Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Peek. Peak is the top of a mountain.

Now it's time to pick out next week's chaos, whenever I get around to writing it. Vote for 2 main activities…
  • Final Frontier, part 3 – The Triumvirate Dynamic Duo is interested in what resources Earth Bet would have access to with convenient interdimensional transport. Go back and check on Earth Vav. As an Iron Age world, most of its resources are untouched.
  • Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
  • Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
  • Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
…and 2 social activities.
  • Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
  • Build a template for somebody. Specify which character and which template.
  • FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
  • Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
  • Go on patrol. You can bring 1-3 other characters with you if you want.
  • Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
  • Explore somewhere on Earth Bet. A location must be included. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
  • Explore another world. If you do not select a world where Taylor has been or already knows about, one will be selected randomly. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
  • Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
  • Write-in (subject to my approval)
Once again, let's have a 24 HOUR moratorium to think things through.

I think I'm going to vote for Daddy's Little Girl and leave the other slot blank so I don't wind up tipping one of the others up just high enough to edge DLG out for second place. I think I would go for Sinners: Part 3, otherwise, but I've wanted to do something with that loose plot thread from never checking back on Danny or asking the TSAB for help with his condition since I joined the quest.

Sadly, we're one Device shy of being able to Template Standstill. @Silently Watches, would we be able to combine giving her a Template and recruiting her formally as our liason? If so, we really should hold off until we can give her a Template with a quick CD, so we can pick somebody to give the last variety of Template to sooner.

I would like to remind people that subvotes to bring Jujak into whatever he can be reasonably brought to lets us both know the character better and pads his appearance count for a linker core mutagen modifier, should we decide to give him one.

Wait, I have another thing: I would like to hang out with the Ex-Adepts and maybe recurit them. So many options, so little time...

I think that one should be done sooner than later. If nothing else, that lets us control what Mac spends his XP on.

Also, thank you @Silently Watches for the update, and for whatever it is that you're doing to help with the current medical crisis. It would be a lie to say that I'm not at least a little annoyed at the pace, but that little voice is almost entirely silenced by the rest of me, the parts that, for want of a better term, grew the *bleep* up and understand that a hobby I enjoy reading the fruits of doesn't measure up next to saving actual lives. Be well, be safe, and take whatever time you need to get back to things. We'll wait.
If that happens, and if SW continues the tradition of having participants of the thread having cameos in the interlude, that would be the very first time I would appear in a PHO interlude. Now I'm really curious what kind of spin would be put on my name... 🤔
Considering how those cameos tend to be named, odds are good I'd be called SedentaryKnave.

As for yours... Kodrazt?
CzarMD :D
Sadly, we're one Device shy of being able to Template Standstill. @Silently Watches, would we be able to combine giving her a Template and recruiting her formally as our liason? If so, we really should hold off until we can give her a Template with a quick CD, so we can pick somebody to give the last variety of Template to sooner.
3 Devices shy, actually. Unless you mean in terms of being able to do the templating sometime this week?

I would prefer Standstill being brought into the fold and introduced to the rest of the team SEPARATELY from giving her a template.
Personally leaning towards:
  • Main
    • Burn the Sinners, Part 3
    • Bone of The Father, Part 3
  • Social
    • Final Frontier
    • Standstill

I like those.

I honesty don't care about Danny in this fic.

Is really nice to see Taylor do stuff she doesn't have interest into doing just to make her friends happy.

That being said, is there any social event we can do with Dragon next?
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  • Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
And if some negative outcome dares to appear it should be terminated with extreme prejudice.

  • FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
Provide some certainty in Standstill's life and calm down the most worried part of public opinion by showing that we're working closely with the Protectorate.

Reposting my old idea:
  • Hang out with the Adepts. Talk about stockpiling Maclibuin's charms for the Endbringer battles and/or selling them to the Protectorate.
I would like to pull the Adepts closer to us, and Maclibuin's charms are just too useful to let Epoch be the only one with an access to them.

Another idea I have is to hunt down Lilliput personally to ensure his spell won't be used by Gesellschaft or Yangban.
Burn the Sinners 3 and Daddy's Little Girl are my choices for main activities; we need to finish following through on what we started with Balam's gang of idiots, and we've put off Danny for far too long as it is. For socials, Standstill is a given but I'm open to just about anything for the second slot. Final Frontier might be interesting to check in on what happened post I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Skitter and there's a chance for more awkward conversation with the Triumverate and that's always fun, but I'm also curious as to what Best Doggo Squad is up to. Decisions, decisions...

As for any hypothetical PHO cameos, Mal-3 is always Mal-3 for the Fun Tyrant is the rocks of the eternal shore. :)
Don't forget that you can go exploring on a social activity. There's an entire volcanic hellworld to look around at...
Wait a minute, we can create spells for mages? Can someone explain this to me?
You can only create spells for non-template mages (since templates have fixed spell lists), but if you have an idea, all you need to do is pitch it. I'll let you know if it's acceptable, if it needs some tweaking, or if it's a no-go. I'll also decide or at minimum suggest what tier it would fit in.
As for any hypothetical PHO cameos, Mal-3 is always Mal-3 for the Fun Tyrant is the rocks of the eternal shore. :)
My idea is Water Breathing Eleventh Form: Dead Calm from the anime Demon Slayer. Basically, the area around the user goes still, and they can no-sell just about any attack.

I suggest Missy gets this spell. She can sacrifice defensive power for massive speed. What if she did the opposite?

This is probably going to be a high tier, or it will need to be nerfed.
Edit: Here is the spell in a better form

Dead Calm
This spell creates a field of stillness around the user. This field stops all attacks, and it cannot be moved. It lasts for 10 seconds.
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I'm definitely going to be voting for Burn the Sinners part 3 and Daddy's Little Girl for the main quests.

For social, Final Frontier and either formally bringing Standstill into the team or talking to Mac and Epoch to bring them closer to our team.
Now it's time to pick out next week's chaos, whenever I get around to writing it. Vote for 2 main activities…
  • Final Frontier, part 3 – The Triumvirate Dynamic Duo is interested in what resources Earth Bet would have access to with convenient interdimensional transport. Go back and check on Earth Vav. As an Iron Age world, most of its resources are untouched.
  • Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
  • Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
  • Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
…and 2 social activities.
  • Participate in Final Frontier as a social activity instead of a main activity.
  • Build a template for somebody. Specify which character and which template.
  • FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
  • Hang out with another character(s). This is by definition a non-combat activity.
  • Go on patrol. You can bring 1-3 other characters with you if you want.
  • Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
  • Explore somewhere on Earth Bet. A location must be included. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
  • Explore another world. If you do not select a world where Taylor has been or already knows about, one will be selected randomly. You may bring 1-3 other characters with you.
  • Train, either in the real world or in Perfect Storm's simulator. SPECIFY which spell or skill to work on.
  • Write-in (subject to my approval)
Hmm. Main activities for me would be BtS pt. 3 and BotF pt. 3. Social ones- FF as social, and Standstill.
I personally will vote for Burn the Sinners and Daddy's Little Girl.
For Social, I will definitely vote for formally making Standstill our liaison. My second vote is undecided. Either Operation Pentagram or visiting a Volcano Hellworld with friends.
Don't forget that you can go exploring on a social activity. There's an entire volcanic hellworld to look around at...
Too much things to do, too little time.
I was honestly surprised when we did choose an action to "Explore another world" that one time, and even that I'm sure happened only by the power of sad Vista.

For those who're wondering what this volcanic hellword may harbour, I'm pretty sure this quote is about it:
I've been working on it for a while. It might be the idea I'm proudest of mealy for in this quest :D Maybe it'll even appease those people constantly demanding pseudo-Devices for non-mages
"demanding pseudo-Devices for non-mages"

Hmmm, my curiosity is tickled. I like Operation Pentagram, but exploration trumps it.
For social votes, I'm definitely voting to bring Standstill in as a formal liaison. This lets the team meet and greet Sarah and Cat Sith, give Standstill time to prepare for receiving a template next week, and allows Arcana to formally announce (if they want) that they are officially working in the same direction as the Protectorate. The other social vote I'll be going for is to either hang out or go on a patrol with Epoch and Maclibuin and pitch the idea of them joining Arcana or at least to be affiliated with the team. This will let us take control of Mac's growth, give us a new build option with his charms, and introduce us to Epoch's "street-level" tactics and infiltration where he has more experience than the team.
For Main Activity's, Burn the Sinners is my main vote. Dealing with the ramifications of our actions is what this last chapter was all about, so I'm in favour of continuing that trend. On that note, my current second vote would be for Daddy's Little Girl to resolve and gain closure on the issue of Danny. Bone of the Father is the next most likely, but I can reason that Pentagram is working that front as well, so the need for our intervention may not be required. Final Frontier is my least likely, because A.) The other worlds are much more stable then Bet since their are no Endbringers around, and B.) We could also save this "exploring alternate Earth's for resources" for if/when we get Tim to boil an inter dimensional portal.
Well we gotta bite the bullet some time better sooner then later Daddy's Little Girl

With a team of five single handily taking down one branch of basically the most feared group in the country might have painted a rather large target on our back but hey if they come to us saves having to hunt them down later and we can call for backup on this one with fear of them being mastered Burn the Sinners, part 3

Well she did want a way to completely Brand powers and all so yea FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana

Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
Well time to help keep the future safe with magic police
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Dead Calm
This spell creates a field of stillness around the user. This field stops all attacks, and it cannot be moved. It lasts for 10 seconds.
This would definitely be an advanced spell, probably on the WTF tier branching off Temporal Sludge, and I don't know if 10 seconds is short enough for essentially an absolute defense. That might get some tweaking.
I definitely want to go for these two as the main activities becuase I want to get rid of the Empire for good as well as deal with any issues that could have arisen from getting rid of the Fallen.
  • Bone of the Father, part 3 – The view you got of the Wolfheads' cape was far too familiar to powers of the Empire for your tastes. Take the rest of the Arcana on a wolf hunt.
  • Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
I want this to be one of the social activities to give Standstill some stability and improved mental health. As far as the other social goes, I am flexible.
  • FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
  • Daddy's Little Girl – It's been a while since you last checked on your dad. It hurts to see him and know that he doesn't and probably never will recognize you, but you should probably stomach the hurt and go to his nursing home.
  • Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
  • FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
  • Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
3 Devices shy, actually. Unless you mean in terms of being able to do the templating sometime this week?

I was thinking that the coming build would leave us short one Device, after losing one of the build slots to... I think it was something for Kayleigh? I guess at some point I mentally moved on to the next week before the story managed to make that transition, so oops. Still, wanting those two to be separate means I definitely want bringing her into the fold to be one of our social events. That leaves one slot I'm not sure what to vote for on the social front, and one slot I'm leaving blank to up the chances of DLG by not upping the chances of something else beating it.
I just realized. In this quest, Tim is popping Grey Boy bubbles. And Grey Boy bubbles are being popped in Ward.
Coincidence? I think not!
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