Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Unlike what the group seems to have decided, and we players are expected to do, my first instinct would be to go to the highest trusted authority we can go to, or to coordinate with people we can trust not to jump the gun.

I.e.: Miss Militia/Vista as trusted grunts, Chevalier as trusted leader, Dragon as trusted high-ranked friend. Either the local PRT director or straight up to the Chief Director or Legend, if we can get hold of them.

Actually, the first thing I would do would be gathering hard evidence using Storm and a bit of investigative work. Enough that we can use our reputation to get near to Calvert and surprise capture him, then explain that we have evidence that he is a traitor and murderer (and also a supervillain). We would need to actually surprise him and make sure to be convincing enough to get them to check if he is a parahuman. (Storm can scan for that, but they will want to do their own scans.)

Actually actually, I would gather some evidence and then mention it the next time we talk with Alexandria. It is extremely urgent that we talk with her anyway, to keep her abreast of the world-ending artifacts and inter-dimensional military incursion stuff. While we are talking with her, we can also mention Calvert and impress upon her just how slippery he is, which is why we are going to her instead of a) Doing our own thing, which the PRT will hate. or b) Trusting his immediate colleagues with him.
Tim, because we need someone to handle Bakuda. Dragon, because she and Tim are close, and sending her the files you've gotten on Calvert would probably make her WANT to help, Sam, because where we go, Sam goes, and I'd like to wrangle Vista, but I don't know how to do that other than just popping up and saying "hey, wanna go on a day trip, hero?" which shed totally be into, but may not justifiably be able to

[x] Tim
[x] Dragon
[x] Vista
[x] Epoch

Someone else suggested it, and I like it, Epoch still has his time power and can probably mess with Coil's. I like the idea of including him and keeping up the contact. Mage army HO!
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Ok, for how much I'd want to bring Vista: she's a GIGANTIC no. Bringing her is spitting in the face of the Protectorate. Telling the Protectorate, however, is a really good choice. I don't think Tim would be too bummed if we don't bring him, he's a builder after all, but inviting him is something we could do. Dragon is an obvious choice.

[X] Dragon
[X] Tim
[X] Miss Militia

I'd say Chevalier too, but that can come with MM. She's currently our top contact in the PRT, telling her will have at least some ramification, and we have her right here ready to be told.
[X] Dragon
[X] Shipwright
[X] Samantha (Given)
[X] Miss Militia

Tinker buddies team-up with RacoonMom! as back-up.

None of these enemies are really physical powerhouses. That means we need brains and outside the box thinking.

I do like Militia if we plan to disclose this to the Protectorate.

Edit: Sam is coming anyway. So Militia if she's up for it. I'm pretty sure she'll take Dragon's word that we're acting in good faith.
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"So it's up to us. The three of us against Coil, Tattletale, and Bakuda. Those are just great odds right there." Your smile is grim. Tattletale you can handle with one hand tied behind your back, but bombs are another issue entirely. Not to mention you have no idea what Coil's own power even is. He, on the other hand, knows much more about your skills than you are comfortable with.

"Maaaaaaybe. Maybe not." You turn a questioning stare onto Samantha and her self-satisfied grin. "Whoever said we couldn't call for a little backup of our own?"

No, but really, I don't think we have to vote for Sam. I'm assuming the three mentioned in bold are Taylor, Sam, and... Perfect Storm? The other three we pick are on top of that.
Actually, the first thing I would do would be gathering hard evidence using Storm and a bit of investigative work. Enough that we can use our reputation to get near to Calvert and surprise capture him, then explain that we have evidence that he is a traitor and murderer (and also a supervillain). We would need to actually surprise him and make sure to be convincing enough to get them to check if he is a parahuman. (Storm can scan for that, but they will want to do their own scans.)

Actually actually, I would gather some evidence and then mention it the next time we talk with Alexandria. It is extremely urgent that we talk with her anyway, to keep her abreast of the world-ending artifacts and inter-dimensional military incursion stuff. While we are talking with her, we can also mention Calvert and impress upon her just how slippery he is, which is why we are going to her instead of a) Doing our own thing, which the PRT will hate. or b) Trusting his immediate colleagues with him.
Well, tough luck. Neither of these options are in the cards.

In character, Taylor and Sam are too pissed off about him BLOWING UP THEIR HOME to let this slide. They put it on the backburner because they had no clue where he was, but now that they have a lead, they are going to pursue it right now and wreck righteous vengeance upon him.

Out of character, this timid "Oh, we need to hold back and get all our ducks in a perfect little row" is the same way of thinking that lost you the chance to put him down the first time all the way back in Arc 2.

Taylor and Sam are headed to Chicago in 30 minutes to an hour in-story from the end of this chapter. There is no hanging back and waiting to talk to Alexandria or sit on the information.
I'd like to wrangle Vista, but I don't know how to do that other than just popping up and saying "hey, wanna go on a day trip, hero?"
"Hi, this is Missy."

"Hey, Missy. It's Taylor. I figured out who bombed my house, and I'm about to go wreck their shit. You want to help?"

"Hell yeah!"

So one quick phone call. :)
Ok, for how much I'd want to bring Vista: she's a GIGANTIC no. Bringing her is spitting in the face of the Protectorate.
Not as much as bringing her to the villain meet-up would have been. Nowhere close.

In fact, bringing her along would get at most a stern talking-to for taking a Ward to another city for hero work without clearing it with both PRT branches.
Samantha is coming by default and does not count as one of your three people.
I'm assuming the three mentioned in bold are Taylor, Sam, and... Perfect Storm?
Eh, not a fan of bringing the protectorate in. Militia and Chevalier are too much into actually following the red tape. We tell them, Coil will almost certainly get away. Best we could really hope for is they block his PRT access. Maybe. Assuming they don't try to give us shit for hacking instead.
So one quick phone call. :)
More a question of could she get away than would she want to come.
Not as much as bringing her to the villain meet-up would have been. Nowhere close.

In fact, bringing her along would get at most a stern talking-to for taking a Ward to another city for hero work without clearing it with both PRT branches.
Damn these burocrats have some screwed up priorities. "Risking the life of a Ward against one of the most terrifying Tinkers to ever live? Don't do it again, young lady. Hold on, you brought her to a villain meeting?!? WE'LL HAVE A KILL ORDER IN AN HOUR, YOU MONSTER!"
Hold up. Tim/Shipwright is not a fighter, hes a builder. Taking him into the fight is crazy. As i recall he doesnt even like to fight. Hes HQ support. Not a frontliner. Leave him home to build us stuff. Thats his jorb.

Sam with with us already. But lets go over the other two big options:
Dragon - High end Tinker, used to combat, used to PRT bureaucracy. Owes us the moon and would be happy to pay it. Morally positive, would side with us against a corrupt PRT offical. Good investigative powers. Neigh untouchable due to her years of heroism and stellar reputation. Provides needed services to the PRT (birdcage, confoam, etc) mean they wont be willing to throw her under a bus. Whats more, this could be a good opportunity to try out Unison-ing. Having her to boost our own power would probably have fairly impressive results.

Vista - Experienced combatant, high end area control and denial, knows the local PRT procedures, security codes and M/S protocols. A friend, and both one of our only friends and one of the only people that treats her with respect. Her arm provides a both brute and blaster ratings giving her a highly variable combat ability in addition to her skill and powers. Being the 'cute ward' means that the PRT will have a hard time throwing her under the bus or punishing her too severely because of previous mentioned comments regarding powerful capes in the city and how it would look if Vista jumped ship, making us the more powerful faction.

Who else?
-The TSAB wont touch this with a 50ft pole.
-Protectorate capes is risky; MM is a company girl first and foremost and absolutely wont do this outside of the chain of command. There is a non-zero chance that as the primary coddler of Vista she wouldnt let her go with us either if she knows about it. Not worth the risk at a. Chev is a better bet in alot of ways... hes powerful and versatile, hes not blinded by loyalty to the point he wont do the right thing if it means going against the PRT. He may not approve of Vista being there but hes not her guardian so theres more wiggle room, More over could give her defacto permission and saction the mission, helping her escape trouble.
-Bringing any villains with us would be a horrible idea for alot of reasons, both for optics and for the PRT twigging onto the idea that we are willing to work with criminals against them, even if it was for a good reason. Also if this involves us going into a PRT building to extract Coil then letting Villains loose in a PRT HQ is a even more horrible idea. That said, they would be absolutely up for actually doing it provided we have a soild plan and would love to spit in the PRT's eye by 'helping them clean house'.


[X] Dragon
[X] Vista
[X] Chevalier
[X] Cailleach

*Edit, in light of this being a potential social opportunity, i decided to add Cail as a additional vote. Hopefully it doesnt blow up.

I mean Storm gave us Chicago, not 123 Dock Street. It's a big place. I get that Calvert is in the PRT building but flying in there to smash face is just going to get a hero brawl going. We'd have to attack Coil not Calvert if we go the vigilante route.
This is what Area Search is for. Find him and grab him where ever he is. His timeline bullshit doesnt work if it doesnt matter where he is when we attack. Excluding 'Calvert' in the hunt for 'Coil' just means well never catch him because hell drop his villain-timeline and invalidate our attack.
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I mean Storm gave us Chicago, not 123 Dock Street. It's a big place. I get that Calvert is in the PRT building but flying in there to smash face is just going to get a hero brawl going. We'd have to attack Coil not Calvert if we go the vigilante route.
pretty sure Storm has a pretty comprehensive, maybe even complete, list of all his assets.
[X] Dragon
[X] Vista
[X] Cailleach

I think Laura is a cool idea but I don't think her powerset is particularly useful nor does she bring the experience Dragon has nor the 'approaching bro for life' territory that Tim has as our first template mage also Tim/Dragons tinkering might be useful for potentially helping deal with Bakudas big ass bombs.

Edit: fuck it I just want to watch the world burn
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Could we phone up Lauren to hang with us while wrecking a snake's place?

You didn't think I'd make you take Coil, Tattletale, and Bakuda on all by your lonesome, did you? You can bring up to THREE people with you. The only restrictions are that they have to be characters named in this quest, and it has to make sense for Taylor (the character herself) to ask them for help. For instance, despite the fact that you (the players) know Alexandria wants Taylor on their side, she does not know that, so she wouldn't go pestering the Triumvirate unless you can give me a convincing argument.

The phrasing is that broad so that we can ask characters like Cailleach if we want. (also, I could have sworn her name was Lauren, too, but searching through the story posts has her as Laura)
NARWAL! Because she and dragon are besties! It'd be hilarious to have dragon ask if the Leader of the guild could tag along!

2% chance or less, i know...
[x] Dragon
[x] Vista
[x] Teana
[X] Shipwright
[x] Epoch
[X] Chevalier
[X] Miss Militia

Guys, at minimum informing Chevalier could be really important. If we're going to go to Chicago to beard a high-ranking official in his own den, fucking get a higher-ranking official on our side first!
This is what Area Search is for. Find him and grab him where ever he is. His timeline bullshit doesnt work if it doesnt matter where he is when we attack. Excluding 'Calvert' in the hunt for 'Coil' just means well never catch him because hell drop his villain-timeline and invalidate our attack.

It's still a big place to brute force all by yourself. We also have 0 intel on his power. If we're all just suddenly Chicago! Coil would be in the wind and he'd probably be able to fake and pin Calvert's death on us. He could frame us just using what little we know about Tattletale and Bakuda.

I'd say talk to Dragon as my the first outside recruit. Taylor knows this is big and she's been a good supporter. She's got deep pockets and connections. You'll probably need her to actually find Coil.

The second person I'd talk to is Teena. The PRT is mentioned repeatedly. I think if you bring her Storm's report and laid a bit of a guilt trip you could secure her help. Outside help would be good, you know she's not secretly friends with Coil.

Chevalier or Miss Militia, I forget which one ranks higher but to get Dragon's help we'd probably need at least one actual PRT person on board with this.
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