I really liked this, especially the little tidbits that shout out to other Diamond Dogs and the organic attention to recent events.
2 CP and 2 DB get~
No errors that I could see so this makes muster with 1 CP and 1 DB. My only gripe is that I saw Ishmael more than Ahab and Miller seemed like PW Miller.
3 CP and 3 DB get! Only errors I saw was a lack of capitalization in the beginning of a sentence and two spacing errors between paragraphs.
Impossible Dream/Beautiful Lie
Blender is right. Though for the sake of presentation I actually liked what you did with the formatting :3
Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall.
2CP, 2DB get~
I guess your character isn't going to get killed off anytime soon
Ah, Scooby Doo shenanigans of the PW variety~ Good stuff.
4CP and 2DB for Whale and 2DB for Ant :3
Good lord the word count so far. On to the next half of the batch
Omake Ops 9: Frenzied Repair
Saute that chipset Huey
3 CP Get~
Omake Ops 9: Frenzied Repair v2
I feel like I should at least give something for the effort put here.
Here's a CP
The Man Who Moved the World
Gooooood stooooof :3. Have 2 CP and check the action in Turn 3 Options~
The Philanthroper's Legacy 10.4
First off, I noticed a grouping of errors towards the end. Secondly, I just kinda ignored the errors given how engrossed I was in the omake.
4 CP, 200k GMP Get
Ahhhhh muh hurtz. I like how you wrote Eli, my own POV of him has him think with higher vocabulary in an effort to show his intelligence and his desire to be looked at as a soldier rather than a child. 2 CP and Eli gets +2 and Hana +3 to their respective opinions :3
With This Eye, I See: A D-Dog Tale
What, I'm not allowed to add to the madness?
Masterful story of diamond doge Kona. Exceptional. Much fluffs, so srs.
You have a job offer from KJP studios-
From Konami Cod
To Diamond Dogs. You all deserve it
+1 Bonus Action
Total of
4 Bonus Dice :3
This means you currently have 8 Actions. Additional actions if gotten will be voted for Sunday Evening.