[ ] Search and rescue – With Wide Area Search, you should be able to keep up with everyone and provide better directions to the rescuers or fly there yourself.
[ ] Stick a sensor sphere on Danny, just to be safe.
[ ] Give the Thinkers all you know about Simurgh's scream. Your immunity to it and how it works. Everything Perfect Storm knows about telepathy, the physical principles, the limitations, the effects, the ways to block it.
Psychic Smasher 3.3.1
You look at Samantha. "Search and rescue?"
"Search and rescue."
The two of you fiddle with your armbands for a moment, giving your names to Dragon's tracking program. It's funny, really; once upon a time, getting to use a gadget made by the world's preeminent Tinker would have been the highlight of your day, but now? It kind of pales to the staff you hold in your hand. The armband is just a bomb and a tracker while your Device taught you how to fly and gave you Samantha and made you immune to the Simurgh….
Come to think of it, that is really important information. You do not intend to die fighting the Simurgh, but there is no way to know for sure. If you do fall, you want the information Perfect Storm has about combating the Simurgh's telepathy to continue on without you. "Actually," you say as you follow Roulette and your dad, "I already have some intel that's really important. Can you point to—"
"See that woman?" You follow Roulette's finger to a slightly dumpy-looking woman sitting in front of three computers. "Talk to Switchboard if you think it's that important."
That was a rather rude brush-off, but you suppose you should cut her a little slack. This is an Endbringer battle, for crying out loud! Everyone's on edge.
Your first impression of the cape's gear is slightly wrong, you decide when you approach. It is not three computers, just one with three fold-out screens and keyboards. It actually makes her 50's style costume look even stranger. While you frame your proposal, Samantha blurts out, "What sort of cape calls herself Switchboard?"
"Someone whose powers let them figure out where information will best be used. You have something for me?"
"A pretty comprehensive document on how the Simurgh's telepathy works, for starters." «You do have something like that, right?»
«Indeed, Mistress.»
"Got it on you?" You shake your head. "Won't be much good to me if I don't have it."
One of the few things Perfect Storm doesn't have is a built-in printer, nor paper to print the information out on. And that's assuming that its knowledge isn't too much to comfortably print. Thankfully for you and the other capes both, the age of the Internet has provided you with a different medium of communication. "Do you have an email address?"
Switchboard finally looks up at you, her blue eyes assessing. "I have one for sensitive documents, sure. Grab some paper and write it down."
"Don't bother. My staff can record it."
"If you're sure." She rattles off a long series of numbers and letters as easily as if she does it every day. She then lifts an eyebrow at you, as if she's surprised that you haven't scurried away with your tale between your legs. She doesn't believe you can do what you said you could do, does she? "Got that, or do I need to repeat it for you?"
Perfect Storm chimes. "We got it. We'll be in touch." You walk out of the building in the direction of the battlefield, Samantha dogging your steps. "Give them what you have on telepathy, Storm."
«How much does Mistress wish relayed?»
"All of it. If this information could make future Simurgh fights easier, it's worth the loss of secrecy." You think for a moment. "Well, maybe not all of it. Science it up a little bit. They won't believe me if I just tell them that I'm doing magic, but if it at least sounds scientific-ish, they should take it more seriously. We can tell them the truth about magic later if we want."
Leaping into the air, you fly for only a few seconds before you start worrying about leaving your dad behind. It wasn't too bad when he had the Privateers backing him up, but they were fighting the Merchants, not an Endbringer, and those other times he was well away from the battle. What if the Simurgh decided to attack the PRT headquarters? You would need to know exactly where he was so Samantha could teleport to him and get him to safety. It's a good thing there's a spell for that, isn't it?
The irregular red orb of Wide Area Search grows at the end of your staff before splitting apart, and now you and your Guardian Beast fly towards the battlefield. You won't be able to use that spell to find anyone nearer the Simurgh, but thankfully you and Samantha can cast it independently and work off the other's mapping data.
Hitting the left hand button, you say, "Dragon, this Calamity Witch. Samantha and I are both coming on S and R. Where do you need us?"
"Welcome to the party!" a woman's voice says after a few second's pause. It doesn't have the accent you would have expected from a Canadian, though, being just a little more Midwestern. "Ursa Aurora. Bird bitch is just toying with us right now, but there's a bunch of civvies hanging around. Get 'em outta here before she fucks 'em up even more."
What?! There are people who are still here?! Didn't they hear the sirens…. Unless the Simurgh landed basically right here, so they never had a chance to run. Not idiotic spectators, then, but families who are by and large helpless. Since you can't drive off the Simurgh, you need to get them away from the battlefield before they're slaughtered like animals.
"…We'll hold the Belks back! Just get the Princess off-world! You know what they'll do to her…"
Even if it does make you the best target.
"Sam, drop W.A.S. I'll take left side of the street, you take right." The Guardian Beast just gives you a nod, her serious expression a perfect complement to your tone. The red globule of Wide Area Search grows between her hands, but you are already flying towards the first apartment building, one with its roof caved in. With the Simurgh in town, you know that Brockton Bay is all but guaranteed to be written off, so surely the owners won't mind that you just blew the door and a good portion of the wall into the living room. Sounds of crying come from down a short hallway and behind a door. Walking over, you slowly open the door.
The man holding the gun watches you pull the smushed bullet out from between your shirt and chest with a sheepish look. "Sorry."
Flicking the crumpled slug at him actually causes him to flinch, which you suppose should make you feel a little better. "Why did you think shooting whomever came through the door was a good idea?"
"It's the Simurgh?"
You try hard not roll your eyes at that and instead focus on the three young children huddled in fear behind their father. "How about we get you away from the Endbringer instead of staying right next to her?"
"We can't. Tyrone broke his leg when the ceiling came down. We're stuck."
«Samantha! Need some help.»
It takes a minute for your Guardian Beast to arrive, but once she does, the plan to get the family out is simple. "Everyone have a good grip?" she asks, checking that the family of four are all holding onto her. The two daughters stare back at her with wide eyes, two hands on her legs and two brushing her bushy tail; the man and his son, on the other hand, are securely latched onto her arms. "Here we go. Three, two…" The familiar spinning triangle appears below her, and then she and her passengers break apart in motes of light.
Good. You lift off the ground just in time for something huge and white to pass overhead, and then the building collapses on top of you.
+2 training to Rust Shooter (2/2 Master).
+1 training to Wide Area Search (2/2 Master).
You can thank zero_traveler for the training points. There are now several "what if" omake on the first post.
No choice this update. Maybe part 2 will get you to a decision point.