Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

- Do we know Typhon's backstory, and how he got the Travellers?
Zion blew up himself and Cauldron's base several months before Ziz attacked Madison. So, even if the Travellers were transported to Earth-Bet they didn't receive their canon powers.
Typhon was just a very unlucky parahuman, he triggered with really bad power which crippled him and drove him mad. Other recepients of the Travellers' powers were unlucky too; they were caught by Typhon's monsters.

- Whatever happened to Dinah Alcott? Is she dead? Did she even trigger? Is she a ziz-bomb?
Ziz attacked the city a month or two before she was supposed to trigger. What happened with her since then is unknown.
I'm curious what means you think those are.

For Nidhogg specifically, containment foam him to lock him down, then have CW transport him to an empty planet, or even directly to the Birdcage, since it seems capable of keeping him there once he's inside. Other options include putting him in a full body containment suit he can't break, cutting off his limbs to buy more time(since they'll grow back, eventually), having Clockblocker pause him so they can move a specialized containment unit in around him while he's stuck in place, one designed specifically for him(by Dragon and/or Tim, most likely), bringing in some master who can knock him out or suppress his mind for a bit...

There's lots of options once you get past the 'giant monster' defense that would keep most masters too far away to do enough good. Prior to killing Butcher, Lung did not rate a kill order, which means, as I interpret the rules of the Protectorate, that he didn't rate bringing in a master to subdue him. He would rate a kill order now if not for the consequences of killing him, though, which is why I want to put him somewhere we can safely kill him or just leave him to live out his days in peace.

Maclibuin does not have the Infinite Enhancement template. He does not have any template. He has a Boost Device. He can't learn a new spell because for this quest, giving a non-template Device to someone means they can learn a certain number of skills based on their Linker Core rank, and once those are all picked out that's it. If you want a character to get Struggle Bind, you need to give someone the actual template, plan for a new mage to have this skill at the outset, or create a Guardian Beast of the Tome.

Ah, yes, boost devices. I knew I remembered something about a lesser form of device, but hadn't done enough digging to lead me to the details. Can he safely upgrade to a full template, should we develop enough of a rapport to consider him for that option?

Since that means we are lacking two templates, I think Lacey could be well suited for Infinite Enhancement, should she be interested. If she isn't, we need to find more mages. Heck, even if she is interested, I want to find more mages. Maybe we should scan Cailleach's friend. Super chipper support mage seems perfectly suited to Nanoha, really, and this would give her more chances to push the two of them together.

The thing with scanning for cores is that we don't have enough people we are connected to in a personal enough way that offering to scan them makes sense, and I hesitate to scan the PRT and give them templates or have Alexandria pick out some candidates because of course that would back fire. Even as relatively lighthearted as this is, this is still Worm we're talking about.

Can we get Maclibuin to keep Vista supplied with enhancement charms without wasting an in game action? It's a ritual that didn't take long even before he got a device to speed it up. I'm not sure how much of a boost it would provide her, given that her primary limitation is based on the Manton effect, but she's essentially a party member now and I want her properly outfitted with the best we can give her.

This brings me back to the idea of giving her more arm choices. Currently, she has a purely civilian model that givers her realistic touch and strength, and a heavy combat model with a shield and particle canon. I'd like to see her with a crowd control option for dealing with civilians, whether they're crooks, rioters, or puppets, possibly making it focus on a directed knockout/stun attack that can take down low brute and non-durability enhanced capes, or a cone blast. Alternatively, she could get these abilities from wearable tech without needing a full suit of power armor. A dimensional pocket she can store stuff in like CW's civilian garb would be useful, even if all she put in it were her civilian clothes and cape costume, saving her from having to go get those.

In the end, it might be best to just giver her power armor; certainly it would be simplest, though we'd need to rebuild it regularly to compensate for growth. Alternatively, she could get a few modules are are worn separately, like a belt to connect to a storage space and serve as a teleport beacon, or a vest to provide flight*. After all, her two biggest weaknesses are the Manton effect(she can't manipulate space occupied by living things) and perspective(she needs line of sight), so a flight pack to give her a better vantage point could be a big boost, not to mention that it would have prevented her from losing that arm in the first place.

* I don't call it a jet pack because that description doesn't really fit with the style of the Nanoha-verse tech.

Hello everyone!
Coming in from, where I binge-read the transcript of this story, and I decided to join this quest, if you'll have me.

That said, I haven't had the time to do a comprehensive archive dive on this thread yet, so I ask that you bear with me if I ask questions which have already been answered. To that end, I'm working on some fanart as an offering to appease the fury of the thread.

Meantime, here go my potentially dumb questions:

- Have we asked the TSAB if they can fix Danny? Seems worth a shot, at least..

No. Some of us have been pushing for this to happen, but it has not as of yet.
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She isn't worthy of a Device if she even has a Linker Core.

Kayleigh could have the most powerful Linker Core ever seen, and I would be against giving her a device.

Which is exactly why I would find it funny to give her one. I highly doubt there would be enough support to even get her scanned, so don't worry that it's going to happen.

Another thing to consider is getting Tim a Scientist guardian beast. I can't find a FAQ for the Guardian Beasts specifically, but some of the posts I've seen suggest it exists. If I've just missed it, my apologies, but the role of scientist sounds like it would synergize well with an engineer.

SilentlyWatches said:
For the purposes of this quest, no. Standstill or somebody with a Device can send out a telepathic message so that people with Linker Cores can come to them, but proper scanning can only be done by Immortal Assimilation Engine.

We can ping for mages? This has so much potential. We don't have to scan everybody at the PRT like we did with the Adepts, just go there and send out a telepathic signal to say, "come to conference room 3 if you can hear this". With Maclibuin to serve as proof that we can give people powers with lesser(and much easier to make) devices, this might be a great idea. I feel we should reserve templates for reasonably close allies, though, at least for now.

A question I never got back around to asking regarding the plan to use a device to collect the mind of that girl, is how certain are we(out of character) that this will kill her? We had to kill the original Dragon because that version would have had no choice but to do everything it could to kill the new version thanks to the 'there can be only one' provision in her programming. I know the vote's already cast, that we can't change the direction that's heading, and that I should probably just wait for the story to be posted, but I'm curious, gosh darn it!
For Nidhogg specifically, containment foam him to lock him down, then have CW transport him to an empty planet, or even directly to the Birdcage, since it seems capable of keeping him there once he's inside. Other options include putting him in a full body containment suit he can't break, cutting off his limbs to buy more time(since they'll grow back, eventually), having Clockblocker pause him so they can move a specialized containment unit in around him while he's stuck in place, one designed specifically for him(by Dragon and/or Tim, most likely), bringing in some master who can knock him out or suppress his mind for a bit...
Well, he'd break out of containment foam as soon as Struggle Bind was removed, and putting him in the Birdcage would be… interesting, to say the least. His regeneration would be high enough (free of SB) that literally disarming him might not be as effective as you think it would, and even then he has something like six or seven durability powers stacked together, so even doing it would be a challenge.

The big problems with a Master-based plan is that 1) Masters are a little sparse on the ground in the Protectorate and 2) what do you think would happen once he was out of the area of effect?
Can he safely upgrade to a full template, should we develop enough of a rapport to consider him for that option?
Nope. For the purposes of this quest, templates and Devices are the end of the line. You can't switch from one to the other. Mostly because I refuse to waste the time organizing a Device homebrew vote and then undoing all the work.
Can we get Maclibuin to keep Vista supplied with enhancement charms without wasting an in game action? It's a ritual that didn't take long even before he got a device to speed it up. I'm not sure how much of a boost it would provide her, given that her primary limitation is based on the Manton effect, but she's essentially a party member now and I want her properly outfitted with the best we can give her.
Well, they'd have to know who each other is first, so… no, you would have to be "wasting an in game action".
Another thing to consider is getting Tim a Scientist guardian beast. I can't find a FAQ for the Guardian Beasts specifically, but some of the posts I've seen suggest it exists. If I've just missed it, my apologies, but the role of scientist sounds like it would synergize well with an engineer.
There is a scientist/engineer GB (specifically GB of the Gear), and they synergize very well with a Gadgeteer. Tim is more than welcome to create a GB any time you want him to.
Oh, more ultra-competence on Wildbow's part? Blegh.
Threat in potential as I understand it. Same old song and dance with Nilbog, the uncertainty means they don't want to fuck with it unless the damage is too much.
Conversely they DID nail Teacher despite pulling the same threat, once he started playing on the national level.
And on a smaller scale, they also propped up Damsel of Distress despite her threat being lower.

Given Heartbreaker's exclusive interest in living his harem fantasy, he's left alone.
Did you even read my omake about this, bruh?
I'm digging my way through the posts here, so I don't know if I've even seen your omake. I've only been a part of this quest a few weeks, having read the earlier story over on . There doesn't seem

Well, he'd break out of containment foam as soon as Struggle Bind was removed, and putting him in the Birdcage would be… interesting, to say the least. His regeneration would be high enough (free of SB) that literally disarming him might not be as effective as you think it would, and even then he has something like six or seven durability powers stacked together, so even doing it would be a challenge.

The big problems with a Master-based plan is that 1) Masters are a little sparse on the ground in the Protectorate and 2) what do you think would happen once he was out of the area of effect?

With Nidhogg specifically, there are more concerns to be addressed than with various other breaker/changers, which are described as being really hard to contain. I still think the best choice for him is to teleport him to another planet, one we have explored and confirmed is non inhabited. He's just to strong , too dangerous to keep on Earth Bet. For one thing, Nidhogg has a much greater variety of powers than 99.9% of capes thanks to the Butcher's capabilities. This is why I would want to move him to another planet, but in truth I forgot about the teleportation power he has, so we'd have to knock him out. Even with the other brute powers, I think we could manage to knock him out if we planned ahead sufficiently, using struggle bind to limit his breaker state, which is one of the two powers he has at full strength.

As long as he stays away from people, we're less likely to see this action come to pass, particularly without first taking up Alexandria's offer of assistance. Bringing a plan like this to her would help smooth over the Coil fallout, even if it were never put into play.

Which is surprisingly difficult, as people keep ignoring the option whenever I bring it up.

To be fair, Dragon's body was higher on the priority list, but getting him that guardian beast might be a really good next step for him, once he finishes what he is already making. I wonder what kind of pet Tim would pick. The need to get a specific build would mean needing to select a specific animal, too, and that would be a headache all its own, but I wonder what the character would pick if he were in charge of his own decisions.
I missed some things. Still hung up on if Nidhogg got killed wouldn't the next incarnation immediately go Nidhogg and return to the arctic circle so as not to overheat like a husky down south?

I'd also like to know why I'm mixing Nidhogg and Nilbog up at this point lol
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I missed some things. Still hung up on if Nidhogg got killed wouldn't the next incarnation immediately go Nidhogg and return to the arctic circle so as not to overheat like a husky down south?

I'd also like to know why I'm mixing Nidhogg and Nilbog up at this point lol

Nilbog is Goblin spelled backwards, if that helps.

Well, Taylor killing Nidhogg means there's no way of telling who the Butcher would jump to, not that she knows he can jump to a person other than the one who killed him. I don't think overheating is a real issue, as his powers, particularly his dragon form, make him very resistant to any heat, but I confess that my memory of the scene discussing him is a bit fuzzy. I think he went up North because he can't pass for human any more, and would be murdered on sight for being a potential Ziz bomb with way too much power, if it weren't for the way the Butcher would just jump to a new host.
I missed some things. Still hung up on if Nidhogg got killed wouldn't the next incarnation immediately go Nidhogg and return to the arctic circle so as not to overheat like a husky down south?

I'd also like to know why I'm mixing Nidhogg and Nilbog up at this point lol
Nilbog is Goblin spelled backwards, if that helps.

Well, Taylor killing Nidhogg means there's no way of telling who the Butcher would jump to, not that she knows he can jump to a person other than the one who killed him. I don't think overheating is a real issue, as his powers, particularly his dragon form, make him very resistant to any heat, but I confess that my memory of the scene discussing him is a bit fuzzy. I think he went up North because he can't pass for human any more, and would be murdered on sight for being a potential Ziz bomb with way too much power, if it weren't for the way the Butcher would just jump to a new host.
The reason Lung/Nidhogg went to the arctic had nothing to do with physical. It's because the other Butchers count as opponents to his escalation power, and there's a fun interaction between Lung's specific power set and the first Butcher's shard (the sequential possession ability) where the more he escalates the louder the other voices become, which in turn makes him escalate, and overall was turning into a vicious circle.

There's no one around him in the arctic, so he can work on pushing the voices aside. The voices are opponents, but because they have no powers of their own, he reaches a maximal size. Back in the Brockton Bay escape, the other capes attacking him meant he kept growing way past that size.
The reason Lung/Nidhogg went to the arctic had nothing to do with physical. It's because the other Butchers count as opponents to his escalation power, and there's a fun interaction between Lung's specific power set and the first Butcher's shard (the sequential possession ability) where the more he escalates the louder the other voices become, which in turn makes him escalate, and overall was turning into a vicious circle.

There's no one around him in the arctic, so he can work on pushing the voices aside. The voices are opponents, but because they have no powers of their own, he reaches a maximal size. Back in the Brockton Bay escape, the other capes attacking him meant he kept growing way past that size.
So what I'm getting here is that Lung went full shounen protagonist. He has isolated himself and is in training to control his new power up, so he can challenge his Eternal Rival Sam after the timeskip.
Not the sort of thing a battleship is kitted out for, and they can't get home yet.
If given full access to Mid-childa's facilities, it could potentially be treated to the point where he can form new memories again, though depending on how things happened, the lost memories could be physically destroyed beyond the shard backup.

Yeah, I agree. I was thinking of it more as a long-term solution than anything. Still, no harm asking. At the very least, it'd give Taylor hope, and a strong link to the TSAB.

There is a scientist/engineer GB (specifically GB of the Gear), and they synergize very well with a Gadgeteer. Tim is more than welcome to create a GB any time you want him to.
Would him having the engineer GB speed up his research time? If so, would him having twin GBs speed it up even more?

And on the subject of Tim, probably something that's already come up, but could he reverse engineer the piece of device tech that fries parahuman powers to make a depowerer? Even if it only worked on people with a Linker Core, it could still be pretty useful. (Does depowering fix Case 53s?)
Edit: Nevermind this. Probably won't work for the same reason we haven't/aren't mass producing Master-proofing gear for the Protectorate.

Ziz attacked the city a month or two before she was supposed to trigger. What happened with her since then is unknown.
Thanks. I thought maybe she'd triggered In Spite Of a Nail, and Coil had her.
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Thanks. I thought maybe she'd triggered In Spite Of a Nail, and Coil had her.

There is no Coil, not anymore. He may not be dead, but he is likely on his way to or already in the Birdcage, unless SW decides to have him conveniently escape. We have searched his base and found Tattletale, addicted in the same way as canon Dinah, so I would expect us to have found Dinah if he had her.

That is no assurance that she hasn't triggered and might still be out there. Her powers aren't as visible as the more direct effects that non thinker/strangers produce, to the point that her family didn't believe she was a cape, to the extent that when she was kidnapped her family apparently didn't tell the police that detail. They thought she was just making things up in the interlude from her POV.
I have a question it should have occurred to me to ask days ago: How developed is Tim's linker core? Is it large enough or approaching being large enough to support two GB's? Two assistants are better than one if they'll be available soonish. Given that his time for this coming period is already spent making a unison device for the dream girl I can never remember the name of, he might reach that level before voting for his next course of action comes up to vote again.

Also, is Dragon modifying her current combat suits or building an entirely new set now that she no longer has the same procreation limits that prevented her from placing advanced, yet not sapient, disposable AIs in a fleet of suits as happens in canon. Combining her new knowledge of magi-tech with her existing knowledge of Earth Bet and tinker tech* could make for some cool options.

Since a device burns out parahuman abilities, I doubt this, but does Dragon still have a connection to her Shard? Her trigger event broke some of the rules the Entities coded into the Shards by connecting to something other than human, so the fact that her connection is different could conceivably mean she still has that link. Of course, keeping that Shard would mean a lot of extra headache for SW, so I suspect that if there is a shard still connected to Dragon, it is locked away by scrubber tech we looted from the Dragonslayers, which in canon didn't actually kill her as they thought it would, just locked it down so it couldn't do anything without an outside force disabling all the protections on that compression.

If we do find the remains of Zion's real body upon exploring neighboring worlds, I wonder what the TSAB would make of it, beyond declaring it yet another lost Logia. Access to that could, one day, allow the TSAB to combine linker core and parahuman abilities and start a movement to hunt down and destroy the other Entitites out there. I am quite aware that this will never come up in the course of this story beyond an interlude, omake, or the first hints of it, given the sheer scale of time needed, but I find the idea highly intriguing regardless. I have sacrificed current usefulness for long term possibilities in any number of games because I enjoy looking at the long term repercussions so much.

*Each tinker effectively taps into the knowledge of a different species that the Entities ate in prior iterations of the Cycle, though it is usually limited to a particular sub-set of that knowledge. A few seem to tap into one subject across several species' knowledge, producing a wider variety of styles.
I have a question it should have occurred to me to ask days ago: How developed is Tim's linker core? Is it large enough or approaching being large enough to support two GB's? Two assistants are better than one if they'll be available soonish. Given that his time for this coming period is already spent making a unison device for the dream girl I can never remember the name of, he might reach that level before voting for his next course of action comes up to vote again.
Soon, but not yet. It hadn't been much time since we last checked.
Access to that could, one day, allow the TSAB to combine linker core and parahuman abilities and start a movement to hunt down and destroy the other Entitites out there.
I doubt the TSAB's ability to actually destroy full fledged Entities, if only because of just how vast they are and how well protected their Core/Vital Shards are.
New question, because of something I saw waaay back: Can PS heal Danny? In the invisible text just after making Samantha, Perfect Storm prepared to make a back up of Danny in case e couldn't handle Samantha's unexpected humanness. "Humanness" is a word? Spell-check FTW, I guess. It might only be able to restore him to where he was at that point in the story, losing him months of memories, but that beats the heck out of the current years he has lost, not to mention his inability to gain new memories.

I doubt the TSAB's ability to actually destroy full fledged Entities, if only because of just how vast they are and how well protected their Core/Vital Shards are.

The bodies are vast, even in the reduced form that they pared themselves down to. This is why Zion could tank so much damage without any worry about his core being depleted, though he also seemed to be caring a lot less about that by that point in time. That was Glastig Uaine's plan to deal with him, after all, to burn off enough mass that he would go dormant to increase the odds of living long enough to find a new partner.

As for the protections to keep his core hidden, I think that was the barrier that the TSAB ran into, meaning we are on the inside of the walled off set of realities, making the chances that one of the neighboring worlds holds his probably not decaying body much higher.

Edit again: Sorry, misread, they may not be able to destroy them as is, but an interplanetary empire that could recruit from all of the planets that the Entities avoid because they were too potentially dangerous could turn this into a fleet vast beyond our ability to comprehend it spreading out to wipe them all out, ironically fulfilling the goals of the Entities by forcing so many opposing forces to join together against them.
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