Some questions:
- Are there any roads between Eretria and the Peuketii cities or Egnatia? Or the other League cities? If not, can we expand or build them as a project?
What roads exist are probably basically just
tracks. Paths that lots of people and pack animals follow, that are physically convenient and safe in the "you won't accidentally slip and fall into a ravine trying to go this way" sense. They almost certainly don't have any pavement whatsoever except possibly when passing through the towns themselves. Notably this means that carts can't use them when the ground is wet.
Improvement along the roadside is probably minimal to nonexistent, except perhaps for brush clearance as a security measure that doubles as "oh hey, easy access to firewood!" Markers to show where the path is might exist, and there may be a few places where someone has established
something (an inn or small village) that focuses in part on services for travelers. Or there might not. It would depend.
- Let's say that we want to occupy an island in Illyria in order to build a colony or a trading center. Mechanically, it is possible? It is expensive?
The way
@Cetashwayo runs his games, such an action is possible mechanically, but it would basically require us to support the right choices for the
proboulos and
xenoparakletor. Doing it as a user motion ("WHO WILL LIFT MY ROCK?") might not fly, simply because it would represent a big diversion of effort from the priorities of the faction-aligned governments.
Eretria is in the process of evolving into a
representative democracy, rather than a direct one, arguably- to some extent we get only what is politically possible for the politicians we elect, not the things the
ekklesia (the quest voters) might vote for in theory.
The expense would no doubt be considerable, but the exact costs would depend on how big a place we wanted to establish. The big problem with occupying an island
off the coast of Illyria (which is a fancy word for "pretty much the entire northeast coast of the Adriatic once you get north of the Greek part)... Well, the problem with occupying such an island is that the same swarms of pirates who are causing us so many problems will be very happy to plunder the colony. It would probably have to be fortified and supported by us on an ongoing basis to be secure.