Dreams and Reconciliation by RandomDwarf (1CP)
- Location
- Anchorage, Alaska
Okay heres my omake, hope you guys enjoy it!
It had been a hard day Ahab decided, after his deployment across the PMC's, Black-markets, and other installations that had nuclear capabilities. The fact that one op almost had a close encounter with testing the new ballistic vests that R&D had made. If it wasn't for Quiet, would he have been sending a group of his men and women to die? He really should thank her sometime for this, maybe after he hits the super-powers of the world, the Diamond Dogs can just...relax. Take a break from it all, allow themselves to be Human again after so long as dogs of war.
Yes, that would be good, but for now...for now he had to get ready. That talk with Huey had gone well, not to mention that Paz should be coming out of whatever mental strain she was in, hell the reports stated that she had come out of her room after their big raid on the Black markets and other PMCS! He truly hoped she would come back, even if she had been broken from her torment, Paz had been the morale for motherbase back at the MSF, her songs and smile always had a way to brighten even the most miserable times they had together.
With a deep sigh, Ahab finished his preparations for that night, considering that D-Dog was with Wolf tonight again, well he should look for ways to wean her off that before it gets to unhealthy. Not to mention that having a group of kids, even if they were child soldiers on motherbase was more difficult than he had imagined. As well as his cloned son...that was a kicker, but it was his responsibility to make sure he made something of himself, something other than the soldier he was today.
With a relaxing sigh as he slowly sat and then laid down on his cot and rested…he wondered if he would have his nightmares again and if not, what that dream would come?
Would the demon come out?
The mercenary?
He didn't know, and some small part of him was…afraid.
So, lost in his thoughts Ahab didn't realize that he had closed his eyes and fell into a deeper sleep then normal.
The Mountain was there, Rough, Steep, But Climbable.
The air was not comfortable but not unbearable here…he could take The Tunnel that went through the mountain, it would be a good walk or run if he felt like it. It would be a workout, but he could do it, there was some Red and Blue in it, but not enough to truly make a difference.
The pit however steep it was offered an easy ride, one that he didn't have to put much work into or much thought, but it led to a place of darkness and it was Red, to much Red…so much Red.
He decided he didn't like that color, the tunnel however was colored Grey, while better than the Red it was not for him.
The Mountain was blue, but it made no effort to hide the Red that stained its rocks, the dangers it had. The Brutality that awaited those that tried to climb its slopes.
He made his choice, The Mountain awaited him.
When he walked up to it, The Mountain seemed to tower over him, it offered no comfort, no kindness. No mercy to those that would try to challenge it.
"If you take this path, it will be a hard road of pain, disappointment, and enemies will litter the way. I have broken men, women, hearts, dreams, and greater powers then you upon my stones…what right do you have to trespass my domain?" It seemed to say to him, every stone was either sharpened, roughed, each foot-hold small, each hand-holds weakened by time or others work.
He would have to carve his own path up, that meant the hardest road possible…the rough and yet smooth face he was looking upon. As he came closer he noticed someone was at the bottom of The Mountain.
It was a familiar face, yet he could not place it in the darkness.
"Dammit, I can't climb, maybe I can crawl through the tunnel, yeah, I can crawl through there, or maybe, just maybe the pit will give me what I want." The figure muttered out loud as it tilted its head towards the now open tunnel and pit.
Ahab was alarmed safe to say, the Pit offered nothing but pain. He could feel and understand that, and the tunnel? What reward was there for walking the middle road. Had he not decided to climb The Mountain himself?
"Leave him there, I have broken him" The Mountain itself seemed to say when he looked up on its sheer cliffs. Ahab glared harshly at the towering peak, this person had tried to scale The Mountain and was broken by it, they could know the way up, or yet allow him to know the dangers it presented.
Besides, this was a challenge to him, and some part of him resented leaving the man behind. So, he walked closer and the shadows around him that hide the person from view seem to be like tar, trying to prevent him from reaching him. To prevent him from taking the person up the mountain with him.
"Leave him to us" the Shadowy Tar seem to say, "He is BROKEN!"
"Not yet, not ever." Ahab muttered in reply as the Shadows broke upon his will.
He reached the man and what he saw almost had him stifle his own shout.
It was Kaz, bloodied, and an arm that was not there that continued to bleed…his leg cut off harshly as if it was that day with the Parasite unit. He was beaten, bloodied, broken, his eyes burned.
Ahab would NOT let his friend and comrade alone.
"Snake?" Kaz whispered as he looked up, as if he could now see through the darkness that surrounded them.
"What are yo-no, this is just another damn dream, yeah…just another damn dream." Kaz muttered as he relaxed against the mountains slope, where it seemed to judge him again, and found him wanting.
"Need a hand up Kaz?" Ahab said as he knelt with his old friend, and as he placed his metallic hand onto his sub-commander and friends shoulder he seemed to shake himself awake from whatever he was thinking of.
"I tried boss, I tried so hard…but I guess I can't climb anymore." Kaz muttered as he glanced towards the pits.
"Not hard enough I think, you always did hate asking for help at times." Ahab stated as he reached out for Kaz with his other arm.
"Boss what are y-no Boss, I tried, and I failed!" Kaz yelled out as he Ahab placed him on his back, and with some rope nearby securing his old friend to himself.
"Sometimes Kaz, everyone needs a hand, even me. Remember the times when I called Pequod for help?" Ahab questioned as Kaz looked thoughtful, all the while Ahab secured and checked the ropes he had tied around himself with.
"It was that time during the White Bear incident wasn't it?" Kaz chuckled as Ahab could only look annoyed, clearly remembering the White Death and how it defeated him several times.
"It was no ordinary bear Kaz." Ahab grumbled as he grabbed onto the mountain's banks…and began the climb upwards.
"Oh, sure it wasn't, like the time-" Kaz began as his body began to shudder from the suppressed laughter. This was good, the good cheer would help bring up his morale, and maybe…he can climb upwards himself, if he didn't bring Kaz up to the top.
"Shut up Kaz!" Ahab growled out as Kaz fell into deeper laughter…at least until a few minutes later when they simply began to talk, about anything and everything really.
The talk helped keep his mind focused, even as the Mountain seemed to keep towering over them. Even as the pebbles rained down on them and foot-holds and hand-holds seem to try and slip away from them.
Ahab felt as if he had been climbing for seemingly hours, days, and/or weeks now...the momentary only broken when Kaz gave a deep sigh of sadness.
"Boss, I never told you about my Wife and Kid, did I?" Kaz whispered out as he looked ahead of the climb on The Mountain.
"You? Married? I though you married Mother-Base all those years ago. I even had a ceremony and a priest ready for it." Ahab quipped as he grappled a particularly tough spot to climb. With great effort he was able to reach a good place to rest for the moment and took the opportunity to do so.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up snake, but really, I did meet a girl and she was beautiful, Smart, and a heck of a cook! I should have been there for her, and Catherine, my baby girl. She's gone now, and I don't know where she is or if she is even alive with her mother. The only thing I had left after motherbase…was revenge against Cipher."
"In a way, what we had with motherbase back at the MSF, we had a home, a family, heck did you know that Huey came into my office earlier and told me he wanted a trial set? He also said he wanted to finish that metal gear of his before it was done!" Kaz explained with a small wave of his remaining arm. But what really was the kicker was that he seemed genuinely stumped on the fact that Huey of all people came to him and asked for a trial of Mother-Base.
"I know but Kaz, what we're doing right now? Is something I think we should have done in the beginning…" Ahab said as they both went quiet for several minutes, Ahab was busy climbing a particularly difficult slope while Kaz was lost in his own thoughts. The maze of his mind twisting and turning until he found the answer he was looking for, was it so simple all this time?
"Peace Walker" Kaz muttered softly as he stared ahead over Big boss's shoulder.
"Say again Kaz?" Ahab questioned his old friend.
"Peace walker, I think I understand now." Kaz muttered again as he looked up at the sky, towards The Mountain.
"All this time, I thought we were only here to suffer…to be damned for our sins. But well, after all you have been doing Big boss, every mission I keep thinking, 'Should we have done this at the beginning?'. Every time you spared a life when you could have taken the easy road and just put a round in their heads, I keep on wondering 'How can he keep doing this?'" Kaz whispered into the wind as he felt it chase the now closing mists in the air, slowly transcending into clouds in the sky surrounding The Mountain.
"Because we need to be better." Ahab stated simply as he grabbed onto a new hand-hold.
"Because we need to be better? That's it?" Kaz questioned as he looked back at Big Boss.
"That's it Kaz, I must be better than the demon inside me, it's always there, clawing at my mind and soul. I won't ever let it win though, every time I felt its claws reaching for me I keep remembering what I must fight for, what dreams we still have."
"The MSF is gone Kaz, but the dream is like a ember, waiting to be born into a new flame. One that can be a torch for the next generations to come, a way to guide people back to where they can be better themselves. Kaz I won't lie to you, this is a difficult road, and I don't think I'm going to be there to see the end. But people like you? The Diamond Dogs? Even Ocelot and Huey, I get it Kaz, but yes even Huey can help keep that spark alive. Hell, he's keeping it alive with how he is giving back to us even after what happened." Ahab explained to his long-time friend and comrade.
"How the hell can Huey help us?!?" Kaz exclaimed as he stared indecorously at the back of Ahab's head.
"He is rebuilding that metal gear he looked over some data, and showed it to me. I'll show you it later after this mess anyway he was afraid. Whatever is coming out of that Fulton wormhole he is making it's not going to be stopped if he stops what he is doing with it, instead he is going to give us the one thing that MAY give us an advantage." Ahab explained as he looked back towards Kaz as said man seemed to contemplate something.
"If he does this, and wanted a trial, maybe he does want something more, a punishment? But why? I don't understand, He should be trying to blab his mouth away, he should be fucking up every opportunity…so why?" Kaz muttered as his frown became deeper and deeper, falling into a contemplation he had never worked himself into before.
"Because he needs to be better then what he once was, we all make mistakes, some worse than others." Ahab muttered as he looked up The Mountain, its still clouded peak hidden from sight, and the climb upwards warded with boulders and ravines.
Did She try to climb this slope only to fall? Did Zero and Ishmael both try to follow? Did they also fall to The Mountains fury? Perhaps time will tell Ahab mused.
"We all make mistakes huh…" Kaz whispered to himself as he looked at his right arm and leg or where they were supposed to be.
"Alright, guess that's enough time for chit-chat, better get up and moving before The Mountain decides we need to be taught a lesson." Ahab grumbled as he got up and started to climb again.
And so, Ahab began his climb again with Kaz on his back and as they did so, The Mountain seemed to have decided it had enough of the two interlopers. The pebbles became rocks, the mist condensed to block sight and the rain fell from the sky soaking the rocks to make any hold difficult to grab onto.
Each time, Kaz would try to tell Ahab to look for a shelter or to take a different path, maybe the cave could be a way for them to wait out the storm? But every time Ahab pulled him back, pointing that their road is the hardest one to take, but the most rewarding in the end.
Each time, Kaz seemed to grow less weary, more alert, and with time, even gave advice on certain obstacles. Each time they had succeeded he seemed more and more determined. Each time he seemed surer of himself, then he had been before, of the path of he would take.
And at the latest obstacle Kaz could only stare as the rock-hold that was above them cracked and groaned, he noted each crack as Big Boss tried to hug as close to the wall as possible as The Mountain tried to smash the fleshlings down.
He tried to come up with a way for them to get out of this mess, but nothing really came to mind expect for one. Also If they didn't lose some weight or mass then the rocks would fall and Big Boss would be broken by the Mountain. A part of him that he was surprised by rebelled against any thought of trying to convince Snake from going back down, it would be easier to try again later…right?
"No, it won't be, if we don't do this now we're never going to get this far back up. Isn't that right Snake?" Kaz muttered as Big Boss groaned as the rock-wall began to slip, and in a moment of uncertainty, his remaining arm and leg shot out to grab hold of a purchase as Snake lost his hand holds and was beginning to slip down.
Amazingly he had found purchase and forced them back onto The Mountain.
"Thanks…Kaz." Ahab chocked out as he desperately pulled them onto the rocks, now slick with rain and mud.
"Anytime boss, but you know…at this rate were not going to get any higher unless you lighten the load." Kaz yelled as thunder began to scream in the air.
"I'm not leaving you behind dammit!" Big Boss shouted as another avalanche of rocks slammed into their protection's position.
"This isn't about leaving someone behind dammit! This is about our dream, our outer heaven! This is about making the world a better place through our blood, sweat, and tears! I'll be damned to hell if I didn't help you get your ass up this blasted damn Mountain!!!" Kaz roared as he undid the knot that kept him tied to Big Bosses back, and with a deft movement he pushed off from him, only for Big boss to try and swing around to grab at him with desperation on his face.
But, yet.
Kaz Miller Did Not Fall.
A Red metal arm found purchase on the rocks, the now strengthened metallic left leg buried itself into the hard stone, and with an arm and leg of flesh and blood and bone he pulled himself into being next to his comrade, his shocked face was something he was going to enjoy for the rest of his life. When he found Catherine and apologized to his wife, he was defiantly going to tell this little dream of his to them. Heh, who would have thought he would get prosthetics even in a damn dream realm?
With a grim look of determination, with his shades and hat on now, Kaz looked at Big Boss who got over his shock and glared at his old friend.
"Kaz, don't you Ever Do that Again! Also, don't you dare tell anyone about this Kaz." Big boss grumbled with a small smile in relief as Kaz tried to keep his smirk hidden as best he could, which wasn't as successful as he hoped as Big Boss simply glared harder at him.
"Never would dream of its Boss now come-on, by the looks of it everyone else is climbing our way. We can't leave them hanging, now can we?" Kaz said as he glanced downwards, Big Boss following could only look slightly shocked as he saw the Diamond Dogs following them, remnants of the MSF, people Kaz never even knew climbing his path.
People were really inspired by the living legend, weren't they?
With a deep chuckle his old friend looked at him again.
"Call me Ahab when we're done with this, only when we're alone as friends alright? You deserve that much at least, not to mention I can now practice CQC on you sometime soon now you got those prosthetics on." Big Bos-no Ahab said as he looked directly at him, hope and determination in his eyes as the avalanche now stopped. Also, Kaz could only gulp lightly, he hadn't forgotten Ahab's (who would've thought Big Boss would have that kind of name? He would have thought his name was Jack or something) CQC techniques, nor his penchant to sneak up on the Diamond Dogs and give a "Surprise" for them.
But regardless of the future, right now they had a damn Mountain to beat.
It was time for them to climb again.
Ahab could only chuckle as he grabbed onto another ledge, another hand-hold, another foot hold to push himself further. Each time he got closer to what seemed to be another ledge, a place he could rest with the rest of his comrades. Kaz had fallen behind a while ago to help others as he helped him. Each time when he looked down he saw more and more Diamond Dogs silhouetted against the steep and rough terrain, following, and each time they took a hand-hold that hold got a little surer each foot-step carving just the right nitch in the stone for the next person after them.
As he got onto the ledge to scout the next slope of rock and stone, he noted Her Standing nearby, with a hand held out and a smile on Her face.
As he walked towards her she opened her mouth to speak, before he stopped her with a raised a single finger. With his prosthetic hand, he gently pushed her hand away and shook his head.
She Nodded once, and Her smile merely became more akin to acceptance. With a swift and yet soft movement She stepped aside to reveal his pathway up the Mountain.
With a quiet thank you, he walked forward and began to climb again. He felt her eyes stare at him, and for a while he almost thought he heard another walking next to Her and speak to Her.
He would never know that the Sorrow watched him and found him, intriguing…just as another had for a short time.
But now his path was leading him onwards, and The Mountain still had a trick or two left up its cracks.
As he found another ledge after a rough time of climbing, he could only sigh in relief from it. Before he noticed a pair of VERY familiar combat boots in front of him, only these were washed with blood and mud. Tears and rugged torn sneaking suit followed those boots.
As his eyes traveled upwards he noted shrapnel covered holes in the suit, as well as the blood-stained tears of every bullet hole and blade cut.
And when he got to the torso he could only freeze. Because that familiar red armored hand holding a burned cigar? Was his own hand...only far more bloodied and rusted from time.
With a deep sigh he stood up and faced his Inner demon.
The piece of Shrapnel was now akin to a horn and his face? The Red was everywhere on him.
Ahab could only stare at his Doppelganger, the shadow of what he could be. He knew without a doubt only one of them would be leaving this platform alive. So, he approached cautiously as did his other, the cruelty of his movements, the echo of what he could have been. Every movement was that of a predator, one that only hungered for death.
His own was of assurance, that he would walk confidently even if he had to take lives. He never enjoyed it though, His Shadow seemed to say otherwise. He remembered everything that was good in this world that was worth fighting for, his Shadow roared into the darkness about the unfairness of it all…of revenge and pain.
His Shadow was everything he could become, powerful, dangerous, Cipher would have all been dead within a year if he had followed this path.
But, would it be worth it? Would it have been worth the pain? The Tears he would inflict upon others? He had been a medic once, He Knew How to Best Kill Someone or How to Save Their lives.
He hadn't realized he was fighting CQC with himself until he was thrown into the rocks nearby and his shadow had leveled a pistol at him, so now it was gun-play wasn't it?
Good, he needed a new challenge.
Ahab shut down that errant thought before it could continue and swiftly moved out of the way when His Shadow Fired. He then drew his tranquilizer gun and began to fire back from different positions. Even still each time he fired his tranquilizer darts at his Shadow, he could only remember on WHY he took his path.
Each decision, every choice, every move. all of it was being dissected and analyzed down to its most basic principles. What was he fighting for? The Boss's Dream? He had rejected it and moved to his own. Revenge? He had finished it with Skull-face, now he was picking up the pieces. Something new? Yes...he was fighting for the future for his Diamond Dogs, for a way other than war.
When the bullets and darts ran out, Ahab and his Shadow renewed their conflict with their fists in CQC. Each bruise from a metallic hand, every bone cracked from a kick or punch. Every growled-out word meant to harm their mental capabilities, every movement for maximum pain/disabling.
It wasn't until he was exhausted that he noted something in his shadows horn.
Himself, was it so simple? Had he been that ignorant all this time? It was then Ahab remembered some bits of legends on Doppelgangers...was this all a trap in and of itself?
With that grim thought in his mind, Ahab took the risk and stopped fighting his shadow.
He began to then limp slowly towards the slope behind his Inner Demon.
His Shadow seeming to realize what was happening tried to shoot him with a reloaded gun roaring in rage all the while, yet not a single bullet ever hit him. The Mountain rumbled like never before, seemingly angered by how that it's second to last trick was thwarted.
Ahab only smirked as he limped past his demon. His phantoms now were something of the past, they would try to haunt him. But they had no power over his future.
The Man who Guided the World walked with his path now becoming a wall of rock, and yet he would not would not falter. Those that came after him would wonder and follow his path. Wherever it leads, perhaps it would be a place far better than the ones they were in now.
"Well I'll be damned, he really did it." Ocelot whispered as he stared up The Mountain before him, this was not the legend coming to life he was expecting.
This was not what he was expecting at all. A new legend, Appearing before his eyes? The Phantom becoming something more than a mere copy of the original? Surpassing the Real Big Boss?
This was what he lived for the Legends, the Myths, everything that could be imagined as a Wild West. Yet he was doing it. He was trying to stabilize the world while such a thing would be harder and make his own dream of a Wild West unobtainable, this was a good compromise to behold.
"Win or Lose, Venom Snake was going to be the Man who Challenged the World. Either he would come out swinging or if he lost he would still have won as hearts and minds would be swayed to follow in his footsteps like The Boss before him.
He would eat several of Kaz's early attempts at making a good burger if people weren't lining up and blockading entire ports across the globe, or even trying to help him with key little details across the board. By Cookie's roasted Tuna, those had been horrible...he should know he used some of them in some of the interrogation techniques he had come up with!
But still, he wouldn't be surprised if every good soldier tried to help him in their own weird sabotaging ways across every installation holding a nuclear missile these days. Then again, he should know better than to take a sucker bet. But again, he usually sucked at gambling in the first place.
The attitudes and wills of others. He would be VERY interested in seeing what This Phantom of Big Boss does in the future.
Kaz grunted as he pulled another Diamond Dog up the ledge he was standing on. If Ahab had taught him anything, this was how people aided each other and made the world a better place. Each hand helped each foot flatten the ground just a bit more, each whispered word of encouragement allowed him to see their spirits that sagged and withered grow and become MORE then what they were before.
How many people had suffered, but he hadn't lifted a hand to help? He knew what suffering was, he knew it very well. So maybe, just maybe he could help others as Big-no Ahab helped him? Heh, Kaz, creator of the Blue Burger, Master Trainer from Hell, and Ahab's second in command of the Diamond Dogs along with Ocelot.
No, not just the Diamond Dogs. Of their new Outer Heaven, the ones who would hold up the torch for the world to see a better path, a better way. Every Action that he did showed him that they could be better. Even if they failed, if they stumbled that was what others were there for. One had to be the spark to light the flame, one had to stumble so they could warn others of the danger ahead.
One had to suffer for others to know to avoid that, and to help heal those that were suffering themselves.
He knew the world would see this as a fool's gambit, that they would most likely fade into obscurity. But he didn't give a damn what the world thought he and the Diamond Dogs should do! They will make their own path and give people the chance to follow them.
After all, being a hero means sometimes you have others to help you when you stumble, and when you fall your legacy will be known and followed.
"Ahab, this is going to be a wild ride." Kaz whispered into the wind as he looked up The Mountain, it now seemed much smaller somehow.
"But I would rather not be anywhere else but here, Come-on People! On your feet, we're almost there!" Kaz shouted down to a platoon of Diamond Dogs that had fallen behind the others. With confirmations from the men, he continued to follow Ahab's trail and soon, very soon they will reach that goal.
The Mountains top…and from there?
Outer Heaven.
He was almost there. The Hail was Heavy when it hit him, like Rocks falling from the heavens.
Just a few more meters of ground to cover. Then he would have reached his final goal.
Earlier he had been met by Huey or what could be passed as him. He had been afraid, yet resolute to give one more gift to his old friends. Even if they hated him he wanted to be judged as an MSF, by the old MSF veterans. He knew he would most likely die, but before he did he had to explain everything.
He wanted them to know The Truth.
The Entire Truth.
No more lies, no more fabrications, he admitted he screwed up he said. He was going to fix it the only way he knew how. Then Huey began to climb, even if he was near the bottom and Ahab was near the top. He would climb.
Because even if he didn't deserve forgiveness, he knew that Big Boss deserved to have one more weapon. A way to keep the Diamond Dogs safe from retaliation, a way to prevent a world war without Nuclear capabilities. The Metal Gear was the answer he said and with the schematics he planned to make available afterwards...a mass-produced version of Sahelanthropus. A Metal Gear that could be integrated with the infantry heavy forces of Outer Heaven as a command and support unit, as well as a last ditch weapon to unleash to save the lives of the Diamond Dogs.
Ahab had nodded and continued his own climb as Huey had faded from his view. Even if he didn't understand how he was able to know how Huey was talking to him from the ground below. He counted that he was beating the Mountain at its own game by now. Looking to his left after a small slip up he noticed Quiet was nearby.
Quiet herself was climbing her own path, slowly becoming more and more intersected with the rest of the Diamond Dogs. Soon enough, she had joined them he noted and followed him with her determination that not even her powers could gift her, something only a human could have at this point.
As he neared the top, Ahab prepared for the final lunge, and yet at the last moment the Mountain struck. It had caused the rocks near the top to give way for the man to fall, and it waited for him to be dashed onto its rocks. His dreams broken like so many foolish others, and for despair to claim him as he failed his goals.
But that moment never came. Because multiple hands had reached out to grab him and they pulled him up to the top. Every ally he had made, every friend and fellow soldier he had inspired. Every action he had taken to save others. Now they had come to return the favor.
The Mountain could only quake and roar and let loose its fury to the heavens as It had been defeated and the Diamond Dogs had finally found their path forward.
When Ahab came to he groaned as the light from the Sun burned his eyes. Then he slowly got up and noticed someone, or rather a lot of someones were around him.
Everyone was here, and everyone was standing on a completed Mother Base, the True Outer Heaven.
"Been awhile boss, what kept you?" Ocelot jeered out with that damned smirk on his face.
"Sorry if I kept you all waiting" Was Ahab's automatic reply, his smirk on his face as if he had become younger again. The years seem to just fall off as he looked upon his comrades as they began to talk with one another, smiles and some subtle friendly jabs at each other, each one looking healthier in ways he hadn't thought possible in years.
"Heh, better not keep yourself waiting, we have another mission Boss, though it's a bit of a weird one this time." Kaz spoke out loud before his voice fell to a mumble at the end. A look of concerned contemplation on his face as everyone else stopped their conversations to amusedly look at Kaz... this should be a VERY interesting briefing.
"Oh, what is it this time Kaz?" Ahab asked with a small grin as he glanced to Kaz, now in his uniform only with his metal arm and leg visible to everyone. Everyone else had small chuckles, with Paz trying to hold her laughter in behind her hands and Huey just trying and failing to keep his chuckles in. Ocelot was rolling his eyes as if he KNEW what was coming was going to be both amusing and headache inducing.
"Yeah, PETA wanted you to go out and grab the endanger species across the globe, said they would pay for the strut and care for the ani-Snake what's with that look in your eye and where are you going? Don't make walk over there and put my shiny metal boot up your ass! Snake?! SNAKE!" miller roared as he chased after Ahab as he charged forward to Pequod as he waited in the helicopter, Quiet was already in the helicopter with a smile on her face as she held out a hand for him to accept.
Back behind them Paz had let out a shriek that she was going to be late for her performance when Huey had warned her of the time, Ocelot was too busy chuckling to comment as he walked in a placid manner behind the two as they raced towards the area where Ahab knew that Paz would hold her concert for the Diamond Dogs.
A new Adventure for him was waiting, and for a moment, Ahab felt all his phantoms quiet down as he got into the helicopter looking down at Kaz who had his own smile. As they made the pass around Mother Base he could see his people working, living, this was not a nation of soldiers, but one of people. A living Legacy which he had helped lay the foundations for and built up with the hands of all the Diamond Dogs.
'Big boss, was this the Outer Heaven you wanted all those years ago?' Ahab wondered lightly as he looked upon what his and everyone else's work could be.
The work he had done, all of it. This could happen, the road would be long and bloody. There will be challenges and pain and trials ahead. There will be loss and pain...but it would be worth it in the end.
But if he could get through them, along with his comrades and his people...past, present, and future comrades.
This Outer Heaven could be attained.
@konamikode here it is for you to judge!
edited: finished the edit now!
-Special thanks to @Dmol8, @kerrowe, and everyone else who I forgot to mention from both the main thread and the omakes who looked it over...seriously thanks guys.
-Also don't forget the merciful and kind QM who gives us a shot at making these omakes, seriously dude is drowning himself in alcohol because of our shenanigans!(Keep going, I want to see what happens next people!)
Word count: 6076
surprised myself a bit, didn't expect the omake to get this long!
<Dreams of Heroism and Reconciliation>
It had been a hard day Ahab decided, after his deployment across the PMC's, Black-markets, and other installations that had nuclear capabilities. The fact that one op almost had a close encounter with testing the new ballistic vests that R&D had made. If it wasn't for Quiet, would he have been sending a group of his men and women to die? He really should thank her sometime for this, maybe after he hits the super-powers of the world, the Diamond Dogs can just...relax. Take a break from it all, allow themselves to be Human again after so long as dogs of war.
Yes, that would be good, but for now...for now he had to get ready. That talk with Huey had gone well, not to mention that Paz should be coming out of whatever mental strain she was in, hell the reports stated that she had come out of her room after their big raid on the Black markets and other PMCS! He truly hoped she would come back, even if she had been broken from her torment, Paz had been the morale for motherbase back at the MSF, her songs and smile always had a way to brighten even the most miserable times they had together.
With a deep sigh, Ahab finished his preparations for that night, considering that D-Dog was with Wolf tonight again, well he should look for ways to wean her off that before it gets to unhealthy. Not to mention that having a group of kids, even if they were child soldiers on motherbase was more difficult than he had imagined. As well as his cloned son...that was a kicker, but it was his responsibility to make sure he made something of himself, something other than the soldier he was today.
With a relaxing sigh as he slowly sat and then laid down on his cot and rested…he wondered if he would have his nightmares again and if not, what that dream would come?
Would the demon come out?
The mercenary?
He didn't know, and some small part of him was…afraid.
So, lost in his thoughts Ahab didn't realize that he had closed his eyes and fell into a deeper sleep then normal.
The Mountain was there, Rough, Steep, But Climbable.
The air was not comfortable but not unbearable here…he could take The Tunnel that went through the mountain, it would be a good walk or run if he felt like it. It would be a workout, but he could do it, there was some Red and Blue in it, but not enough to truly make a difference.
The pit however steep it was offered an easy ride, one that he didn't have to put much work into or much thought, but it led to a place of darkness and it was Red, to much Red…so much Red.
He decided he didn't like that color, the tunnel however was colored Grey, while better than the Red it was not for him.
The Mountain was blue, but it made no effort to hide the Red that stained its rocks, the dangers it had. The Brutality that awaited those that tried to climb its slopes.
He made his choice, The Mountain awaited him.
When he walked up to it, The Mountain seemed to tower over him, it offered no comfort, no kindness. No mercy to those that would try to challenge it.
"If you take this path, it will be a hard road of pain, disappointment, and enemies will litter the way. I have broken men, women, hearts, dreams, and greater powers then you upon my stones…what right do you have to trespass my domain?" It seemed to say to him, every stone was either sharpened, roughed, each foot-hold small, each hand-holds weakened by time or others work.
He would have to carve his own path up, that meant the hardest road possible…the rough and yet smooth face he was looking upon. As he came closer he noticed someone was at the bottom of The Mountain.
It was a familiar face, yet he could not place it in the darkness.
"Dammit, I can't climb, maybe I can crawl through the tunnel, yeah, I can crawl through there, or maybe, just maybe the pit will give me what I want." The figure muttered out loud as it tilted its head towards the now open tunnel and pit.
Ahab was alarmed safe to say, the Pit offered nothing but pain. He could feel and understand that, and the tunnel? What reward was there for walking the middle road. Had he not decided to climb The Mountain himself?
"Leave him there, I have broken him" The Mountain itself seemed to say when he looked up on its sheer cliffs. Ahab glared harshly at the towering peak, this person had tried to scale The Mountain and was broken by it, they could know the way up, or yet allow him to know the dangers it presented.
Besides, this was a challenge to him, and some part of him resented leaving the man behind. So, he walked closer and the shadows around him that hide the person from view seem to be like tar, trying to prevent him from reaching him. To prevent him from taking the person up the mountain with him.
"Leave him to us" the Shadowy Tar seem to say, "He is BROKEN!"
"Not yet, not ever." Ahab muttered in reply as the Shadows broke upon his will.
He reached the man and what he saw almost had him stifle his own shout.
It was Kaz, bloodied, and an arm that was not there that continued to bleed…his leg cut off harshly as if it was that day with the Parasite unit. He was beaten, bloodied, broken, his eyes burned.
Ahab would NOT let his friend and comrade alone.
"Snake?" Kaz whispered as he looked up, as if he could now see through the darkness that surrounded them.
"What are yo-no, this is just another damn dream, yeah…just another damn dream." Kaz muttered as he relaxed against the mountains slope, where it seemed to judge him again, and found him wanting.
"Need a hand up Kaz?" Ahab said as he knelt with his old friend, and as he placed his metallic hand onto his sub-commander and friends shoulder he seemed to shake himself awake from whatever he was thinking of.
"I tried boss, I tried so hard…but I guess I can't climb anymore." Kaz muttered as he glanced towards the pits.
"Not hard enough I think, you always did hate asking for help at times." Ahab stated as he reached out for Kaz with his other arm.
"Boss what are y-no Boss, I tried, and I failed!" Kaz yelled out as he Ahab placed him on his back, and with some rope nearby securing his old friend to himself.
"Sometimes Kaz, everyone needs a hand, even me. Remember the times when I called Pequod for help?" Ahab questioned as Kaz looked thoughtful, all the while Ahab secured and checked the ropes he had tied around himself with.
"It was that time during the White Bear incident wasn't it?" Kaz chuckled as Ahab could only look annoyed, clearly remembering the White Death and how it defeated him several times.
"It was no ordinary bear Kaz." Ahab grumbled as he grabbed onto the mountain's banks…and began the climb upwards.
"Oh, sure it wasn't, like the time-" Kaz began as his body began to shudder from the suppressed laughter. This was good, the good cheer would help bring up his morale, and maybe…he can climb upwards himself, if he didn't bring Kaz up to the top.
"Shut up Kaz!" Ahab growled out as Kaz fell into deeper laughter…at least until a few minutes later when they simply began to talk, about anything and everything really.
The talk helped keep his mind focused, even as the Mountain seemed to keep towering over them. Even as the pebbles rained down on them and foot-holds and hand-holds seem to try and slip away from them.
Ahab felt as if he had been climbing for seemingly hours, days, and/or weeks now...the momentary only broken when Kaz gave a deep sigh of sadness.
"Boss, I never told you about my Wife and Kid, did I?" Kaz whispered out as he looked ahead of the climb on The Mountain.
"You? Married? I though you married Mother-Base all those years ago. I even had a ceremony and a priest ready for it." Ahab quipped as he grappled a particularly tough spot to climb. With great effort he was able to reach a good place to rest for the moment and took the opportunity to do so.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up snake, but really, I did meet a girl and she was beautiful, Smart, and a heck of a cook! I should have been there for her, and Catherine, my baby girl. She's gone now, and I don't know where she is or if she is even alive with her mother. The only thing I had left after motherbase…was revenge against Cipher."
"In a way, what we had with motherbase back at the MSF, we had a home, a family, heck did you know that Huey came into my office earlier and told me he wanted a trial set? He also said he wanted to finish that metal gear of his before it was done!" Kaz explained with a small wave of his remaining arm. But what really was the kicker was that he seemed genuinely stumped on the fact that Huey of all people came to him and asked for a trial of Mother-Base.
"I know but Kaz, what we're doing right now? Is something I think we should have done in the beginning…" Ahab said as they both went quiet for several minutes, Ahab was busy climbing a particularly difficult slope while Kaz was lost in his own thoughts. The maze of his mind twisting and turning until he found the answer he was looking for, was it so simple all this time?
"Peace Walker" Kaz muttered softly as he stared ahead over Big boss's shoulder.
"Say again Kaz?" Ahab questioned his old friend.
"Peace walker, I think I understand now." Kaz muttered again as he looked up at the sky, towards The Mountain.
"All this time, I thought we were only here to suffer…to be damned for our sins. But well, after all you have been doing Big boss, every mission I keep thinking, 'Should we have done this at the beginning?'. Every time you spared a life when you could have taken the easy road and just put a round in their heads, I keep on wondering 'How can he keep doing this?'" Kaz whispered into the wind as he felt it chase the now closing mists in the air, slowly transcending into clouds in the sky surrounding The Mountain.
"Because we need to be better." Ahab stated simply as he grabbed onto a new hand-hold.
"Because we need to be better? That's it?" Kaz questioned as he looked back at Big Boss.
"That's it Kaz, I must be better than the demon inside me, it's always there, clawing at my mind and soul. I won't ever let it win though, every time I felt its claws reaching for me I keep remembering what I must fight for, what dreams we still have."
"The MSF is gone Kaz, but the dream is like a ember, waiting to be born into a new flame. One that can be a torch for the next generations to come, a way to guide people back to where they can be better themselves. Kaz I won't lie to you, this is a difficult road, and I don't think I'm going to be there to see the end. But people like you? The Diamond Dogs? Even Ocelot and Huey, I get it Kaz, but yes even Huey can help keep that spark alive. Hell, he's keeping it alive with how he is giving back to us even after what happened." Ahab explained to his long-time friend and comrade.
"How the hell can Huey help us?!?" Kaz exclaimed as he stared indecorously at the back of Ahab's head.
"He is rebuilding that metal gear he looked over some data, and showed it to me. I'll show you it later after this mess anyway he was afraid. Whatever is coming out of that Fulton wormhole he is making it's not going to be stopped if he stops what he is doing with it, instead he is going to give us the one thing that MAY give us an advantage." Ahab explained as he looked back towards Kaz as said man seemed to contemplate something.
"If he does this, and wanted a trial, maybe he does want something more, a punishment? But why? I don't understand, He should be trying to blab his mouth away, he should be fucking up every opportunity…so why?" Kaz muttered as his frown became deeper and deeper, falling into a contemplation he had never worked himself into before.
"Because he needs to be better then what he once was, we all make mistakes, some worse than others." Ahab muttered as he looked up The Mountain, its still clouded peak hidden from sight, and the climb upwards warded with boulders and ravines.
Did She try to climb this slope only to fall? Did Zero and Ishmael both try to follow? Did they also fall to The Mountains fury? Perhaps time will tell Ahab mused.
"We all make mistakes huh…" Kaz whispered to himself as he looked at his right arm and leg or where they were supposed to be.
"Alright, guess that's enough time for chit-chat, better get up and moving before The Mountain decides we need to be taught a lesson." Ahab grumbled as he got up and started to climb again.
And so, Ahab began his climb again with Kaz on his back and as they did so, The Mountain seemed to have decided it had enough of the two interlopers. The pebbles became rocks, the mist condensed to block sight and the rain fell from the sky soaking the rocks to make any hold difficult to grab onto.
Each time, Kaz would try to tell Ahab to look for a shelter or to take a different path, maybe the cave could be a way for them to wait out the storm? But every time Ahab pulled him back, pointing that their road is the hardest one to take, but the most rewarding in the end.
Each time, Kaz seemed to grow less weary, more alert, and with time, even gave advice on certain obstacles. Each time they had succeeded he seemed more and more determined. Each time he seemed surer of himself, then he had been before, of the path of he would take.
And at the latest obstacle Kaz could only stare as the rock-hold that was above them cracked and groaned, he noted each crack as Big Boss tried to hug as close to the wall as possible as The Mountain tried to smash the fleshlings down.
He tried to come up with a way for them to get out of this mess, but nothing really came to mind expect for one. Also If they didn't lose some weight or mass then the rocks would fall and Big Boss would be broken by the Mountain. A part of him that he was surprised by rebelled against any thought of trying to convince Snake from going back down, it would be easier to try again later…right?
"No, it won't be, if we don't do this now we're never going to get this far back up. Isn't that right Snake?" Kaz muttered as Big Boss groaned as the rock-wall began to slip, and in a moment of uncertainty, his remaining arm and leg shot out to grab hold of a purchase as Snake lost his hand holds and was beginning to slip down.
Amazingly he had found purchase and forced them back onto The Mountain.
"Thanks…Kaz." Ahab chocked out as he desperately pulled them onto the rocks, now slick with rain and mud.
"Anytime boss, but you know…at this rate were not going to get any higher unless you lighten the load." Kaz yelled as thunder began to scream in the air.
"I'm not leaving you behind dammit!" Big Boss shouted as another avalanche of rocks slammed into their protection's position.
"This isn't about leaving someone behind dammit! This is about our dream, our outer heaven! This is about making the world a better place through our blood, sweat, and tears! I'll be damned to hell if I didn't help you get your ass up this blasted damn Mountain!!!" Kaz roared as he undid the knot that kept him tied to Big Bosses back, and with a deft movement he pushed off from him, only for Big boss to try and swing around to grab at him with desperation on his face.
But, yet.
Kaz Miller Did Not Fall.
A Red metal arm found purchase on the rocks, the now strengthened metallic left leg buried itself into the hard stone, and with an arm and leg of flesh and blood and bone he pulled himself into being next to his comrade, his shocked face was something he was going to enjoy for the rest of his life. When he found Catherine and apologized to his wife, he was defiantly going to tell this little dream of his to them. Heh, who would have thought he would get prosthetics even in a damn dream realm?
With a grim look of determination, with his shades and hat on now, Kaz looked at Big Boss who got over his shock and glared at his old friend.
"Kaz, don't you Ever Do that Again! Also, don't you dare tell anyone about this Kaz." Big boss grumbled with a small smile in relief as Kaz tried to keep his smirk hidden as best he could, which wasn't as successful as he hoped as Big Boss simply glared harder at him.
"Never would dream of its Boss now come-on, by the looks of it everyone else is climbing our way. We can't leave them hanging, now can we?" Kaz said as he glanced downwards, Big Boss following could only look slightly shocked as he saw the Diamond Dogs following them, remnants of the MSF, people Kaz never even knew climbing his path.
People were really inspired by the living legend, weren't they?
With a deep chuckle his old friend looked at him again.
"Call me Ahab when we're done with this, only when we're alone as friends alright? You deserve that much at least, not to mention I can now practice CQC on you sometime soon now you got those prosthetics on." Big Bos-no Ahab said as he looked directly at him, hope and determination in his eyes as the avalanche now stopped. Also, Kaz could only gulp lightly, he hadn't forgotten Ahab's (who would've thought Big Boss would have that kind of name? He would have thought his name was Jack or something) CQC techniques, nor his penchant to sneak up on the Diamond Dogs and give a "Surprise" for them.
But regardless of the future, right now they had a damn Mountain to beat.
It was time for them to climb again.
Ahab could only chuckle as he grabbed onto another ledge, another hand-hold, another foot hold to push himself further. Each time he got closer to what seemed to be another ledge, a place he could rest with the rest of his comrades. Kaz had fallen behind a while ago to help others as he helped him. Each time when he looked down he saw more and more Diamond Dogs silhouetted against the steep and rough terrain, following, and each time they took a hand-hold that hold got a little surer each foot-step carving just the right nitch in the stone for the next person after them.
As he got onto the ledge to scout the next slope of rock and stone, he noted Her Standing nearby, with a hand held out and a smile on Her face.
As he walked towards her she opened her mouth to speak, before he stopped her with a raised a single finger. With his prosthetic hand, he gently pushed her hand away and shook his head.
She Nodded once, and Her smile merely became more akin to acceptance. With a swift and yet soft movement She stepped aside to reveal his pathway up the Mountain.
With a quiet thank you, he walked forward and began to climb again. He felt her eyes stare at him, and for a while he almost thought he heard another walking next to Her and speak to Her.
He would never know that the Sorrow watched him and found him, intriguing…just as another had for a short time.
But now his path was leading him onwards, and The Mountain still had a trick or two left up its cracks.
As he found another ledge after a rough time of climbing, he could only sigh in relief from it. Before he noticed a pair of VERY familiar combat boots in front of him, only these were washed with blood and mud. Tears and rugged torn sneaking suit followed those boots.
As his eyes traveled upwards he noted shrapnel covered holes in the suit, as well as the blood-stained tears of every bullet hole and blade cut.
And when he got to the torso he could only freeze. Because that familiar red armored hand holding a burned cigar? Was his own hand...only far more bloodied and rusted from time.
With a deep sigh he stood up and faced his Inner demon.
The piece of Shrapnel was now akin to a horn and his face? The Red was everywhere on him.
Ahab could only stare at his Doppelganger, the shadow of what he could be. He knew without a doubt only one of them would be leaving this platform alive. So, he approached cautiously as did his other, the cruelty of his movements, the echo of what he could have been. Every movement was that of a predator, one that only hungered for death.
His own was of assurance, that he would walk confidently even if he had to take lives. He never enjoyed it though, His Shadow seemed to say otherwise. He remembered everything that was good in this world that was worth fighting for, his Shadow roared into the darkness about the unfairness of it all…of revenge and pain.
His Shadow was everything he could become, powerful, dangerous, Cipher would have all been dead within a year if he had followed this path.
But, would it be worth it? Would it have been worth the pain? The Tears he would inflict upon others? He had been a medic once, He Knew How to Best Kill Someone or How to Save Their lives.
He hadn't realized he was fighting CQC with himself until he was thrown into the rocks nearby and his shadow had leveled a pistol at him, so now it was gun-play wasn't it?
Good, he needed a new challenge.
Ahab shut down that errant thought before it could continue and swiftly moved out of the way when His Shadow Fired. He then drew his tranquilizer gun and began to fire back from different positions. Even still each time he fired his tranquilizer darts at his Shadow, he could only remember on WHY he took his path.
Each decision, every choice, every move. all of it was being dissected and analyzed down to its most basic principles. What was he fighting for? The Boss's Dream? He had rejected it and moved to his own. Revenge? He had finished it with Skull-face, now he was picking up the pieces. Something new? Yes...he was fighting for the future for his Diamond Dogs, for a way other than war.
When the bullets and darts ran out, Ahab and his Shadow renewed their conflict with their fists in CQC. Each bruise from a metallic hand, every bone cracked from a kick or punch. Every growled-out word meant to harm their mental capabilities, every movement for maximum pain/disabling.
It wasn't until he was exhausted that he noted something in his shadows horn.
Himself, was it so simple? Had he been that ignorant all this time? It was then Ahab remembered some bits of legends on Doppelgangers...was this all a trap in and of itself?
With that grim thought in his mind, Ahab took the risk and stopped fighting his shadow.
He began to then limp slowly towards the slope behind his Inner Demon.
His Shadow seeming to realize what was happening tried to shoot him with a reloaded gun roaring in rage all the while, yet not a single bullet ever hit him. The Mountain rumbled like never before, seemingly angered by how that it's second to last trick was thwarted.
Ahab only smirked as he limped past his demon. His phantoms now were something of the past, they would try to haunt him. But they had no power over his future.
The Man who Guided the World walked with his path now becoming a wall of rock, and yet he would not would not falter. Those that came after him would wonder and follow his path. Wherever it leads, perhaps it would be a place far better than the ones they were in now.
"Well I'll be damned, he really did it." Ocelot whispered as he stared up The Mountain before him, this was not the legend coming to life he was expecting.
This was not what he was expecting at all. A new legend, Appearing before his eyes? The Phantom becoming something more than a mere copy of the original? Surpassing the Real Big Boss?
This was what he lived for the Legends, the Myths, everything that could be imagined as a Wild West. Yet he was doing it. He was trying to stabilize the world while such a thing would be harder and make his own dream of a Wild West unobtainable, this was a good compromise to behold.
"Win or Lose, Venom Snake was going to be the Man who Challenged the World. Either he would come out swinging or if he lost he would still have won as hearts and minds would be swayed to follow in his footsteps like The Boss before him.
He would eat several of Kaz's early attempts at making a good burger if people weren't lining up and blockading entire ports across the globe, or even trying to help him with key little details across the board. By Cookie's roasted Tuna, those had been horrible...he should know he used some of them in some of the interrogation techniques he had come up with!
But still, he wouldn't be surprised if every good soldier tried to help him in their own weird sabotaging ways across every installation holding a nuclear missile these days. Then again, he should know better than to take a sucker bet. But again, he usually sucked at gambling in the first place.
The attitudes and wills of others. He would be VERY interested in seeing what This Phantom of Big Boss does in the future.
Kaz grunted as he pulled another Diamond Dog up the ledge he was standing on. If Ahab had taught him anything, this was how people aided each other and made the world a better place. Each hand helped each foot flatten the ground just a bit more, each whispered word of encouragement allowed him to see their spirits that sagged and withered grow and become MORE then what they were before.
How many people had suffered, but he hadn't lifted a hand to help? He knew what suffering was, he knew it very well. So maybe, just maybe he could help others as Big-no Ahab helped him? Heh, Kaz, creator of the Blue Burger, Master Trainer from Hell, and Ahab's second in command of the Diamond Dogs along with Ocelot.
No, not just the Diamond Dogs. Of their new Outer Heaven, the ones who would hold up the torch for the world to see a better path, a better way. Every Action that he did showed him that they could be better. Even if they failed, if they stumbled that was what others were there for. One had to be the spark to light the flame, one had to stumble so they could warn others of the danger ahead.
One had to suffer for others to know to avoid that, and to help heal those that were suffering themselves.
He knew the world would see this as a fool's gambit, that they would most likely fade into obscurity. But he didn't give a damn what the world thought he and the Diamond Dogs should do! They will make their own path and give people the chance to follow them.
After all, being a hero means sometimes you have others to help you when you stumble, and when you fall your legacy will be known and followed.
"Ahab, this is going to be a wild ride." Kaz whispered into the wind as he looked up The Mountain, it now seemed much smaller somehow.
"But I would rather not be anywhere else but here, Come-on People! On your feet, we're almost there!" Kaz shouted down to a platoon of Diamond Dogs that had fallen behind the others. With confirmations from the men, he continued to follow Ahab's trail and soon, very soon they will reach that goal.
The Mountains top…and from there?
Outer Heaven.
He was almost there. The Hail was Heavy when it hit him, like Rocks falling from the heavens.
Just a few more meters of ground to cover. Then he would have reached his final goal.
Earlier he had been met by Huey or what could be passed as him. He had been afraid, yet resolute to give one more gift to his old friends. Even if they hated him he wanted to be judged as an MSF, by the old MSF veterans. He knew he would most likely die, but before he did he had to explain everything.
He wanted them to know The Truth.
The Entire Truth.
No more lies, no more fabrications, he admitted he screwed up he said. He was going to fix it the only way he knew how. Then Huey began to climb, even if he was near the bottom and Ahab was near the top. He would climb.
Because even if he didn't deserve forgiveness, he knew that Big Boss deserved to have one more weapon. A way to keep the Diamond Dogs safe from retaliation, a way to prevent a world war without Nuclear capabilities. The Metal Gear was the answer he said and with the schematics he planned to make available afterwards...a mass-produced version of Sahelanthropus. A Metal Gear that could be integrated with the infantry heavy forces of Outer Heaven as a command and support unit, as well as a last ditch weapon to unleash to save the lives of the Diamond Dogs.
Ahab had nodded and continued his own climb as Huey had faded from his view. Even if he didn't understand how he was able to know how Huey was talking to him from the ground below. He counted that he was beating the Mountain at its own game by now. Looking to his left after a small slip up he noticed Quiet was nearby.
Quiet herself was climbing her own path, slowly becoming more and more intersected with the rest of the Diamond Dogs. Soon enough, she had joined them he noted and followed him with her determination that not even her powers could gift her, something only a human could have at this point.
As he neared the top, Ahab prepared for the final lunge, and yet at the last moment the Mountain struck. It had caused the rocks near the top to give way for the man to fall, and it waited for him to be dashed onto its rocks. His dreams broken like so many foolish others, and for despair to claim him as he failed his goals.
But that moment never came. Because multiple hands had reached out to grab him and they pulled him up to the top. Every ally he had made, every friend and fellow soldier he had inspired. Every action he had taken to save others. Now they had come to return the favor.
The Mountain could only quake and roar and let loose its fury to the heavens as It had been defeated and the Diamond Dogs had finally found their path forward.
When Ahab came to he groaned as the light from the Sun burned his eyes. Then he slowly got up and noticed someone, or rather a lot of someones were around him.
Everyone was here, and everyone was standing on a completed Mother Base, the True Outer Heaven.
"Been awhile boss, what kept you?" Ocelot jeered out with that damned smirk on his face.
"Sorry if I kept you all waiting" Was Ahab's automatic reply, his smirk on his face as if he had become younger again. The years seem to just fall off as he looked upon his comrades as they began to talk with one another, smiles and some subtle friendly jabs at each other, each one looking healthier in ways he hadn't thought possible in years.
"Heh, better not keep yourself waiting, we have another mission Boss, though it's a bit of a weird one this time." Kaz spoke out loud before his voice fell to a mumble at the end. A look of concerned contemplation on his face as everyone else stopped their conversations to amusedly look at Kaz... this should be a VERY interesting briefing.
"Oh, what is it this time Kaz?" Ahab asked with a small grin as he glanced to Kaz, now in his uniform only with his metal arm and leg visible to everyone. Everyone else had small chuckles, with Paz trying to hold her laughter in behind her hands and Huey just trying and failing to keep his chuckles in. Ocelot was rolling his eyes as if he KNEW what was coming was going to be both amusing and headache inducing.
"Yeah, PETA wanted you to go out and grab the endanger species across the globe, said they would pay for the strut and care for the ani-Snake what's with that look in your eye and where are you going? Don't make walk over there and put my shiny metal boot up your ass! Snake?! SNAKE!" miller roared as he chased after Ahab as he charged forward to Pequod as he waited in the helicopter, Quiet was already in the helicopter with a smile on her face as she held out a hand for him to accept.
Back behind them Paz had let out a shriek that she was going to be late for her performance when Huey had warned her of the time, Ocelot was too busy chuckling to comment as he walked in a placid manner behind the two as they raced towards the area where Ahab knew that Paz would hold her concert for the Diamond Dogs.
A new Adventure for him was waiting, and for a moment, Ahab felt all his phantoms quiet down as he got into the helicopter looking down at Kaz who had his own smile. As they made the pass around Mother Base he could see his people working, living, this was not a nation of soldiers, but one of people. A living Legacy which he had helped lay the foundations for and built up with the hands of all the Diamond Dogs.
'Big boss, was this the Outer Heaven you wanted all those years ago?' Ahab wondered lightly as he looked upon what his and everyone else's work could be.
The work he had done, all of it. This could happen, the road would be long and bloody. There will be challenges and pain and trials ahead. There will be loss and pain...but it would be worth it in the end.
But if he could get through them, along with his comrades and his people...past, present, and future comrades.
This Outer Heaven could be attained.
@konamikode here it is for you to judge!
edited: finished the edit now!
-Special thanks to @Dmol8, @kerrowe, and everyone else who I forgot to mention from both the main thread and the omakes who looked it over...seriously thanks guys.
-Also don't forget the merciful and kind QM who gives us a shot at making these omakes, seriously dude is drowning himself in alcohol because of our shenanigans!
Word count: 6076
surprised myself a bit, didn't expect the omake to get this long!
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