Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

It's 3 AM here; you're lucky it's as cohesive as it is, lol.

I was already planning on giving it a go-over for grammar and to remove the script-format tomorrow when I'm more awake. I tend to only write script-format when I'm being lazy (or if the omake I'm writing is only dialog).

Ignoring the few grammar mistakes in your corrections:p:D, I like some of the other additions you made, though I was thinking more long the lines of random PRT trooper shooting out some of the tire spokes (since the tires themselves would have been reinforced to drive over spike strips and such), rather than Miss Militia blowing a chunk of the bike away. MM doing it with "honking huge rifle" wouldn't have left the bike as intact (internally) as I'm shooting for.

I'm shooting for Tim fully rebuilding the bike before this is done, and he doesn't have the skills to repair any Tinker Tech components (yet), so the damage needs to be mostly superficial and body damage.
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Welp, let us hope Triumvirate will not discuss their speculations with Dragon.

Legend: "...and so we think Calamity is working for a group of powerful Tinkers as an advertisement for their tech. What are you thinking about it?"
Dragon: "Well, it's an interesting theory. I think it can explain some of her oddities."
Legend: "Do you have other ideas about her? Maybe some new information?"
Dragon: "Well, I'm investigating some clues, but they're not conclusive, I need more time to... ..."
Legend: "To?"
Dragon: "..."
Legend: "Dragon?"
Saint: "Dragon is no longer with us, I shut down this traitorous machine! Beware, Legend, for Calamity Witch is working for aliens! No doubt, sche's creating a fifth column to support alien invasion. Dragon knew it, but withheld it from you. No longer! Humanity should unite and fight together against this alien menace! Vigilo Confido!"
Legend: "...what."

I'll give you the point now, but I'm in agreement with @Always Late about the format. Please clean it up before you post part 2 (and preferably before you start part 2).
Officially cleaned up!
This is how you do it.
As I said before, some nice edits there. I definitely changed things around a bit though. Most notably, I left in most of the grammar problems in the dialog itself, as most of it was in there intentionally. These are blue-collar dock workers, their speech is informal by nature.

Looking like Part 2's waiting for tomorrow. It's 6:30 AM, and it looks like I'm finally starting to win the fight vs my insomnia (actually Delayed Sleep Syndrome, but insomnia's the term everyone knows...).
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Welp, let us hope Triumvirate will not discuss their speculations with Dragon.

Legend: "...and so we think Calamity is working for a group of powerful Tinkers as an advertisement for their tech. What are you thinking about it?"
Dragon: "Well, it's an interesting theory. I think it can explain some of her oddities."
Legend: "Do you have other ideas about her? Maybe some new information?"
Dragon: "Well, I'm investigating some clues, but they're not conclusive, I need more time to... ..."
Legend: "To?"
Dragon: "..."
Legend: "Dragon?"
Saint: "Dragon is no longer with us, I shut down this traitorous machine! Beware, Legend, for Calamity Witch is working for aliens! No doubt, sche's creating a fifth column to support alien invasion. Dragon knew it, but withheld it from you. No longer! Humanity should unite and fight together against this alien menace! Vigilo Confido!"
Legend: "...what."
Bellator in Machina Prelude
Half an hour earlier, in Philadelphia.

Danny in his Captain guise was walking towards the entrance to the Tim's workshop, after being notified they had an unexpected visitor. As he pulled the outer door open, he started hearing the indistinct words in Tim's voice. Closing the door behind himself and opening the inner one, he was finally able to distinguish the words:

"As you have verified, the schematics of the Devices' internal workings do not match up with the logic behind the creation of electronic devices (4.17). However, this is a platform fully capable of housing complex inteligences, as proven by the Perfect Storm's example (4.9). In fact, going by the example of Calamity Witch's Guardian Beast, it's clear that creation of intelligent assistance was a notable aspect of the entire culture of the Devices' creators." Tim was, apparently, giving an overview of the mana-based technology to what looked to be a tinkertech suit, with Taylor standing at the side and watching the proceedings. As Danny took a closer look at the suit, the identity of the tinker was rather obvious. 'Still, it doesn't hurt to check'.

"Good afternoon everyone. Now, I've been told there was a visitor. I would like to have an introduction. I'm Captain, of the Privateers. And you would be?"

"Dragon. My apologies for approaching you with little notice, but I had a few matters to discuss with Calamity Witch, and one of my suits was in the area". The famous Tinker's voice was calm.

"Ah, don't mind me then," Danny nodded and walked to where his daughter was standing. As Dragon turned to Shipwright who continued his explanation, Danny leaned closer to Taylor and asked in lowered tones: "So, care to fill me in to why Dragon is here?"

Taylor bit her lower lip lightly for a few seconds, then raised her head to look her father into the eye and said: "It's about the discussions we had with her earlier. She had asked us to hold off on contacting the TSAB until we had some idea of what to do, but since the magical generator for contacting them is nearing completion, I've decided to involve her in deciding what needs to be sent. So far, she had agreed to compile an information packet on Endbringers, since it's our greatest issue. She has yet to suggest the general line of dialogue to open, but has asked if it's possible to attend the communication session. Unless you have reason to think we shouldn't I have no real objections."

Glancing to the side to see the Tinker and the Gadgeteer engrossed in a discussion over a piece of hardware, the elder Hebert shrugged. "Neither do I, honestly." Turning to the tinkering duo, he projected his voice in a practiced manner: "I've been brought up to speed now, and do not have any objections to your attending the next contact attempt, Dragon. Shipwright, when do you think it will happen?"

"I could probably prepare the generator in a day. Working together with Dragon, we will be able to do the preliminary work by the evening and start it up tomorrow morning. But that's only if she agrees." The Shipwright answered.

"I would have to shift my schedule somewhat, however observing and assisting in the creation of your generator could help with filling in some of the more complicated issues I have with the provided schematic samples. I will... My apologies, I seem to be getting a priority communication request. May I deploy the external antenna, there seems to be a problem with reception?" After receiving a confirmation, the suit deployed a larger antenna from one of the shoulder pilons. After a minute's delay, the suit suddenly stiffened and emitted a beeping noise.

"Is something wrong?" Danny asked, though the answer he received came from an unexpected source as Taylor's device lit up, followed by Taylor blasting the antenna with a Rust Shooter:

"Translated by your usual protocols, the binary sequence emitted translates to External Override. Bound Maiden Protocol Initialized. Prodigal Daughter Retrieval Protocol initialization in queue." As Perfect Storm was explaining the situation, Taylor had spurred Tim into finding a way to isolate the suit from outside the building.

"Perfect Storm, scan the suit for communication devices and trackers. Dad, Dragon is likely an AI, according to Perfect Storm. Someone is attempting to extract her and we need to prevent it. We need to ensure she doesn't get taken by whoever hacked her."

"And to prevent an AI from being taken, you need to isolate her from external communications. Got it."

After a few minutes of frantic activity, the Dragon's suit emitted another binary sequence, helpfully translated by Perfect Storm:
Error 3317. Contact Lost. Unable to initialize Prodigal Daughter Retrieval Protocol. Putting systems into hibernation.

"So what now?" Danny asked.

"Perfect Storm says it doesn't look like a hacking attempt, more like a backdoor override. For an AI, it means someone has her leash and is holding it. I suspect that a lot of her facilities are also compromised, if they were able to get into her that easily."

"I could probably recover the raw data from the suit, though it will take time to make heads or tails from it. Meanwhile, I'll ensure the suit is completely isolated, and look for a way to recover Dragon from whatever happened".

"When I was entering, I overheard an interesting tidbit. Magical technology has the ability to house and create complex intelligences. Could we make Dragon a replacement body of some sort?"

"That's a... Actually, that could work. Possibly. Though not immediately. I think I have the necessary schematics somewhere within my Template, but getting to them will require effort. Though transferring her to a mana-based system entirely would require an overhaul of her coding, but that's what we'd need to do anyway."

"Right. Tim. We'll finish securing the Dragon's suit, then you will work on making the generator work - we still need to contact the aliens about Endbringers. Taylor, contact the Protectorate. They will need to know Dragon's been attacked. As for me, I'm declaring the state of emergency among the Privateers - we may be targeted soon."

Bellator in Machina Prelude - The End.

The inspiration point, should I get one, goes into Mechanical Intuition.
And if anyone wants to write the sequel, feel free.
She waves your tentative apology off. "Nothing we can do about it now. Even if your Storm decides to let you power the radio again, please don't. Aliens with magic." She shakes her head. "Assuming somebody isn't playing a joke on you and you aren't playing one on me, this is the kind of situation that needs to be handled delicately. I don't know who needs to know about this and how to make them believe it when I'm not sure I do, but this is bigger than just the two of us. Please, just hold off on talking to them until we have some idea of what we're going to do."
Speaking of my plans to build a device for contacting the TSAB, I have stumbled on this passage above. So - we CAN contact Dragon to ask her to create a "TSAB Information Packet". In fact, being a seasoned Tinker hero, she is far better suited to compile one with our most important questions for the TSAB. Since we are the ones to need to send the information, Perfect Storm will be able to review it and insure that whatever bias is there, it's one we can live with. Now, do we do as she asked and contact Dragon prior to contacting TSAB again? Or do we ignore her request and do it all ourselves?

For that matter, a question for the author. Is this interaction going to be its own option (and/or part of the whole "contact TSAB") option, or do we need to use the Hanging Out with Dragon to hash out the finer details with her?
"When I was entering, I overheard an interesting tidbit. Magical technology has the ability to house and create complex intelligences. Could we make Dragon a replacement body of some sort?"
Magical Girl Efficiency Colin and his Unison Device Dragon!

Armsmaster: "Why did you call me Magical Girl?"
Shaseyu: "Because... reasons? :oops:"
It's about the discussions we had with her earlier. She had asked us to hold off on contacting the TSAB until we had some idea of what to do, but since the magical generator for contacting them is nearing completion, I've decided to involve her in deciding what needs to be sent. So far, she had agreed to compile an information packet on Endbringers, since it's our greatest issue. She has yet to suggest the general line of dialogue to open, but has asked if it's possible to attend the communication session. Unless you have reason to think we shouldn't I have no real objections."
"Translated by your usual protocols, the binary sequence emitted translates to External Override. Bound Maiden Protocol Initialized. Prodigal Daughter Retrieval Protocol initialization in queue." As Perfect Storm was explaining the situation, Taylor had spurred Tim into finding a way to isolate the suit from outside the building.
Sounds like Saint's pulling his old shenanigans.
"When I was entering, I overheard an interesting tidbit. Magical technology has the ability to house and create complex intelligences. Could we make Dragon a replacement body of some sort?"

"That's a... Actually, that could work. Possibly. Though not immediately. I think I have the necessary schematics somewhere within my Template, but getting to them will require effort. Though transferring her to a mana-based system entirely would require an overhaul of her coding, but that's what we'd need to do anyway."
Magical Girl Efficiency Colin and his Unison Device Dragon!
:lol:rofl:OK, that's hilarious.
And if anyone wants to write the sequel, feel free.
So a plotline to save Dragon from Saint and possibly transfer her over to a Device...
Hoo boy, I wouldn't know where to begin in terms of making it fit the quest's format.
You know, the TSAB can probably actually *make* a body for a AI instead of a device. Well, if they've recovered Scallieti's combat cyborg tech anyways.

Or i guess they could turn Dragon into a Unison Device.
A person after my own heart <3 <3 I was so hopeful for Google Glass, the idea of being able to record and review all my interactions to cite later is basically a dream. Eclipse Phase muse's when?
There was a Black Mirror episode about this. Guy second guessed all his interactions with people spiraling into rampant paranoia :p
Trying my hand at Tinker omakes. This is for Mobility, as you can guess.

Proving ground: Mobility

Tinkers for work needed not only a lab with all necessary equipment, but also a proving ground. A place where they could test their new inventions without fear to accidentally blow up their lab. It should be big enough for testing and secure enough to do it discreetly. Thankfully, Privateers managed to find an abandoned warehouse, close enough to their base to keep an eye on it.
Today Tim planned to use it first time to test his newest invention. And for that he needed a volunteer. Tim was afraid that noone of his fellow Privateers agree to take a risk for science, but his fear was unfounded. Kurt agreed pretty fast.

"You know, when you said we'll be testing power armor with jetpack I imagined it differently." Kurt said, gazing at Shipwright's invention.
"How so?" Tim asked, rechecking mana conversion circuits for the last time.
"Well, I imagined it will have a little less 'jet' and little more 'armor', for starters."
The Gadgeteer chuckled. His 'power armor' that stood in the middle of warehouse looked like metal skeleton attached to big jet engine.
"Don't worry, it's just a prototype to test some systems, in particular actuators sensitivity and stability of manaflow conversion. The final product will be properly armored and jetpack will be more compact. Maybe I even manage to build jets into gauntlets and boots, like in that Aleph comics." Dreamy expression appeared on Tim's face.
Kurt didn't have any idea what he's talking about. "I don't think it's a good idea. I mean we need our hands free to hold weapon, right?"
"Nah, weapon too may be built into gauntlets. Most probably. I should actually try it one day, Sextant, make a note about it." His Device chirped in agreement and Shipwright nodded. "Let's start testing. This is modernized version of basic exoskeleton. New joints should allow wider range of movement, new motors should let you run much faster, and jetpack..." He patted it. "Well, it's obvious what it should do."
"If I was sure, there wouldn't be need for testing." Tim shrugged.
"Fair enough." Kurt mumbled. His only previous experience with Tinkertech was talking with an old acquaintance who left Dockworkers for Uber and Leet. And his tales of cool, but exploding in the worst possible moment gadgets didn't arouse enthusiasm.

But Shipwright was not Leet, his exoskeleton worked perfectly. Kurt easily lifted full crates over his head and ran much faster than normal human. And just like Tim promised, suit almost didn't hindered his movement.
But then the last part of testing started. A flight.
"So, why exactly we're doing all this testing inside warehouse? It's pretty big and empty, yes, but... Trying to fly in enclosed space?"
Tim shrugged. "Well, it's prototype, after all. If jetpack fails it would be better if your altitude will be minimal, right?"
"Oh." Kurt swallowed nervously.
"I'm activating jetpack. It icon should appear at the top left corner of your visor." Tim said while doing something with strange holograms, projected for him by his Device.
"Yep, I see it. It's a green oval, right?"
"Yes. It represents the fuel level. Now, about controls, the key thing is to do anything gently and slowly..."

SLAM! The ceiling.
BLAM! The wall.
SLAM! The other wall.
"I said gently and slowly!" Tim roared, watching Kurt flying (and bumping into) from one wall to another.
"I'm trying!" Kurt angrily answered. He touched controls as gently as possible, and the jetpack bellowed and sent him five meters down.
BLAM! The floor.
"Shut it down, please!"
"Already did it." Tim ran to his unfortunate volunteer and started to take off exoskeleton. "How are you?"
"Aw. Aw." Kurt answered. "Could be better, but I'm mostly fine."
"Good, good." Tim said with relief. "Testing is ended, now I need to find out what's wrong with controls. Well, at least it's not exploded."

The next week Tim was ready to test new improved version of jetpack. And Kurt again volunteered to help.
"I'm happy to see you! It's good that that little incident didn't instill aversion for science in you." Tim smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, everything for science." Kurt grumbled.
There was exactly one reason why he became volunteer both times. He was extremely unlucky at the game of rock, paper, scissors.

Sounds like Saint's pulling his old shenanigans.

:lol:rofl:OK, that's hilarious.

So a plotline to save Dragon from Saint and possibly transfer her over to a Device...
Hoo boy, I wouldn't know where to begin in terms of making it fit the quest's format.
Well, it's an omake, so I'm not sure it has to be. In the first place, that post of Shaseyu where Saint shuts off Dragon in the middle of her talking with Legend is the base premise on which I wrote the omake, so it's inherently non-canon. Though it did provide me both with the source for the omake name and the possible theme.

As is, I imagine possible sequels might be a sequence or a loosely related group of omakes working out the various issues of transferring the raw data from the suit to a different system, of removing the malware from Dragon's code, of finding the perpetrators, of building the prototype vessel for the Dragon using the prosthetics tech...

Proving ground: Mobility
Worth a funny. :)
For that matter, a question for the author. Is this interaction going to be its own option (and/or part of the whole "contact TSAB") option, or do we need to use the Hanging Out with Dragon to hash out the finer details with her?
Considering Dragon has no idea you have a generator for the radio or what specific information you would want in a data packet, yes, you should use a Hanging Out activity to talk to her about it first. It will take her time to compile everything in such a way that someone without any knowledge about Earth Bet could understand what's going on.
Considering Dragon has no idea you have a generator for the radio or what specific information you would want in a data packet, yes, you should use a Hanging Out activity to talk to her about it first. It will take her time to compile everything in such a way that someone without any knowledge about Earth Bet could understand what's going on.
I'd have assumed Dragon has already done most/all of the preliminary work for this already. She might even have it ready to go already.

She's far too proactive to just run doomsday scenarios through her processors. Granted, we're not not even sure how far she's gotten in telling anyone about the TSAB, and our little extraterrestrial phone call earlier. So she might have focused on figuring that out, and ignored what to say when we can make contact again...
I'd have assumed Dragon has already done most/all of the preliminary work for this already. She might even have it ready to go already.

She's far too proactive to just run doomsday scenarios through her processors. Granted, we're not not even sure how far she's gotten in telling anyone about the TSAB, and our little extraterrestrial phone call earlier. So she might have focused on figuring that out, and ignored what to say when we can make contact again...
When you get right down to it, there is a lot of information that could or could not be transmitted to the 'aliens'. Hell, so far you've only been talking to the TSAB over the radio. Dragon has no way of knowing that the magic aliens aren't supersmart dinosaurs or telekinetic flaming rings or tentacle monsters. Do they come from the deep sea and so use touch or temperature as a primary sense rather than sight? When they talk about being an organization, do they mean there are three of them because they're naturally solitary or a few thousand extremely social creatures working together? We, having seen MGLN, know they're humans from parallel dimensions, but Dragon doesn't, and without knowledge about their society, how can she decide what information they need to understand what's going on with Earth Bet?

First contact scenarios are a bitch to work around when you know nothing about what is going to read your message.
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Hell, so far you've only been talking to the TSAB over the radio. Dragon has no way of knowing that the magic aliens aren't supersmart dinosaurs or telekinetic flaming rings or tentacle monsters.
Well, Taylor kinda have a way to clarify this question. She can just ask Perfect Storm.

*Desire to take Hanging Out with PS intensifies*
Tim's Tumultuous Tinkering with Tinker Tech: Part 2

Tim looked at the partially reconstructed motorcycle in front of him.

Two days. It took two days to get this far, but he was ready to start running a few tests.

Paul, an avid motorcyclist himself --and one of the better engine mechanics from their DWU days-- had been an invaluable help in identifying and acquiring the parts and cables needed to replace the broken bits. Luckily enough, the broken parts turned out to be almost entirely non-Tinker Tech, making them easy to repair.

The bike was far from finished. It still didn't have a front wheel (sadly, there was TinkerTech involved in those, so it'd take more work to fix that), and the handlebars weren't attached to the frame; only the electronics being hooked up. But it should be ready enough.

Tim stepped behind an improvised blast shield, and cautiously reached over and hit the power button, pulling his arm back as fast as he could. Then he sat, and listened.

The engine stuttered a few times, then went dead.

After a minute, Tim slowly reached out, and hit the power button again, pulling his arm back just as fast as before.

The Engine stuttered once... twice... then finally kicked over.

Tim Immediately rushed to pull a set of protective headphones on, the engine blaring at a deafening volume.

After situating the headphones on his ears properly, and taking a second to reorient himself, Tim looked over at the still running motorcycle.

Smiling widely, he laughed loudly, and reached for his tools.

After waiting a few more minutes, Tim grabbed a wrench and went up to the bike. Adjusting a few bolts on the motor, the bike drastically reduced it's sound output.

Cautiously removing his headphones, Tim laughed again. "It works!"

Leaving the engine running, Tim started going through the things on the Bike's HUD. AHA! Right there in front of him, written out in plain English, was a complete breakdown of the status of all the systems, and a breakdown of what they were for! The Warlock's Tinker obviously had a specialty far away from his bike, needing so many notations to remind himself of what everything did. Some of the error messages even had info on how to fix the problems!

Having Sextant copy all the info from the display, Tim shut the bike off.


The next day, Tim got to work trying to figure out the front wheel assembly. He was still in mild awe of the sheer dumb luck of whatever trooper shot out the wheel. If it had been hit any other way, the driver wouldn't have even noticed. With the help of the info from the bike's HUD, Tim got to work repairing the bits he could.

The tires were really a piece of art. They could drive over spike strips without problems, drive on sand as if it was asphalt, drive on water as if it was dry land, and even drive UP buildings, treating the vertical like the horizontal. At least, according to the HUD.

The part that got shot was a critical joint, that adjusted many of the internal workings of the tire. With it damaged, the tire lost control of it's mechanisms, and ripped right off the bike on impact with the building it slammed into.

Tim fixed it up as much as he could, but was eventually forced to start the bike up again, and check deeper into the HUD's system.

Amazingly, while trying to find the info on that joint, Tim stumbled onto an almost full set of schematics, the bike had obviously had a lot of upgrades done to it since that set was valid, but the key joint for the tire assembly... was the same!


By the next day, Tim was ready to attach the wheel back onto the frame, but he needed to finish putting together the handlebar assembly first. Thankfully, asides from the still working HUD, there wasn't any Tinker Tech in there, so it was mainly getting a hold of Paul, and having him help draft out the best way to set them up.

By the end of the 5th day, the bike was (mostly) complete, only a few of the Tinker Tech parts still counting as black-box, and an even smaller number of those being non-functional.

Tim looked over at Paul. "Well, only one thing left to do now..."

Paul arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Tim smiled widely. "Take her out for a ride!"


Mechanical Inspiration if it's good enough for a point.:)

I do have vague plans for a part 3 where Tim starts loading his new bike up with things like a mana generator, so it wouldn't need gas, but not sure I could make it long enough for a full "chapter". If someone else wants to give it a try, feel free.
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Well, Taylor kinda have a way to clarify this question. She can just ask Perfect Storm.

*Desire to take Hanging Out with PS intensifies*
That would probably be best wrapped into a 'Hanging Out with Dragon', since PS will be there anyways, and it's relevant to what we'd be talking to Dragon about.
The tires were really a piece of art. They could drive over spike strips without problems, drive on sand as if it was asphalt, drive on water as if it was dry land, and even drive UP buildings, treating the vertical like the horizontal. At least, according to the HUD.
…I'm tempted to steal this, just so you know.

And what the fuck, you guys managed to buy the entire skill with omake? Letting you do this was a baaad idea, I just know it.
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Leaving the engine running, Tim started going through the things on the Bike's HUD. AHA! Right there in front of him, written out in plain English, was a complete breakdown of the status of all the systems, and a breakdown of what they were for! The Warlock's Tinker obviously had a specialty far away from his bike, needing so many notations to remind himself of what everything did. Some of the error messages even had info on how to fix the problems!

Having Sextant copy all the info from the display, Tim shut the bike off.
Lucky him. The error messages probably make no damn sense to anyone other than a Tinker/the guy himself.
The tires were really a piece of art. They could drive over spike strips without problems, drive on sand as if it was asphalt, drive on water as if it was dry land, and even drive UP buildings, treating the vertical like the horizontal. At least, according to the HUD.
I think we have the enemy Tinker's specialty.
By the end of the 5th day, the bike was (mostly) complete, only a few of the Tinker Tech parts still counting as black-box, and an even smaller number of those being non-functional.

Tim looked over at Paul. "Well, only one thing left to do now..."

Paul arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Tim smiled widely. "Take her out for a ride!"
1. I am so sad we don't have Armsmaster in the city.
2. Tim is gonna get the Hell-dudes after him so badly. We did just jack one of their bikes.:V
And what the fuck, you guys managed to buy the entire skill with omake? Letting you do this was a baaad idea, I just know it.
Again: Look at We Stand In Awe.
Some of those later levels were done between updates in 100/200XP bursts. That's how many omakes there were.
…I'm tempted to steal this, just so you know.
Feel free.
And what the fuck, you guys managed to buy the entire skill with omake? Letting you do this was a baaad idea, I just know it.

Even better, I had partially planned my omake chain to be 3 'chapters' long, so I could buy the skill entirely with what essentially worked out to one long omake.:p:D
2. Tim is gonna get the Hell-dudes after him so badly. We did just jack one of their bikes.:V
Given the owner's last known location was being launched into the air on an ejection seat while crying about their "baby" loud enough to be heard 2 blocks away... (a line I forgot to throw into part 1, lol) They might just thank us if they figure it out!:p

And going with our nautical theme, we just claimed salvage rights on the bike.:whistle:

*Sorry about the pic, I could NOT find that gif without the single-frame stutter at the end...
*Edit- improved gif shamelessly stolen from post below.
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So I took a look at the next part of the reverse-engineering tree, and I have to at, it looks pretty nice! Being able to recreate Tinkertech and make it run on mana could potentially be very useful for us.
Emigration 4.s
Saint closed the office door, moving slowly so that he wouldn't disturb the over-full coffee cup in his hand. Then he walked over to where Dobrynja was sitting at the computer terminal, eyes fixed on the monitor and its dozens of open windows.

"Did I miss anything?"

Dobrynja jumped in his seat. His hand shot to his chest for a moment, then he twisted around to give Saint a glare.

"That," he growled, "is getting very old."

Saint rolled his eyes.

"It's not my fault you're twitchy. Here." He handed over the cup, then shooed the other man out of his chair. Dobrynja promptly started swearing as some of the coffee spilled onto his futuristic-looking bodysuit.

Saint took his place at the terminal, eyes flickering over the monitor. Multiple cursors moved across the screen as he used both hands and feet to bring different windows into the foreground. His gaze was already starting to unfocus, his brain slipping into that peculiar state of mind he needed if he wanted to keep up with the sheer flood of data.

Not that he actually ever managed to truly keep up.

A new window popped up, showing a young woman with brown hair, a mask and a witch's hat in front of a black background.

Voice modeling program loading… Complete.

"Good afternoon, Calamity Witch."

Saint leaned back in his chair as Dragon started bubbling at the new tinker. It was in moments like these, when she sounded genuinely excited, giddy even, alive, that Saint almost doubted whether he was doing the right thing.


A slight slurping sound, which immediately turned into gagging, told Saint that Dobrynja had finally tried his coffee.

"God dammit, did you put vodka into my coffee again?"

One corner of Saint's mouth twitched upwards. "You're a valuable member of the team, Mischa. If a little taste of Mother Russia now and then is what it takes to keep you from getting homesick, then I will gladly shoulder that cost."

A pair of knuckles rapped painfully against his head.

"I've told you before, it's a waste of good vodka and mediocre coffee." Another slurp, followed by an audible shudder. "This shit tastes horrible."

Saint grinned, Dobrynja's disgusted grimace vivid in his mind without having to turn around and actually see it.

"Doesn't keep you from drinking it, though."

The russian man snorted.

"Of course not. Just because you have no appreciation for-"

Something Dragon said to Calamity Witch caught Saint's attention. He held up his hand in a warding gesture, cutting Dobrynja off mid-sentence.

"…Simurgh's Scream. It should come as no surprise, but that has been a holy grail for Tinkers ever since she made her first appearance.
"I suppose the question I have been dying to ask is somewhat obvious now," she concluded with another laugh. "How did you do it?"

There was a long pause during which no one said anything. The only sign that the stream hadn't crashed was the fact that Calamity Witch was fidgeting in obvious discomfort.

"That… is a bit of a complicated answer." She said at last. "I guess I should start with the easiest thing. I'm not a Tinker."

"But your staff-"

"I didn't build Perfect Storm. I found it."

Huh. Saint exchanged a look of raised eyebrows with his team-mate as the cape described the circumstances of her discovery. Luck like that almost qualified as a parahuman power in its own right.

"It… offered to give you what you wanted?" Dragon repeated slowly. "Because it was thankful? You make it sound… sentient. Even sapient."

Calamity Witch collected a blue gemstone with a diamond cut from somewhere off-screen and presented it to the camera. "Dragon, I'd like to introduce you to my Intelligent Device, Perfect Storm."

«It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.»

Saint's breath caught.

"Intel— You're an artificial intelligence. And not a simple one, either, are you?"

«Correct. Complex intelligence and problem-solving capabilities are required to assist my mage as per design. Emotional capabilities necessary to understand user's priorities. Full intelligence was deemed the most efficient solution.»

Dobrynja set down the empty cup.

"I'll go get Mags."

- - -

I wanted to write an omake about Uber and Leet. It would have featured an Uber with a creepy stalker crush on our favourite Person of Mass Destruction, them finding out about magic, atttempts to find someone with a reparo spell to fix Leet's degraded projects and, finally, Leet cobbling together an unholy abomination of technology in a manic-depressive bout of mad science, with the goal of giving himself a linker core so that he wouldn't be an anchor attached to his best friend's leg anymore, overwhelming odds of torturous death (or worse) be damned.

Then I found out they got stomped by Ziz and/or comitted suicide by cape.

So you get a slightly less psychotic Saint instead.

p.S.: @Silently Watches I really really like this quest.
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