Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

It really is a shame she lacks the linker core for twin Guardians. A shield to protect her unconcious form while a Sword goes after whoever she just Save-or-Lose'd would be great, and making them Wards-age could be perfect.
I wasn't sure if you meant Taylor here or not. If it was, Taylor is NOW strong enough for twin guardians, but she wasn't when we made Samantha. The problem is that Samantha would have to die to make twin guardian beasts now.

Dog, cat, bird, and I'll think up something else for a fourth option.
Well, if this is in a city, you could always pick squirrels, rats, or mice. Those are always readily available. Think of the possibility of a female squirrel calling herself "Squirrel Girl" for a cape name. Then again, you could also go with a rabbit and make a bunny girl. As a joke make her wear a Playboy outfit.

OK, now I've made a choice of 7 animals, just one more for a D8. Oh, and if you do make a mouse-based guardian, make it female and appear Japanese. Then you can joke that you should never underestimate a Japanese mousewife.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.
[X] Randomly generated – Dice rolls! You get no say in its parameters, but it will have exclusive abilities that make it more powerful than a designed Guardian Beast can be.

I wasn't sure if you meant Taylor here or not. If it was, Taylor is NOW strong enough for twin guardians, but she wasn't when we made Samantha. The problem is that Samantha would have to die to make twin guardian beasts now.

No, I meant Standstill, since she's the one we're talking about getting a guardian beast. However, if she would have to sacrifice the one she gets now in order to get two later, I would be against that. I thought it would be more like when CW picked up a second template. Sacrificing a sentient and sapient being for a little more firepower isn't something I see almost any hero or neutral doing, Armsmaster excepted. That guy is such a *bleep**.

As for viable animals, presuming she picks something from New York, excluding options she'd have to go to a zoo or specialized pet store for, the options I see as being most relevant are:
Dog, with further rolls to determine breed
Cat, again with rolls to determine breed, but this matters less than for dogs
Raccoon. I highly doubt this is on the list since we already have Samantha, but the option is there.
Rodent, with further rolls to determine rat, rabbit, guinea pig**, weasel, squirrel, etc.
Bird, subcategories for pigeons, hawks, gulls, doves, etc.
Bat. No further rolls for breed/species are called for
Reptile. Lizard or snake are the obvious subcategories, but I'd laugh my ass off over her getting an alligator from the sewers
Amphibian: Only a few of these are viable options, such as a salamander or gecko.
Horse. It's not exactly a wild animal, but there are definite advantages, including the way mounted police officers might feel about Standstill

That's all that's occurring to me for now, but since SW was thinking about adding to her roll chart, I figured some suggestions couldn't hurt.

*I'm not certain what the profanity rules are here. I very rarely use anything *I* consider profanity, but have run into a few issues with people seeing some of the words I'm comfortable with as being something they considered profane.
**Which I support for all the jokes it would engender
Having 2 requires an s ranked linker core.
You also cant simply pock up a second guardian beast, you create the twins at the same time.
Its why there was some mixed reaction when Samantha survived whatever it was that had the real chance to kill her. Samantha living is great,,but had she died Taylor would have created twins eventually.
Something that I think is confused @Wyrd , the only ones who's Linker Core grows the way Taylor's has from teh start (which is why she didn't originally have a choice for two) .... are people with IAE Templates.

They are "Artificial" S-ranks eventually because its rebuilding their core the same way it rebuilds their body, regular device mages stay around the same level they started Core-wise right?
Note that I read this story on, so I missed most of the discussion on each part, except for whatever she kept as author's notes. As a result, I'm dealing with partial information and, like Tattletale, that has led me to some inaccurate conclusions. One thing I recall seeing was that getting a Device could cause a person's linker core to grow. I did not know if there were other ways to make one grow. The very act of using your core should have some impact on how strong it is, just in the sense that the human body is designed to adapt in that manner. Whether that potential growth was accounted for in the scans, I do not know. It's also possible that any apparent growth for Standstill will be more along the lines of becoming more efficient at using it.

As I stated in my previous post, I did not know that a person with one guardian beast would have to sacrifice them in order to upgrade to two. Once I learned that, I lost all interest in adding a second beast for any protagonist, unless the current beast died as a natural part of the story*. If Standstill could put some work into exercising her core to be able to handle two beasts, that would be an interesting option, but I believe we've passed the point of no return on that character arc.

*Not in the sense of executing them, that is. Death in combat is a natural part of Worm. The darker elements of powers and people are essential, central themes after all. Death to accident or disease not caused by parahuman or similar effects would be less palatable, as it would likely only come up to make the characters accept the players' votes.
Dog, cat, bird, and I'll think up something else for a fourth option.
Two mammals and a bird mean you probably want to look into something unusual for a fourth option. An insect or some other invertebrate, maybe, as an allusion to the original Worm? Some exotic lizard of some sort, taken from a zoo? Hell, could go really out there and use some form of amphibian, maybe a toad for magical allusions or a newt or something.
One thing I recall seeing was that getting a Device could cause a person's linker core to grow
As Racoras said, only people who get templates will have their cores grow. Everyone else will stay the same as when they started.

Regarding twin Guardian Beasts, there is a Rare Skill that is specifically for twins (Gil Graham has it in the background for this story, for example, but the only other way to do it is to be S-rank, which in this game is ONLY possible for template mages.
As Racoras said, only people who get templates will have their cores grow. Everyone else will stay the same as when they started.

Regarding twin Guardian Beasts, there is a Rare Skill that is specifically for twins (Gil Graham has it in the background for this story, for example, but the only other way to do it is to be S-rank, which in this game is ONLY possible for template mages.
Alright, thanks for the answer. I know that I probably didn't need to say it, and won't most times, but I felt I should make it clear that I appreciate you taking the time and effort both to read these posts and respond to them.
Eh? I thought with the population figures and the worlds magic level we had a good 30K S ranked chaps running around clueless. Granted that;s out of billions.
They're created, highest naturals go on core strength alone is AAA.
D-rank: 45% of the population (1-45 on d100)
C-rank: 35% of the population (46-80)
B-rank: 10% of the population (81-90)
A-rank: 5% of the population (91-95)
AA-rank: 3% of the population (96-98)
AAA-rank: 2% of the population (99-100)
S+-rank: Template mages and certain canon Nanoha characters only
That said, I had ran some calcs on Parahuman magedom, and I want to break it down further.
Found some numbers on r/Parahumans, thanks to u/MugaSofer, approximately 30,960 Parahumans exist worldwide. Running that against the 2011 world population of 6,987,000,000, that means the percent of Capes worldwide is four percent of one percent of one percent, or .0004% of all humans. Dividing the same number of Capes by twenty to simulate the odds of one having a linker core tells me that approximately 1,548 capes in the entire world are in possession of one... Or a fifth of a percent of a percent of a percent, 0.00002%. A majority of Guardian Beasts are going to otherwise ordinary humans.
So, let's break this down.
1,548 paramages
D-rank: ~696, Lilliput
C-rank: ~540, Standstill, Maclibuin
B-rank: ~155
A-Rank: ~76, Epoch
AA-Rank: ~46
AAA-Rank: ~30, Purity
I was less interested in paramages than the planets population in general.
Gen Pop breakdown;
6.987 billion peeps
No core: 6,637,650,000 (Vista, Adepts, Dad, Privateers)
D: 157,207,500 (Lilliput)
C: 122,272,500 (Maclibuin, Standstill, Lacey)
B: 34,935,000
A: 17,467,500 (Epoch)
AA: 10,480,500
AAA: 6,987,000 (Purity)
S-rank, only if we make em. (Us, Shipwright's getting there)
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I was less interested in paramages than the planets population in general.
I agree. General population of mages/linker core possessing humans is far more important. Though parahumans that have linker cores are important in that we can cut off that power and cut off the shard mind fuckery that increases conflict.

The best way to strengthen government forces is to probably provide them the ability to train 'capes' that are not fucked in the head.

...I wonder how hard it would be to talk to say, Canada's prime minister to start with and see about getting support for screening and recruiting from Canada's police/military for mages. We basically just need a couple in the initial screening to show proof of concept.

With Dragon we can probably get our foot in the door.

I'm against talking to the US because IIRC US police and military are lousy with infiltrators and more extreme elements especially in the Wormverse.
I'm against talking to the US because IIRC US police and military are lousy with infiltrators and more extreme elements especially in the Wormverse.
More like every government is lousy with infiltrators in Wormverse(I think this references pretty much every superhero comic where the authorities are either incompetent, subverted or malicious to justify vigilantes being the Right Thing )

As for Linker Core growth, IIRC in canon, most people have their natural peak they can train to(which serious mages do of course), but past that, Linker Cores only grow if stressed at a level which can cripple you. Theres some ambiguity about them growing if stressed at a young age, but the sample size is tiny(it'd explain their military recruiting tweens at least)

Overall a non-factor for us, Linker Core growth works on a timescale where moving a full rank up is not going to happen in quest.
1 in 20 people have a core 6.987B = 349,350,000 give or take a few thousand, total magi.
45% D = 157,207,500
35% C = 122,272,500
10% B = 34,935,000
5% A = 17,467,500
3% AA = 10,480,500
2% AAA = 6,987,000
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Issn't that only for 5% those instead of total population?
Ah... Let whoops
1 in 20 people have a core 6.987B = 349,350,000 give or take a few thousand, total magi.
45% D = 157,207,500
35% C = 122,272,500
10% B = 34,935,000
5% A = 67,467,500
3% AA = 40,480,500
2% AAA = 26,987,000

Eh, I was close, guessing 30K off the top of my head, but it was the wrong ranking. Still, pity.
Deez guys.
Twenty seven million AAA rank mages? Good heavens. That's a crazy amount of power. I'm pretty sure that's at least an order of magnitude more than the TSAB has. What is in the water on Earth?
Twenty seven million AAA rank mages? Good heavens. That's a crazy amount of power. I'm pretty sure that's at least an order of magnitude more than the TSAB has. What is in the water on Earth?
Normally I'd say something about a lack of major world-ending things and people but Earth Bet doesn't have that excuse unless Silently changed it at some point and I didn't notice Bet has exactly the same population as our earth at the time.
Twenty seven million AAA rank mages? Good heavens. That's a crazy amount of power. I'm pretty sure that's at least an order of magnitude more than the TSAB has. What is in the water on Earth?
Uh. I'm pretty sure your wrong.

TSAB is just spread thin throughout the dimensional space with at least 60+ member worlds and who knows how many non-member worlds they keep an eye on and the sheer amount of territory their navy has to cover.

Though to be fair TSAB worlds on average are likely to be less densely populated due to basically coming out of a post apocalyptic era a mere century ago.

Do understand that Earth Bet is a low magic world. Dunno where you are getting the idea that TSAB has less magic potential than Earth Bet.

Also. It's *linker cores*. Not mages. Doesn't matter if you have the linker core if you don't have the aptitude and mentality to become a mage.

Edit: also the math by Soul is borked.

6.987 billion x .05 x .02 = 6.987 million AAA rank cores.

Max pop x fraction of pop that has linker core x the fraction of that fraction that has AAA core.
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