Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
@Cavalier @ninjafish

I'm good for omake collaboration like this. Ragged Winter is definitely available for being in other people's omakes, and I'm perfectly willing to collab on an omake with someone. I think I'll be more confident when it's not just me, and I need to get Winter in on the omake fun anyway. Not to mention stretch my own writing muscles.

You're going Digimon/Gate on the Isekai. The Lord of Dust shows up and depending on how well we did in the tutorial and the battle against it Outer Haven is either sent to Europa world or it gets stuck in it's own little pocket dimension created by the corpse of the Lord of Dust or the corpse of the Lord of Dust became a bridge between MGS Earth and the VC Earth in it's death throes.

This means that you get to play with both MGS and VC and it also allows for far more interesting interesting interactions between the two worlds, their politics and their war machines.

Edit: The OP has made an Insightful rating on my post. Well then. Thread?:

...Kona gave that an insightful rating.
I'm really not keen on the conservation strut, because of the risk of introducing invasive species and fucking up the Europan ecology.
I'm really not keen on the conservation strut, because of the risk of introducing invasive species and fucking up the Europan ecology.
Unless we start filling it up right away I don't think we'll have any species...
Even if we do... the only invasive species I can think of that can actually get off the base would be the geribles and the birds.
Though the birds should be easily contained where they'll be put if the design of the place is anything to go by.
The gerbiles however... Not sure. I dunno how they work I've seen them mixed in with the herbivores.
oh god guys I just realized something...

DO NOT GET THE MAN ON FIRE!!! if Ishmael comes to our base the man of fire will awaken! and he wont stop until Ishmael is dead!!!

so please use common sense, do not poke the supernatural thing with science unless it is properly cleanse with enough holy stuff to not be able to come back EVER!

sorry if I'm sounding paranoid, but if Ishmael comes during this final turn of the tutorial, then we do NOT need the man on fire boss fight. This is critical if we want Ishmael to survive and then take up the torch for us in this world to get back on the path were carving out!

edited: now that I'm home and now have vented my paranoia properly (I'm serious guys, I don't trust that supernatural crap and wont poke it with a ten foot pole!) I reread the QM's posting...and played the music while reading...

dammit the feels are back 5X better then before!

So what you are saying is that for the people who want the Man on Fire boss fight to take the body recovery mission?
Hm, I make a lot of thematic arguments so what's one more? I think Volgin is dead. His spirit passed after his Final encounter with V.

Why? Because it's a game about people living for revenge. It fits the theme that upon realizing that V is not the man who killed him that he gives up the ghost.

And given the quest's themes of making up for past mistakes and moving past them. He doesn't fit. There is no better nature to reconcile nor any mistake Volgin represents. Big Boss stopped him from using the Shagohod but Volgin was never the focus.

I'm rambling and I've barely wrote anything but long story short. Volgin needs to be truly dead from a story perspective and bringing him back wouldn't match the themes of the quest or the turn.
And given the quest's themes of making up for past mistakes and moving past them. He doesn't fit. There is no better nature to reconcile nor any mistake Volgin represents. Big Boss stopped him from using the Shagohod but Volgin was never the focus.

It could be argued that a main theme is also about the fight for the future of all. Of old, hardened soldiers finding their path by giving what they have for the duty they have to the children on the next generation and beyond.
Random thought. Think the Boss's bandana is still with the AI Pod?
That's where it was right? Don't imagine it'd carry it's injury reducing properties in the quest though...

Sounds like it's about shaping the future for those after you if it's like that KK.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future."
I'm torn between showing the world, or flat out exiting in style. Someone convince me
What do you want more? Paz and Man on Fire, or Kurdish Turnaround and Operation Conservation?

We also have another action we can decide on after this vote is over, but unless we get another one (which certainly isn't out of the question), we can only pick up one of the two we don't pick now. Exiting in Style is likely to also have Kurdish Turnaround as well since that fits pretty well with our current path, but I feel Showed the World is a bit more divisive in that I can see it going either way between Paz and the Man on Fire.

Seeing as Kurdish Turnaround almost assuredly seems to be a shoe-in, which one of Paz, Man on Fire, or Operation Conservation do you care about the least? If it's Conservation, I'd recommend Exiting in Style, and if it's either Paz or Man on Fire, then I'd recommend Showed the World.
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In a way, that's also a theme. S'been one since the clone reveal of Solid Snake. Might be some kind of 'the copy isn't weighed down by as much crap as the original' or something like that. idk just woke up
My best guess is it's because the copy is generally raised to be like the paragon that they're copying, thus they have more training with the same talent. Of course, unless my memory is failing me Solid didn't really get that, so he's probably something like what you said.
You're going Digimon/Gate on the Isekai. The Lord of Dust shows up and depending on how well we did in the tutorial and the battle against it Outer Haven is either sent to Europa world or it gets stuck in it's own little pocket dimension created by the corpse of the Lord of Dust or the corpse of the Lord of Dust became a bridge between MGS Earth and the VC Earth in it's death throes.

This means that you get to play with both MGS and VC and it also allows for far more interesting interesting interactions between the two worlds, their politics and their war machines.

Edit: The OP has made an Insightful rating on my post. Well then. Thread?:

I hope to god that doesn't happen. The whole reason that the disarmament is working from a narrative perspective is that, however this plays out, we aren't going to be here after this turn. It's the tutorial, things are allowed to be sped up to an unrealistic degree for the sake of moving us along and getting everything established. Plus the whole sequence up to now had this wonderful sense of tension because we've been working with the foreknowledge that we have these turns, and only these turns to pull all this off before it all goes away.

So if we can just pop back between the two worlds whenever then that tension is ripped out from under us and renders this whole thing meaningless. It ends up having been never about making hard choices about who to take with us and what mark to leave on the world, leaving the tension with no pay off. We'd have gotten all wound up over nothing. And a good chunk of that tension has already been stripped out by all these extra actions letting us get tons of stuff done we couldn't otherwise, which was the strongest downside to our set up.

It's honestly making it hard to vote, because why choose at all when we get actions and money thrown at us left and right? I like most of the omakes the other writers in the thread have come up with, and the quest as a whole is stronger for it, but it's getting out of hand.

Now it's very possible I'm taking out of my ass here, an insightful from the GM is hardly conclusive. We might just get thrown into VCland and everything is hunky dory if a little on fire. But as it stands we're about to land there with about 8 hero units, 300 high level if not so greatly equipped super infantry and a Metal Gear. That's ridiculous. It makes me wonder why we even have research options, because I'm pretty sure with that set up we're just about untouchable.
[X] Plan Exiting In Style

To the Man Who Guided the World
And just like that I remember why Ishmael deserves the title of Big Boss.

Time and time again the guy has tried to do the right thing and fight the good fight. And yet time and time again he has been betrayed, by his country, by his friends, and even by his mentors. That sort of thing hurts, it leaves a mark. It's understandable that after all he's been through now that he's finally been knocked down straight to hell he can't seem to find his way back up. But the thing he seem's to have forgotten, is that the reason we get knocked down is so we can get back up.

We may be Big Boss, but he is to.

And it will be a cold day in hell before we let his sorrow scatter to the heartless sea.

Plan Of Dreams and Hopes:
-[X] Main Ops 3: Recover the Man on Fire
-[X] Main Ops 4: The Trial
-[X] Main Ops 5: Denuclearization 3 "A Glimpse of Today"
-[X] R&D 2: Repairing Sahelanthropus
-[X] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
-[X] PMC Ops 7: Wannabe Heroes
-[X] Side Ops 12: An Interview with the World
-[X] PMC Ops 6: Contra War