Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Laura
-[X] Ask how she manages her cape/civvie life balance, and her civilian life generally. Shes been doing this a while, and managed to befriend a social butterfly like Kayleigh among others, after all.
[x] Kayleigh

As I mentioned earlier, if we want Taylor to get good advice, Kayleigh is probably the better source.

Laura and Kayleigh are childhood friends. I get the vibe that it's mostly Kayleigh's efforts that keep Laura from being a full time cape (in spirit, if not in practice)

I don't care about the subvote, as long as Kayleigh doesn't win.
Do you mind clarifying why you don't want Kayleigh to win? Just curious.
Is there any reason that Tim can't just write out a basic primer on magical engineering and sell it to someone?

Nothing stops us from publishing magi-tech manuals. We don't even need Tim to write them, as PS sent full textbooks to Dragon back when we were trying to convince Dragon that we weren't just a Tinker/Mimic-Trump. Just imagine, however, how long it would take engineers from the 1600s to learn enough from modern manuals to be effective. The effects of spreading magical knowledge simply won't be felt within the confines of this game, and not seen at all unless SW decides to make a sequel quest/story.

While modern engineers have a leg up on those hypothetical engineers, finding ways to bring these radically different technologies together will take time. A Transcendent Gadgeteer, on the other hand, gets all of that knowledge poured into their head at once and only have to work on putting it into practice to unlock the various categories of technology.

[x] Kayleigh

As I mentioned earlier, if we want Taylor to get good advice, Kayleigh is probably the better source.

Laura and Kayleigh are childhood friends. I get the vibe that it's mostly Kayleigh's efforts that keep Laura from being a full time cape (in spirit, if not in practice)

Do you mind clarifying why you don't want Kayleigh to win? Just curious.

There will always be people in any story who have strong like/dislike reactions to specific characters. Kayleigh is a hyperactive extrovert who passed on knowledge that she shouldn't have when she told Laura about us. I think she's completely trustworthy, so long as you understand her nature, a significant factor of which is that anything you tell her, you tell Laura. I'm voting for Cassiel because I think that would be the more interesting story at this point, not because I have a problem with any of the choices. I fully intend to vote for Kaleigh and Laura in the upcoming votes, whichever seems most appropriate at the time.

"...In closing I would like to personally thank Vista for all her contributions as a Ward of the Protectorate and say that the organization will be lesser without her. Now I will open the room to questions directed at either myself or Vista in regards to her choice to leave the Wards."

Finally! Armsmaster might have a tad too gruff but at least his speeches were direct and to the point. None of this empty fluff about how much they'll miss me, despite how much time he spent sidelining me, or going on about my, minuscule, contributions to the Protectorate's work here in Philadelphia. He didn't even mention the search and rescue work I did against Behemoth and Leviathan while, nominally, under his command. Guess he doesn't want to remind the public how they send "kids" against them.

"Hank Smith, CNN. To Vista; Is your departure from the Wards related to the rumors you were intentionally sent to arrest Cudejo which resulted in your maiming?" Oh great; I thought the Youth Guard had already dealt with this nonsense.

"Those rumors are baseless. There were no secret orders for me to arrest Cudejo, something the official Youth Guard investigation confirmed, it was simply bad luck. Still to answer the heart of your question; my resignation has nothing to do with my injury." Well that isn't entirely true. The crack down on enforcing the various Ward restrictions after your injury is certainly part of what finally drove you to quitting.

"Julia Summers, New York Times. To Chevalier; how rare is it for a Ward to leave the Protectorate?" Ooh! An interesting question. I couldn't actually find much data on this while planning my resignation. Turns out for most Wards they simply let them fade into obscurity before officially 'announcing' a resignation via a low key press release. To make matters worse they blend rebranded and transfers in to make it unclear whether the Wards really left or just left town or rebranded. Guess one benefit of that fight with Cudejo is that even now I'm still too high profile to get away with them doing that.

"While it is official Protectorate policy to generally keep the details of resignations quite to protect the Wards' identities I can say that they are infrequent enough that it is rare for a Protectorate team leader to experience one in his or her career. That the great city of Philadelphia has experienced not one but two such losses in such short succession is quite unfortunate but it is simply a fact of life that not all relationships can go on forever. Sometimes we find that our goals in life and our current situation are incompatible and that a change is needed." Well that was a long worded way of saying "I can't say but rare", as expected of Chevalier.

"Clara Jones, BBC. To Vista; if not your injury then may I ask what, to use Chevalier's words, you found incompatible with your status as a Ward?" Finally! The question I've been waiting for. Here's hoping I get it right; I've certainly practiced this speech enough.

"The Wards as a program exists to provide young Parahumans with a safe environment in which they can learn how to utilize their powers and gain experience working alongside the Protectorate, Parahuman Response Teams, and local law enforcement should they chose to become a professional hero. The program is primarily targeted at teenagers since they are the most common source of new Parahumans and this can be seen in that most Ward careers only last two to three years before they graduate into either the Protectorate or their own careers. I joined the Wards four years ago, already putting my membership on the long side of things, and still have another four years before I can legally join the Protectorate. While my time in the Wards has been rewarding I feel that I have learned all I can here and that the restrictions I face as a Ward would limit my future growth." There. That should do it.

"Lu Shen, NBC. To Vista; could you clarify what you mean by restrictions and what your plans are for the future?" Yes! Hook, line, and sinker.

"As a Ward I am required to be accompanied by a member of the Protectorate on all patrols and with only three Protectorate heroes it is rare one can be spared for Ward patrol." Technically not a lie since we don't have any senior Wards who can accompany me anymore. "Which ties into the next restriction; as a Ward I am more or less barred from combat outside of accidents, like my unfortunate encounter with Cudejo, and Endbringer attacks. Finally as a Ward there are no opportunities for me to develop my leadership skills as command positions within the Wards are based solely upon your age not experience." I pause here for a couple seconds both to let my voice rest and to give that time to sink in before continuing. "As for my future plans; well 'Vista' will be retiring due to my contract with the Protectorate but I recently approached an independent hero group I knew could provide me the experience the Wards would not so expect to see Panorama out on the streets sometime soon."

"Tim Cook, Philadelphia Inquirer. To Vista; don't you feel that given your recent injury, on what rumors say was an unofficial patrol, that the Protectorate's restrictions upon Wards are justified?" I knew a question like this was coming but I still can't help but grit my teeth at it. I knew they'd try and throw that against me.

"Actually I feel it, if anything, highlights the dangers of the restrictions places upon Wards. As I said earlier; the purpose of the Wards is to provide a safe environment in which to learn how to best utilize your powers. Yet despite heroics, often as a part of the Protectorate, being the single most common graduate career of Wards combat is often left to the wayside. While we occasionally do drills little effort is put into serious combat training or into practical experience. Any time a Ward does encounter a combat situation it is almost always accidental, uncontrolled, and highly dangerous. More planned encounters alongside veteran heroes would provide a safer alternative then desperate life or death battles."

After that questions primarily consisted of trying to poke holes in my issues with the Wards, berating Chevalier (and by extension the Protectorate) for failing to keep me safely wrapped up in a Wards stamped blanket, and bringing up the too often repeated accusation of the Wards being a child soldier training program. Still probably the best this could have gone given how huffy people are about my age and the loss of my arm months ago. Can't wait until I can start regularly patrolling again though.

Disclaimer: The various news agencies here were chosen at random and none of this is intended to reflect upon their real life counterparts in any way. Also Vista is 110% biased here so don't take everything she says for granted.

This omake started because I was wondering just how the Protectorate would handle Vista resigning. I figured a press conference was the most likely route given all the drama about her just a few months ago. Otherwise it looks too much like they are trying to cover something up. Especially with that canonical investigation regarding rumors that her encounter with Cudejo being intentional. My goal here was to try and work out how Vista would leave the Wards in as friendly a manner as possible. Remember she doesn't want to cut ties with the Protectorate, odds are good she'll still join up with them when she hits 18, it is just how the Wards are handled that she has issues with.

So with that in mind I figured framing this as a move made for career development opportunities would be the best way. I'm not sure it is something Vista would come up with on her own but odds are good she'd be consulting with the rest of Team Calamity before any resignation happens, unless Chevy pushes her too far one day and she spontaneously quits. Tim, Lacey, and Dragon should all have enough job experience to be familiar with how modern day jobs are much more about hopping from one company to the next rather to increase your salary and position then the olden style of getting promoted up the corporate ladder.

Unfortunately a press conference, much like a cafe scene, doesn't really leave much room for it to end up as anything other then talking heads. Hell at least a cafe scene tends to have food and drinks that the characters can be interacting with. Press conferences meanwhile don't even have that; maybe a glass of water if you are lucky. My next omake, staring Lacey, sadly probably won't be much better with how introspective it is looking.

As for Vista failing to respond to the suggestion her the patrol she was wounded on was unofficial; she honestly missed it. I put that in there because it is unclear in the relevent update as to whether or not it was approved. After all there were out looking for a fight and Vista was alone with Calamity Witch. Where I'm pretty sure she is supposed to always be accompanied by an elder Ward or Protectorate hero.

Also 99% of this was written prior to the most recent updates so the revelations of Vista's feelings of detachment from civilians aren't really factored in here. This has mostly just been sitting on my computer waiting for me to get around to giving it a final go over.
Not canon, but good enough for a point.
Well obviously; Vista hasn't resigned yet!

As for my point Crescendo is my choice since faster casting through time warpage is great fun.

Although looking at the character sheets got me wondering; Vampiric Ray leaves non-mages permanently weakened. System Purge removes toxins and debilitating Parahuman effects. I know this is actually a Mage effect but would System Purge work on Vampiric Ray? Or Fortify Spirit since it is giving an injection of mana while a forceful withdrawal of mana is what caused the problems in the first place.
But SW said that at least part of that was that she was an AI. I seem to remember SW saying that if Dragon had been human she would have had an easier time understanding the math. (As evidenced by Mags learning to cast a spell from the same books giving Dragon so much trouble...)

This is something I thought about a lot while rereading the story, but it had been so long since that discussion occurred that I didn't want to bring it up randomly. So, thanks for giving me the excuse =P :

I think the real issue is that math as we practice it is reduced to very linear statements that are then linked to linear statements, while the math for spells has to combine all sorts of real world variables that cannot be adequately simplified to a level that an AI running on our contemporary mathematical logic can make it work. Just look at Nanoha casting circles and you'll see why parts of the same equations were in different bases, in the form of the various shapes and subordinate shapes, each needing to calculate several variables into an exact alignment for the mana invested to propagate the intended effect.

Or, more simply, life is just that complex, and Nanoha math means holding a dozen different but interdependent equations in your head at the same time in order for the spell to work.

Cassiel is out of the running. The choice is now between Kayleigh and Laura.
At the time I wrote that, it was before you closed the vote--or, that is, before the post that closed the vote showed up on my screen, even though I refreshed the page before typing it, and again before submitting it. Then, just now, I looked back, and half a page of posts were missing in the middle of the previous page, posts that I can now see, posts before the ones I was responding to. ..

Meh, I blame it on the broken brain and move on.

New vote is:
[X] Kayleigh

Between those two, I see the problems of getting people to tolerate Kayleigh as being more difficult to surmount than spending time with Laura, she needs a LC chance boost far more than Laura, and she really is what Taylor and Vista both need in that she can help the two reconnect to the 'teen girl' sides of their lives.
she really is what Taylor and Vista both need in that she can help the two reconnect to the 'teen girl' sides of their lives.
I mean is that something we view as important?

Because Vista did have a point when she said:
I didn't have any friends at school in Brockton Bay, either. Why would I be friends with them? They were petty girls with petty worries. Was I supposed to distract the Merchants by gushing over Justin Bieber with them? Was the latest Maggie Holt book going to help me not get pulped by Hookwolf? Would Lung stop rampaging to stare at the new skirt I bought?
she certainly went too far due to her circumstances but Vista is right in that it is quite hard for a non-cape to relate to a cape and vice-versa. They simply have too different set of experiences.

This is actually part of why modern militaries train their soldiers the way they do; the help establish a clear separation between their civilian and military lives. Even that isn't perfect since a lot of ex-military tend to hang around other ex-military because they are the only people who get them.

Vista's, and to a degree Taylor's, problem is that she doesn't have a social group who get her. Flambé and Cherry Bomb are essentially civilians and the Protectorate see her as a ward, in both senses of the word, not a comrade. Taylor does have her team as something resembling a social group except Lacey hates fighting, Tim is pretty much 100% rearlines, and we don't really spend much time with Dragon. Plus Dragon has her own issues related to social isolation due to having to hide her identity as an AI for so long. Sam helps but as SW has pointed out time and time again; Guardian Beasts are not human.

Basically what I'm saying is that both Taylor and Vista really need to make some cape buddies whom they can share their experiences with. Not random civilians who they have to hide half their lives away from and wouldn't really get it even if they did share their identities.
Although looking at the character sheets got me wondering; Vampiric Ray leaves non-mages permanently weakened. System Purge removes toxins and debilitating Parahuman effects. I know this is actually a Mage effect but would System Purge work on Vampiric Ray? Or Fortify Spirit since it is giving an injection of mana while a forceful withdrawal of mana is what caused the problems in the first place.
Hmm, that is an interesting thought. Between the two, I would say probably System Purge since Fortify Spirit is temporary.
Kayleigh frustrates me to no end.

Firstly, I'm just not fond of her archetype, cheerful loud and extremely sociable people tend to tire me out pretty quickly.

Secondly, there is that problem of broken trust, when Kayleigh basically lied us in the face and got away with it. This last part frustrates me even more than the 'crime' itself. I know OOC something I know would have been significant for Taylor, but there is no way she finds it out IC. In result, this betrayal stuck in my mind, like a bugged quest may stick in your journal in some RPG. No way to solve it, no way to get rid of it. It's just there, forever.

Thirdly, Kayleigh is the only line connecting Taylor and Laura (and maybe Missy too, from now on) with civilian life, and this makes me hesitant to pull her closer to us, get her involved in cape business, give her powers and in result cut this line.

So, my policy on Kayleigh is to never vote for spending an action with her. Silently is quite fond of her, so even if we never vote for her, she will appear from time to time to drag Taylor into something mundane, like that Birthday party or this vacation.

And this, IMO of course, an optimal dosage of Kayleigh. I don't need less (otherwise Taylor may forget she's only human), but I don't want more.

[X] Laura

And now for something completely different:
A pain beam will cause unbearable pain in the target, incapacitating them until they have a chance to recover. Just don't use it for too long, or you can cause permanent nerve damage.
I wonder, if we can build a pain beam, can we build a painless beam, as a method of anesthesia? A numbness beam, to temporarily turn off enemy's limbs or so?