It will be because they're monstrous human beings all on their own, and if she needs to kill these monsters, what about the next? The ones after that?
Well Taylor, you're kind of a soldier now. So a good rule of thumb soldiers have that've served them well: If they don't try to kill you, don't try to kill them. If they try to kill you, put them down.
Easy, no?
Yeah, because who in the world pisses off a living WMD? Especially one that has shown to engage top tier parahumans before and win.
Oh you sweet summer child.
I didn't think I needed to? The same spells we've been using through the quest work as well on either mode, the only difference is the outcome.
Cadejo would like to disagree with that assessment.
Let me re-phrase things: How is going non-lethal going to get MS-13 to leave the city, and keep them from ever coming back?
Choosing to kill seems to be if not a slippery slope, then a rocky road. Call me naive, but I'd rather this Taylor stay closer this side of sanity than her canon self. Let the poor girl retain the humanity for once.
A soldier can keep their humanity when surrounded by the brutal impersonality of war. It's not easy, but it's possible.
We have a few here on SV who can talk about that.
For example, can we just light all the mooks on fire all at once? Cook off their ammunition? Lob a Jerry can of petrol at them or torch a car near them? Drop a water tower on them? Smoke them out by cooking the tar out of the asphalt? Go bowling with thug pins and a ball named Solar Wrath?
To all of the above: No. In order:
1. Our magic doesn't work that way.
2. See #1.
3. Where would you even get a gas can?
3.5. They are inside buildings.
4. See 3.5
5. See 3.5
6. Are you trying to cause collateral damage?
7. That has been directly addressed multiple times. please read at least some of the recent posts.
Thank you for your time, welcome to the quest.
I'd prefer a "Sod it, just nuke it from orbit" option, but
@Always Late has pretty good tactical acumen and a really good plan, so let's go with that.
I am all of the
Just posting here to ensure the "don't murder people, it's bad for PR" version of actually acting tactically is noted as my vote.
Editing your earlier post or posting a new version shouldn't make a difference to the tally program, FYI.