[X] Trust no one – Verify everything you've been told before making a decision. You don't trust either party in this situation, but you can't completely rule out that Tattletale is telling the truth. And it wouldn't hurt to have Perfect Storm do some digging of its own for verification, so you'll take a rain check for now.
-[X]But make it clear that
she's the one asking
you for help, so it's best for her to watch what she says and who's secrets she's throwing around. You're well within your rights to
take her down to the PRT right now since she's prying into your secret identity
and she's a Villain, so it's best for her to keep that in mind.
-[X] Begin by telling her that if we were really as crazy as she says we are, she would probably be dead right now. Possibly ask her if the cops and robbers thing is how the world works, or just how she
wants it to work. We are already moving carefully to minimize the probability and potential impact of our actions beginning a gang war, but leaving things as they are is an even worse option no matter what she tries to tell herself.
No. of Votes: 50
[X] Believe her – Everything she has said sounds above-board. You can't completely rule out that there were lies mixed in, and it wouldn't hurt to have Perfect Storm do some digging of its own for verification, but you'll give her the benefit of the doubt.
No. of Votes: 32
[X] Hunt Lisa down. She definitely knows way too much about you and your father - this kind of intelligence can't be allowed to remain in the hands of a villain; blackmail is too obvious an outcome, especially if she really does work for Coil.
-[X] Fake her death, if possible (level the building she's in, for example)
-[X] Don't trust Coil for now
No. of Votes: 8
[x] Ask her if she's really psychic... by using telepathy.
No. of Votes: 6
[X] Ignore her – She have feeling she's telling the truth about giving Coil information on you and Danny, but everything else could be a lie and you'd never know it. Between the two of them, Coil seems to be the more trustworthy one.
No. of Votes: 2
-[X] Tell Lisa that she's full of shit, but you'll see what you can do about the situation.
--[X] Mentally request Perfect Storm to track Lisa in a way or ways that she'd find difficult to impossible to negate, and hopefully won't be picked up by her parahuman power.
---[X] Kill Coil at your next meeting by flash-vaporizing his head (or the closest equivalent), preventing him from using any parahuman power that he might have by destroying the Corona Pollentia. A sneaky telekinesis-moved bomb right next to his head might work too.
----[X] Use the tracking to get back to Lisa and kill her. Come at her like a cruise missile so she doesn't have time to disseminate info on you in retaliation.
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 95