Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Does that include light, and can people inside get out or vice versa with teleporting, digging through the ground, or otherwise trying to circumvent the barrier without attacking it?
Light and non damaging sounds can pass through. Nothing that would injure someone on the other side of the wall. Teleportation doesn't work. Digging could.
She has an AI that runs stuff on auto til she recovers? He's seen her use Perfect Storm.

On the same topic, I wonder what all the other capes who don't know about magic, think Calamity Witch even is. Tinker with an Energy Manipulation as her specialty? Could explain the flying, teleportation, shields, and blasting.
Or simply Tinker Trump. I get that most tinkers seem to be trumps to some extent, but how many actually focus on it?
[X] Shell Barrier
He didn't notice that he was affected by the Trigger Event. I mean, unless he has perfect recall like MM.
While others don't recall the two space whales circling around each other like MM can, I'm pretty sure they'd notice that they suddenly collapsed on the floor.

And unless I'm remembering wrong, I'm also sure that Chevy would notice a person going from regular guy with trigger potential to active parahuman when he can literally see powers.
Then I'm not wanting to learn that one any time soon. We have all the raw firepower we're likely to need at the moment. Some support abilities to flesh out our repertoire are definitely higher on my to do list.

Misteltein does have its uses that regular spells dont. Its not really a straight up damage spell but something you would use against an enemy is large or can regenerate. Honestly it would probably be very useful if Noelle were around. Its possible that it might be effect against Endbringers as well if it can petrify entire limbs faster then they can heal.
[X] Misteltein
The only spell in our repertoire that probably capable to immobilize Endbringer. Also, it gets us one step closer to the second cross-training.

Other spells I deem useful:
Shell Barrier as a way to protect non-flying capes from Leviathan's tsunamis.
Crescendo - to speed up charging of bombardment spells.
[X] Misteltein

Vista has an arm for civilian use. What do you mean by a "utility arm"? Switching out arms is a matter of twisting the connector ring, pulling off the old arm, and plugging in the new arm.
Did the civilian arm have weights put in to match Vista's combat arm, or is she having to adjust to a slightly different balance each time she switches them out?
Did the civilian arm have weights put in to match Vista's combat arm, or is she having to adjust to a slightly different balance each time she switches them out?
Her artificial muscles put out more force when the heavy combat arm is attached, so the subjective difference is less than you might think. There is still some adjustment, but she's getting used to it.
Query: Do you(anybody reading or SW) read Chevalier with the French pronunciation ( sheh vah yay) or more Anglacized ( she val eer ; or ; cheh va leer)?
I took just enough French in school that I tend to use at least an approximation of the right pronunciation. Anyway..

[X] Misteltein
Support spells are all well and good but a specialized anti-S-class attack spell could come in very handy the next time a plot device shows up to cause trouble.
I'm going to be somewhat amused if we actually decide to challenge an Endbringer and Misteltein turns out to not be the game-changer against them that some are implying it could be.
I'm going to be somewhat amused if we actually decide to challenge an Endbringer and Misteltein turns out to not be the game-changer against them that some are implying it could be.
Its anti-regeneration, and we know powerful regenerators aren't necessarily killed by it...but it helps a hell of a lot in limiting their activities and making them vulnerable to other attacks.
[X] Shell Barrier

I'm all for finishing off spells to see if there's a powerup at the end, plus it might / should unlock another barrier spell? (Haven't been following the thread long enough to see how that progresses)
Light and non damaging sounds can pass through. Nothing that would injure someone on the other side of the wall. Teleportation doesn't work. Digging could.

Blocking teleportation is both a positive and negative, since it keeps us from creating the dome and then porting out, but it also blocks anything outside from bypassing the shield quite so readily. Given the TSAB's full awareness of and ability to explore interdimensional space, there's a good chance it would block powers that can bypass a lot of more traditional defensive measures. This is definitely the right spell for us at this juncture, IMO.

[X] Shell Barrier

While others don't recall the two space whales circling around each other like MM can, I'm pretty sure they'd notice that they suddenly collapsed on the floor.

And unless I'm remembering wrong, I'm also sure that Chevy would notice a person going from regular guy with trigger potential to active parahuman when he can literally see powers.

As I recall from Worm, capes notice that a trigger event happened, and can see other people staggering from it, too, even though they can't remember what they saw. It's only the vision itself that is all but completely erased; secondary side effects make it harder for them to notice who has and hasn't reacted around them. When Skitter witnessed a trigger event at the Merchants party, she was able to see and remember that all the capes there were affected and that only the capes were affected.

Chevalier's ability to see power ghosts most likely sees nothing about Taylor. I don't recall if that was addressed at any point, but I wonder what he thinks of it.

Edit: Not seeing any ghosts seems likely to lead him to the conclusion that she's using somebody else's tinker tech, maybe a tinker like Dragon who can't go into the field herself. I don't recall if he was part of the discussions about her being a tinker, but the Protectorate in canon, at least those high up enough to know, thought that Dragon was extremely agoraphobic and piloted her suits remotely. It's also possible that he doesn't see the echoes from everybody, as there tend to be blind spots in any sensory power like his.
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Its anti-regeneration, and we know powerful regenerators aren't necessarily killed by it...but it helps a hell of a lot in limiting their activities and making them vulnerable to other attacks.
It's not the only anti-regen power you have, either…
As I recall from Worm, capes notice that a trigger event happened, and can see other people staggering from it, too, even though they can't remember what they saw. It's only the vision itself that is all but completely erased; secondary side effects make it harder for them to notice who has and hasn't reacted around them. When Skitter witnessed a trigger event at the Merchants party, she was able to see and remember that all the capes there were affected and that only the capes were affected.
What I remember is that capes black out during the trigger vision. I think I recall Lisa basically pulling Skitter off the ground, where she noticed that the other capes were also down.
Chevalier's ability to see power ghosts most likely sees nothing about Taylor. I don't recall if that was addressed at any point, but I wonder what he thinks of it.

Edit: Not seeing any ghosts seems likely to lead him to the conclusion that she's using somebody else's tinker tech, maybe a tinker like Dragon who can't go into the field herself. I don't recall if he was part of the discussions about her being a tinker, but the Protectorate in canon, at least those high up enough to know, thought that Dragon was extremely agoraphobic and piloted her suits remotely. It's also possible that he doesn't see the echoes from everybody, as there tend to be blind spots in any sensory power like his.
Chevalier said explicitly last arc that there are some capes whose "ghosts" he can't see.

Also, since this was brought up earlier, he CANNOT see "ghosts" of potential capes, only actual capes.
It's not the only anti-regen power you have, either…

I wonder what that refers to.... Shredding Claw's degradation of damage resistance? Flare Blade's cauterization from ludicrous temperature?

Fake Edit: Searching "regen" and "regeneration" didn't seem to show anything related. Talk of nanites, a lot of regen on the healing side of things, nothing really offense (unless its generically related to the Mysteries of Flare, the given reason why Galea genetically engineered that MCA. Somehow related to radiation? Came up with talk of Lung's reaction to it, not sure if we've fought other Regenerator types to observe it)
I'm going to be somewhat amused if we actually decide to challenge an Endbringer and Misteltein turns out to not be the game-changer against them that some are implying it could be.
It's not the game-changer, of course. Nothing is the game-changer except maybe Flechette's charged Graf Eisen.
But it's a spell with useful properties:
- potential to inflict huge damage
- potential to slow down/immobilize enemy
- no AoE - no worry for friendly fire

If it works, excellent. The Endbringer is wounded and pinned down for a time.
If it fails, it's yet another exotic attack that fails to harm the Endbringer. Try something else.

Now look at Shell Barrier that I consider the second best spell to choose.
It's an omnidirectional (well, there is still a possibility of attack from below) forcefield that is useful if we can't for some reason evade an attack and/or need to protect others who can't.

If it works, excellent.
If it fails, it's yet another barrier that fails to withstand the Endbringer. And Taylor and whoever she tried to save are dead.