. With how valuable ragnite is, why the Imperial don't just crush Gallia through superior number and firepower is a mystery to a pleb like me. Even if Gallia have the power of Main Characters on her side, they can't be everywhere after all.

because Gallia has had three modern wars (War for Independence, and the Europan Wars) and each time some god tier Legends of their Time, puts so much egg on the Empires face they decide its not worth it. the front in the 2nd Europan war was spearheaded by a guy who wasn't interested in just taking it all at once, but looking for a superweapon from the Valkyrurs while he was their. the empire was content to leave it for a better time. Helmut of VC2 speaks of how the Empire will very likely try again after the europan war proper is over.
Hehehe...rocket artillery you say? Oooohhhh that's going to be so much fun to use when we reach Gallia...
compared to their current level, oh yes
Oh me oh mai. Flying aircraft apparently ISN'T completely unheard of in the VC world. They've barely scratched the basic idea but the foundation IS there. Take a look.


VC2 spells it out in a chat between soldiers. biplanes are being pissed about with everywhere and dirigible tech has gotton to this level.

christ they move fast for blimps.
VC4 shows that airship had developed enough for paratroopers to be a thing in the second Europan war. the Isara was the first airplane, but balloon and zeppelins had already been developed by VC1/3/4
Ahab dreams of a better tomorrow.
How funny, that here Ahab is the one more focused on dreaming and trying to build a better future for the DD, and by extension the world while Ishmael is the one dreaming mainly of revenge against Cipher.

Also, I'd love to see Ishmael's spittake when the DD announced their denuking, considering Outer Heaven and Zanzibar were both reliant on having nukes. And err... kinda hard to do that if Ahab gets total nuclear disarmament done.
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Now that Wolf is here ideas are flowing through my mind thanks to this picture...

Eli blinked, more surprised by being struck then the blow.
If anyone wishes to write this one out more power to them.
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How funny, that here Ahab is the one more focused on dreaming and trying to build a better future for the themselves and the world while Ishmael is the one dreaming mainly of revenge against Cipher.
Misguided revenge, even, since he never learns that Zero was mostly innocent of Cipher's bullshit (he still ordered some pretty messed up stuff while trying desperately to get Big Boss back into the fold during Peace Walker), and in fact was trying to prevent the attack and save the man he wanted to be friends with again.
Oh my. That was well worth the wait. If I wasn't already on-board with this quest, I now am. KK's writing is some of the best I've ever seen from a QM. Definitely looking forward to next turn.
I love how Cookie's diary journal is used as end of turn rumor mill. Thank you Kona.

Will wait for the next turn actions to go up, but now have yet Another omake Idea. Might actually get a coupon out of it, who knows.
I know I'm going to be that guy probably, but please hear me out...

*breathes in* I think we need to research parasites.

Wait! Hear me out. From what I could see, from the game, we are able to use the parasites to create special suits. One of them was a full on invisibility suit, one made fog (somehow) that messed with radios and reduced visibility to the equivalent to zero in about a hundred meter area (from what I could tell running away from enemies), and a final suit that was the equivalent to power armor. If that last one or any of the other options sound good, we need to research now whilst we have modern (Heh, 1980's modern I mean) machines, technology, and specialists. Once we're gone, that's it. And I would like to point out we have the cure for the parasite. Not to mention we have seen Code Talker and Quite rely on sunlight for most of his nutrition.

I cannot stress enough how utterly game changing in terms of economics that has if humans need a reduced amount of food to survive. It is about the closest cure to world hunger i have ever heard of. Yeah, there are clearly some problems with copious amounts of water, but I would like to point out no one was trying to use this parasite to deal with this problem.

Finally, I would like to argue that with our eminent departure from this world, we are going to miss out on the ridiculous advances of Nanobots and other future tech available. Should the end game be revealed that we're going to have to take on our counterparts from this current world in the new world, we will not be as competitive unless we research the parasite. Remember how b*llshit the soldiers on metal gear solid 4 were thanks to their enhancements. It's only with the parasites that we would remain competitive rather than obsolete.
And even if that is not the endgame, there is still the Valkuria.

Granted they're easy enough to take down surprised, but they are called weapons of mass destruction for a reason. They would stop being called that if there was a hard counter that could easily be keep up with thee women and be able to be created faster rather than the seemingly scattershot attempts at finding, recruiting, and training the valks. Yes, it's a weapons race, something we just deliberately turned away from with the nuke disarmed. But, I still think that the parasites are far more versatile and safe than nukes, and can do far more good for the world then

A normal human needs about 2000 calories a day, a soldier needs about 4000. Cut down the requirements by even a half, supplemented by natural sugar from photosynthesis? Yes please.

Also it may or may not be a cure for Diabetes, but lets not get too crazy now
I know I'm going to be that guy probably, but please hear me out...

*breathes in* I think we need to research parasites.

Wait! Hear me out. From what I could see, from the game, we are able to use the parasites to create special suits. One of them was a full on invisibility suit, one made fog (somehow) that messed with radios and reduced visibility to the equivalent to zero in about a hundred meter area (from what I could tell running away from enemies), and a final suit that was the equivalent to power armor. If that last one or any of the other options sound good, we need to research now whilst we have modern (Heh, 1980's modern I mean) machines, technology, and specialists. Once we're gone, that's it. And I would like to point out we have the cure for the parasite. Not to mention we have seen Code Talker and Quite rely on sunlight for most of his nutrition.

I cannot stress enough how utterly game changing in terms of economics that has if humans need a reduced amount of food to survive. It is about the closest cure to world hunger i have ever heard of. Yeah, there are clearly some problems with copious amounts of water, but I would like to point out no one was trying to use this parasite to deal with this problem.

Finally, I would like to argue that with our eminent departure from this world, we are going to miss out on the ridiculous advances of Nanobots and other future tech available. Should the end game be revealed that we're going to have to take on our counterparts from this current world in the new world, we will not be as competitive unless we research the parasite. Remember how b*llshit the soldiers on metal gear solid 4 were thanks to their enhancements. It's only with the parasites that we would remain competitive rather than obsolete.
And even if that is not the endgame, there is still the Valkuria.

Granted they're easy enough to take down surprised, but they are called weapons of mass destruction for a reason. They would stop being called that if there was a hard counter that could easily be keep up with thee women and be able to be created faster rather than the seemingly scattershot attempts at finding, recruiting, and training the valks. Yes, it's a weapons race, something we just deliberately turned away from with the nuke disarmed. But, I still think that the parasites are far more versatile and safe than nukes, and can do far more good for the world then

A normal human needs about 2000 calories a day, a soldier needs about 4000. Cut down the requirements by even a half, supplemented by natural sugar from photosynthesis? Yes please.

Also it may or may not be a cure for Diabetes, but lets not get too crazy now
So what are you saying...we should throw a vocal chord parasites at Selvaria! Gotcha :V
So what are you saying...we should throw a vocal chord parasites at Selvaria! Gotcha :V
nonononononono. Nothing. Ever. Touches the Vocal Cord Parasites. That's a can of 'everyone speaking a language dies. Period.' nobody wants opened. Even Code Talker thinks the Vocal Cord parasites were a mistake. The rest can be cautiously explored, but remember Code Talker's thoughts on Military uses for it.
  • Code Talker doesn't consider the parasites as 'evil', rather they are something that humanity must coexist with or overcome.
  • While he will help research militaristic applications, the further you step towards the edge...
We should be very careful about stepping too close on the edge. Remember Code Talker only decided to help out DD to make up for his mistake in resurrecting the Vocal Cord parasites and to stop Skull Face.
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