Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

If Taylor is near the edge of Shell Barrier, is she capable of summoning her Shooters outside of its area and then firing them?
This may have been answered already, but is the spell Cast Fist capable of being a hand in other shapes for manipulation? Say, if we gave it to Kayleigh, could she use the spell to hold and fire guns? I think that you said Telekinesis is too broad in scope to do things like pull a trigger, but I am unsure.
Would Homing Bullet and Trick Shot affect Kayleigh's magical bullets, since they are partially physical?

Maybe make a custom version of TK for Kayleigh, something along the lines of "ghost gunner" which fires one or two extra weapons at whatever she is targeting, or that just allows her to put the guns out of cover where they can be fired without putting her at risk.
If Taylor is near the edge of Shell Barrier, is she capable of summoning her Shooters outside of its area and then firing them?
That would work
This may have been answered already, but is the spell Cast Fist capable of being a hand in other shapes for manipulation? Say, if we gave it to Kayleigh, could she use the spell to hold and fire guns? I think that you said Telekinesis is too broad in scope to do things like pull a trigger, but I am unsure.
Sure, I'd allow it
Would Homing Bullet and Trick Shot affect Kayleigh's magical bullets, since they are partially physical?
They would not
I'm thinking like the arrow slits in castles that I know have a name.

Actually, the ones in walls are, in fact, called arrow slits (also arrow loops, loopholes or loop holes, and sometimes balistraria). But what you're probably thinking of are murder holes. Those are, technically, the ones in ceilings, through which you drop bad things.
[X] Final Frontier, part 3 – The Triumvirate Dynamic Duo is interested in what resources Earth Bet would have access to with convenient interdimensional transport. Go back and check on Earth Vav. As an Iron Age world, most of its resources are untouched.
[X] Burn the Sinners, part 3 – The Simurgh branch is dead as doornails. That can't possibly have any negative outcomes, like, at all. Right?
[X] FORMALLY bring Standstill on as a liaison between the Protectorate and the Arcana
[X] Make yourself available to help Operation Pentagram.
Would Break Mastery affect Purple Haze, given that it is used to negatively affect opponents?
Can a mage form a large golem around them like armour and control it from within?
You've said that when a Mage summons their Giant summon, they cannot cast any other spells while it is active. If they have their swarm and/or champion summon already present (or other continuous spell effects like a shield or flight) beforehand, will summoning the Giant cause them to dispel?
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Would Break Mastery affect Purple Haze, given that it is used to negatively affect opponents?
Purple Haze doesn't diminish a character's innate capabilities like the Break spells do. It's distorting their senses. I honestly don't have a Mastery in mind for PH or other illusion spells because then I have to 1) figure out how Mastery would make them better and 2) probably have to create some kind of spell failure system like D&D's saving throw system.
Can a mage form a large golem around them like armour and control it from within?
Only until they run out of air and suffocate ;)
More seriously, no, not really. Conjuring armor around themselves would be an armoring spell, not a golem spell.
You've said that when a Mage summons their Giant summon, they cannot cast any other spells while it is active. If they have their swarm and/or champion summon already present (or other continuous spell effects like a shield or flight) beforehand, will summoning the Giant cause them to dispel?
It's more that they can't have any active spells up. Passive spells like Barrier Jacket, Guardian Beasts, and other summons are fine, but not spells they have to focus part of their attention on.
Only until they run out of air and suffocate ;)
More seriously, no, not really. Conjuring armor around themselves would be an armoring spell, not a golem spell.
Skill differences mostly, Corona does it in ViVid, but she's a specialist golem summoner who worked off her ass to basically apply golem magic to close combat for most of a year, and partly succeeded in using her own body as a golem, complete with programmed attack sequences and golem strength.

Not really applicable in our quest though, we don't have the kind of peace needed to invent spells from the fundamental principles, we're mostly winging it with preloaded spell templates and tweaking the wiggly ends. In W40K terms, we're running STCs, not actually inventing from fundamental principles.
Current Vote Tally
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on May 4, 2020 at 11:13 PM, finished with 108 posts and 64 votes.
I forget, have we put the prt in touch with the alien mages?

We could act as a diplomat, taking a question to them if it isn't something that the TSAB's rules won't let us know, but those restrictions on what they are allowed to do are very strict, with one of the Enforcers already facing a court martial for how screwed up the first encounter between them and us was. If a sudden new Mage starts wreaking havoc in ways that we can't handle, they can help. Taking care of rogue Mages is one of the source series' primary duties for TSAB ships, that and the occasional rampaging Lost Logia.

One common misconception in the forums is that they are refusing to help us at all, when they are fudging the rules and contorting logic as far as they dare to help us as much as they are. Right now, Erda is merely facing demotion, as he took full responsibility for that particular SNAFU. Being dishonorably discharged or worse could be in the offing if they push things too far.

They can talk to us because we called them first. We're the reason they're here. The Endbringers technically aren't Lost Logia, since they were neither made by humans nor are they some sort of megafauna with linker cores such as exist on some planets*, yet that technicality is one the Enforcers are being careful not to include in their reports home. They can talk to Tim and Dragon because they went to the Sojourner and helped to repair it. Don't judge them harshly just because you might want more from them than they can give.

*The second series showed Vita fighting worms that would have been at home in Dune. If there are creatures like this out there, and even a tiny percentage have the ability to jump to other worlds to hunt, then presumably the TSAB can help to control them.
Ok so no one who knows about scion and the other entities is talking to the highly advanced spacefaring civilization?

That's not good.
Ok so no one who knows about scion and the other entities is talking to the highly advanced spacefaring civilization?

That's not good.
Only three Not-Us people are left- Eidolon, Legend, and Alexandria. DM, Contessa, Number Man et al are dead.

We've also been to Cauldron's base--or, rather, the formerly smoking crater that is all that's left. We took Alexxandria and Legend there. Alexandria filled us in on the details she knows about the Entities. While we haven't passed that information on to the TSAB on screen, that's something they need to know about so they can keep watch for other Entities settling down in the area, but that is an after-quest issue, that really only matters in whatever the final denouement of the series turns out to be.
Would Epoch's Regenerator Skill work to reverse or reduce any mutations one of Tim's serums might produce? And, presumably with the aid of healing spells, can he regrow limbs and organs if given enough time?
So I assume that Boost Mastery will make Boost spells last longer/be more effective, and Enchant Mastery will increase the time that Enchant spell will last for/increase the strength of the Enchantment. My question is this. If we gave Maclibuin both of these Masteries, would Enchant Mastery improve the number of charges his Create Boosted Artifact could hold while Boost Mastery makes the overall strength of the charges better?
Can Maclibuin work with another mage in ritual to create a Boosted Artifact for one of the other mage's support spells? (Example, does one with Lacey to make a Cover artifact, does one with Epoch for a shield, etc.)
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Would Epoch's Regenerator Skill work to reverse or reduce any mutations one of Tim's serums might produce?
And, presumably with the aid of healing spells, can he regrow limbs and organs if given enough time?
That... would be pushing things
So I assume that Boost Mastery will make Boost spells last longer/be more effective, and Enchant Mastery will increase the time that Enchant spell will last for/increase the strength of the Enchantment. My question is this. If we gave Maclibuin both of these Masteries, would Enchant Mastery improve the number of charges his Create Boosted Artifact could hold while Boost Mastery makes the overall strength of the charges better?
This is an understandable bit of confusion. In Nanoha, Enchant spells aren't actual enchantments like we would first thing. They are spells that give people capabilities they didn't have before, unlike Boosts that improve capabilities the target already has. As an example, giving someone the (temporary) ability to fly would be an Enchant spell.
Can Maclibuin work with another mage in ritual to create a Boosted Artifact for one of the other mage's support spells? (Example, does one with Lacey to make a Cover artifact, does one with Epoch for a shield, etc.)
That's something he would have to play around with.
This is an understandable bit of confusion. In Nanoha, Enchant spells aren't actual enchantments like we would first thing. They are spells that give people capabilities they didn't have before, unlike Boosts that improve capabilities the target already has. As an example, giving someone the (temporary) ability to fly would be an Enchant spell.
Alright, still confused so I'm going to try this again.
Mac's Strike Boost Spell lasts for 45 seconds (I assume Boost Mastery would increase it to 60 seconds), and assuming his Enchant version of it functions the same as the actual spell, will give a normal human the same level of strength he previously possessed.
Create Boosted Artifact allows Maclibuin to store his own spells in the form of an object. The object can be given to a person who can then utilize it even without magic, making it an Enchant spell. The object has limited charges the person can use to cast the spell and stored Boost spells can be used on the user of the item.
If we give Enchant Mastery to Maclibuin, would that increase the number of "charges" he can imbue into an artifact?(Give his gloves five usages of Strike Boost, Standstill can heal multiple moderate injuries, etc.)
If we give Boost Mastery to Maclibuin, would that increase the overall strength or effectiveness of his "charges" that utilize Boost spells? (His gloves punch at greater strength than his previous Brute strength, Epoch's time control can affect non-living things, etc.)
I hope that makes it clearer.
I hope that makes it clearer.
You still don't seem to understand.

Let's get this out of the way first. Create Boosted Artifact IS NOT an Enchant spell. They have nothing to do with each other. An Enchant spell, in Nanoha terminology, is "I cast a spell on you, and now you have this ability for a while when you didn't have it before".

The target of Boost or Enchant spells DO NOT need to have magic innately. It can be random Joe Shmoe off the street for all the spell cares. It'll still work fine.

Create Boosted Artifact stores the effect of a support spell to be used at a later time. People with a charm like this are not casting the spell used in the charm's creation; they are the recipient of it.

If you gave Mac Boost Mastery, the effects he stores in the charms would last longer once activated than they do now because the modification is improving his casting of Boost spells. If you gave him Enchant Mastery, nothing at all would change because he doesn't know any Enchant spells.

After finishing this post, I think I figured out another part of where your confusion may be coming from. It sounds like you think Strike Boost is an "I give you super-strength and super-speed" spell. It is not. It is an "I increase your normal strength and speed to superhuman levels" spell. Boosts like this can only improve some quality the recipient already has. Enchant spells are the "You don't have this ability, and I'm giving it to you" spells.

Strike Boost increases strength and speed and works because everyone has some degree of strength and speed just from being alive.

Soul Wings (an Enchant spell) gives people the ability to fly even though they don't have the natural ability to do so.
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You still don't seem to understand.
Okay, that clears things up immensely. Thank you for the explanation about Create Boosted Artifact. I think since its description says "Enchant an item." It was throwing me off. So since the Artifact is, in your own words, a stored spell effect, would Infusion Mastery have any effect since it's description is "Increases mage's capability with spells that store or transfer mana" since the artifact would store Mac's mana in the form of the selected spell?
Okay, that clears things up immensely. Thank you for the explanation about Create Boosted Artifact. I think since its description says "Enchant an item." It was throwing me off. So since the Artifact is, in your own words, a stored spell effect, would Infusion Mastery have any effect since it's description is "Increases mage's capability with spells that store or transfer mana" since the artifact would store Mac's mana in the form of the selected spell?
Infusion Mastery would make it better, yes.