Alright, I admit when you put it like that then we seem to be fairel acomplished in war. Which confuses me because if we are that damn good at it as you put it, why do so many seem to be afraid of waging war in the first place be it because they think we'd loose too many people or some other excuses/reasons.
Maybe we are not afraid, but simply do not see the profit in fighting wars needlessly.
If we NEEDED to fight the Dauni or a similar opponent, the costs could be borne. However, since we do not NEED to fight, each man who falls, each farm left to grow weeds while the men are away, each talent of silver that might have been spent upon more useful endeavours is its own small tragedy.
(OOC: the issue here is not
cost but
opportunity cost, if we fight a war, what were the other things we could have been doing if we weren't fighting. If the war were one of defense, the opportunity cost would be "war or war" if the war is one we choose, the opportunity cost would be "war or sewers, trade and farming".)
I do want to adress again the fact that the treaty won't make us a subject of the athenian empire, the confusion in that regard seem to be that the members of the Delian League are called allies despite the fact their status is closer to what we would call subjects.
Athens doesn't only treat its Delian allies poorly however. It is a feature of these wars between Athens and Sparta that allies are stepped on at the convenience of the great powers. Which is why Eretria heartily should want none of that.
"This rejection of the offer of the friendship of Athenai is foolish and fickle. I see Men around me acting like boys, demanding one thing but then refusing it when it arrives. Did we not send wise Obander to treat with the Athenians, learn of their mood and thoughts towards us, and affirn our friendship though avoiding an alliance? And yet when the men of Athenai wish to put these words to record, along with greatly increasing the amount of grain they wish to buy from us I see men turn away, and for what? For fear of the Tarentines and their war faction. If those men are willing to break a peace sworn before the gods over some grain and goodwill given to others, then such madness will draw down the curse of all the gods upon them as oathbreakers. As we have stood together in the storn of bronze, I know that you are Men and not foolish boys, so act as Men!
So speaks Sarpedon, son of Sarpedon.
Only we've been told quite plainly that what Athens offers IS an alliance, only one that uses clever language to avoid
technically breaking the treaty with Taras. Accepting the Athenian offer is a breach in spirit of our treaty with Taras, which is not to be feared because it will anger Taras, but rather to be feared because it will show Eretria to be a den of untrustworthy weasels before all of Hellas.
Do you really want to be a greasy weasel Sarpedon? Is that what you want for yourself? For our city?
Had Obander returned with a message of true friendship from mighty Athens, I would be the first to seize it. For when Athens has dealt with us as equals, they have been fair and loyal. But even great cities have moments of foolishness. I do not think that the citizens of Athens think to shackle us to them. To them we are generous Eretria where the grain grows tall. And as hunger and sickness wrack their city, they doubtless reach for us in their anxiety. Yet the text they offer us does not reflect the best of Athens. And we would be poor friends if we accepted it.
The war between Athens and Sparta has been marked by hubris on both sides, which has caused needless death and destruction. Yet as things stand, Athens clearly comes out of the latest war the better. Should the war to widen into Epulia or even beyond, it will make things worse for Athens, not better as they hope.
(OOC: We DON'T want an Athenian expedition into Italiote matters turning into this timeline's Sicilian expedition, something which mostly failed due to Athenian political dysfunction and so would be liable to fail in this world if the target of the expedition were changed but the politics were as dysfunctional as OTL, which so far seems is so. Eretria will benefit from Athens winning the wars, we want them to maintain their focus.)
So says Kleon son of Aristophanes.