Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
Miller, Paz, Huey, and Eli are 4 actions to START unfucking them. Even if we get SUPER lucky and somehow fixed Miller in one go, fixing Paz, Huey, and Eli isn't going to be nearly that simple.
Well, maybe. But I think we'll want to do one each and resolve immediate internal matters out of 'critical' BEFORE we get moved. Before Huey does something else that everyone will regret. Before Paz loses it. Before Eli decide to take his chances by himself in VC world. Before angry!Miller start shooting people.
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Otherwise, pretty gud omake.
Thank you, it was very much a rushed job, and my dialogue such as it is suuuuuuuuucks, but I did what I could before I had to go to bed and get ready for work.

Could you quote the full paragraph where I made that mistake please? Otherwise it's going to be kinda hard to find.

Well, maybe. But I think we'll want to do one each and resolve immediate internal matters out of 'critical' BEFORE we get moved. Before Huey does something else that everyone will regret. Before Paz loses it. Before Eli decide to take his chances by himself in VC world. Before angry!Miller start shooting people.
Yeah that's my thoughts on it too. We should atleast START the process before we go.
Yeah that's my thoughts on it too. We should atleast START the process before we go.

And Miller is still important. Right now, remember he has everyone watch for everyone in case they're a Cipher spy. It took the parasite outbreak to calm him the hell down and realize 'Oh God, what did I do?! Those were my comrades I set against each other!'

And then the ultimate betrayal from the person he always believed to be on his side is revealed to kick him while he was actually recovering. But given we do not want the outbreak to happen, gotta nip that before the move.
Things I feel are worth (4 actions max remember)

Main Ops
: Story related missions, time sensitive

[ ] Main Ops 1: Recover Code Talker's Research
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Boost to Parasite Research, nearly eliminates threat of parasite tech leaking into the world.

Mission Brief: Cipher's still out there Boss and what's left of XOF is still reeling from Skull Face's death. We need to take the opportunity to get our hands on the Vocal Parasite research so that something like this doesn't happen again. You'll be going to a secure site in Africa so be prepared for an urban, mountainous, and woodland environment.


Side Ops: Semi-story driven missions, but still important and time sensitive

[ ] Side Ops 2: Check on Paz *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard
Reward: Increased relationship with 'Paz Ortega Andrade'

Mission Brief: You've managed to find an old photo of an MSF barbecue after taking down Zeke for the first time. Maybe some good memories will help Paz recover mentally after nine years without change.

[ ] Side Ops 3: No Son of Mine
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Eli

Mission Brief: There's no explanation to be had. Eli is a little shit, but you can't just foist him off onto Ocelot to deal with. Probably.

[ ] Side Ops 4: Let's Talk Huey *New Game+*
Mission Difficulty: Very Hard
Reward: Increased(?) relationship with Huey

Mission Brief: Skull Face is dead. Sit down and have a chat with a man who you thought was a friend and ask.



[ ] R&D 8: Basic Education Program
Mission Difficulty: DC 25, 100,000 GMP
Research Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Let's soldiers get their GED's. Allows child soldiers to begin rehabilitation. Increases morale all around.

Mission Brief: We're not the kind of people that'll force people to stay if they have any other choice. Get an education program made Kaz. We need to be more, not less than who we were going out than coming into this life.

5 worthwhile actions for immediate taking, rest either not worth or can wait, only 4 max choices
Okay, as a fun thought exercise. When we start selling luxuries in the VC world how do we brand them, what kinds of advertising should we use, and what do the advertisements look like?
Our R&D team could double as damn Army Rangers.

I mean, speaking IRL, most SOF operators have at least a degree under their belt, with most having at least a Bachelors with some having Masters academic degrees. So it's not too much of a stretch to have an R&D team that could operate on the field as well, if needed. In fact, I believe that's the idea behind the Green Berets A-Team model, which has a 12 man team made out of experts in their field (Communications, Medicine, etc.)
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[ ] Main Ops 1: Recover Code Talker's Research
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Boost to Parasite Research, nearly eliminates threat of parasite tech leaking into the world.

Mission Brief: Cipher's still out there Boss and what's left of XOF is still reeling from Skull Face's death. We need to take the opportunity to get our hands on the Vocal Parasite research so that something like this doesn't happen again. You'll be going to a secure site in Africa so be prepared for an urban, mountainous, and woodland environment.[/QUOTE]

[ ] Side Ops 5: Saladin
Mission Difficulty: Normal
Reward: ???, 100,000 GMP

Mission Brief: The Kurdish rebellion is fully underway and they've contracted Diamond Dogs to fulfill a job. Hitting a Turkish supply base should be easy enough for you Snake.

[ ] Side Ops 6: Denuclearization 1
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Lose nuclear capability. Get started on something bigger.

Mission Brief: A world without nukes...can you imagine it Boss? Living in an era where we don't have to worry about the concept of mutually assured destruction.

[ ] PMC Ops 1: Mujahideen Support
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Reward: Possible Infantry/Armor/Fixed Air Recruitment, 150,000 GMP

Mission Brief: The soviets are attempting to muster men and material for a new offensive in the rural heartland of the Kandahar Valley. Increased soviet capability in the region would destabilize our own efforts and goals. This is going to be a large operation against a conventional force in mountainous terrain.

Really just putting this out there for people to consider. Don't really have a detailed tactician-like explanation. Code Talker's research is a must have, Mujahideen Support is for bulking up D-Dog's manpower situation, Saladin because other people are implying that there is a potential hero unit and to stop a possible ethnic cleansing?, and Denuclearization because a world without nukes sounds truly great.
Edit: an Edit.
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Really just putting this out there for people to consider. Don't really have a detailed tactician-like explanation. Code Talker's research is a must have, Mujahideen Support is for bulking up D-Dog's manpower situation, Saladin because other people are implying that there is a potential hero unit and to stop a possible ethnic cleansing?, and Denuclearization because a world without nukes sounds truly great.
The Kurdish conflict offers guaranteed manpower increase at the risk of a higher difficulty, and lower payout. Also we'll need to vote for the larger mission to stop the ethnic cleaning, or at least delay it, because the other one is simply hitting a supply base in turkey.
A Better Life...of sorts. by mithril-blade
OMAKE: A Better Life...of sorts.

There were always times when men pondered things.

One thing Adamska admired from the western movies, that is the western genre rather then the whole obscene amount of movies that came from the decadent minds of Hollywood, was how few words a truly good western needed to say. The mood, the atmosphere, body language, musical cues, it all added up to give a film a certain personality. A certain character. You understood it better through what it didn't say then through what it said.

Now, Adamska himself wasn't a man of few words. Or, he liked to think, too many. He spoke enough to give the world the exact impression that he wanted to give and that, sadly, required much more words then a truly epic western cowboy would give. To acquire the aesthetics that he loved so much, he oft needed to sacrifice it's nuances. But then, life was often like that, wasn't it?

And it wasn't like he didn't enjoy being a spectacle.

In some small way, he suspected that it was something like that that drove Eli. The kid wanted to be at the front and center. He wanted to stand out. He wanted to be great. But his age dragged him down and that frustrated him to no end, becoming one of the many, many things that caused him to lash out. He could not accept a predestined future that he seemed to believe hounded him, fighting and living with every fiber of his being to not be less. If he could not be anything but inferior, then he would act otherwise. And act it and believe in it with such fervor that it became reality.

And because the other kids, Eli's "men", reflected upon him, he could not let them be kids. Because he led them and if they were kids, then so was he.

But in the end, he was but one of the many child soldiers currently living with them. And he didn't hurt, feel or love harder and stronger than the other kids.

The other kids...

Adamska was familiar with the psychological term of "deprogramming". Of dissociating certain triggers and thought process from a mind. A child's brain was blissfully and tragically malleable, making inflicting and healing wounds easier then it otherwise would be. They were vulnerable in a way that a grown person would never be. Could not be.

He had no doubt that they were helping them. Not because they were going to be able to "deprogram" them. There was no deprograming Eli. But because whatever they turned out to be had a place among John's men.

A place among people that could be nothing but a soldier. Or rather, a killer.

They offered a use for them. A need that would allow them to grow old, define themselves and then truly be men at peace with who and what they were. Or, for the ones capable of living past the experiences of their childhoods, what they choose to be.

Adamska had with his knowledge and understanding of the world, such as it was, arrived at this conclusion. It wasn't something that he hoped or wished to give them, for he wasn't that kind of man. None of them were, otherwise they would have tried to send them to specialists, or skilled doctors in far off places to help them out. But they didn't because the children weren't the thing that was most important. The children couldn't be the thing that was most important. But in the confines of what they were able to allow themselves to do, they did was what the children deserved.

It was a simple normal tragedy that what the children deserved was the most they could do.

619 words.

Ocelot is a tricky person to get into the head of. Like any other person, Ocelot displays a morality framework of sorts. But one so well befuddled and hidden that it's hard for anyone to truly determine what it is from just observation.

I don't know if the calm cool almost subdued Ocelot we see in the Phantom Pain is any closer to the reality of the man then what we see in other games, but from what we do see of the limits of his actions, is that there lay some scruples around an incredibly callous man. This speaks to me of a well defined moral hierarchy, where not all "evil" or "good" actions are held at the same level or same value.

Then, what he feels for the kids isn't the question. But how much he feels it. A bit of pity? A bit of empathy? We can safely determine that he means some degree of wellness towards them. But in the grand scheme of things...they really aren't that important.

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also, after looking up the details of the soviet-afghan war I really want to take that action, given it seems like that was also theorized to be an attempted genocide and I would like to do something about that.
also, after looking up the details of the soviet-afghan war I really want to take that action, given it seems like that was also theorized to be an attempted genocide and I would like to do something about that.
I'd love to pick it this turn, but between the two the Kurdish action seems more immediately pressing as it they're in a full rebellion whereas the one in Afghanistan is still in the mustering phase. Admittedly it would probably be easier to handle the Soviets before they can muster, but our AP is extremely limited.
Right now, I'd say my plan would look like this:

[] Plan Fiddle in the middle east
-[ ] Main Ops 1: Recover Code Talker's Research
-[ ] Side Ops 5: Saladin
-[ ] PMC Ops 1: Mujahideen Support
-[ ] PMC Ops 3: Kurdish Relief

>**Here's a hint, you need more manpower, more efficiency, or something autonomous that can do the work for you**

This might seem a little controversial because of the lack of more social actions, but we were basically told directly that it would be good to recruit and getting a financial base is also incredibly useful. Who knows? Maybe we could end up getting some fixed wing aircraft to bolster our relatively short aerial ranks right now.
There's all this talk about killing Huey by drowning, by gunshot, and my personal favorite: implanting a bomb and then make him swim with his robo legs.

There's also a bit of talk about treating him, and as someone who follows reconciliation ethics, that is a very tempting idea.

But let me present a third option. Karoshi. Death by over work. He is a genius who created multiple Metal Gears, and we have seen what MSF makes without him (i.e. the TX-55), so if we want to pursue the mech which the series is named after, perhaps keeping him on would be a good thing. Just work him. Work him until he breaks, and then work him some more. Work slows? Work some more. Quality is going down? Work some more. If need be, pull in a Japanese middle manager who has an excessively high work standard. It wouldn't be long after that.

Would that be sufficient to sate everyone's blood lust?
There's all this talk about killing Huey by drowning, by gunshot, and my personal favorite: implanting a bomb and then make him swim with his robo legs.

There's also a bit of talk about treating him, and as someone who follows reconciliation ethics, that is a very tempting idea.

But let me present a third option. Karoshi. Death by over work. He is a genius who created multiple Metal Gears, and we have seen what MSF makes without him (i.e. the TX-55), so if we want to pursue the mech which the series is named after, perhaps keeping him on would be a good thing. Just work him. Work him until he breaks, and then work him some more. Work slows? Work some more. Quality is going down? Work some more. If need be, pull in a Japanese middle manager who has an excessively high work standard. It wouldn't be long after that.

Would that be sufficient to sate everyone's blood lust?
Very creative this is actually the first new thing I heard of what to do with Huey besides mercy or extra judicial executions.

Though it would be pointed out he might try and escape, cause trouble etc.
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Sins of the Father by Dr. Snark
Warning: I was inspired by the Huey Hate in recent posts. As such, the following omake is incredibly silly.

Sins of the Father
"Snake, what's the matter?" Hal "Otacon" Emmerich said to his partner in crime, who was looking particularly worried about something.

"Otacon, I was much do you know about what your father did back in the day?"

Hal winced slightly. "I know...he was involved in nuclear research...among other things...b-but that's about it. Why?"

"Someone sent us a package. No return address, no idea who shipped it, nothing. I looked at it, should see it for yourself."

"O-okay. I can't imagine-"


"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" Hal screamed out as he looked at the board in front of him, frayed from use but still clearly legible. It read:


From the top down increasingly cruel and insane methods of execution were written down with tally marks next to each, including "shot to the head" (5 votes) "rip off his legs then shot to the head" (7 votes), "throw him in the ocean so his own legs will drown him" (15 votes), and so on, with Hal's face going paler with each suggestion he read.

"I-I...what is wrong with these people!?"

"You know, Otacon...if this many people wanted him to die that badly..." Snake muttered.

"I-it's not that! Have you seen this!?" He yelled out, pointing towards a suggestion that read "Strap a bomb to him, poison him with snake venom, set him on fire, toss him in the ocean, have the metallic archaea eat through his legs, then detonate the bomb, all while blasting 'The Final Countdown' in the background" (67 votes). Off to the side in small lettering someone else had written in "You sick bastard...I approve."

"I don't know what he did to make them so angry b-but this is just excessive! I-I mean he...uh..." Hal blinked, trying to think of positive things to say about his father. "Uh..."

"Otacon, it's not about where you came from-" Snake started to say-

"'Let everyone on the base stab him in the gut?!'" Hal read out in horror, not bothering to pay attention to whatever Snake was saying.

"You need to get a grip, Otacon!"

"'F-feed him to the bears?'"


Unfortunately the young scientist had reached his limit, finally passing out in shock as Snake looked at him in a mixture of worry and confusion. He shook his head and grumbled to himself before taking one last look at the board, silently thankful that he was dealing with what seemed to be the much nicer member of the Emmerich family...

AN: This was stupid, but the mental image was way too funny.

Edit: Length: 440 words​
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Warning: I was inspired by the Huey Hate in recent posts. As such, the following omake is incredibly silly.

Sins of the Father
"Snake, what's the matter?" Hal "Otacon" Emmerich said to his partner in crime, who was looking particularly worried about something.

"Otacon, I was much do you know about what your father did back in the day?"

Hal winced slightly. "I know...he was involved in nuclear research...among other things...b-but that's about it. Why?"

"Someone sent us a package. No return address, no idea who shipped it, nothing. I looked at it, should see it for yourself."

"O-okay. I can't imagine-"


"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" Hal screamed out as he looked at the board in front of him, frayed from use but still clearly legible. It read:


From the top down increasingly cruel and insane methods of execution were written down with tally marks next to each, including "shot to the head" (5 votes) "rip off his legs then shot to the head" (7 votes), "throw him in the ocean so his own legs will drown him" (15 votes), and so on, with Hal's face going paler with each suggestion he read.

"I-I...what is wrong with these people!?"

"You know, Otacon...if this many people wanted him to die..." Snake muttered.

"I-it's not that! Have you seen this!?" He yelled out, pointing towards a suggestion that read "Strap a bomb to him, poison him with snake venom, set him on fire, toss him in the ocean, have the metallic archaea eat through his legs, then detonate the bomb, all while blasting 'The Final Countdown' in the background" (67 votes). Off to the side in small lettering someone else had written in "You sick bastard...I approve."

"I don't know what he did to make them so angry b-but this is just excessive! I-I mean he...uh..." Hal blinked, trying to think of positive things to say about his father. "Uh..."

"Otacon, it's not about where you came from-" Snake started to say-

"'F-feed him to the bears?'" Hal read out in horror, not bothering to pay attention to whatever Snake was saying.

"You need to get a grip, Otacon!"

"'Let everyone on the base stab him in the gut?!'"


Unfortunately the young scientist had reached his limit, finally passing out in shock as Snake looked at him in a mixture of worry and confusion. He shook his head and grumbled to himself before taking one last look at the board, silently thankful that he was dealing with what seemed to be the much nicer member of the Emmerich family...

AN: This was stupid, but the mental image was way too funny.​
You should put one suggestion that includes carving the names of the deceased into his body with a knife just to disturb them further.
There's all this talk about killing Huey by drowning, by gunshot, and my personal favorite: implanting a bomb and then make him swim with his robo legs.

There's also a bit of talk about treating him, and as someone who follows reconciliation ethics, that is a very tempting idea.

But let me present a third option. Karoshi. Death by over work. He is a genius who created multiple Metal Gears, and we have seen what MSF makes without him (i.e. the TX-55), so if we want to pursue the mech which the series is named after, perhaps keeping him on would be a good thing. Just work him. Work him until he breaks, and then work him some more. Work slows? Work some more. Quality is going down? Work some more. If need be, pull in a Japanese middle manager who has an excessively high work standard. It wouldn't be long after that.

Would that be sufficient to sate everyone's blood lust?
I imagine people will recommend keeping him around simply to see if he can send them back, which assumes his accidental discovery of dimensional troubles isn't fatal for him outright.
There's all this talk about killing Huey by drowning, by gunshot, and my personal favorite: implanting a bomb and then make him swim with his robo legs.

There's also a bit of talk about treating him, and as someone who follows reconciliation ethics, that is a very tempting idea.

But let me present a third option. Karoshi. Death by over work. He is a genius who created multiple Metal Gears, and we have seen what MSF makes without him (i.e. the TX-55), so if we want to pursue the mech which the series is named after, perhaps keeping him on would be a good thing. Just work him. Work him until he breaks, and then work him some more. Work slows? Work some more. Quality is going down? Work some more. If need be, pull in a Japanese middle manager who has an excessively high work standard. It wouldn't be long after that.

Would that be sufficient to sate everyone's blood lust?
Yea no. The longer we keep him alive and working sooner or later hes going to find some way of backstabbing us.

Either we get rid of him or we fix him.
As much as it pains me, for the talking action Paz is in the low priority. I mean, Eli is a loose cannon and Miller is important for our operation so both of them is better, no should be stable at the very least. As for Huey...well unless someone make a very good omake or's just the matter of time till AI pod discovered.
As much as it pains me, for the talking action Paz is in the low priority. I mean, Eli is a loose cannon and Miller is important for our operation so both of them is better, no should be stable at the very least. As for Huey...well unless someone make a very good omake or's just the matter of time till AI pod discovered.
To me it's not the fact that he uhhh... murdered his wife.

It's the fact that he keeps lying and chooses not to take responsibility for any of his actions.
To me it's not the fact that he uhhh... murdered his wife.

It's the fact that he keeps lying and chooses not to take responsibility for any of his actions.
Heh, my problem is not even those two. It's just he's so unhinged, cowardly and a serious risk. The AI pod is simply because once our people cracked it open, it will simply time until Huey's action revealed to them one by one.

Like Eli, unless he is completely turned around, he's quite the time bomb. Only he doesn't have the backing of an incredibly powerful psychic or being a super soldier. Still, he is smart and may become even worse problem.