Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


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By whose book, because it's certainly not mine.

Because, apparently superman IV: Quest for peace 'logic'.

If the cold war is still a thing, it might even start WW3.

Suppose it won't matter to us too much if we get ported out next turn. Otherwise, we're dead as doornails as every major power declares us as terrorist.

I'm quoting you two together because I've been trying to explain this from Thread Start. Stop. Being. Willfully Blind.

Metal Gear thematically, HATES NUKES. It hates WMD's, it hates systems of control based upon force or threat of retaliation, misinformation or coercion rather then open communication. That is what the M.A.D. system represents on the whole. A huge fucking gun pointed at the head of each and every human being alive. Metal Gear the series and by extension Konamikode as the author will not punish us for this because a Metal Gear Quest where denuclearization causes ww3 or the Diamond Dogs being destroyed misses the point of the series.

Boss had to die because knowledge of her mission would cause that world war. She literally had to fake defection so she could set the gears in motion for her protege to destroy the first functioning metal gear. Because it was a mobile nuclear platform that could destroy a traditional force sent to fight it even without it's nuclear payload. Oh and she had to die a traitor during that mission so the soviet's wouldn't know she had been a double agent and given them cause to make the war hot.

The MSF is destroyed because they were so desperate to hold onto a nuclear deterrent to keep the world at bay that they didn't see their own internal troubles that actually doomed them and set them down the path of revenge.

Skullface literally wanted to destroy the ability of people to communicate so that the only means of recourse was nuclear deterrence.

Zero and the Patriots wanted to control the world via information but their supremacy was cemented by the fact that they had nuclear arsenals which is why Big Boss and Solidus attempted to use their own metal gears to destroy the foundation of their control. Mind you that this solution was going to cause possible nuclear war at worst and at best was meant to cause constant low level warfare so that soldiers were A. Needed and B. Free to fight their own battles. This also got co-opted by the patriots as the basis of their war economy with them perverting any ideals this represented into truly meaningless conflict.

Even in revengeance which is the only MGS game without a nuclear threat. The Metal Gears and their use was shown to be enough to destabilize the world and almost restore the war economy system. The threat they continue to pose at the end even causes Raiden to give up on the idea of him ever living in peace with his family so that there can be a peace for them to live in.

Literally every plot in Metal Gear can be traced back to the idea that WMD's are not good and that the systems of control they represent destroy both the ability of individuals to have meaningful choice but also the ability for a true peace to exist because as long as there is a gun pointed at the head of the one is truly safe. Literally every major character has tried to leave war behind and been dragged back in because they cannot escape it as long as these systems remain in the world.

Like I don't know how else to say this. We have a literal stat called Heroism. It doubled when we took these actions. All the characters are talking about this giving them hope and a cause to believe in. We literally have blockaded a port because so many soldiers want to join because they believe in our cause. We have the literal game of MGSV having a cutscene about the Diamond Dog's celebrating global denuclearization and pontificating about the need for it to stay that way for the sake of mankind as a whole. Like, did you not notice that in every game that the Metal Gears are defeated by a man on foot? There's a reason for that.

Even VC makes it clear that the Valkyrians destroyed themselves with their superweapons. That awakened Valkyrs risk killing themselves by exerting their powers and that each and every one of them is dehumanized and hurt by their comrades because of it before we even get into that the presence of one and her use as a tool by a loved one is a major factor in how the second Europan war got started.

Literally, these series are more anti-nuke then Godzilla. Their arc of justice literally bends towards 'peace through diplomacy rather then threat of force is the ultimate good mankind can achieve'.
Omake Prompt:The worlds reaction to Diamond Dog's denuking actions next turn whether it be from news organizations, average people, or world governments.
The Chemical Burger by Aranfan (1CP) (1DB)
The Chemical Burger
Wordcount: 1029​


Revka Stone swallowed as she faced the door to Big Boss's office. She looked at the folder in her hands, and sighed. She knocked.

"Come in." Boss's voice rang out from inside. Strangely enough, the first sound was in her ears before her knuckles had hit metal.

Opening the door, she enters. Striding forward, she comes to a stop before the desk.

"Diligent Bumblebee. What's the occasion?" The man at the desk said. Still tall and strong, despite losing an eye and an arm. The perfect soldier. His eye still clear, and the shrapnel sharp. An intimidating sight, despite being a cripple. A hero.

"I found the embezzler boss." She said bluntly, expression firm.

"I see, we should get Miller in here then." He reaches for the iDroid.

"No." She said, interrupting him.

He pauses, considering, a single eyebrow rising. More emotion than he generally showed. "No?"

She gives him the folder. As he scans through the contents, he seems to deflate, emotions flickering from shock, to dismay, to irritation.

"No. Dammit Kaz. What the hell?" He mutters, leafing through it.

"The money has mostly been spent on foodstuffs. Beef, lamb, bread, flavorings. But it's not in the manifests, and Miller is always there to cart it away before it's properly documented. I had to get up early to actually confirm what it was." She elaborated, finally deciding to brave the chair placed before the desk.

Big Boss turns the page. The ever present sound of the sea lapping against the strut sounds unusually loud in the face of Big Boss's frown.

"I've also asked around the R&D department. Miller's been giving them instructions about food research, said it was to improve the rations, but nothing I've been able to find it the paperwork says you've approved that."

"Damnit Kaz. If you were that tired of the rations, you could have just said something." Big Boss grinds out.

"He's using our money and our time to do research for Miller's Maxi Buns, his fast food chain. I'm sorry Boss." It'd feel ridiculous, if it wasn't a knife in everyone's back.

He leafs through the file some more, silent. Eventually he closes it, defeated. "Good work Bumblebee, you're dismissed."

Revka salutes and leaves.


Venom Snake's foot slams the door in. The crash resounds through the room, echoing off pots and pans.

"Kaz, what are you doing in the kitchen?" Snake demands, stalking forward and slamming his arms into a nearby counter. Causing it to creak alarmingly.

"W-what!? Nothing Boss, just making sure that everything got brought in with the new shipment!"

"What the hell, why is that burger blue?"

"That's... I mean. I've been..." a cold sweat begins to form on miller's forehead, a droplet running along his glasses before falling to his lapel.

"Embezzling." Snake cuts Miller off.

Miller just looks poleaxed. "W-what do you mean Boss?"

Snake slaps the folder onto a nearby counter. "I know about the research you've been doing for Maxi Buns."

"O-oh?" Miller asks, picking up the file, and gulping as he goes through it.

"I thought I could trust you Kaz." Miller freezes, "Of all the people on this rig, you I thought I could trust. And you stabbed me in the back."

"I." Miller swallows. "I should have told you."

"Damn straight you should have told me! I'd have said yes!"

A blink, "You would've?"

"You, this excited of something other than revenge? I'd have jumped for fucking joy Kaz." Said Snake, disappointment showing in his eye.

Miller slumps, for the first time really looking like a cripple.

"I'm sorry Boss."

Snake sighs and sits down, grabbing a chair beside Kaz. He leans back, turning to side-eye the blue meat, "This thing is what you've been working on?"

"Yeah Boss. I call it the Chemical Burger."

Snake picks it up, "If this... Chemical Burger," he waves it in Miller's face, "Is not the best goddamn thing I have tasted in my entire goddamn life... You're gone."

Miller shuts his eyes, and sighs. Snake catches a tear behind the glasses.

Snake takes a bite.



Takes another bite.

He looks at Miller, the burger, back to Kaz, back to the burger.

Takes another bite.

"Kaz, this is the best goddamn thing I have tasted in my entire goddamn life."

Miller lets out an explosive sigh of relief. "Thank god."

"I'm still docking your pay." Snake says, taking another bite, "Half pay until you've paid back what you stole. I think the going rate of interest is 3%?"

"Around there, yeah."

"Plus 3% then. After that we'll call it even."

"I understand boss."

"And you're putting this thing on the menu at the mess."

Miller manages to bark a laugh.

Snake turns to leave, but pauses at the door.

"Kaz. If you want to do something like this again, just tell me, okay?"

Miller nods, "I will Boss. I swear it."

Snake left.


Revka dodged the grab at her shoulder with an ease of long practice, unfortunately her assailant faded out from her retaliatory backhand. She blocked the follow up kick with her knee, and would have landed a solid punch on the assailant's face if they hadn't tilted their head at just the right time. As the assailant disengaged, however, she managed to land a solid hit with her foot in his diaphragm.

Unfortunately she then found herself flat on her ass.

"Good. You've been keeping up with your CQC." Big Boss said from above her.

Was it weird that pride swelled in her at the praise instead of anger at getting attacked? Part of her felt there should have been anger as well as pride.

She saluted from her place on the ground, "Boss." She said, leveraging herself up. "What can I do for you."

"I've worked things out with Miller."

"...I see." You don't see.

"You'll be signing his paychecks for now. He's on half pay until he's paid us back."

"Ah." Now she did understand.

"And I also want you to keep an eye on his finances. If he decides to do something like this again without telling me, I want to know."

Revka snaps a salute. "Sir, Yes, Sir."

Last edited:
Omake Ops 8.1, 8.2, 8.3: Ghost in the Machine *Repeatable*
Mission Difficulty: 1.5k words, High Quality

Reward: A song flows beautifully through the ocean air.

Mission Brief: When the Mammal Pod is brought back to the R&D facility, several characters take the time to visit the scrambled and nearly destroyed machine copy of the Boss' mind in search of answers.

They don't find one.

Written in Ahab (8.1), Ocelot (8.2), or Eli's (8.3) POV. Can be written a total of three times, once for each point of view.
It's official.

Your're in my computer, reading my notes, and deciding to taunt me. Because Brunhild was supposed to do this after the changeover!
Yeah. We need to fix the hanger queen.

If the dust thing is coming? We need the metal gear working.

Also we should probably take the option to get a new elite unit.
And you're putting this thing on the menu at the mess."

Miller manages to bark a laugh before nodding, "Got it Boss."

Snake turns to leave after finishing what remained of the burger, but pauses at the door.

"Kaz. If you want to do something like this again, just tell me, okay?"

Miller nods, "I will Boss. I swear it."

Snake left, a faint smile on his lips.
...I did a little cleaning up of that last part, I hope you don't mind?
Sparks of The Tempest by ninjafish (3CP) (3DB)
First Omake Barrage, Fire!

So once again we're doing wacky shenanigans with Magical Buddha Soldier Gecko-chan.

Buuuuuuut you might notice that the tone of said wacky shenanigans is a bit... off, When you compare it too the content of "To Become One With All Creation."

There are reason's for this, some will be elaborated in the next omake.

But in short, The Jacqueline Ruckers of 1979 is a somewhat different person than The Lazing Gecko of 1984.

Please read it if you want, and if you feel like it and are able, GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK. We need these omakes to be the best they can possibly be.

Edit: Main Omake is now spoilered for your convenience.​

Sparks of The Tempest.

4:30 AM. Sofala Province.
Mozambique, Africa.

Today was going to be a good day.

The PMC she was currently shacked up with had been hired by FRELIMO for the conflict against RENAMO insurgents here in scenic Mozambique.

She specifically had been assigned to the job of fucking up RENAMO's logistics in the area however she pleased.

That meant some good old-fashioned sabotage was in order!

Thus, her current location situated in a bush, on a hill, looking down upon a juicy looking RENAMO base camp.

It looked pretty bad right now, all hastily assembled sheet metal and low-quality lumber.

But man, it was gonna look great once she set it on fire and blew it all up, maybe leave a few mangled corpses around the place. It was going to be absolutely beautiful.

But before she could do that… she had to find her way in.

She had been here in this bush, on a hill, branches purposefully stuck into her clothing and her skin covered in mud and green body paint, for the past eight and a half hours. Her binoculars had been pressed to her face for most of that time.

She was roughly a hundred meters northeast of the encampment, the Revue River butted up against the southern portion of the base. Her main targets, several large containers of fuel and the vehicles that used it, were in the western section of the encampment.

She had established a frequented location of an officer of high rank, positioned slightly south of the center of the encampment, likely a command center and com station.

Patrolmen swapped out every three hours, with the next swap occurring in roughly thirty minutes.

There was a gap in the patrols lasting anywhere from three to five minutes as fresh men cycled in. It would likely be on the longer side of that, considering how early it was.

That would be her ticket inside.

The soldier who would one day be known as Lazing Gecko smiled as she gently patted the C4 that would bring her target to ruins.

It was almost time.

Twenty-six minutes later and she was making the final approach towards the camp. The past half hour had seen her slowly creeping across the one hundred meters between her and her target, her ad-hoc camouflage of branches and leaves serving to disguise her as a bush.

This late at night people were more inclined to dismiss it as sleep deprivation if they thought a bush had moved a bit while they weren't looking.

Unfortunately for the RENAMO patrol men, this bush had indeed moved, and it would continue moving.

Because the bush was in fact an amazing mercenary of immense beauty and incredible skill, and she was there to ruin their shit and butcher their soldiers.
And she was so close to being able to do that.

The edge of the camp was right there, there wasn't a sentry in site, and the sun had yet to rise.

It was go time.

Breaking into a sprint, she entered the camp proper, took cover behind a conveniently located crate, and from there she crept into the shadows cast by a hastily erected sheet metal bunk.

Now she just needed to get to the fuel, plant the C4, put some distance between her and the soon to be inferno, then detonate the charges and get out.

Honestly this was way too easy.

Creeping westward towards her target, she had nothing to do but think, so that's what she did.

If you had asked her ten years ago what she thought about communism… She probably would have done the typical American thing and decried it and what not, might've called you a pinko commie fucker as well.

Hell, her first war had been a failed attempt to prevent a communist government from being installed!

And now here she was, a decade later, in the employment of a Marxist government fighting a bunch of anti-communist insurgents.

Life could be funny that way. Wars were won and lost, allegiances would shift, nations would fall, and today's friends would become tomorrow's enemies.

Come to think of it, that's probably why she never really bothered making friends.

She didn't really care about the rest of that stuff though. Politics and the like we're just shackles chaining the soul. She had long since put herself above all that ridiculous nonsense.

She just wanted to infiltrate, to fight, and to kill, to seek Heaven through violence.

But she still had to pay the bills, and FRELIMO had offered her current group quite the deal. So here she was about to ruin a bunch of Pro-capitalist's morning.

Speaking of ruining people's mornings!

Hey there Mr. Sentry, sitting in your guard post, how are you!

What's that? You don't know she's here even though she's literally three feet away from you? Excellent!

1, 2, 3, Groin punch!

Drag him to the ground while he's doubled over, cover his mouth… hush now little sentry, she knows that it hurts.

But there is no more time for tears, there is only stabbing now.

And then she stabbed him in the throat.

And stabbed him again in the heart for good measure.

Okay one more to the face.

Jeeze Mr. Sentry, first you get your balls punched, then you get penetrated seven times.

Maybe she'd call him Ms. Sentry from now on, he certainly wasn't the man in their relationship.

Yeah, that's seems about right, she would ask Mr. Sentry's opinion, but he wouldn't answer.

Because he was already dead.

With the vote 1-0 in favor of renaming Mr. Sentry to Ms. Sentry the debate was settled.

Motion passed!

Removing her knife from Ms. Sentry's Thigh, she silently experiences a full body shudder…

That was the good shit!

There was nothing quite like sneaking up on a man, bringing him to his knees, and then stabbing him… a lot.

Ms. Sentry had shown her a good time, so she'd leave him with a kiss on the cheek, before she stashed his corpse in a Porta-John.

They were really close to those fuel tanks now, so this would be one of the first places to burn when the big kaboom happened. So, atleast Ms. Sentry would get a proper cremation, and maybe he'd be reborn as something cool, like a tiger, or one of those beetles that could explode.

Being an exploding beetle would be pretty kickass.

Not as cool as being a gecko though, they just got to sit around doing almost nothing until food passed in front of their face for them to murder.

Lucky little reptilian bastards were living the dream.

Unfortunately, judging by how shit Ms. Sentry had been at his job, he was unlikely to be anything cool in his next life… he'd probably just be a cockroach, or something else that fit how boring and insignificant he had been.

Anyways, enough about hypothetical reincarnations for a man she had just brutally stabbed to death.

Time to perform the time honored, wholesome, family friendly activity of planting high powered explosives.

Now how many of these did she need for this? She doubted she was gonna need more than two to set off all the fuel and get the camp burning nice and bright.

She had three charges though… But she had been wanting to check out that pretty looking command center.

Fuck it! She would use two charges here on the fuel tanks, then place one on anything that looked remotely important on her way to the command center and officer within.

She wouldn't use explosives for Mr. Commander though.

While explosives always put on a great show, she liked to get a little bit more… intimate, when it came to officers.

After that was done, it would be smooth sailing. She'd get out, she would get herself some shitty room in Chimoio, and then she would have the best damn drink she could find in this shitty country to celebrate.

Speaking of celebration, her little fireworks display in the fuel depot was all set up, she'd even poured out a few gas cans just to make things extra toasty when the show got started.
But she wasn't quite done yet.

Now she just needed to find something to put the third charge on while she crept her way southeast to Chateau de insurgent and the commander located inside.

that was a sentry, couldn't place a charge on that.

Another sentry.

That was a porta-john… She missed Ms. Sentry.

That was some sort of power station… Oooooh! that looked nice.

Target acquired, The soldier proceed to plant her little seed of destruction.

Now all she needed to do was give the commandeer a wake-up call!

Why do these sentries suck so much!? It wasn't like half of them were a bunch of forcefully conscripted, poorly trained civilians versus an amazingly elite mercenary with a decade of experience.

Oh wait.

Never mind, their failure was forgiven.

Well no, she was still able to just crawl right through their commanding officers window… That level of incompetence on the part of the security was just unforgivable.

Speaking of unforgivable.

Man, this place was swanky, she had seen into the other bunks on her way here, none of them we're anywhere close to this good.

Was this even an actual command center or was the officer just abusing his rank to get better housing?

Fuck there was a king-sized bed in here, And a fucking Aquarium! With actual living fish in it?

This was probably where all the money, that Mr. Commander should have been using to train and equip his sentries, was going.

What little respect she had for this man as a commander had just dropped into the negatives. He would from this point on, be known as "Commander Moron."

And on the note of the commander of this "glorious" little encampment, and her respect for him.

Time to wake the stupid bastard up.

She normally didn't like to speak much, she preferred to let other things about her do the talking.

Like her tattoo's, or her taste in music.

Or her guns, those we're great for settling disagreements.

But she was riding high right now, so not only did she speak, she dropped into the native tongue of Little Ms. "Not appearing in this woman's childhood"

"Despierta Idiota."

Mental note, her voice sounded sexy in Spanish, even when telling a moron to wake the hell up.

Well her voice sounded sexy in the twang of her paternal heritage as well, but the Spanish lent some spice to it.

She'd remember that for the few occasions she spoke.

Anyways Commander Moron had opened his eyes, just in time to get a look up the barrel of her shotgun.

The only one who got to look at La Amada that way was herself… and people who were soon to die.

And in her honest opinion, Commander Moron wasn't fit to be scum on the bottom of her boots.

So, he was gonna die today!

Maybe she could have a bit of fun first though.

But to do that she first had to make sure he wouldn't cry for help!

"Falar e voce morrer."

She hadn't really mastered Portuguese yet, but it was one of the languages commonly spoken around these parts, and it was similar enough to Spanish that it wasn't too hard for her to pick it up.
It seemed she still needed some practice though, considering that Commander Moron had failed to get the message.

She grab's his tongue when he tries to open his worthless mouth, probably for some sort of inane threat, or an equally futile plea for mercy.

Maybe it had even been a prayer to whatever deity he may have believed in.

But whatever god he worshipped… they weren't here, only her.

Only Jacqueline.

He'd honestly have been better off if it had been a demon instead.

But enough about supernatural beings.

He'd spoken out of turn even though she had ordered him not to, and it sure would be annoying if he decided to scream for help and somehow managed to be heard.

She'd best make sure he couldn't speak up again, shouldn't she?

So that's exactly what she did.

By cutting Commander Moron's tongue out.

Ah... silence.

Well it was mostly silent anyway, she got the impression that Commander Moron was trying to gurgle something out through all the blood and the missing tongue.

She'd give him this, he may be a shitty leader commanding shitty soldiers, but he was a real trooper when it came down to enduring pain.

Well she didn't need to kill him just yet, okay technically she didn't need to kill him at all, but she wanted to. And her employers had said to act as she saw fit for this mission... killing off the enemy leadership can only ever be helpful.

Point is she didn't need to kill him yet, and she was feeling rather pent up from her time with Ms. Sentry earlier.

Surely a dead man didn't need a few fingers, right?


Commander Moron had tried to scream, but all the blood welling up in mouth, combined with having no tongue had made that rather difficult for him.

Now he was just kneeling there, blood running down his chin in great red rivers and sans most of his finger's, completely defeated and utterly silent.

Looking out the window it looked like the sun was starting to come up, a nice red glow beginning to light the horizon… maybe creeping around had taken longer than she had thought.

That had been some good fun, but she did need to manage her time table.

Honestly she had gotten a bit sloppy and taken way too long on this guy, the torturer really needed to learn to reign herself in when she was on a job like this.

At any rate, the sun was coming up, and she had done what she had come here to do.

Guess it was time to blow this, almost literal, popsicle stand.

Now normally, she would do the whole "Executing her target" thing in silence, La Amada was a bit of a screamer afterall, woke every one around her up when she went off.

But do to her earlier efforts at the fuel tanks and the power station, she had a nice little distraction all lined up. So, her steadiest lover could have all the fun she wanted.

She pulled out the detonator, and pointed her shotgun at Commander Moron's head.

Press the button, pull the trigger.

"Adios Imbecil"

Some final words to send him onto the wheel with.


Man, she loved the smell of burning chemical's and bloodshed in the morning.

Oh? Was that footsteps coming up the stairs she heard? Some enterprising young soldier here to inform their commanding officer that the base was on seven different kinds of fire?

With a familiar motion of her hand and fingers, La Amada blur's around her hand

Click. Click.

Her most faithful companion twirled around her arm and pointed dead on towards the door as it began to open.


And another idiot loses their head. C'mon RENAMO make her day, make it three for three!

Wait… No she had aimed a bit low, torso shot instead. This guy was still very dead though, judging by the hole where his heart and lungs should have been.

Huh, he looks pretty young…

Oh, come on! Child soldiers, really?

Wait, maybe not, Kid looked like he had made it through all the important bits of puberty… But the uncertainty of it made the kill bitter, not even bittersweet, just bitter.

Even for someone like her, fighting kids was no good. She would still do it if they tried to attack her of course, and she wouldn't regret it. But even then, she would try her best to go nonlethal.

It was, not surprisingly, really hard to go nonlethal when your main armament was a shotgun, but she treated it as an opportunity to practice her skills at capture and kidnapping. The extra difficulty was worth being able to say that she still had some sort of standards.

Sure, she would happily punch a guy in the balls, stab him to death, and then mutilate the body for fun, all while mocking him and his masculinity… but at least she didn't kill kids!

Afterall she'd have to be a lot more fucked in the brain than she already was to derive any joy from killing children who had been forced into this life by some jackass they didn't know, for a cause they didn't understand.

Luckily for her, she didn't have to fight child soldiers too often, what with her main job being all about sneakily breaking into to places to kill high value targets and destroy, or steal, important things.
Child soldiers rarely ended up being assigned to anything really important in her experience.

She'd lost the plot really bad on that last one, maybe she had more decency left than she thought if the issue of child soldiers got her going that much.

At anyrate there was nothing she could really do about it now, the kid was borderline anyway in terms of age… Hell, the kid was probably about the same age she had been, back when she took that trip to Nam'. So, it was best not to let it harsh her mood anymore.

The guy had been old enough to make his own decisions.

She'd close his eyes and wish him luck in his next life though, it was the least she could do. Even if he had joined willingly, she highly doubted he had known what he was getting into, giving him some respect in death wasn't much to make up for that, but it was all she was capable of.

As for Commander Moron, she still had no respect for him. So instead of closing his eyes, she cut them out before she left...

Because fuck that corrupt moron with a rusty spike. She hadn't even been able to play with him for real before having to kill him!

She needed her fun time damnit! It was one of the things that helped her wake up in the morning!

Okay she was on yet another tangent now, and the sun was just barely visible on the horizon, Commander Moron was dead, she had blown up a bunch of stuff, and the base was in flames.

It was time to bail.



Five minutes later:

Man, these guys didn't even have the good grace to get better when the pressure was on.

She had practically danced down to the river bank, it was almost like they just gave this boat to her.

Truthfully, she had blown the heads off of at least six dumb bastards who'd tried to attack her on her way down to the river, and she had stolen this boat from the seventh.

But it had been so easy to do that, that in her opinion they might as well have just handed it to her wrapped up in a bow with a big old "thank you" card saying, "Thanks for bending our base over a barrel and violating it!"

Fuck it, they had been terrible at their job. But their comprehensive failure had been to her benefit and so it had all turned out okay!

For her, it had gone well for her. The RENAMO guys were either burning alive, dead, or running around like headless chickens wondering where they had gone wrong in life.

Mission accomplished!

Let the celebrations begin.

The woman who would one day be known as Lazing Gecko pulled out her cassette player as she motored down the Revue River.

As she chose a beloved tape and pulled the headphones over her ears she wondered if they had any tequila in Chimoio…

~Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low, ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to go.~

Probably not, but she could hope.

~Are you ready! Hey! Are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?"

She could really go for a good Reposado right now. Maybe an Anejo, if she felt adventurous?

~Out of the doorway the bullets rip! To the sound of the beat!~

She wasn't much for heavy drinking, not anymore at least, but a glass or two of a good Tequila after a successful mission wasn't really "heavy drinking" in her opinion.

~Another one bites the dust!~

She should probably stop the boat, the vehicle she had stashed away before she began this whole escapade was only a couple of miles too the north of here, an easy walk. Once she had her truck the trip back to Chimoio would probably only take a half hour, maybe a little more.

~Another one bites the dust!~

She'd hang out around the town, see the sights, try and find a decent liquor store, maybe try to get some local tail.

~And another one gone, and another one gone~

Man or woman, it didn't really matter, It would be nice to have someone else with her for tonight.

~Another one bites the dust!~

Maybe she would try to climb Mount Bengo while she was there, she'd heard the top of the Old Man's Head had a good view of the surrounding area, and considering she lacked any proper exercise equipment, mountain climbing didn't sound like a bad way to get her daily training in.

She didn't have to report in for another two days or so anyway. So, she had some time to kill.

~Hey I'm gonna get you too!~

She was kind of getting the feeling they didn't want her around back at the pmc anyway.

To be fair she felt the same way, considering that she hadn't even bothered to remember they're names. Besides they were mostly boring assholes anyway, making her do so much inane, stupid shit.

She wasn't slacking! She was meditating! Those were two very different things!

Oh well, if she wanted to bail she could do it without worries. When it came to PMC's there were plenty of fish in the sea.

Ironically that was only because Militaires Sans Frontieres had literally sunk into the sea. It was kind of hard to believe that something led by the "Legendary Soldier" could go down so hard, no one even knew exactly what had happened. But she guessed that's just how things go sometimes.

Anyways, MSF had filled a niche no one had even known existed, and when it went the way of Atlantis? Well, they say nature abhors a vacuum. So of course, dozens of PMC's had emerged as if from nothing to fill the void left by the Soldiers Without Borders.

And she was going off on another tangent… The point was that with her skills, there was no shortage of job opportunities around. Particularly here in Africa, where there seemed to be a new war popping up every other year.

So yeah, she was probably gonna stick around Mozambique long enough to get paid, then she was gonna bail and find greener pastures, and hopefully more accepting companions.

Such was life for the woman who had once been called Jacqueline Ruckers.

~Another one bites the dust!~



Chimoio did not, in fact, have any tequila. The soldier who would be known as Lazing Gecko instead spent the night drinking shitty beer.

She was not particularly happy about this but couldn't be bothered to complain too much.

On the bright side, she met a particularly adventurous local couple on the climb up Mount Bengo the day after.

She had a very good night that night.

While the exact sequence of events after that is unknown, what is known is that she ended up ending her debriefing with her, at the time, superiors by literally flipping the table, and then walking out while giving them the bird.

A truck went missing from a local "Sly Hyena" PMC outpost later that night, and it was suspected that Gecko was the one who took it.

Her next (confirmed) activity was in 1982, where she was sighted in Sierra Leone during the Ndogboyosoi War, apparently as a free-lancer fighting for the Sierra Leone People's Party.

She would later be recruited by "The Major" (otherwise known by his Diamond Dog codename of "Mad Centipede") and join the PMC "Rogue Coyote" sometime after the Bush Devil War failed to reach a decisive outcome.


Word Count (Not counting the title and author's notes): 4091 words. (Do I win yet @konamikode?!)

You have no idea how many times I had to rewrite portions of this. I wanted to portray someone who was distinctly fucked in the brain and very, very, violent, but at the same time, I also didn't want to send the edginess of the piece into Maximum Over Drive.

I'm not sure I succeeded at balancing that, but I tried.

A lot of these traits are still present in modern Gecko, But the more... Serial Killer-y ones have been toned down significantly in the Gecko of 1984. But she still becomes more manic and peppy during the course of a mission.

At any rate first omake is up!

Get on my level scrubs! I still have another one!
Last edited:
When I think about the Huey Trial option, I do think it won't be as bad before... Mainly because the 2nd outbreak didn't happen.
Still... Strangelove though. That's definitely a concern
So wait, I've been wondering. Didn't the Captain from MGS Survive BEAT that thing? So in theory, it's possible the wormhole will open just in time for it to get it's shitkicked by the Captain and he just shows up as an MSF going 'hi guys what is' with the XOF friend they made. Time travel is weird.
First Omake Barrage, Fire!

So once again we're doing wacky shenanigans with Magical Buddha Soldier Gecko-chan.

Buuuuuuut you might notice that the tone of said wacky shenanigans is a bit... off, When you compare it too the content of "To Become One With All Creation."

There are reason's for this, some will be elaborated in the next omake.

But in short, The Jacqueline Ruckers of 1979 is a somewhat different person than The Lazing Gecko of 1984.

Please read it if you want, and if you feel like it and are able, GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK. I want to keep improving as a writer.​
Sparks of The Tempest.

4:30 AM. Sofala Province.
Mozambique, Africa.

Today was going to be a good day.

The PMC she was currently shacked up with had been hired by FRELIMO for the conflict against RENAMO insurgents here in scenic Mozambique.

She specifically had been assigned to the job of fucking up RENAMO's logistics in the area however she pleased.

That meant some good old-fashioned sabotage was in order!

Thus, her current location situated in a bush, on a hill, looking down upon a juicy looking RENAMO base camp.

It looked pretty bad right now, all hastily assembled sheet metal and low-quality lumber.

But man, it was gonna look great once she set it on fire and blew it all up, maybe leave a few mangled corpses around the place. It was going to be absolutely beautiful.

But before she could do that… she had to find her way in.

She had been here in this bush, on a hill, branches purposefully stuck into her clothing and her skin covered in mud and green body paint, for the past eight and a half hours. Her binoculars had been pressed to her face for most of that time.

She was roughly a hundred meters northeast of the encampment, the Revue River butted up against the southern portion of the base. Her main targets, several large containers of fuel and the vehicles that used it, were in the western section of the encampment.

She had established a frequented location of an officer of high rank, positioned slightly south of the center of the encampment, likely a command center and com station.

Patrolmen swapped out every three hours, with the next swap occurring in roughly thirty minutes.

There was a gap in the patrols lasting anywhere from three to five minutes as fresh men cycled in. It would likely be on the longer side of that, considering how early it was.

That would be her ticket inside.

The soldier who would one day be known as Lazing Gecko smiled as she gently patted the C4 that would bring her target to ruins.

It was almost time.

Twenty-six minutes later and she was making the final approach towards the camp. The past half hour had seen her slowly creeping across the one hundred meters between her and her target, her ad-hoc camouflage of branches and leaves serving to disguise her as a bush.

This late at night people were more inclined to dismiss it as sleep deprivation if they thought a bush had moved a bit while they weren't looking.

Unfortunately for the RENAMO patrol men, this bush had indeed moved, and it would continue moving.

Because the bush was in fact an amazing mercenary of immense beauty and incredible skill, and she was there to ruin their shit and butcher their soldiers.
And she was so close to being able to do that.

The edge of the camp was right there, there wasn't a sentry in site, and the sun had yet to rise.

It was go time.

Breaking into a sprint, she entered the camp proper, took cover behind a conveniently located crate, and from there she crept into the shadows cast by a hastily erected sheet metal bunk.

Now she just needed to get to the fuel, plant the C4, put some distance between her and the soon to be inferno, then detonate the charges and get out.

Honestly this was way too easy.

Creeping westward towards her target, she had nothing to do but think, so that's what she did.

If you had asked her ten years ago what she thought about communism… She probably would have done the typical American thing and decried it and what not, might've called you a pinko commie fucker as well.

Hell, her first war had been a failed attempt to prevent a communist government from being installed!

And now here she was, a decade later, in the employment of a Marxist government fighting a bunch of anti-communist insurgents.

Life could be funny that way. Wars were won and lost, allegiances would shift, nations would fall, and today's friends would become tomorrow's enemies.

Come to think of it, that's probably why she never really bothered making friends.

She didn't really care about the rest of that stuff though. Politics and the like we're just shackles chaining the soul. She had long since put herself above all that ridiculous nonsense.

She just wanted to infiltrate, to fight, and to kill, to seek Heaven through violence.

But she still had to pay the bills, and FRELIMO had offered her current group quite the deal. So here she was about to ruin a bunch of Pro-capitalist's morning.

Speaking of ruining people's mornings!

Hey there Mr. Sentry, sitting in your guard post, how are you!

What's that? You don't know she's here even though she's literally three feet away from you? Excellent!

1, 2, 3, Groin punch!

Drag him to the ground while he's doubled over, cover his mouth… hush now little sentry, she knows that it hurts.

But there is no more time for tears, there is only stabbing now.

And then she stabbed him in the throat.

And stabbed him again in the heart for good measure.

Okay one more to the face.

Jeeze Mr. Sentry, first you get your balls punched, then you get penetrated seven times.

Maybe she'd call him Ms. Sentry from now on, he certainly wasn't the man in their relationship.

Yeah, that's seems about right, she would ask Mr. Sentry's opinion, but he wouldn't answer.

Because he was already dead.

With the vote 1-0 in favor of renaming Mr. Sentry to Ms. Sentry the debate was settled.

Motion passed!

Removing her knife from Ms. Sentry's Thigh, she silently experiences a full body shudder…

That was the good shit!

There was nothing quite like sneaking up on a man, bringing him to his knees, and then stabbing him… a lot.

Ms. Sentry had shown her a good time, so she'd leave him with a kiss on the cheek, before she stashed his corpse in a Porta-John.

They were really close to those fuel tanks now, so this would be one of the first places to burn when the big kaboom happened. So, atleast Ms. Sentry would get a proper cremation, and maybe he'd be reborn as something cool, like a tiger, or one of those beetles that could explode.

Being an exploding beetle would be pretty kickass.

Not as cool as being a gecko though, they just got to sit around doing almost nothing until food passed in front of their face for them to murder.

Lucky little reptilian bastards were living the dream.

Unfortunately, judging by how shit Ms. Sentry had been at his job, he was unlikely to be anything cool in his next life… he'd probably just be a cockroach, or something else that fit how boring and insignificant he had been.

Anyways, enough about hypothetical reincarnations for a man she had just brutally stabbed to death.

Time to perform the time honored, wholesome, family friendly activity of planting high powered explosives.

Now how many of these did she need for this? She doubted she was gonna need more than two to set off all the fuel and get the camp burning nice and bright.

She had three charges though… But she had been wanting to check out that pretty looking command center.

Fuck it! She would use two charges here on the fuel tanks, then place one on anything that looked remotely important on her way to the command center and officer within.

She wouldn't use explosives for Mr. Commander though.

While explosives always put on a great show, she liked to get a little bit more… intimate, when it came to officers.

After that was done, it would be smooth sailing. She'd get out, she would get herself some shitty room in Chimoio, and then she would have the best damn drink she could find in this shitty country to celebrate.

Speaking of celebration, her little fireworks display in the fuel depot was all set up, she'd even poured out a few gas cans just to make things extra toasty when the show got started.
But she wasn't quite done yet.

Now she just needed to find something to put the third charge on while she crept her way southeast to Chateau de insurgent and the commander located inside.

that was a sentry, couldn't place a charge on that.

Another sentry.

That was a porta-john… She missed Ms. Sentry.

That was some sort of power station… Oooooh! that looked nice.

Target acquired, The soldier proceed to plant her little seed of destruction.

Now all she needed to do was give the commandeer a wake-up call!

Why do these sentries suck so much!? It wasn't like half of them were a bunch of forcefully conscripted, poorly trained civilians versus an amazingly elite mercenary with a decade of experience.

Oh wait.

Never mind, their failure was forgiven.

Well no, she was still able to just crawl right through their commanding officers window… That level of incompetence on the part of the security was just unforgivable.

Speaking of unforgivable.

Man, this place was swanky, she had seen into the other bunks on her way here, none of them we're anywhere close to this good.

Was this even an actual command center or was the officer just abusing his rank to get better housing?

Fuck there was a king-sized bed in here, And a fucking Aquarium! With actual living fish in it?

This was probably where all the money, that Mr. Commander should have been using to train and equip his sentries, was going.

What little respect she had for this man as a commander had just dropped into the negatives. He would from this point on, be known as "Commander Moron."

And on the note of the commander of this "glorious" little encampment, and her respect for him.

Time to wake the stupid bastard up.

She normally didn't like to speak much, she preferred to let other things about her do the talking.

Like her tattoo's, or her taste in music.

Or her guns, those we're great for settling disagreements.

But she was riding high right now, so not only did she speak, she dropped into the native tongue of Little Ms. "Not appearing in this woman's childhood"

"Despierta Idiota."

Mental note, her voice sounded sexy in Spanish, even when telling a moron to wake the hell up.

Well her voice sounded sexy in the twang of her paternal heritage as well, but the Spanish lent some spice to it.

She'd remember that for the few occasions she spoke.

Anyways Commander Moron had opened his eyes, just in time to get a look up the barrel of her shotgun.

The only one who got to look at La Amada that way was herself… and people who were soon to die.

And in her honest opinion, Commander Moron wasn't fit to be scum on the bottom of her boots.

So, he was gonna die today!

Maybe she could have a bit of fun first though.

But to do that she first had to make sure he wouldn't cry for help!

"Falar e voce morrer."

She hadn't really mastered Portuguese yet, but it was one of the languages commonly spoken around these parts, and it was similar enough to Spanish that it wasn't too hard for her to pick it up.
It seemed she still needed some practice though, considering that Commander Moron had failed to get the message.

She grab's his tongue when he tries to open his worthless mouth, probably for some sort of inane threat, or an equally futile plea for mercy.

Maybe it had even been a prayer to whatever deity he may have believed in.

But whatever god he worshipped… they weren't here, only her.

Only Jacqueline.

He'd honestly have been better off if it had been a demon instead.

But enough about supernatural beings.

He'd spoken out of turn even though she had ordered him not to, and it sure would be annoying if he decided to scream for help and somehow managed to be heard.

She'd best make sure he couldn't speak up again, shouldn't she?

So that's exactly what she did.

By cutting Commander Moron's tongue out.

Ah... silence.

Well it was mostly silent anyway, she got the impression that Commander Moron was trying to gurgle something out through all the blood and the missing tongue.

She'd give him this, he may be a shitty leader commanding shitty soldiers, but he was a real trooper when it came down to enduring pain.

Well she didn't need to kill him just yet, okay technically she didn't need to kill him at all, but she wanted to. And her employers had said to act as she saw fit for this mission... killing off the enemy leadership can only ever be helpful.

Point is she didn't need to kill him yet, and she was feeling rather pent up from her time with Ms. Sentry earlier.

Surely a dead man didn't need a few fingers, right?


Commander Moron had tried to scream, but all the blood welling up in mouth, combined with having no tongue had made that rather difficult for him.

Now he was just kneeling there, blood running down his chin in great red rivers and sans most of his finger's, completely defeated and utterly silent.

Looking out the window it looked like the sun was starting to come up, a nice red glow beginning to light the horizon… maybe creeping around had taken longer than she had thought.

That had been some good fun, but she did need to manage her time table.

Honestly she had gotten a bit sloppy and taken way too long on this guy, the torturer really needed to learn to reign herself in when she was on a job like this.

At any rate, the sun was coming up, and she had done what she had come here to do.

Guess it was time to blow this, almost literal, popsicle stand.

Now normally, she would do the whole "Executing her target" thing in silence, La Amada was a bit of a screamer afterall, woke every one around her up when she went off.

But do to her earlier efforts at the fuel tanks and the power station, she had a nice little distraction all lined up. So, her steadiest lover could have all the fun she wanted.

She pulled out the detonator, and pointed her shotgun at Commander Moron's head.

Press the button, pull the trigger.

"Adios Imbecil"

Some final words to send him onto the wheel with.


Man, she loved the smell of burning chemical's and bloodshed in the morning.

Oh? Was that footsteps coming up the stairs she heard? Some enterprising young soldier here to inform their commanding officer that the base was on seven different kinds of fire?

With a familiar motion of her hand and fingers, La Amada blur's around her hand

Click. Click.

Her most faithful companion twirled around her arm and pointed dead on towards the door as it began to open.


And another idiot loses their head. C'mon RENAMO make her day, make it three for three!

Wait… No she had aimed a bit low, torso shot instead. This guy was still very dead though, judging by the hole where his heart and lungs should have been.

Huh, he looks pretty young…

Oh, come on! Child soldiers, really?

Wait, maybe not, Kid looked like he had made it through all the important bits of puberty… But the uncertainty of it made the kill bitter, not even bittersweet, just bitter.

Even for someone like her, fighting kids was no good. She would still do it if they tried to attack her of course, and she wouldn't regret it. But even then, she would try her best to go nonlethal.

It was, not surprisingly, really hard to go nonlethal when your main armament was a shotgun, but she treated it as an opportunity to practice her skills at capture and kidnapping. The extra difficulty was worth being able to say that she still had some sort of standards.

Sure, she would happily punch a guy in the balls, stab him to death, and then mutilate the body for fun, all while mocking him and his masculinity… but at least she didn't kill kids!

Afterall she'd have to be a lot more fucked in the brain than she already was to derive any joy from killing children who had been forced into this life by some jackass they didn't know, for a cause they didn't understand.

Luckily for her, she didn't have to fight child soldiers too often, what with her main job being all about sneakily breaking into to places to kill high value targets and destroy, or steal, important things.
Child soldiers rarely ended up being assigned to anything really important in her experience.

She'd lost the plot really bad on that last one, maybe she had more decency left than she thought if the issue of child soldiers got her going that much.

At anyrate there was nothing she could really do about it now, the kid was borderline anyway in terms of age… Hell, the kid was probably about the same age she had been, back when she took that trip to Nam'. So, it was best not to let it harsh her mood anymore.

The guy had been old enough to make his own decisions.

She'd close his eyes and wish him luck in his next life though, it was the least she could do. Even if he had joined willingly, she highly doubted he had known what he was getting into, giving him some respect in death wasn't much to make up for that, but it was all she was capable of.

As for Commander Moron, she still had no respect for him. So instead of closing his eyes, she cut them out before she left...

Because fuck that corrupt moron with a rusty spike. She hadn't even been able to play with him for real before having to kill him!

She needed her fun time damnit! It was one of the things that helped her wake up in the morning!

Okay she was on yet another tangent now, and the sun was just barely visible on the horizon, Commander Moron was dead, she had blown up a bunch of stuff, and the base was in flames.

It was time to bail.



Five minutes later:

Man, these guys didn't even have the good grace to get better when the pressure was on.

She had practically danced down to the river bank, it was almost like they just gave this boat to her.

Truthfully, she had blown the heads off of at least six dumb bastards who'd tried to attack her on her way down to the river, and she had stolen this boat from the seventh.

But it had been so easy to do that, that in her opinion they might as well have just handed it to her wrapped up in a bow with a big old "thank you" card saying, "Thanks for bending our base over a barrel and violating it!"

Fuck it, they had been terrible at their job. But their comprehensive failure had been to her benefit and so it had all turned out okay!

For her, it had gone well for her. The RENAMO guys were either burning alive, dead, or running around like headless chickens wondering where they had gone wrong in life.

Mission accomplished!

Let the celebrations begin.

The woman who would one day be known as Lazing Gecko pulled out her cassette player as she motored down the Revue River.

As she chose a beloved tape and pulled the headphones over her ears she wondered if they had any tequila in Chimoio…

~Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low, ain't no sound but the sound of his feet, machine guns ready to go.~

Probably not, but she could hope.

~Are you ready! Hey! Are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?"

She could really go for a good Reposado right now. Maybe an Anejo, if she felt adventurous?

~Out of the doorway the bullets rip! To the sound of the beat!~

She wasn't much for heavy drinking, not anymore at least, but a glass or two of a good Tequila after a successful mission wasn't really "heavy drinking" in her opinion.

~Another one bites the dust!~

She should probably stop the boat, the vehicle she had stashed away before she began this whole escapade was only a couple of miles too the north of here, an easy walk. Once she had her truck the trip back to Chimoio would probably only take a half hour, maybe a little more.

~Another one bites the dust!~

She'd hang out around the town, see the sights, try and find a decent liquor store, maybe try to get some local tail.

~And another one gone, and another one gone~

Man or woman, it didn't really matter, It would be nice to have someone else with her for tonight.

~Another one bites the dust!~

Maybe she would try to climb Mount Bengo while she was there, she'd heard the top of the Old Man's Head had a good view of the surrounding area, and considering she lacked any proper exercise equipment, mountain climbing didn't sound like a bad way to get her daily training in.

She didn't have to report in for another two days or so anyway. So, she had some time to kill.

~Hey I'm gonna get you too!~

She was kind of getting the feeling they didn't want her around back at the pmc anyway.

To be fair she felt the same way, considering that she hadn't even bothered to remember they're names. Besides they were mostly boring assholes anyway, making her do so much inane, stupid shit.

She wasn't slacking! She was meditating! Those were two very different things!

Oh well, if she wanted to bail she could do it without worries. When it came to PMC's there were plenty of fish in the sea.

Ironically that was only because Militaires Sans Frontieres had literally sunk into the sea. It was kind of hard to believe that something led by the "Legendary Soldier" could go down so hard, no one even knew exactly what had happened. But she guessed that's just how things go sometimes.

Anyways, MSF had filled a niche no one had even known existed, and when it went the way of Atlantis? Well, they say nature abhors a vacuum. So of course, dozens of PMC's had emerged as if from nothing to fill the void left by the Soldiers Without Borders.

And she was going off on another tangent… The point was that with her skills, there was no shortage of job opportunities around. Particularly here in Africa, where there seemed to be a new war popping up every other year.

So yeah, she was probably gonna stick around Mozambique long enough to get paid, then she was gonna bail and find greener pastures, and hopefully more accepting companions.

Such was life for the woman who had once been called Jacqueline Ruckers.

~Another one bites the dust!~



Chimoio did not, in fact, have any tequila. The soldier who would be known as Lazing Gecko instead spent the night drinking shitty beer.

She was not particularly happy about this but couldn't be bothered to complain too much.

On the bright side, she met a particularly adventurous local couple on the climb up Mount Bengo the day after.

She had a very good night that night.

While the exact sequence of events after that is unknown, what is known is that she ended up ending her debriefing with her, at the time, superiors by literally flipping the table, and then walking out while giving them the bird.

A truck went missing from a local "Sly Hyena" PMC outpost later that night, and it was suspected that Gecko was the one who took it.

Her next (confirmed) activity was in 1982, where she was sighted in Sierra Leone during the Ndogboyosoi War, apparently as a free-lancer fighting for the Sierra Leone People's Party.

She would later be recruited by "The Major" (otherwise known by his Diamond Dog codename of "Mad Centipede") and join the PMC "Rogue Coyote" sometime after the Bush Devil War failed to reach a decisive outcome.


Word Count (Not counting the title and author's notes): 4091 words. (Do I win yet @konamikode?!)

You have no idea how many times I had to rewrite portions of this. I wanted to portray someone who was distinctly fucked in the brain and very, very, violent, but at the same time, I also didn't want to send the edginess of the piece into Maximum Over Drive.

I'm not sure I succeeded at balancing that, but I tried.

A lot of these traits are still present in modern Gecko, But the more... Serial Killer-y ones have been toned down significantly in the Gecko of 1984. But she still becomes more manic and peppy during the course of a mission.

At any rate first omake is up!

Get on my level scrubs! I still have another one!

Maybe you should put that in spoilers so that it isn't so huge and filling up the thread?
So wait, I've been wondering. Didn't the Captain from MGS Survive BEAT that thing? So in theory, it's possible the wormhole will open just in time for it to get it's shitkicked by the Captain and he just shows up as an MSF going 'hi guys what is' with the XOF friend they made. Time travel is weird.

It's time travel so we might have to kill it to.

Also avoid double posting.