This was supposed to get written last week. It, uh, did not. Better late than never?
[] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
Realign 14.19
Thursday, August 23
"What do you think? Should I go with the blue dress or the navy pantsuit?"
"I think this is something you should probably ask Kayleigh," you say without hesitation.
Dragon turns around, her fairy form stored securely in the shell of her gynoid body, and all but runs towards Kayleigh. The hangers with the two outfits she asked you about are still dangling from her hands.
Shaking your head, you look back at the screen in front of you and the email it displays.
You are not the only one who has been paying attention to the frantic Tinker. "What are you doing that it even matters?" Laura asks. The question distracts Missy from her probably futile attempts to teach the bright yellow gerbil in front of her how to roll over, and suddenly four pairs of eyes are focused on her.
The owner of the one pair of eyes that is
not looking at Dragon lets out a teasing chuckle. "She just wants to look good for her
boyfriend," Tim says, stretching the last word out in a childish sing-song.
Dragon whirls around and shoots a glare at him. The synthesized blush that appears on her cheeks tells you what emotion is truly behind it, and you do your best to hold back your snicker. "I do not appreciate what you're implying. I'm presenting at a tech expo this weekend. It's as simple as that."
"Mm-hmm. A tech expo. That just happens to be in Boston. Where your
good friend Armsmaster lives."
The snicker escapes as the blush on her face turns darker.
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait." Missy waves her hands in front of her as though she cannot believe what she is hearing. "You're dating Armsmaster? Armsmaster knows what a date
is? I find that hard to believe."
A long, slow inhale turns into a sigh. "I am not dating Armsmaster," Dragon tells the room in a flat voice.
"But not for lack of trying."
"There is, as I said, an exposition this weekend in Boston for new developments in the computer and gaming fields," she continues, ignoring the comment from the peanut gallery, "and I will be presenting the prototype of the computer I and my new division have been working on. I know I mentioned it to Taylor, but we have created a new type of personal computer with touch-sensitive holographic screen and keyboard. This will be the first time it is shown to the public, and not only will I be showing that it is possible, I will also reveal that it will be purchasable later this year."
"That does sound kind of cool," Laura says after a few seconds.
You shake your head. "Don't get too excited. They aren't all that useful for us since they're based off Device interfaces. Super neat for anyone who doesn't have magic, but we already have something better. No offense, Dragon."
"None taken, of course."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's cool and all," Kayleigh tells the room, "but I want to hear more about this relationship with Armsmaster."
"I told you, we aren't—"
"Fine, then this
not relationship with Armsmaster." Dragon purses her lips, so Kayleigh swings her eyes to the only source of information that appears willing to talk. "Come on, Tim, help a sister out."
Eyebrows raising, you glance over at Missy who wears a similar expression. "Sister?" she mouths.
"Sorry, but I don't have anything to tell." Dragon nods decisively until Tim continues, "What Dragon does with her body and what dongles she plugs into it are none of my business."
That breaks what composure you have left, and you fall backwards off your stool to the ground as you laugh. Another thud a short distance away proves you are not the only one.
"I don't have to put up with this," she says with a dismissive huff. "Taylor, I may ask you to scan a few of my programmers in a week or two. Several of them have expressed interest in the hardware side of things, not just the software."
"Go with the dress!" Kayleigh yells to her as she walks away. "It sounds like you need to hammer it into your man's head that you're a woman!"
"I don't know if poking Dragon was a good thing or not," you hear Laura say after the door slams behind the Tinker. A glance to the side reveals that she was the other person who fell to the ground with a case of the giggles. "We might need her help at some point in the future."
"Eh, she's fine." The dismissive wave of Tim's hand reinforces just how unconcerned he is.
You do not bother picking yourself up off the ground. Instead you float into the air and turn until you are reseated. "Since everyone's in a good mood, this is probably the best time to tell you." The smiles on the rest of the team's faces fade. "I got an email from Legend earlier today. Remember what I said last week about how there is a mage in New York who's also a cape? And how he was willing to loan her to us as a liaison due to…" You pause and think about how you want to say this. "…a few interpersonal issues between some of us and some members of the local Protectorate? He let me know that all the major arrangements have been worked through, and she and her Guardian Beast are both ready and willing to come over and start working with us as early as today."
Your team's expressions appear to run the entire spectrum. Kayleigh looks to be happy about getting another teammate. Missy wears a slight frown, though you do not know if it is because of the reminder that neither of you are likely in Chevalier and Miss Militia's good books right now or because she is worried about something else. Laura is the one you are most worried about, and sure enough her face is a blank mask.
"When I let you know this was an option, nobody had much to say for or against," you continue. "Now that you've all had time to think about it, have any concerns come to mind?"
Laura lets out a long, slow breath. "I'll admit that I'm worried about having somebody around who's real job may be to spy on us for the Protectorate or to push us to join up with the Wards. It's going to be hard to trust them."
Missy nods along with Laura's words. Is that the real source of her own concern?
"I can understand that." Without knowing what you do about Standstill, you cannot say you would not have those same thoughts. "I know more about her background, and while I won't tell you everything about her for the same reason I won't tell you all the details about any of you – who knows what about your histories is your decision, not mine – I will say that she was not always a member of the Protectorate, so I doubt she will be trying to recruit us. She has also had her own issues with other Protectorate heroes, and the exact details make me doubt she will be playing the spy."
"Great, instead they're pushing their troublemakers on us."
"That is also not the case. You might appreciate this more than the rest of us, Laura," you continue after hesitating a beat, "but the majority of her own interpersonal issues stem from her previous affiliations outside the Protectorate. If you want any details beyond that, you will need to ask her."
The mask of the ice knight's expression melts into a thoughtful frown. You know that you just implied, maybe somewhat heavily, that Standstill was once a villain, which is not entirely inaccurate. It is also skirting the line of how much of her story you are willing to tell the rest of the Arcana without her permission, though you would not be surprised if this is the lubricant needed to ease her acceptance into the group.
A sound comes from Missy's seat, and you glance over only to find her hand covering her mouth even as her eyes dance with mirth. After a few more attempts at stifling what you now realize is laughter, she lowers her hand only to expose a wide grin. "You know, Taylor, you're starting to make a habit of poaching mages from the Protectorate."
"I am
not poaching!" you tell her. Why is everyone assuming that?! It is not as if you set out to steal members of the Protectorate. You are not even specifically targeting them, else you would not have Kayleigh and Laura with you now. Or Tim, for that matter.
Not to mention that for all his dry humor, you do not think Legend would appreciate you pulling her into your circle entirely. He probably wouldn't make a huge fuss, not if she is happier with you than she is with the Protectorate, but not making a fuss is not the same thing as happy.
"Sure you aren't. And I suppose Tim isn't building a Device for her that will coincidentally burn out her current powers?"
"Strictly speaking, no," Tim chimes in. Of course, after his teasing of Dragon, you do not have much confidence in his help. "Taylor said she has a power that she can no longer tolerate and requested a template. I'm building Devices because Perfect Storm said he could use them to avoid Taylor having to play battery for three days."
Missy laughs again. "Oh yeah, you're just finding mages who have problems with the Protectorate and giving them an alternative team that happens to come with a Device to unlock their full potential. You aren't poaching
at all."
You blow out a long breath. You think you understand how Dragon felt just now. "I'm just going to head out now, I think. We'll be back."
The burst of orange light faded as the teleportation brings the three of you back to base. "Ugh," Standstill says, her rapid blinking obvious even through her dark eyeshadow and the holes of her cowl. "That's going to take some getting used to."
You turn away from her to look at the rest of the team, and your small smile falls slightly. In the time it took you to fill out the relatively small amount of paperwork necessary to make this all nice and official, they have decided on their own strategy. Nobody has weapons out, thankfully, but neither are they relaxed. Your teammates are all on their feet and in their Barrier Jackets, their eyes firmly focused on the new arrivals. The only person who is not bothered by their appearance is Tim, who still has his goggle hanging around his neck and is still typing up code of some kind. He looks up at the flash of light and gives you a slight wave before returning to his work.
"I guess it's time to introduce everyone," you say after a moment. "Standstill, these are the other members of the Arcana. On the left is Scathach, then Sailor Shining Shot and over on the right is Scarlet Grimoire. You've already met Samantha." And seriously, there are a lot of S-names on the team. You had not noticed it before, but wow. "Everyone, this is Standstill and her Guardian Beast, Cat Sith."
"Hello, everyone." If she is nervous about this, she is doing a masterful job hiding it. "As Calamity Witch said, I am Standstill. She and Legend offered me the opportunity to serve as a liaison between you and the local Protectorate. My main responsibility is to help ease any tensions between you. When I'm not doing that, my goal is to be as helpful and useful as I can possibly be in your normal routine."
Laura hums thoughtfully and nods, which instantly puts you on guard. What is she about to do? "Nice to meet you. Just to get some of the major concerns out of the way, we have a few questions. We know what Calamity told us you were going to do. We just want to know what you'll
actually be doing."
…If nothing else, you tell yourself, she is definitely selling the idea that there is enough distrust between the Arcana and the Protectorate that you need a liaison.
"Whatever questions you have, I'm happy to answer so long as they do not intrude on the privacy of other capes I know."
"The largest concern we have is our own privacy," Missy chimes in. "Having personal details like our identities and details of our powers slipped into Protectorate databases without our knowledge and approval, stuff like that. Some of us have already had to deal with that," she adds with a nod in your direction.
"Or in other words, how do we know you're not a
fucking spy?" Laura finishes.
Holy shit," Standstill mutters under her breath. Squaring her shoulders, she looks between the two mages. "I heard… a little about that." Considering you told Legend that was the one condition you had about her working with you, you bet she did, though you have to wonder just how much Legend told her about what happened. Does she know it was specifically your age that Chevalier put in your file, or did Legend only tell her generally that you information going into their system was a concern? Or is she just surprised at how vehement their accusation is? "In your shoes, I would have a healthy amount of concern and distrust for the Protectorate just like you do. I'd promise you that I am not going to do that, but I bet words alone won't be enough, will they?"
Missy and Laura shake their heads almost in sync.
"I can understand that. The short answer is that I can't give you any physical proof that I'm not a spy. It's really hard to prove a negative. What I will tell you, though, is that what information you want to give me about yourself is entirely your decision, and it will stay between us. I'm not going to be doing any digging or sending that information to anybody outside this group. If you decide that you can't risk trusting me with anything personal, I won't be offended. Sad, but not offended. The last thing I want is to cause you any more problems than you're already dealing with." She turns her head to look at you for a long few seconds before returning her gaze to the group. "I also won't deny that there is an imbalance of information. The Protectorate knows more about your group than you want. I can't undo that, but I can hopefully try to rebalance it a little."
Before you can wonder what she means, she reaches up and pulls off her cowled mask.
"Out in the field, call me Standstill. If I get a Device and change my name, I'll let you know. When we're out of costume or it's just us, feel free to call me Sarah." She shrugs and gives everyone a weak smile. It is obvious, at least to you, that this was not part of the script.
Kayleigh steps forward, whacking Laura on the shoulder as she passes, and her overlarge sunglasses disappear in a flash of light. "These two might not want to return the favor, but I'm Kayleigh. Nice to meet you."
The smile on Standstill's – Sarah's – face turns genuine. "Nice to meet you, too." She flicks her eyes at Laura and Missy and spreads her hands.
"Any other questions? I'm at your disposal."
Standstill and Cat Sith's character sheets moved from "Allies" to "Arcana".
Now's a great time to plan out Tim's build plan for the upcoming week. You have SIX slots to work with.
- Supervise the PRT's Gears (max 6 slots, 1 tech point for every 3 slots)
- Help out the Enforcers (max 6 slots, 1 tech point for every 3 slots)
- Pop Grey Boy's bubbles (max 4 slots, 3 bubbles per slot, 0 tech points)
- Resurgerize Missy and adapt her old arms (2 slots, 0 tech points)
- Build advanced Devices to fuel a template's construction (2 slots each, 1 tech point each, max 6 slots)
- Upgrade the Storage Devices of the aerial Operation Pentagram mages to advanced Devices (1 slot each, 0 tech points, max 6 slots)
- Build a pair of teleportation portals as proofs of concept (6 slots, 2 tech points)
- Build a drone to spy on the Earth Gimel world and learn the local language (2 slots, 1 tech point)
- Analyze Sparky's cannon (3 slots, 1 tech point)
- Something else from the "Ideas for Tim to Build" threadmark
- Write-in (subject to my approval)
Kayleigh meanwhile will work on her ammunition. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to handle this, so now we'll try something different from last time.
- Focus on elemental bullets
- Specific element (optional)
- Focus on specialty bullets
- Specific specialty (optional)
- Work on both types of bullets
- Specific rounds (optional)
- Make a new type of round (caliber or effect)
Take 24 HOURS to talk things over.