Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Chevalier said explicitly last arc that there are some capes whose "ghosts" he can't see.

Also, since this was brought up earlier, he CANNOT see "ghosts" of potential capes, only actual capes.

I thought that might have happened, but was uncertain due to reading Worm and some other fanfics recently. They start to bleed together.

Tell that to Wolverine...

While he has regenerated from a nuke, the only reason he was able to do that was that his adamantium bones shielded his brain and bone marrow*. He did regrow from a drop of blood once, but that drop had just landed on an infinity gem.

* Unless you're referring to the scene in The Wolverine, where being below ground level shielded him from the worst of it. It also helps that that nuke was almost at the minimum strength they could make a nuke and have it reliably work. Modern nukes are a lot bigger.

Of course, now I'm trying to remember if they actually tried nukes against endbringers or if that was considered and rejected in canon.
Of course, now I'm trying to remember if they actually tried nukes against endbringers or if that was considered and rejected in canon.
They tried nuclear weapons against Behemoth in the early days. Unsurprisingly that ended terribly so they elected to never do that again, even once Leviathan and Ziz showed up.
INNNNNNTERESTING. Not at all what I expected to be chosen. Very interesting indeed. Also, now all you need is Reforge Armor to unlock the second cross-training opportunity.

Next chapter… will get written. Eventually. I want to get the next chapter for my FFN story out before I start on that.
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Nov 13, 2018 at 7:39 PM, finished with 16802 posts and 27 votes.
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Flare Blade (2/2 Master) – Create blade out of Flare mana for close-quarters combat. Currently programmed to be non-lethal by default, though it will still cut through anything but living flesh with terrifying ease. Can be wielded simultaneously with any other spell.
  • Blitz Action (2/2 Master) – Move at high speeds in a straight line. Can change direction three times in a row.
  • Misteltein (1/4 Novice) – Drop spikes that petrify any living thing they hit onto a target up to 30 feet away.
So it seems Misteltein doesn't unlock anything new. Not surprising considering it is apart of the Knight sub-class which has limited spell choices compared to our primary Witch class. Still I'm sure it will be useful and we've already got most the core skills so grabbing a more niche one every so often makes sense.
Whelp. I would have liked to have it already Mastered since something that lethal is gonna be hard to train. At least with Solar Wrath and the other shooter spells there's non-lethal settings.
Maybe we can go hunt down something Taylor wouldn't feel bad for killing. Like ButcherLung. Zizbombs are also acceptable targets.
Whelp. I would have liked to have it already Mastered since something that lethal is gonna be hard to train. At least with Solar Wrath and the other shooter spells there's non-lethal settings.
Maybe we can go hunt down something Taylor wouldn't feel bad for killing. Like ButcherLung. Zizbombs are also acceptable targets.
Or some of us could write omakes.
No. It's a pure killing spell meant to be used against monsters.

It turns targets into stone. Which is what makes it great against regenerating monsters and damage resistant ones. As it bypasses physical toughness.
You know if we can get the area of effect up and also nab Crescendo* in the not too distant future it might be worth a trip over to Ellisburg for some goblin slaying.

*Hayate took 17 seconds to cast Misteltein against the Book of Darkness. I'll be rounding that down to 15 seconds since it's literally the first spell Hayate has ever cast and because it makes the math a lot easier. If we say that maxed out Crescendo gives 60 seconds of 3x time that is 1 casting per 5 of regular time and a total of 12 castings before time runs out. 7 spears per casting gives up to 84 petrified goblins per minute.Even assuming Nilbog got 2 goblins per human there should only be ~10,000 goblins so at this rate we could get through them all in about two hours. Probably longer since we'd have to recast Crescendo multiple times and track down the ones who would eventually start hiding but we're probably not talking more then a single day's work.
You know if we can get the area of effect up and also nab Crescendo* in the not too distant future it might be worth a trip over to Ellisburg for some goblin slaying.

*Hayate took 17 seconds to cast Misteltein against the Book of Darkness. I'll be rounding that down to 15 seconds since it's literally the first spell Hayate has ever cast and because it makes the math a lot easier. If we say that maxed out Crescendo gives 60 seconds of 3x time that is 1 casting per 5 of regular time and a total of 12 castings before time runs out. 7 spears per casting gives up to 84 petrified goblins per minute.Even assuming Nilbog got 2 goblins per human there should only be ~10,000 goblins so at this rate we could get through them all in about two hours. Probably longer since we'd have to recast Crescendo multiple times and track down the ones who would eventually start hiding but we're probably not talking more then a single day's work.

I have real issues with taking out villains who aren't actively harming people. Nilbog is isolated thoroughly enough that we really don't have an excuse to go after him, even if we are strong enough to do so. After all, there are enough heroes with the requisite firepower that they could take him down, but so long as he is content to stay where he is, the Protectorate doesn't go in after him.

As for Lung, would petrifying him count as killing the Butcher? If it does, would Perfect Storm be able to block him from getting into CW's head? Since he isn't an immediate threat, I wouldn't trust SW to pass up the opportunity to screw us over in unexpected consequences.

Going a bit more aggressively after smaller scale threats that are closer to home would be a far better use of our time, even though we wouldn't be able to use Mistletein.
I have real issues with taking out villains who aren't actively harming people. Nilbog is isolated thoroughly enough that we really don't have an excuse to go after him, even if we are strong enough to do so. After all, there are enough heroes with the requisite firepower that they could take him down, but so long as he is content to stay where he is, the Protectorate doesn't go in after him.

As for Lung, would petrifying him count as killing the Butcher? If it does, would Perfect Storm be able to block him from getting into CW's head? Since he isn't an immediate threat, I wouldn't trust SW to pass up the opportunity to screw us over in unexpected consequences.

Going a bit more aggressively after smaller scale threats that are closer to home would be a far better use of our time, even though we wouldn't be able to use Mistletein.
Taylor isn't an Parahuman.

So she would be fine.
You know if we can get the area of effect up and also nab Crescendo* in the not too distant future it might be worth a trip over to Ellisburg for some goblin slaying.

*Hayate took 17 seconds to cast Misteltein against the Book of Darkness. I'll be rounding that down to 15 seconds since it's literally the first spell Hayate has ever cast and because it makes the math a lot easier. If we say that maxed out Crescendo gives 60 seconds of 3x time that is 1 casting per 5 of regular time and a total of 12 castings before time runs out. 7 spears per casting gives up to 84 petrified goblins per minute.Even assuming Nilbog got 2 goblins per human there should only be ~10,000 goblins so at this rate we could get through them all in about two hours. Probably longer since we'd have to recast Crescendo multiple times and track down the ones who would eventually start hiding but we're probably not talking more then a single day's work.
It'd honestly be faster and easier to Ragnarök the whole thing. ONE level of mana poisoning won't kill you, and I wanna show off that mechanic. :(
It'd honestly be faster and easier to Ragnarök the whole thing. ONE level of mana poisoning won't kill you, and I wanna show off that mechanic. :(
Ragnarok is our "Too Awesome/Dangerous to actually use" spell outside of very specific situations, so unless we're put into a position where we have to either use it, or have to slamfire lots of cartridges to use a ludicrous amount of more conventional spells, Mana Poisoning isn't likely going to occur anytime soon I feel.
It'd honestly be faster and easier to Ragnarök the whole thing. ONE level of mana poisoning won't kill you, and I wanna show off that mechanic. :(
Actually it wouldn't. Nilbog explicitly has countermeasures in place for being nuked, it's the reason he wasn't nuked after the PRT pulled out. Given that the US's 'standard' nuclear weapon is a 300kt warhead and Ragnarok is only 30kt we'd almost certainly only be making things worse not better by using Ragnarok.
Nice! It's been so long since we got a good piece of art. For this, good sir, you get a point to any spell.
Perfect Storm's gem is blue, not red. Otherwise, this is good.
Storm's gem is blue in standby mode, but the gem in Taylor's staff is red. That color change is because each template has a theme color, and CW's is red.
Actually it wouldn't. Nilbog explicitly has countermeasures in place for being nuked, it's the reason he wasn't nuked after the PRT pulled out. Given that the US's 'standard' nuclear weapon is a 300kt warhead and Ragnarok is only 30kt we'd almost certainly only be making things worse not better by using Ragnarok.
Ahhh, how sure are you about that? :)

Flare mana puts out heat. It puts out radiation. The explosion created by Ragnarök would be measured at 30kt.

That does not mean that Ragnarök is the same as a 30kt nuke. After all, nukes aren't mana-based. Flare mana has heat and radiation, but it isn't just heat and radiation. The radiation wasn't even the goal when the Galeans engineered the Flare affinity.
about nilbog it might still be a bad idea, who knows how deep or wide are his deadman caches.
She might glass everything in Elisburg a mile deep but if he had stuff dormant outside the walls before they came up or left them be carried by the water table there would still be consequences.
Ahhh, how sure are you about that? :)
You do make some good points. However we are talking about a swarm of monsters that experiences rapid exponential growth here. One we explicitly know they multiply when exposed to fire:
Worm - Interlude 16 said:
"Far as I could tell, he's wearing one of his creations. Made him bulletproof, maybe fireproof. We won't be able to bomb the area. He's created beasts that multiply if you set them on fire. Did you see those?"
so unless we're 100% certain we won't set of an explosion of exponential growth or other trap it's safer to go with the more oblique petrification route.
Nice! It's been so long since we got a good piece of art. For this, good sir, you get a point to any spell.

Storm's gem is blue in standby mode, but the gem in Taylor's staff is red. That color change is because each template has a theme color, and CW's is red.
Thank you for the point. I think that I will put it into Ring Mine: it's not an unlocked spell, but most of the spells that are unlocked are either at Master or something that I don't want to put a point into if I can help it.

I'll need to find where Samantha and Shipwright are described in the thread, but once I do find them I'll make an attempt at drawing them. I might make an attempt drawing Captain as well, but we'll see.
Ahhh, how sure are you about that? :)

Flare mana puts out heat. It puts out radiation. The explosion created by Ragnarök would be measured at 30kt.

That does not mean that Ragnarök is the same as a 30kt nuke. After all, nukes aren't mana-based. Flare mana has heat and radiation, but it isn't just heat and radiation. The radiation wasn't even the goal when the Galeans engineered the Flare affinity.
Well, it's typical Wildbow Villain competence, so assume that anything that does not straight up perfectly erase the section of reality Nilbog exists in will unleash a Resident Evil style plague, converting the East Coast into monsters.
I wonder how effective Recursion Field would be. Nilbog's goblins do have a number of effects listed here:
Capes with these kinds of powers ARE brought into Recursion Field: altered elemental composition, energy-based states, shapeshifters, touch-based and area-based exotic effects, telekinesis or pyrokinesis or any other -kinesis, energy blasts, projected forcefields, power nullifiers or enhancers or manipulators, telepathic control of other organisms, regenerators, teleporters, pre-cogs.
but they aren't actually capes. Just creatures produced by a cape.