"I found out I really like looking and feeling cute. Doesn't mean I can't still enjoy things like games and shooting from time to time, though."
Another three targets fall to the other girl's shooting in the time it takes you to aim at one. "Even if you hadn't warned me ahead of time she was a cape, I would have figured it out. Laura gets her switch stuck sometimes, but Missy's is totally broken off. I don't know if she even knows how to not act a cape anymore." The accuracy of that statement is startling, and you whip your head around to stare at the other girl.
The arms wrapping around you catch you off-guard, but after a moment you lean into the hug. "I'm sorry," Kayleigh says, her voice muffled.
Kayleigh continues to be an interesting and badass character, before she even gets an "extra" like powers, and Taylor absolutely is in need of her friendship as much as Missy needs some.
"We talked about what kind of powers we would want just like all kids do. I wanted to be a teleporter so I could see the world and go on safaris and swim with dolphins;
How awfully conveinent that we can offer her a package gift where the ability to do all that is basically the default before other specialties

Wonder how she'd react to hearing about our trip to Australia and elsewhere, or the dino-planet with bonus tribal cults?
It doesn't have to be with normal, non-cape people – like, if you and Laura went out for dinner and a movie or something, that'd work fine – but hanging out just with capes means you're more likely to slip into turning it into caping stuff.
Is it bad that I actually found that really subtle? >_> Like sure, us readers know her motivation well enough to spot it instantly, but Taylor? She tucked that in as an aside that totally fit with her suggestion to do normal-teen stuff, and even downplayed the Laura option indirectly (after directly naming her) by saying theres a downside to inviting a cape. But lovely that Kayleigh's put the idea in her head with this chapter ^__^
I might have wanted them when I was little, but now? I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy."

😭 How you gonna do us like this? And after the voting stage referenced the social-score that would help with such a thing....... well, maybe the combination of talking about our safari trips and being able to help ground her friends (and not be damsel-on-the-sidelines or waiting at home) would tempt her ?
Relatedly, I wonder if any of these characters like Anime..... Tim and Dragon I feel totally would :3 but Kayleigh or Perfect Storm? Point being we need to get them watching "Irregular at Magic School" so we can get Kayleigh some magical Gun Device like the main character of that show.
[x] Laura on a run on the beach
-[x] Take Kayleigh's suggestion literally. Ask Laura out to dinner and/or a movie. (For heroic purposes. You just want to feel out her…heroic tendencies)
Do we need to be explicit if we want the parenthetical to be a total self-lie

? The subtext seems clear to me.
More Laura, but no sudden dating please. It's OOC.
The thing about this is.... after that talk with Kayleigh, about needing to do normal-teen stuff, having the Character intentionally act Out-of-Character in asking is the
entire point . Shes taking Kayleighs advice and going out on a limb to see if it helps,
just like when she took Samantha's advice and went to that party where she first met and danced with Laura. (And anyway, I refer again to Taylor's line from a chapter or two ago, specifically saying "Its not surprise Laura wasn't interested in beach jocks considering her choice of dance partners". Whats that tell you about
Taylor's choice in this Fic? )