Chevalier is taking advantage of the former fact, enlarging his cannonblade to an otherwise absurd length and skimming it along the ground to send the ghostly canines flying.
Yay! That's pretty much exactly how I pictured that going.
Need some tankyness. Need to go fishing. Need to purge sewers
Agree. Agree. Disagree.
1. Spell – either Telekinesis or Knight Armor. The former can help us to arrest Cadejo, to disarm gangsters, to lifting the rubble at Endbringer fight. The latter is obvious.
2. Back in the Saddle – we declared Truce, better resolve the situation before it starts to fall apart... more than it already did.
3. Fishies! – good time to talk with Dragon about aliens and magic... And maybe to fend off Saint, if he'll have a bad idea about wrecks.
But I really want to Hang Out with Vista...
On one hand Saddle means we're almost certainly going to get at least one more spell unlock but on the other hand we're entering a situation, tunnel fighting, which we know could have killed Taylor. Now things have changed, we have Cartridges and backup, but there is still an element of risk here.
Taylor has busted ribs and a (major?) Concussion. Going back into combat next week seems like a seriously bad idea to me. Especially since we have no healers on call, so we will have to knit ourselves back together the old-fashioned way.
I think next week should be called "Plan: R&R".
As in we take a Hang Out action with Vista to install her arm, provided that we can get Shipwright the surgical suite in time. If SW gives us the go-ahead for that then I think we should make it a weekend deal with sleep-over. That way we can attach the arm, she can rest the night and spend the next day practicing with the Tinker on hand for support and trouble-shooting. Depending on how cooperative Silently Watches is feeling we might scan her and/or show her the magic that is Charge Cartridge at the same time.
Going fishing with Dragon would help build our relationship with her further and to figure out more about those TSAB people, their technology and what exactly they were doing with Immortal Assimilation Engine.
The most important part of both of those options is that there will (probably) be no combat involved.
Remember: Taylor is a 15 (16?) year old girl who just had a close enough brush with Death that it might be considered sexual harrassment. She needs time to decompress and deal with it, or at least to do things that don't put her into the same situation again. Relaxing with a friend and going on a scientific excursion is probably the closest our Workalholic!Taylor can get to that.
In the same vein: Taylor just almost died because her Barrier Jacket wasn't quite strong enough. I think that in-story it would make the most sense for her to choose Knight Armor as the next spell she learns. OOC I think it also makes sense, since she won't have room to dodge should we choose to go into the sewers. Also, the Endbringers are fast. It might simply not be possible for Taylor to dodge all of their strikes, so being tanky enough to at least have a chance of surviving might be a good idea.
@Silently Watches : If the installation of Vista's arm as a Hang Out action next week is a no-go, would it be possible to do something like "Hang Out action: Cape Psychologist"? Do we have enough clout with the PRT to go to one of theirs, provided we trust them enough to use one of their people?
Frost Beam could be very useful for restraining Typhons hoards and of massive importance against Leviathan if he's the next Endbringer.
I don't think that it would be useful in an Endbringer fight. Targeting Leviathan himself would be useless, since he would either break out or use it as cover against attacks while he uses waves to destroy his target. Using it against the waves would require the beam to be equivalent in size to Solar Wrath or even Ragnarök in order for it to make a difference. Not to mention the canon concerns with using ice against the hydrokinesis-themed Endbringer:
Worm 8.4 said:
I felt the bite of cold air. A chill breeze, going straight through the soaked fabric of my costume. When I looked down to where the long road sloped to the edge of the water, I saw the reason for the chill. Eidolon was flying at the coast, focusing blue rays on the water around the shattered boardwalk and debris at the water's edge, hardening the waves into irregular sheets and glacier-like formations of ice.
Dangerous. I could remember seeing on TV that they'd tried something like this a few years ago. A Tinker using an ice engine, I think. I didn't know exactly how or why, but judging by the fact that they hadn't used the tactic again, I got the impression It had turned out really badly.
My guess was based on the notion that hydrokinesis was the movement of water, and ice was just water in another form. It wasn't that Leviathan would levitate the chunks of ice. Nothing so blatant. Rather, when a tidal wave did break through the ice, rolled up onto the battlefield with frozen shards and chunks caught up in the current, Leviathan might move those chunks a little faster in the wave's passage, make them hit a little harder, and give them a tendency to strike where they could do the most damage.
That was my suspicion, anyways. The heroes didn't exactly dish out the full details at press conferences, afterward, so I could only make an educated guess.