Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

3. Danny and Samantha. They'll not approve of this.
3. That would be extremely hypocritical. That was their idea after all (latex pants, really?).
I understood it as an effort to push Taylor's boundaries and inspire a bit more confidence in herself and her appearance. Or do you mean to imply that wearing attractive clothing automatically means she's on the pull?
The latex pants were all Samantha's idea. You'll see that I never said who shouted the last line of that first scene.
Let's count up this sucker.

[X] Break out your dance moves
No. of Votes: 22

[x] Flirt with football guy
No. of Votes: 15
- [X] Get drunk with him
No. of Votes: 4 (27%)

[X] Follow Kayleigh while she gossips
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Check out the movie
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 48

On the one hand, oh good. Even knowing it wouldn't happen, I was afraid TAKE HIM HOME would gain a late lead.

On the other hand, no one wanted to follow the Duster? Fine, be that way. *throws away prize*
On the one hand, oh good. Even knowing it wouldn't happen, I was afraid TAKE HIM HOME would gain a late lead.

On the other hand, no one wanted to follow the Duster? Fine, be that way. *throws away prize*
Hey, we're off the clock, work stays behind the mask and skimpy barrier jacket. We'll earn a different type of prize this round.
On the other hand, no one wanted to follow the Duster? Fine, be that way. *throws away prize*
Never underestimate the amount of 'love' lez-ships get.
The difference between SB/SV and Tumblr is you can actually sit us down and make us enjoy a heterosexual relationship. But you have to take that forceful step.
Hey, we're off the clock, work stays behind the mask and skimpy barrier jacket. We'll earn a different type of prize this round.
Ten bucks says embarrassment and social scarring on an already-fragile and demolished teen.
Never underestimate the amount of 'love' lez-ships get.
The difference between SB/SV and Tumblr is you can actually sit us down and make us enjoy a heterosexual relationship. But you have to take that forceful step.

Well I personally don't mind hetero relationships. It's just that I don't know whether or not this guy's crush is genuine or not, and I don't want Taylor to be seen as a trophy or something like that.

...Pretty much jock bias, honestly. But hey, maybe he'll dance with her or something. It's not like Taylor would completely blow him off or something.

Just be super awkward about reciprocating any kind of flirting.
Well I personally don't mind hetero relationships. It's just that I don't know whether or not this guy's crush is genuine or not, and I don't want Taylor to be seen as a trophy or something like that.

And that gets out by asking him. Taylor doesn't exactly have a network school friends she can verify things with.
And really, worst case scenario is that Taylor finds out he's a jerk, and she walks away. The only way she gets a rep as a trophy would be if someone pulled a Trio, which has no bearing on what Taylor or Charlie do.
But hey, maybe he'll dance with her or something. It's not like Taylor would completely blow him off or something.
If that the case, it pretty much renders the 'talk to him' vote superfluous.
Nope, you killed that path. Ironically, this guy can't dance, either. It would have given you something to talk about, at least. :)

Eh, missed chances I suppose. Also, buddy got no game if he's gonna wait until Taylor makes the move.

Like, I know that she's really attractive and everything, but you gotta have some courage man!

I would be pretty intimidated too though, but Imma just be a hypocrite about this damn it!
Eh, missed chances I suppose. Also, buddy got no game if he's gonna wait until Taylor makes the move.

Like, I know that she's really attractive and everything, but you gotta have some courage man!

I would be pretty intimidated too though, but Imma just be a hypocrite about this damn it!

The fact that you'd even be at the party means you'd be less intimidated than me, soooo...
Goddamn it, is everyone in this quest a bunch of socially awkward introverts? Oh wait, glass house.:p

Isn't the whole point of SV to gather together the socially awkward introverts so that we can pretend that we can social by communicating solely through electronic media? I would think everyone on the site is a socially awkward introvert. :V
Emigration 4.14
[ ] Break out your dance moves

Emigration 4.14

Your eyes turn to follow the Duster's path, but then you look away. As suspicious as the drug dealer is, this isn't something that really needs hero intervention, and anyway, didn't your dad and Samantha all but demand this be a night for Taylor, not Calamity? You're off the clock per parental edict.

That said, flirting with some football jock, especially wearing skintight fetish-gear-y pants? There aren't enough nopes in the world. Between Samantha's questionable fashion choices, spiked punch, and hormones, you just know you'd wake up naked with him in the bathtub or something. Screw that, not happening, no way.

Maybe you could follow Kayleigh? She's the most familiar person here. True, you don't care about gossip, but it would be better than just standing around like an idiot. The only problem there is that she's already walked off, and while you can still see her making her way towards the outdoor patio, it would make you look desperate not to be left alone. She… probably isn't enough like Emma to use that against you, but you've already had one best friend turn around and make your life a living hell with all the secrets you told her. Kayleigh isn't that close – deep inside, you worry that you'll never let anyone in that far again – but there's no need to tempt fate. She'd probably treat you even more like a little animal that needs someone to care for it than she already does if you chased after her, too, and you've spent the last couple of weeks trying to make her stop doing that. This is the first bit of peace and quiet you've had at any school-related event since you enrolled at Winterrose Academy! Are you really going to throw that glorious bit of freedom away?

That just leaves you with just two options, doesn't it? You glance over at the dance floor, and then at the living room and movie-watchers. You know which place you want to go, no doubt about that, but….

You look down at the offensive outfit again. This is so not you. You'd never wear anything like this normally, and you and your dad both thought your Guardian Beast was completely insane when she suggested it. But going to a party like this isn't you, either. It's one of the reasons you wanted to go.

You've been given a chance to reinvent yourself here. No one, absolutely no one, knows who you are here. Not even the other Brocktonites who enrolled at your new school know you, seeing as they were previously Immaculata and Arcadia students. You've been given the chance to throw off the last traces of Winslow-era Taylor, to break the few lengths of chain that survived your metamorphosis into Calamity Witch and becoming a hero and burning your own path through the world. You aren't going to pretend to be a social butterfly or a giggling fashion queen, but you're rediscovering yourself. That sometimes means trying something new even if you think you'll make a total fool of yourself. Still….

«Hey, Storm? Do you know how to dance?»

«Dancing is not in my protocols,» the blue jewel hanging around your neck replies. «However, Mistress's parameters were updated during template installation to emulate predecessor. Coordination, balance, dexterity. Necessary parameters for dance. Calamity Witch origin could da— could dance?»

«How would you know if…?» Your eyes widen. «Storm. Are you recovering your memories?!»
«Created… after termination of Calamity Witch origin? Does not compute.»

You wrap your fingers around your Device and give it a comforting squeeze. After finding out that the Agharti's radio wasn't a computer, you had feared that you would never be able to offer your Device, your friend, the chance to relearn exactly who it had been before crash-landing on Bet. If it's remembering its past?

That's a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Making up your mind, you walk over to the dance floor. Okay. You're going to dance. Easy. How the hell do you even do that? Ignoring the guys, you instead focus on the girls and how they're moving. All you have to do is do the same thing everyone else is doing, right? Jumping in time with the music and shaking your butt and non-existent tits can't be that hard.

You slip through the people at the edge of the crowd and into the mass of bodies. Fewer people to see you make a fool of yourself this way. The music blasts again, and you jump with everyone else and start copying a gaggle of girls a few feet away after swiftly checking that they aren't the only ones doing whatever this is. Your hips bump into somebody, and you offer the guy you hit an apologetic smile. He takes this as an invitation, and soon you're scooting away from his attempts to grind up against you. Thanks but no thanks, buddy.

The song ends, and a few seconds later another one comes on, this even poppier and bubblier than the last. Everyone cheers and claps their hands, and the dancing changes abruptly and leaves you doing the same dance a couple of seconds too long. No one seems to notice, thankfully, and you bob on the balls of your feet a couple of times before you try to emulate them. This is a bit more of an active dance, or maybe it's just that the other girls you're watching are willing to have more fun, because the group splits apart and starts slide-skipping around the dance floor in different directions. One girl with blue-dyed hair makes her way in your direction, astonishingly steady on her feet considering the stench of booze that surrounds her, and then she's wheeling around and writhing in front of you. A panicked glance reveals that yes, all her friends are doing something similar and yes, some of them are dancing with other girls, too.

Well, you guess this is how this dance is done?

You match blue girl's movements as best you can, but thanks to her drunkenness and your awkwardness, you aren't entirely in sync. She doesn't mind your accidental contacts. Not in the slightest, for when the music changes once more, she grabs ahold of your hand and drags you back towards the rest of her group. Then you have an armful of party girl again, her hair slapping into your face and bringing a strong whiff of strawberries and something not quite like licorice—

Huh? You sniff again. No, it doesn't. It just smells like flowery perfume and alcohol. Why do you expect that particular smell?

The music booms on, and after several more dances you manage escape to the edge of the crowd near a wall of wide windows. Your feet are sore, your legs and arms burn, and your skin glistens with sweat, but what worries you most is the tight, giddy feeling in your chest. You need a bit of a break to calm down.

The glass is fogged up by the cold air without and the radiant body heat within, but the windows are still clear enough for you to catch movement in the night, black sliding against black. You wipe a circle clean and peer out. Dark fur atop hulking, malformed figures, long and thick arms ending in sharp claws. Rats; not the normal kind, but the crazy Case 53s you fought with Samantha and Vista. The kind that tried to kill and eat you.

What the hell are they doing here of all places?! You're miles outside the city proper!

You aren't the only one to notice them, and screams start coming from the nearby patio as people see the monsters running towards them. Their intent is as obvious as it is malevolent. Your blood runs cold while you calculate the odds in the back of your mind. There aren't any other capes here, and you're too far away from the city to wait for backup. It's just you, the Rats, and nearly a hundred potential victims.

One way or another, the Grim Reaper will be busy tonight.

At first I was going to have the Rats jump through the glass onto the dance floor, but even I think that would be a little too dark.

Suit up!

[ ] Billionaire, genius, playgirl, philanthropist – Saving lives trumps secret identities, period, end of story. Don your Barrier Jacket right here and now despite the crowd and exterminate some pests.
[ ] Where's a phone booth when you need it? – You don't want to leave anyone to get hurt by these Rats, but you owe it to your dad to keep your secret. Use the inevitable chaos to find a corner in which to change.
[ ] To protect my city, I must wear a mask – Get off the dance floor and run for someplace isolated where no one will see your transformation. Giving away the truth of your identity puts everyone you love at risk.
[ ] You wouldn't like me when I'm angry – You know how destructive your powers are, and if anyone connects you with Calamity Witch, they will all turn on you. This isn't your fight. Get away and call in the PRT.

Assuming you want to fight, what's your battle plan?
[ ] Write in
The music booms on, and after several more dances you manage escape to the edge of the crowd near a wall of wide windows. Your feet are sore, your legs and arms burn, and your skin glistens with sweat, but what worries you most is the tight, giddy feeling in your chest. You need a bit of a break to calm down.
Well that did... seemingly nothing.

[Y] To protect my city, I must wear a mask – Get off the dance floor and run for someplace isolated where no one will see your transformation. Giving away the truth of your identity puts everyone you love at risk.
This^ is clearly the best option.
As for a fight plan, I'm thinking we make a big flashy distraction: Fly, Flare shooter the entire lot, buzz them, maybe even Temporal Sludge.
[X] Billionaire, genius, playgirl, philanthropist – Saving lives trumps secret identities, period, end of story. Don your Barrier Jacket right here and now despite the crowd and exterminate some pests.
[X] Pepper the fringes of the mob with shots to group them up, lay the smack down on any that get too close to the crowd, and hit them with the heavy artillery once they're close together for some nice splash damage.
-[X]If they want to rout at that point, let them.