Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
Konami just said it's possible to get at least 20 action dice. You know what that means!
No, he said there's over twenty omakes. It's actually 23 if we take all the actions that unlock one. Even in the absolute best case scenario of each of them getting three coupon points, despite that only happening once so far, and Konami rounding those 69 coupons up to 70, that's still 'only' 11 action dice.
Okay.......So we ALL need to chip in here guys and gals. This isn't going to be a three or four or even five person job. We all need to contribute what we can, make sure they get edited properly, and do our best.

I'll do one of the Legacy Omakes. Need to think about which one.

Hm....Player Written Omakes....need to think....need to think.
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I'm willing to try the Eli and Hana omake, I think I can pull those heartstrings. Besides that, Sights and I have completed a team character omake, and I've got one more idea in my head I think I could make work for a character one. Something focused on one of the denuclerization missions from the eyes of some of the soldiers on them?


Also we NEED to do Paz this turn. My gut tells me that SHE WILL DIE otherwise, losing us a hero character.

That and I just don't want to let her die.
Vagrant Shrike 1 by Cavalier (2CP) (2DB)
Vagrant Shrike started up from her hammock, covered in sweat and eyes wide open. As her brain kicked into gear she oriented herself to the bunks and stopped reaching for the combat knife she kept nearby. She shook her head as a Diamond Dog sitting up across the room looked over at her with some concern.

"Bad dream," she said dismissively. The other mercenary nodded and turned away. She was hardly the only one on Mother Base with regular nightmares.

She rolled out onto the floor and quickly threw on her camo pants and a jacket over her black tanktop. Since she was up early she could get a start on her exercises before duty began.

Vagrant Shrike started with a jog around the barracks in the thin light of the just dawning sun. Given all the piping and constrained quarters it was more acrobatic than just hitting the gym track, which suited her just fine. And outside she could feel the ocean breeze and the tang of salt on the air. After months in Afghanistan it was still welcome. Even as she had no true home anywhere, the sea always seemed to embrace her with welcome arms.

And just as she was enjoying herself she had to grab on to a pipe running overhead to flip herself up and over an orderly running up the stairs she was heading down. Enough jogging, she decided.

The gym was built in to the barracks housing at the lower level and offered basic facilities and equipment to keep Diamond Dogs in shape between missions. Vagrant Shrike spurned the running track in favor of hitting the showers to change into a swimsuit and hit the pool. Swimming laps was a full exercise program in itself, toning her muscles and building up the stamina needed for operations out in the field. It also kept her figure looking good in a bikini for when she could finally afford to take some leave over on the Seychelles beaches…

Once the pool started crowding with Diamond Dogs coming off the last watches or just waking up and as she began feeling a burn, Shrike got out and headed back to the showers. It gave her a few minutes to think through the day. Commander Miller had dragooned her into helping teach English and literacy to the child soldiers from Francophone countries. Not at all what she thought she would be doing with the Diamond Dogs after Big Boss showed up outside her cell with keys in hand and the hallways decorated with unconscious Soviet guards.

One does what one must, she thought, turning off the water and toweling herself dry. She had needed to teach her cells of female Afghans enough literacy to find their targets so perhaps it was logical. Trainers needed to be able to instruct recruits in all kinds of skills. And in the end she hadn't joined Diamond Dogs because they were ruthless; because Big Boss had shown in countless deeds that they were not.

She might not care that much about educating the detritus of war, but if Big Boss did not then she wouldn't be able to trust him as she did.

"I can't believe we're getting rid of all the nukes," a voice cut into the locker room as another Diamond Dog entered.

"Good riddance. They aren't warfare, they're just mass murder," his companion responded.

They argued over it as Vagrant Shrike hurried up dressing. She was out the door and heading for breakfast in the canteen even as the argument in the locker room spread to multiple other mercenaries. From what she could tell by listening, and simple common sense, the older MSF veterans were more enthusiastic for denuclearization. It was as if achieving their revenge on Skull Face had taken away their last cause and now they were latching on to a new idealistic crusade to keep motivated. Newer Diamond Dogs, those who had known Big Boss only by reputation, seemed more skeptical. Vagrant Shrike counted herself among the skeptics, but...

Nuclear weapons reinforced the hold of the hegemonic superpowers on the world. They were the key to the existing international order and the oppression it fostered. And yet she knew full well what people like her old boss Abu Ammar would use a nuclear weapon for. If levelling the playing field was insane, then perhaps it would be for the best if they were all taken away. But it was like the genie out of the bottle; who could erase the knowledge needed to build one, or the desire for power to motivate those who would do so?

Breakfast in the canteen was the same old toast and re-hydrated powdered eggs with brackish, absurdly strong coffee. There were plenty of takers in the line, but none of them were enthusiastic. Vagrant Shrike followed the lead of older hands and dressed the eggs with a generous amount of Tabasco sauce. That was one true revelation of the Diamond Dogs mess, she thought. Enough Tabasco sauce could make almost anything tolerable.

But oh what she would do for some real poached eggs in tomato sauce, a proper shakshouka! And lunch and dinner were hardly better. Only the cheap beer, entertainment from bar fights, and Snow Leopardess' Friday night shows in the lounge kept the complaints at bay. For the time being. If the Diamond Dogs were going to save the world, in Vagrant Shrike's opinion they needed to start at home.

Once she had finished her tray and set it aside she downed a second cup of the frankly awful coffee for the caffeine. It was time to go and get ready for her new duties. Huey Emmerich had sent her syllabus and saw that she was assigned an office to store materials and supplies for her lessons. He had been remarkably helpful, even if she recognized he was clearly trying to make himself useful. The way the older Diamond Dogs with MSF experience distrusted him said enough about that to make her wary.

She found her way to the room and saw, as promised, that Emmerich had arranged for the necessary supplies. A binder sat on top of the desk, labelled "Literacy Program (French)." A stylized picture of Diamond Dog was displayed on it, and as Vagrant Shrike flipped through the lesson plans it became clear he had decided to adopt DD as a mascot of sorts. Her mouth pursed itself; Americans and their marketing making light of everything was so typical. But the children probably would respond well to it, like she had once, damn it all.

Shrike wheeled out a blackboard from the room into the hallway toward the platform annex she would hold lessons on. With some erasers and chalk in her pockets, and the binder of lessons tucked firmly under her arm, she was as ready as she could be. There were already a gaggle of child soldiers waiting for her in a knot, chatting away as she maneuvered the blackboard over and up the metal steps to the platform.

And then she saw the flash of blonde hair peak out from among them. What was that little shit Eli doing here? The children were clustering around him. Probably hanging on his every word. And she knew his presence would be trouble.

She sighed as she finished working the blackboard up into place in front of the children. 'What have I gotten myself into?'

"Bonjour," she began, "je m'appelle…"

Word Count: ~1200


So just going for a dodged bullet point here, and to introduce Vagrant Shrike beyond the biography.

Though speaking to everyone else, I hope in the future it might be possible to work on omakes involving collaboration with multiple characters from multiple posters, like I had attempted to open a window for in the last omake I did for Pacing Leopard in the last game. Anyone interested can drop a PM, or if it really takes off we might even consider a Discord server to coordinate and collaborate.
So I guess this means I'm taking Snake and Wolf, and 1 Character omake slot for the one I did with Clear Sights.

Other than that, if we have space I'll try and make another character omake and... if there's no one else to do them I'm willing to try and do some of the others.
Okay, I THINK I can do EVA's Journal for the Philosopher's Legacy, and probably Frenzied Repair.

Player Made Omakes will be whatever the fuck I can think of to write and get done in time.

...Come on Silver.


Omake submissions now open!

Vote moratorium until Thursday, 9 AM PST

Votes and Omake submissions will close Sunday at 3pm PST TIME
It's in HUGE RED LETTERS near the top of the Turn 3 update.
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Denuke 3 only picks up one warhead per superpower and leaving a calling card. It is more of a symbolic gesture than true nuclear disarmament.

Done by the internationally acclaimed humanitarian PMC led by the equally legendary Big Boss...

World Interview is probably a clarification, to ensure that the action cannot really be miscontrued.

I am now pondering if Dust comes because a lot of possible futures from all these denuking causes butterflies for it.

PS: I love Quiet's 'Interrogation' and really relieved.. Thank kona Miller has mellowed from his canon rage and spite.
Right....I'll start on Frenzied Repair first...we need the money more but frankly I can hope other people to cover that just incase while I get this dealt with. Expect it SOMETIME tomorrow.