Mmm. "Can the Germans keep their problem under wraps for a little while longer?"
Morgan tilts her head for a moment, but nods. "Yes, we have another week or two before the situation becomes absolutely critical, we are hoping that some Death specialised Enforcers will be able to sort it out. We are borrowing them from the Japanese, former Central Lotus members."
You stare at the map of France, a wide circle giving you a rough approximation of where this thing was felt. The longer you stared, the more you felt it. A quiet itching feeling, creeping through your bones and urging you forwards. Yes, this was important, very important. You just had to find out why. "I'm going to France, I want to deal with whatever this is before it can become a problem." Morgan nods and hands the rest of the folder over to you, no radio this time. "No radio?"
She shakes her head. "No, we don't have any that long range that aren't in use. They are difficult to modify, so they are all locked up in the War Room, being used to co-ordinate different groups. Sorry, you're on your own for this one." She coughs. "Well, metaphorically, you'll be given a short-range one on the ride over that is tuned in to the local Enforcers channels. No military support on this one though."
Ok, I can work with this. "You'll be driven over to our air-field, then flown over the area. We were hoping you would be fine with getting air-dropped? Seeing as you can fly. It would make it much easier if we didn't need to find places to land."
"Yeah, that's fine. How long do you think this is going to take?" The area you were searching was fairly big, about one hundred and fifty miles square.
Morgan shrugs as she stands. "I have no clue, with your sense and flight, you should be able to canvas the entire area in... what, three or four days at the longest? You'll be staying at a local staging area, you've got a room set aside for you. Nothing as fancy as here, but I made sure it was good enough." She follows you into your room as you start digging out a couple days worth of clothing, and throw it into your bag. You slide it over your shoulder before kneeling, giving Una a quick hug that makes her squeak then moving towards the door.
"Any last questions?" Morgan is shifting from foot to foot a little anxiously as she fiddles with the folder in her hands. Is she worried? That... feels pretty good actually, to have someone worry about you.
You shake your head and move forwards to give her a quick hug, just long enough not to make you twitchy as you step back and smile at her. "No, I'll be fine. I'll see you in three days." You turn to Una. "Be good for Morgan won't you? Such a little devil child you are." She gives you a toothy grin, trying to suppress her urge to fidget, but losing the fight in the end. She runs forwards and hugs you around the waist, squeezing as tightly as she can. You smile softly as you gently stroke her hair, until she releases you and steps back, her smile much more real now.
"I'll be good, I promise." Promise of mischief given, you nod at her in a faux serious manner and step back, smiling at Morgan while closing the door with a quiet click. You spin on the spot, and set off towards your ride.
You don't see anything unusual in the hallways today until a man comes over and leans close to you. "Thank you, thank you for what you did." You blink up at him a little confused, and he straightens his back and nods down at you. "Sorry... I just." He sighs and runs a hand through his blond hair as he closes his eyes. "My sister, she um..." He clears his throat as a tear escapes one of his eyes. "She died fighting with you yesterday, a-and I just want to say how thankful I am you killed the bastard that did it."
He steps back a little awkwardly, out of your personal space. "Ariana told me how you tried to save her, I just... wanted to let you know that I appreciate what you did. She couldn't do this herself, but she's not angry with you, she just couldn't handle this right now." He hold out his hand, shaking a little, and you give him the best grip you can. "Sorry, I won't take any more of your time." He steps back and walks away from you quickly, but you can just about catch a fresh batch of tears start creeping down his face as he walks.
You stand there for a little while, staring at his back as he quickly disappears. You think about how you would feel if Una died on someone else's mission. No, I would not be anywhere near as Mature as that. It was a little inspiring, in a sad and depressing way. You resume your walk to the car-pool, much slower this time, thoughts constantly drifting back to your sister.
You enter your car, greeting your driver with a slow nod as you settle into the back. The trip passes in a somewhat comfortable silence, ruined only by you swimming in your own mired thoughts. You arrive at the Airfield after a long four hour drive, stumbling out on dead legs you move your eyes over the buildings. There are a lot more people walking around, the tarmac is practically crawling with people coming to and fro. You see Alastair in the distance, leaning against his plane where it waits in the hanger.
You wave at your driver as you part, making your way over to him with quick steps. He looks up when you close, and gives you a big bearded grin. "'Ello lass, been hearin good things 'about ya." You nod back quietly, and his grin dims a little. "Ah, 'tis like that then." He nods again as he pushes off his plane. "We'll, you're gonta need a ride over to them frogs yes?" You smile a little at his term for the French, he doesn't sound like he's insulting them at all, it sounds more like a friendly nickname.
"'elp me move the old girl onto the runway, she's ready to go." You both take a wing, pushing it forwards gently until it's rolled onto the runway proper. Alastair spins up the prop before he hauls himself into the pilots seat, and you settle in next to him, plopping your bag between your knees as you go. "Right then 'ere we go." The little prop pulls you forwards, slowly at first, but faster as it moves, before you are eventually buzzing along through the air. Flying like this is so... confining compared to flying on your own power. It bothers you.
Still, the ride is mostly made in silence, Alastair only sending you the occasional look, before you arrive over your target. He points out the window to a grey spec inside a field, when you look closer, it looks like a military outpost of some kind. "'ere's 'yer new home away from home, ready ta go say hi?" You nod at him as you slide your bag onto your back, gingerly pressing the door against the rushing air until it opens. You lean out halfway, face battered by a wall of air, but a smile on your face. You push off, moving into free-fall and you hear Alastair call to you as you go. "GOOD LUCK DOWN 'ERE!"
You smile as you fall, plummeting at nearly a hundred miles an hour before you carefully slow yourself above the base. You are glad they apparently got word ahead of time, it would be pretty bad if they started shooting at you because they thought you were an attacker. When you move to land, a small crowd as formed, watching you float down as the tassels on your hoodie flutter slightly. They stand there and watch you for a moment, people jostling each other to get a better look before you hear a man shout something very loudly in French.
They all scatter, moving back to whatever they were doing as a short Frenchman walks over to you briskly. Honestly, you could look him in the eye and you were thirteen. He speaks to you in fairly good English, there was barely any accent. "Hello Miss Cerys, Firebase Leader Ames Chayne, I welcome you to Firebase..." He hesitates for a moment, before letting out a long suffering sigh. "Firebase Baguette." You manage to clamp down on your laughter admirably, but you are sure he caught some of it. He bears it with a silent dignity as you clear your throat and nod at him.
"Thank you for housing me, I'll try to stay out of your way, it shouldn't take me all that long to search the area."
He nods and spins on the spot, walking towards the main building. "This is the command building, you'll find all of the related staff working here." He points over to the side at two buildings. "That is the barracks and the cafeteria, armoury is across the way, but I don't expect you'll need to go in there." He leads you through the door and past a slight shimmer of magic, turning down a corridor and left twice. "Here is your room, VIP for guests." It's a little Spartan, but it has everything you'll need. When you check in the bathroom, there are even still sealed toothbrushes. Need to thank Morgan for setting me up with such a good room.
You drop your bag off next to the bed and sit down on it, quietly gleeful at the way it bounces you back up a foot before looking up at your tour guide. "Thank you, this will do perfectly, I'll set out searching soon. I'll just grab some food and go." He nods and turns to leave. You shift your bag against the bedside cabinet and stretch, sighing in relief as the cramps from sitting in that tiny little plane unkink. You set out towards the cafeteria, surrounded by French chatter and glances as you go. When your place in the line reaches the front, you look through the list and don't recognise anything. Ummm.
You look up at the server and ask. "I don't speak French, pick something for me." He blinks at your English, waving another man over who translates for you. When he returns, you have a plate of carrots, meat and some form of lump sauce. You smile and take your meal, grabbing a bottle of ketchup as you go. The food is... strange. It's not bad, but it doesn't taste like anything else you've ever had. You quickly finish your meal and set out, rising a mile into the sky and spreading your sense to it's maximum range, just far enough to sense people on the ground.
As you fly, you feel that itch, like a gentle hand on your shoulder. As you go, you feel a pull to the south. The further you go, the stronger the feeling gets, until you are ignoring your sense entirely, pushing yourself towards where you have to go as fast as you can. You pass over towns, villages and farms without notice, eyes solidly on something over the horizon. As you get closer, you feel a frantic energy building, yours and something else.
You reach a cabin in a forest and set yourself down slowly, eyes locked on the door. Every step closer driving you faster, until you are running towards the door. You don't even have the chance to knock, as it's practically kicked open by another girl. When you see each other, you both lock in place, magic shifting wildly. That feeling of guidance fades, feeling distinctly pleased as you slowly step forwards.
I know you. You've never met this person in your life, but you know her. She mirrors your movement, until you are both standing just a short distance away from each other. She speaks before you have the chance, a wide smile growing on her face as she calls out in heavily accented English. "Sister! You have found me!" She reaches out and grabs you in a tight hug, you finch back, but she just squeezes you tighter. Despite your initial reaction, you feel... comfortable. You relax a little, the feeling of comfort and safety such a distant memory that you nearly sag in her arms.
You smile for some reason, pressing a hand to her shoulder to reciprocate the hug. "Yes, I suppose I have." She steps back, still smiling widely at you as you feel her magic brush against you without restraint. It was like a pond with the depth of an ocean, calm but incredibly deep. "Come, must show sister!" She releases you and quickly walks back towards her cabin. You stare at her back for a moment, but you still follow her, gingerly stepping into her domain.
You see an older girl lying on a sofa that has been converted into a bed at some point, judging by the rough cuts, a sword was probably involved.
She looks at you with an intense gaze as the younger girl nearly skips over and says something in a short burst of words. What the hell, was that Chinese? The older girl replies back in the same language before turning to you, narrowing her eyes as she struggles to sit up. The younger girl helps her up, propping her on her shoulder as she clears her throat, speaking with English that was a lot more legible. "You are one she has been feeling then? You come to take her away?"
You shake your head quickly as you raise your hands. "No! No, we felt something strong in the area and they sent me to investigate, probably because it was so similar to me." That explains a lot. "I'm not going to take her away."
She narrows her eyes at you further, but stops trying to burn you to death with them. "Will leave alone us? Want no tro- trouba." She hisses something at herself as she shifts. "Want no bad thing happening." Her sister chatters something at her quickly in Chinese, and the two of them converse for a while as you stand there awkwardly.
Their voices raise, before eventually they both quiet down, looking at you speculatively. The younger girl, who you are sure is a Magical Girl now, speaks again. "You are Battle Sister, we fight as one." She glances over to her sister, and you realise why she was lying down, you can see through her quilt that one of the bulges that is her leg suddenly ends before the other. Oh. "But I must protect, cannot leave, must find help." She looks up to you, naked hope on her face. "You help?"
You nod without thinking. Of course you would help, what kind of Question was that? "I will call people to help, are you fine with leaving this place to go there?"
The older girl shakes her head. "Come to us, will talk here."
You nod again as you step back, flicking your radio on and talking into the line. "Cerys here, I found what I was looking for. I...I think I've found my partner, or something. But we need a negotiator or something over here, one that can speak Chinese and a medic, her sister is pretty badly injured."
The line is silent for a moment before French comes back then transitions into English. "We can send a group over, where are you?" You blink as you stare at your radio, before you nearly hit yourself. Stupid.
"Uhh, I flew south past two towns and a village before landing in a forest. The cabin I'm in is probably... five minutes in on foot?" You hear the man sigh at your imprecise directions, but you get an affirmative back. "Hey." They both look up from where they were talking. "I've got some people coming over, a medic too." The younger girl curls in on herself a little at the mention of her sisters injury, but the older one nods slightly, keeping her eyes on you.
You feel the team arrive nearby within ten minutes, and you helpfully create an arrow of ice pointing towards you when they get close. You hear them knock on the door and move to let them in after a nod from the older girl. Two people walk through, one of them wearing a red-cross armband and the other is a Asian woman wearing a suit. Both of them are women, you make a note to ask about that later and you lead them over to the two. The big sister immediately locks on to the Negotiator and they begin speaking back and forth rapidly in Chinese. Eventually the woman nods and turns to the medic, waving her forwards. She steps closer and lifts the quilt, letting you see her injury.
Below her knee, her leg is just gone. There are trails of black creeping up her leg, still healing burns from the look of it but the stump itself is fairly clean. The medic tuts at something and begins asking questions through the translator, carefully running her hands around the injury as the younger girl stands next to you, looking on with worried eyes. You gently set a hand on her shoulder to stop her constant shifting and smile. "She will be fine, magic can do a great deal to help someone." At least you hope it can.
She nods at you trustingly though, leaning into your hand slightly as she watches on. The medic stops examining the wound after a while, turning back to you and sharing her results. "She is stable for now, but if she doesn't get serious magical medical care soon, she'll never get that leg back." Both of the sisters look up sharply when the translator conveys that, the sisters talk for a while before turning their eyes to look at you. The translator coveys her words.
"We will come with you, but we don't agree to anything without discussion. Who do we need to talk to, your leader?"
Uhhh, probably for the best to let Karen do this. "I can get into contact with her one I get back to base, my Radio doesn't reach that far. Would you talk to her?"
She nods as your words are translated. "Yes, I will talk to this woman. She can come here?"
You blink at that, shooting the translator a look, but she just shrugs. "I don't know, she's very busy in England, I would have to ask."
They talk back and forth for a little while, the medic stepping back behind you as they talk. They argue for a while, the younger apparently being very stiff on something before the two of them come to an agreement, although it looks reluctant. "We will go to England and meet your Leader, then we will talk."
You let out a sigh of relief, not quite sure why, but nod at her. You flick your radio on and call back to base. "I need transport from the same place as last time, needs to be big." You get a conformation and after ten minute of awkward silence, you feel a fucking APC roll into your detection range. What the fuck? The younger carefully helps the older sister out and through the forest and into the giant opening of the back, setting her down across three seats as you all clamber in.
You speak to the driver from the back. "Bring us back to Firebase Baguette." That still cracks you up a little, but you hear the driver chortle as he calls back an affirmative. The ride over is mostly done in silence, the sisters staring at the APC around them with awed and wary eyes respectively.
You arrive quickly enough that you are fairly sure the driver broke several speeding laws to get here. But when you filter out, there are several medics waiting and the diminutive leader. He nods to you as you step out. "Well, that was faster than expected. We already have a helicopter inbound, it will be here in twenty minutes barring any incidents. From there it will take you to the English Airbase." God, this is moving quickly. They really aren't fucking around.
The older sister is helped into a cot and brought into a medical facility, where they start working on her as a translator conveys their words. Apparently they are just staving off infection and making sure that the nerves don't die. The younger girl was standing by your side looking at her sister, I really should ask her name shouldn't I? "What's your name?"
She blinks, looking away from her sister and down at you. "Oh! I am Daiyu. Your name?"
"I am Cerys." You nod at each other feeling a small smile grow on your face for some reason. You stand there quietly, watching and listening until you hear the deafening whine of a helicopter overhead. It is muffled by the walls of building, but you can hear it clearly. The medics finish off where they are, preparing it for future work as Daiyu takes her sisters arm over her shoulder. The three of you walk towards the helicopter, a small zippy looking thing, and a uniformed woman quickly runs over to you, handing you your bag as you sit down inside the machine. "Thanks! I had forgotten." That was almost embarrassing.
The pilot leans back to look at you, nodding when he sees you all strapped in as you slide your headset onto your head, his voice coming through clearly. "We are taking off now, please keep your hands and legs inside the doors." You look over to the open sides and see the doors slide closed on their own, locking shut with a heavy click.
You don't talk during the trip, letting Daiyu stare out of the window in awe as the sun starts setting. You land at the airfield two hours later, and the sun is just about falling down from the sky. You are greeted upon your landing by a uniformed man holding a clipboard. "Please come this way, rooms have been set aside for you." You think about just taking a train to London, but it's pretty late and Daiyu's sister looks exhausted. You follow the man through the busy corridors of the barracks to two rooms, you have the same one as last time and theirs is just next to yours.
You speak to them as they enter their room. "I will wake you in the morning, then we will take you to talk to our leader, Karen. Yes?"
They both nod and you let them go, slumping slightly in exhaustion. Man, this has been a busy day. You grab a quick sandwich from the restaurant, glad it's still open, before you go to sleep.
When you wake up in the morning, bright and early as always, you take a quick bath and change your clothes. Grabbing a quick meal for yourself and a pair of ham sandwiches for them, can't go wrong with ham. You wake them with a knock at the door, letting a sleepy Daiyu answer the door before you hand over your meals. They are dressed and washed quickly, and you are on the way.
You arrive at London just before ten, leading them through the same route you had taken and entering the base. You were surprised at the lack of anyone, but you remembered that they had cleared out the hallways when you arrived too. Guess it is standard procedure.
You lead them through the base, knocking on Karen's door and getting a warm 'Come in' in response. She is already waiting, tea for you and two black tea's for the sister. She's good. She greets them in Chinese and they begin talking back and forth quickly. You take a sip of your Tea, completely lost in the situation, Daiyu sitting by her sister but not getting much of a chance to talk. Their conversation grows faster and faster, before they both slow to take a sip of tea, where they continue at a slower pace. It sounds more like a verbal war than a conversation, even if you don't understand a word they are saying.
In the end, you see both of them writing out something on a piece of paper. A contract? They both sit back, looking pleased with themselves before Karen looks over to you. "The Feng's will be staying here for the immediate future, Daiyu will not be allowed on combat missions before she has had a week of training, at a minimum. They will be assigned a room adjacent to yours, though it will not be interconnected. Do you have any objections to this?"
You shake your head at her words. "No, that sounds fine."
"Good, I would appreciate it if you could give them a tour of the base and their new accommodation." What is today, backwards day? You nod and stand, placing your empty mug down on the table.
"Yes, that's fine, thank you for the tea." They stand and follow you as you hold the door open, leading them into the corridors, which now have a trickle of people walking through them. You show them where everything is and Daiyu gets a little starry eyes at the enormous Gym, eventually stopping at their new room. It was a little strange going there, because you never actually used the door to your room, you always used Morgan's. Still, they deposit what little they brought with them, basically what they were carrying.
Daiyu stays with her sister, helping her settle in before turning to you. "I am thankful, sister will heal now." She dips her head towards you. "Owe you much, will fight by your side when am allowed, Battle Sister." She nods quickly and moves to hug you, parting with a smile and walking back into her room.
Well, ok then. Today has been a rough rollercoaster of shit happening, you just want to snuggle with your sister and relax. So, you go and do just that. Sneaking into your room and up to her, reading quietly as she is, you hug her from behind and begin tickling her. She submits to your hug joyfully and looks up at you. "I thought you would be gone longer!"
You shake your head. "I found her quickly, another Magical Girl named Daiyu and her sister, she's just across from us now." You see her rearing to go and pester them, but you shake your head as you set your bag down. "Leave them to settle in for a little bit ok?" She nods reluctantly.
"We can invite them over to dinner?" She asks you hopefully.
You blink, but resolve to ask Morgan. "I'll ask?"
Morgan greets you cheerfully, and is completely ok with having the Feng sisters over for dinner, which is apparently going to be some sort of noodles. Chinese dish, apparently, you're sure they'll appreciate the effort.
Daiyu smiles at you when you open the door to ask, and after checking with her sister, agrees easily. The meal itself is a little awkward, their broken English makes communicating hard, but you see a spark light in Morgan's eye. Replacement students? You really do like teaching don't you. Morgan quietly asks them after dinner if they wanted help to learn, getting agreements and leaving her with a bright smile for the rest of the evening.
The next day, you are looking at you options.
[] Large Scale Eradication - Kill many small groups of creatures in England
[] Concentrated Horror - The situation in Germany is deteriorating, it needs to be dealt with soon
[] Military Cross Training - Spend () days training with the military
[] Girl on Girl Training - Spend () days training with Daiyu
[] Take a break
+20xp Found Daiyu!