Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

For me, it has less to do with the how interactions went with Danny in the past, but hjow the quest works. We already have enough trouble just keeping in touch with all of the people and groups we already interact with. Like, the entire reason we had such bad relations with Danny in the past was because we just did not have the time to go socialize or work with him and his group. I don't see a point in bringing him back if we are just going to ignore him again until shit blows up once more.
Given that its a main quest its going to blow up on our face *anyways* if we completely ignore it.

Its damage mitigation. We've already done a lot of Bone (gave the PRT/Protectorate heads up on the potential neo-nazi gang, helped start up Project Pentagram, etc) and Burn the Sinners (killed off the Simurgh branch of the Fallen there by fucking over the Fallen's anti-thinker defenses as well as their Master capacity). I'd like to at least see whats in the Daddy's Little Girl quest instead of just keep on going on and on in a circle about what-ifs.

At the very least we'll get to mitigate the blow up, get a heads up on what the issue is, or we solve the problem.
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Personally I'd still rather not take marching orders from the Protectorate and let them dictate where Standstill may go with her life, treating her like a dog of the military (to specifically reference FullMetal Alchemist). Her defecting to join us is entirely a different thing than her being shipped over as an unpaid spy liason over their feelings we don't bend over far enough to include them on missions we don't really need the help on and otherwise assist. Her ticket out was paid in two dozen guardian beasts, at the worst of it.

Buuuut thats probably because I'm still pushing for the girls to leave Earth behind when they're done and seek broader pastures in the TSAB, so socializing with Perfect Storm on Galean History is way more relevant than playing with small-fiefdom politics. Yay bandwagons! (I'm only 6 hours late people ;_; )

Well we gotta bite the bullet some time better sooner then later Daddy's Little Girl
My opinion is that we can't do everything. We have to choose something to fail and prepare for the consequences of that failure, because we simply don't have time for everything. And Dady's Little Girl is the one option that has the least dangerous potential consequences out of a list full of murderers, rapists and other monsters. So at least I personally chose that as my chosen point of failure.

Who says we have to eat that bullet? As mentioned its been months, Taylor's barely thought of him, their last real encounter was a horrible fight reinforcing Danny's unfitting place in her life, the attempt to reconnect after her Mother's death failed. I'd be more invested in seeing Miss Militia reconcile with Missy than chasing after Danny, because at least their trouble was over (past) similarity. What is the prize hidden behind this swamp of angst? Samantha's been more of a parent to Taylor than Danny has from her first appearance, and Tim + Lacey are doing admirably in the role of slightly hands-off aunt and uncle to bereaved near-adult.

Will anyone take the time to elaborate and defend the merits of "Closure" instead of taking it as given in this debate, for those of us blind to the concept? ^_^

He got deathly injured, she mourned at his bed and tried to save him, the cure was a mixed result that didn't leave room for relationship, she left. Was that not enough closure, or just not the kind of ending you wanted? At least be clear on which you're voting for.

Anyone voting to have Standstill as a formal liason and work with the magic PRT should be voting for Final Frontier probably the other two over DLG, its all about being a good hero and polishing our public reputation after all.

Anyone interested in character development and emotional stories should be focused on Standstill, the fallout of the Fallen, and maybe having to explain to Theo's face just how much his daddy needed to get melted from a casual laser.

Burn the Sinners (killed off the Simurgh branch of the Fallen there by fucking over the Fallen's anti-thinker defenses as well as their Master capacity).

Anyone worried about the burning consequences of leaving the Danny plot untouched should remember we tend to see consequences from /unfinished/ plotlines as well and remember we have three main story quests deep in, then weigh the odds of what Danny's plot might do against Theo or the two families worth of vengeful apocalypse-cultists. Its not like our home city is a secret if they come in shooting in the window before we respond.

Just the embaressment of driving off Leviathan with serious injury made them attack a tourist resort Slaughterhouse-style and kill (dozens?). What do you think the anthill's response will be now a bunch of teenage? girls kicked their families heads off and thrown down the gauntlet for round two?

[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
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Personally I'd still rather not take marching orders from the Protectorate and let them dictate where Standstill may go with her life, treating her like a dog of the military (to specifically reference FullMetal Alchemist). Her defecting to join us is entirely a different thing than her being shipped over as an unpaid spy liason over their feelings we don't bend over far enough to include them on missions we don't really need the help on and otherwise assist. Her ticket out was paid in two dozen guardian beasts, at the worst of it.
Just as a point of clarification, Legend is fully aware that by assigning Standstill as a liaison, she could wind up leaving the Protectorate permanently. She jumped ship from them to pursue dreams of magic once already, after all, and that was without a near-guarantee of a massive power boost if Taylor is any indication. That he's agreeing to it anyway because she's miserable being the pariah of NYC should tell you something about his priorities.

Also, I'm not sure at all where you're coming from with the "we don't bend over far enough to include them on missions" comment. Please tell me what you read that gave you that impression.
[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?

[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana

[X] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana

For me, it has less to do with the how interactions went with Danny in the past, but hjow the quest works. We already have enough trouble just keeping in touch with all of the people and groups we already interact with. Like, the entire reason we had such bad relations with Danny in the past was because we just did not have the time to go socialize or work with him and his group. I don't see a point in bringing him back if we are just going to ignore him again until shit blows up once more.

Yeah, not to mention the QM constant mentions on how siding with Danny's Privateers, even when Danny was still around, would have most likely make Taylor look like a villain.
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[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana

I would like to see some closure on the Danny plotline if nothing else.
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I believe it was that if Taylor hadn't learned Danny had a power, Danny would have gone on a villain hunt during the Endbringer Truce. As one of few people who are immune to Masters, Calamity Witch and Samantha would have been drafted to take down Captain.
Once again, Pinklestia, you are wrong. I did not say that.

You did said the Privateers could have gone to outright kill people, remember?

I believe it was that if Taylor hadn't learned Danny had a power, Danny would have gone on a villain hunt during the Endbringer Truce. As one of few people who are immune to Masters, Calamity Witch and Samantha would have been drafted to take down Captain.

This too.
[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana

I'm just going to leave the other two slots blank, let whatever else gets enough votes win. These are all I care about at the moment, but I'll need to look at the last several pages of posts to see if somebody else's comments make me change my mind. I neglected to check this this morning, and there havve been a lot of posts since then, with no telling how many including something other than a vote.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.

EDIT:Something cut my post off, and I find that I no longer care about the third option because the subsequent discussion has picked two good ones I can't decide.
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[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
None of them bar maybe Legend going all out has access to Breaker-level powers. They have Buster-level powers. With Cape or Barret Boost, I'd say they'd go up to 1/3 Breaker strength per shot. 1/2 Breaker with both running concurrently.

A Breaker-level attack once it's finally seen will be a BIG FUCKING DEAL in Worm-verse. Recall that they are supposed to be one-shot city killers, which no character in the entirety of canon ever demonstrated with the sole exception of Scion himself. Not even the Endbringers went "bam, you're all gone in a flash".
That said, lower end Breakers like Season 1 Starlight Breaker(rather than Movie 1 Starlight Breaker) appear to be more of killing city blocks at one go, which Worm DOES have capes that can do it. Tunguska IIRC has an explosion which does exactly that, though he is not protected from it himself.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
Seems to be a bit unfinished there.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.

[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Hang out with the Adepts. Talk about stockpiling Maclibuin's charms for the Endbringer battles and/or selling them to the Protectorate.
[x] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[x] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[x] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[x] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
[X] Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
You are ignoring content by this member.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Hang out with the Adepts. Talk about stockpiling Maclibuin's charms for the Endbringer battles and/or selling them to the Protectorate.
I have more questions @Silently Watches, this time focusing on Guardian Beasts.
From the descriptions, I would assume that Cat Sith's and Samantha's Forcefield is comparable to Knight Armour, while Olivia's Forcefield is comparable to Barrier Jackets and Nostromo's and Firefly's Forcefields are comparable to Hazard Jackets. Is this due to the type of Beast they are, with Rifles having Barrier Jackets-levels and Masks having Hazard Jacket-levels for their respective Forcefields?
Would a permanent Boost mutation serum work on a Guardian Beast after it has been transformed or would it only work before the ritual when it is still a normal animal?
Nostromo and Firefly currently cannot build hardlight weapons or tools. If we get a mage who learns the Energy Weapons Tech skill (which includes hardlight) can N & F "sit in" on the lesson, presumably from Tim and Sextant, and thus improve their "Merchant of Death" ability?