Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

god our Vehicles always get beaten to hell, at this rate i feel like we have a curse to have our vehicles always taking the brunt of the damage. Also another instance of our Chapters lack of fellowship probably being a detriment given Gallienus attitude at loss, or he could just be a jerk, both are possible.
Well, on the one hand, these were the really important rolls that were going to determine casualties, so them being less then 2 digits is great, but on the other hand, we lost a chaplain that we desperately need, our armory demises further and further by the day, and we are going to need to fight a new Space pirate that has increased his power by a factor of 4, which can only mean he will wind up being an asset in some way to the eyes of the Mutator.

Sigh, also proves my point about us needing to increase our willpower stat if these are going to be the constant rolls we experience from now on, and we are going to needs to do that Defence check in order to increase BP output if we want to avoid losing more equipment then we gain in a turn.
Did I miss the explanation for how this works, or is this a hidden mechanic we are supposed to understand in full later? Because this combined with no reference to it in the aftermath sounds a lot like we need to be worried about Daemonic corruption in our ranks in the near future.
Corruption is always going to be a problem whenever you face chaos, but it can be detected in time and curtailed, so it´s not an instantaneous thing.
Something that bothers me is that combat mechanics seem to have no way of accounting for numbers. Which skewers it heavily towards heroes and elites.

To illustrate what I mean, look at our dice pool in Seibourc battle. Our Captain gave us 6 dice. The rest of the company, 70+ marines with heavy and special weapons gave us only 4. Meaning that 1 Hero was worth roughly 120 regulars. I could almost make it work with marines, because their heroes do be bullshit, but then we look at guard dice pools and it turns out that mechanics-wise 1 colonel with pistol had as much impact as an entire regiment's worth of infantry with rifles and missile launchers. Or, indeed 15 IFVs. (2 dice for each of groups).

@ThunderOwl, am I missing something, is it working as intended, or is this as bad as it looks?
Numbers and equipment influence in how much successes you need to win the fights. However I do agree that it is rather skewed so I´ll probably have to rework it for turn 7 again. I accept suggestions.
Well, the two ideas I have is to either make large forces more granular (i.e.instead of rolling for entire regiment roll separately for lasgunners, separately for missiles etc, kinda like you did for the orks) or make it so that if the roll represents a large force, which is capable of bringing their numbers to bear, they get to roll multiple times per turn. Or you could combine those approaches.
Hopefully there's a way we can stealthily infiltrate the pirate fleet to kill the admiral and escape letting the remaining captains fight it our for control of the fleet or we can find someone to bribe to sabotage the vessels. (We'll kill the sabotuer of course but we'll give him a headstart because we are that fair and just)
@ThunderOwl If a deployment is cancelled or ends very quickly, like what happened with Hostilius and Falce, can these forces redeploy to another location?

Also, why was it a d6 to determine who is with the rogue admiral, with 5 and 6 being the Imperial Navy? I can understand Chaos Space Marines, random pirates, and Orks as being essentially random events, but why wouldn't the Imperial Navy be present by default like in the previous deployments, given they were hunting him?
@ThunderOwl If a deployment is cancelled or ends very quickly, like what happened with Hostilius and Falce, can these forces redeploy to another location?
Depends. They might appear in a campaign as reinforcements, but not on other deployments
Also, why was it a d6 to determine who is with the rogue admiral, with 5 and 6 being the Imperial Navy? I can understand Chaos Space Marines, random pirates, and Orks as being essentially random events, but why wouldn't the Imperial Navy be present by default like in the previous deployments, given they were hunting him?
Well, space is big, even if it is just a sector, so hunting him isn´t the same as finding him. As to why they weren´t with you from the beginning, it will be explained in the meeting you have with Admiral Adherbal in the action results.
Numbers and equipment influence in how much successes you need to win the fights. However I do agree that it is rather skewed so I´ll probably have to rework it for turn 7 again. I accept suggestions.
A suggestion;

Separate battles into two categories:
Progress (what you're using now)

Progress is handled by Units and Equipment, Objectives are handled by Characters and their Equipment.

Objectives are considered superior to Progress, you can complete an objective and still lose the progress fight though that will make it a pyrrhic victory. On the flip side, winning the progress fight gives a substantial bonus to objectives, so that depending on how well the characters did you can still win the engagement even if they technically failed.

So as an example, that battle with the Burning Wardens would have been separated into an Objective (deep strike in and kill the Nurglite commander and his retinue) and a Progress (breach the fortress). Winning the former and losing the latter is a pyrrhic victory, winning the latter and losing the former is either a success or loss depending on how badly the Objective fight failed.

Then apply damage accordingly.

Should be simple enough to not make too much work for you, since you're not actually rolling and calculating more dice, you're just changing how the dice relate to each other.

Goddamm, we need to outsource vehicle repair. Otherwise that's all we will be doing for the rest of the quest and never move beyond it.
Or buy some small factories from the AdMech we can stick in our chapter fortress.
Maybe we could expand our fortress monastery forges to have a passive vehicle repair/repair feature? And there always needs to be techmarines manning it to be active?
Maybe we could expand our fortress monastery forges to have a passive vehicle repair/repair feature? And there always needs to be techmarines manning it to be active?
That or like Can You Meme said build some factories in our chapter fortress or somewhere on Luctus. I know that in From the Brink they build small forges in their battle barges but I'd prefer building at least some planet side.
we're going to need to pick which forge world we're willing to piss off then.
True. I think the tentative idea was to pick Smilnay since Milan were the ones asking us to assassinate the other dudes.

Also, relevant quote here concerning the building of forges;
Yes, but you need to increase reputation a bit with the mechanicus, and complete the Inspect the fortress monastery defenses action for the master of the keep.
So we'll need to complete a couple of deployment actions and inspect the keep to get some factory work done.
Turn 6 Deployment Results Part 2 (764-768 M41)
Luctus System, Aetelian Sector, 764 M41

Unassigned Squads Perception roll 5d10 (SC 4)= 3, 10, 1 , 1, 4= 0 Successes
Paulus Numerian Perception roll 7d10 (SC 4)= 2, 6, 8, 10, 2, 3, 10= 6 Successes
Tullius Apollodorus Perception roll 5d10 (SC 4)= 2, 6, 8, 5, 4= 2 Successes

Bogdan let out a sigh of relief as he placed the crate of spare parts in the storage. Vadim, who had been carrying alongside him, cracked his neck wiping the sweat off his hands.

"That's the last one I think." Comments Bogdan as they exit the storage, hand drifting to the strap that secures his autogun to his back. They´re safe here in the refuge, but the habits from when they still hid in public, nervously awaiting a visit from Refuge Security or the PDF, died hard. "Wanna go grab a bite in the mess hall?

Vadim laughs, clapping Bogdan´s back. "Sure, all that crate lifting works up an appetite. Besides, you get to use those brand new chompers of yours."

Bogdan runs his tongue through the second jagged line of teeth that has grown behind the first overnight. A mutation like that would have gotten him executed before, but Mother Jolanta had come to him in the morning and told him that this was a proof of the favor of the Gods for him, like the scales on her face or Vadim´s reddish skin.

The smell of stew makes both of their mouths water as they reach the mess hall. Most of their brothers and sisters are here, the only exception being those assigned to guard duty. People eat, sing songs or play card games, smiles and friendly expressions on everyone's faces. There are people from every Refuge in Luctus here, all brought together due to the authorities systematic persecution of the faith of the true gods. Bogdan and Vadim grab a bowl of stew from the pot, the handsome guy manning the pot giving Bogdan an extra piece of bread with a wink, making Vadim laugh as Bogdan fights back a blush. They sit together, eating in silence the hearty meal as the din of people wash over them. Just as they finish their meal, the hall falls into silence, heralding the arrival of Mother Jolanta.

The leader of the Follower of the Four Gods picked the hem of her dress as she stood atop one of the tables, the blue scales on her face shimmering in the fluorescent lights of the room.

"Good evening comrades, I hope that you are all having a nice day." She is answered by a chorus of greetings and affirmative responses. Jolanta smiles, twisting the scales near her lips in a manner that seems almost painful. "Excellent, then I am glad that I can add more good tidings to your day. I´ve been in contact with some sympathetic people in Ubezhishche, who are willing to give us information on the movements of the Stalker Guilds, and divert some equipment and resources for us." The people cheer at the news, and Jolanta waits until they die down before she continues speaking. "The day when we cast the shackles of the Imperium and the hate-filled worship of the Corpse-Emperor draws ever nearer. Every day, more comrades see the truth and join us. We are now hidden away from the scrutiny of their lackeys, where we can bid our time in peace, to grow stronger and better equip until our righteous cause is ready to encompass this whole world and bring it to the worship of the True Gods!" There is a roar of approval at those words, one that Bogdan and Vadim join in enthusiastically.

"What about the Space Marines, Mother Jolanta?" Asks someone in the corner of the room, bringing down the mood immediately. Most of them had seen the Mist Shrikes when they toured the Refuges every five years in search of recruits. Bogdan´s brother had been one of the people they had selected five years ago, and even now he ignores what became of him. Nevertheless, Imperial propaganda couldn´t cease to exalt how deadly and powerful they are, the wrath of their Corpse-God made into flesh and metal. Even if most of what the preachers say is lies, there is something off when you look at them, a shiver in your spine and goosebumps in your skin that warns you of how dangerous they are.

Mother Jolanta doesn´t look worried as she smiles kindly in the direction when the shout came from. "I know that the Space Marines are frightening opponents but fret not, for no matter what the preachers shout in dogmatic ignorance, the "Angels of Death" are capable of seeing the truth of the universe. Do you remember the small group of people that arrived here last month?" Confusing muttering appears at the question, but Bogdan knows the people she is speaking of, having been on guard duty when they arrive. "They allowed me to commune with Space Marines from beyond the stars, those who have embraced the creed of the Architect of Fate, and they have agreed to help us in our struggle. This gives credence to the thought that if they have seen the truth, the Mist Shrikes can also be brought into illumination. And even if they deny our words and keep fighting for the Tyrant of Terra, their cousins shall arrive to cast them down. So have faith comrades, for it may not be in tomorrow, it may not be in the next year or decade, but one day our reckoning shall come!

Capua Intelligence roll 5d10 (SC 2)= 8, 2, 7, 9, 10= 5 Successes
Myrok Kuthil Agility roll 10d10= 4, 5, 4, 3, 10, 8, 10, 9, 8, 6= 8 Successes
Cato Utica Agility rolls 5d10= 9, 3, 6, 9, 9= 4 Successes
Unassigned Marines Agility roll 6d10= 7, 3, 9, 7, 3, 5= 3 Successes

Cultist Sentinels Perception roll 3d10= 1, 6, 3= 0 Successes
Mess hall Cultist Perception roll 3d10= 2, 5, 10= 2 Successes

At that moment, the lights of the mess hall failed, casting the room in complete darkness. There was some confused movement as everyone wonders at the sudden failure of the electricity before some of the people inside pulled out flashlights, Vadim amongst them, illuminating the room again in a different criss-cross of light beams.

"Be calm my comrades. I'm sure that the lights shall be restored soon enough by our companions outside." Mother Jolanta tries to calm people down with those words, but as the time passes the lights do not return. Bogdan looks at Vadim, who returns it with a worried look as both of their hands drift towards their weapons. Some of the people closest to the door grab their own guns and step outside with wary steps. You hear their footsteps fade and then silence returns once more. Ten minutes pass and soon a tapping starts, rhythmically echoing against the walls of the mess hall.

"Guys this isn´t funny!" Someone shouts. Most sensible people, like Bogdan and Vadim, aim their guns at the door. The tapping speeds up and the door opens slightly. None inside can see who or what opens it but they throw a sack inside before closing the door once more. Everyone inside shoots at the door with no vissible effect as it lands in the center of the room with a quiet thud. Mother Jolanta steps down from the table and approaches the sack, opening to reveal the heads of the group that had stepped outside. Those gathered around the sack recoil in horror, just in time for a voice to ring across the room with an inhumanly deep timbre, distorted heavily by static.

"We are NIghtmares made Manifest."

Myrok Kuthil Agility roll 10d10= 9, 5, 7, 2, 10, 10, 5, 3 ,10, 9 =9 Successes
Tullius Apollodorus Agility rolls 5d10= 2, 10, 7, 6, 6 = 5 Successes
Marcus Fretensis Agility roll 5d10= 7, 9, 10, 1, 4= 3 Successes
Unassigned Marines Agility roll 6d10= 9, 4, 7, 8, 1, 5 =2 Successes

Cultist Willpower roll 2-1(Terror in the Dark)=1d10= 4= 0 Succeses
Mother Jolanta Fellowship roll 3d10 (SC 2)= 8, 2, 6= 2 Successes
Mother Jolanta Perception roll 3d10= 1, 2, 2=0 Critical Failure
Cultist Stalkers Perception roll 4d10= 6, 8, 2, 2 =2 Successes
Cultist Perception roll 3d10= 3, 3, 10= 2 Successes

"Was that a Space Marine?" Asks Vadim nervously. The tapping resumes, except this times it seems like there are a huge amount of people outside, banging the walls with great force and making a cacophony that makes it hard to hear anything else. Bogdan watches as the people inside start to panic, shouting in confusion and fear.

"DO NOT BE AFRAID MY COMRADES!!" Shouts Mother Jocasta, struggling to make herself heard over the noise. "WE ARE THE CHOSEN ON THE GODS, AND NO MATTER WHAT LURKS BEHIND THAT DOOR, EVEN SPACE MARINES ARE NOTHING BEFORE THE TRUE GODS!! STAND TALL, STAND PROUD AND KNOW THAT YOU SHALL BE REWARDED FOR DYING IN SACRED MARTYRDOM!" Her words pierce through the panic, the gathered brothers and sisters calming down, Fearful expressions are replaced by resolute frowns, weapons about to fall from slacking hands are grasped instead in tight grips. Vadim and Bogdan stand together, sharing a look of determination before aiming against the door once more. Mother Jocasta pulls a bolt pistol from inside her dress, and also aims it with both hands at the door.

Then a piece of the ceiling above her caves in, and although she manages to move out of the way to avoid it, she doesn´t react fast enough to avoid the Marine that comes down after it. Half a ton of transhuman muscle, bone and armored ceramite land on the woman, and the result is similar to a boot stomping on a bug. Every follower of the true gods looks in horror as the marine stands up from what remains of their leader, idly flicking gore off his boots. A second after, explosions break down the walls, showering everyone in debris as marines rush into the room with guns firing. Bogdan watches impotently as Vadim tries to shoot at the marine at the center, but he unholster his own gun faster than his eye can see and makes his friend's upper torso disappear in a blue flash of plasma, the superheated guts falling out of his lower half. Bogdan falls to the floor and crawls away, his fellows dying like lambs in a slaughterhouse as the marines cut them down without mercy, their return firing bouncing off their foes' power armor or causing incidents of friendly fire. While the defenders outnumber the attackers substantially, those same numbers and the sudden and brutal death of their leader prevents them from mustering an effective response. Bogdan crawl comes to a stop as a powered armored boot flips him onto his back with a light kick that breaks most of his ribs. Bogdan shouts in pain as a bolter is pointed at his face by a marine with a silver leaf on his chestplate.

"Bogdan?" The marine asks with an incredulous tone. The voice is deeper, and the helmet he wears distorts it further, but Bogdan recognizes the speaker as his brother.

"Dragomir?" He asks, a faint hope that he may be able to get out of this nightmare alive. "Brother?"

That hope is quickly smothered when Dragomir removes his helmet, youthful features distorted in a snarl, eyes blazing with a struggle between disgust and hatred.

"Emperor damn you Bogdan. You are no brother of mine." Dragomir spits on his face, and Bogdan screams as the saliva starts eating through his flesh and bone, before the bolter barks and he feels no more.

Tullius Apollodorus Intelligence roll 7d10 (SC 4)= 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3= 0 Successes, Critical Failure.
Tullius Apollodorus Willpower roll 5d10 (SC 2)= 3, 9, 3, 7, 2= 2 Successes
Marcus Fretensis Intelligence roll 7d10 (SC 4)= 5, 4, 2, 10, 10, 5, 9= 5 Successes

After killing all the cultists inside the abandoned refuge, Myrok and the rest of the Mist Shrikes start searching the place for intel that can clue them in on the location of other cultists they might have missed or any supporters they might still have on the planet. The Master of Recruits is currently reading through some parchments strewn about the cult leader quarters, only to drop them once he sees that they are merely fictional writings.

"Master of Recruits, take a look at this." Calls out Fretensis behind him, holding a ledger for him to peruse. It amuses Myrok that after he revealed Marcus' little conspiracy he has a more respectful relationship with the younger marine. Back in the legion, when other marines tried to murder him, it was a much more bitter and deadly affair. Then again, those murder attempts had been due to petty reasons and the conspirator didn't really reconsider his actions. He grabs the ledger and after reading it´s contents the left corner of his lips rises slightly. Written inside is a detailed record of contacts and secondary cult leaders, with their identities, locations and what exactly they contributed to the cult written in extensive detail. He takes note in particular of an entry mentioning "Lord Jiaomo´s heralds." He recognizes the name, a sorcerer that Severus fought years ago also mentioning him as his "Lord", which means that the Chaos Lord of the Eyes of the Mutator are backing cults in Luctus. Before Myrok can comment that aloud the sound of a bolt pistol firing echoes from a nearby room. The Masters of Recruits and the Arsenal run out of the room while drawing their weapons, quickly reaching the origin of the shots at the same time the other marines do. Inside they see Apollodorus with a smoking pistol, paper scraps floating in the air from a shredded book. While the Master of the Watch face is hidden by his faceplate, tension can be clearly seen in how stiff his stance is and the deathgrip on his weapon.

"Tullius, what happened?" Asks Cato as he lowers his own pistol. Tullius takes a deep breath, steadying himself before answering.

"I opened up that book because there was something off with it. The ink must be Warp-based or something to that effect. Images I..I can recall right now flashing before my eyes before I forced myself to react and shot it." He closes his free hand and punches the nearby wall in frustration. "It was stupid on my part to open it, I should have just shot it in the first place."

"It was." Agrees Paulus readily. "But the Arch-enemy is an insidious foe. I would recommend you submit yourself to Falce, to be sure that no taint has wormed itself into your soul."

"I shall do so once we return." Everyone relaxes slightly with Tullius' immediate agreement, and returns to their own search. Soon enough the Mist Shrikes depart the refuge, informing the PDF of it´s location so that they can finish reclaiming it.

.Cultist Refuge found and cleansed, reclaimed by the Luctusian Government.
-Intel on other cultists on the planet forwarded to the PDF.
-Eyes of the Mutator bankrolling Luctusian cults.

Astraeus System, Aetelian Sector, 767 M41.

Are ??? still in the system 1d100= 98. Yes

Battlefield Condition: All clear (No bonuses or maluses)

Mist Shrikes Fleet:

Space Commander: 6th Captain Aelius Catilina (Opportunistic: +10 to attack rolls when targeting ships with a disabled system.)

-Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade
–Speed value: 50
–Attack 1d100
–Hull Points= 200/200HP
–Shield Points= 50/50SP
–Shield Regen= 1d25 per phase

-Strike Cruiser Bird of Prey
–Speed value: 50
–Attack 1d100
–Hull Points= 200/200HP
–Shield Points= 50/50SP
–Shield Regen= 1d25 per phase
Fighter Screen:
-1 Stormbird.
-3 Thunderhawks.

Eyes of the Mutator Fleet:

Commanding Officer: Eyes of the Mutator Champion (Gaze of Tzeench: Rerolls attack dice against his flagship if they reach 95 or higher.)


-Strike Cruiser Glorious Change
–Speed value: 50
–Attack 1d100
–Hull Points= 200/200HP
–Shield Points= 50/50SP
–Shield Regen= 1d25 per phase

-Infidel Raider Escort 1
–Speed value: 75
–Attack 1d40
–Hull Points= 80/80HP
–Shield Points= 20/20SP
–Shield Regen= 1d10 per phase

-Infidel Raider Escort 2
–Speed value: 75
–Attack 1d40
–Hull Points= 80/80HP
–Shield Points= 20/20SP
–Shield Regen= 1d10 per phase

Fighter Screen
-6 Thunderhawks

Strike Cruisers tied in speed. Both Commanders have an Intelligence of 6, So I roll a 1d4 to determine whose strike cruisers attack first. 1-2 EotM go first, 3-4 Mist Shrikes go first


Order of Battle is Infidel Raider 1- Infidel Raider 2-Glorious Change-Shrouded Blade-Bird of Prey


Mist Shrike Successes needed: 10
Eyes of the Mutator Successes needed: 10

Mist Shirke Thunderhawks Ballistic Skill rolls 4d10= 7, 8, 8, 1= 2 Successes
Mist Shrike Stormbird Ballistic Skill rolls 4d10= 8, 3, 7, 2= 2 Successes
Eyes of the Mutator Thunderhawks 1 Ballistic Skill rolls 4d10= 3, 5, 1, 4=0 Successes, Critical Failure
Successes needed increased by 1
Eyes of the Mutator Thunderhawks 2 Ballistic Skill rolls 4d10= 8, 3, 6, 2= 2 Successes

Mist Shrikes= 4/10
Eyes of the Mutator=2/11

Ship Combat:

Infidel Raider 1 Attacks Shrouded Blade

1d40=15. Shrouded Blade shields at 35/50SP

Infidel Raider 2 Attacks Shrouded Blade

1d40= 35. Shrouded Blade shields depleted.

Glorious Change attacks Shrouded Blade

1d100= 25. Shrouded Blade Hull at 175/200
Shrouded Blade attacks Infidel Raider 1

1d100= 44. Infidel Raider 1 Shields disabled. Infidel Raider 1 Hull at 56/80

Bird of Prey attacks Infidel Raider 1

1d100=91 Infidel Raider 1 Destroyed.

Successes needed: 10

Eyes of the Mutator Squad Agility 4d10= 9, 8, 7 1= 2 Successes.

Eyes of the Mutator: 2/10

Aelius Catilina places his hands behind his back as the Shrouded Blade breaks translation and arrives at the Mandeville point in the Astraeus System, the Bird of Prey following close behind.

"Make an Auspex scan of the system." He orders immediately. Seeing as the Administratum had confided this situation to Space Marines, he seriously doubted that the failure to raise contact was due to some mere mishap with the station astropathic choir. In the time it takes for the scan to be completed the two vessels are placed in combat readiness.

"Milord, a Strike Cruiser and two escorts are orbiting the station, IFF codes correspond to those of the Eyes of the Mutator." Reports the serf in charge of the Auspex.

"Contact the Bird of Prey, tell them to focus fire on the escorts first." Orders Catilina. As the ships reach firing range both his forces and those of the enemy launch their Thunderhawks, which start dogfighting as the vessels exchange fire. The leader of the enemy fleet seems to have the same idea of focusing fire on one foe, as both the enemy strike cruiser and its escorts unleash a barrage of lance batteries and macrocannons at his strike cruiser. The Shrouded Blade weathers the onslaught, although the last pass of the enemy weapons makes the ship shake, throwing some of the serfs onto the ground.

"Shields are down milord." Reports one of the serfs, having managed to stay upright by virtue of holding onto his cogitator.

"We've managed to destroy one of their escorts." Reports another, her face bleeding as she rises from the floor."

"Good, focus fire on the other." Replies Catilina. "Coordinate with the Bird of Prey, we´ll maneuver to flank the Strike Cruiser."


Mist Shirke Thunderhawks Ballistic Skill rolls 4d10= 8, 7, 6, 9= 4 Successes
Mist Shrike Stormbird Ballistic Skill rolls 4d10= 5, 7, 9, 8= 3 Successes
Eyes of the Mutator Thunderhawks 1 Ballistic Skill rolls 4d10= 4, 4, 7, 9=2 Successes
Eyes of the Mutator Thunderhawks 2 Ballistic Skill rolls 4d10= 6, 7, 4, 10= 4 Successes

Mist Shrikes= 4+7= 11/10
Eyes of the Mutator=2+6= 8/11

Mist Shrikes win

Ship Combat:

1d25= 14. Shrouded Blade regains 14 SP

Infidel Raider 2 Attacks Shrouded Blade

1d40= 30. Shrouded Blade shields depleted. Shrouded Blade Hull at 159/200.

Glorious Change attacks Shrouded Blade

1d100= 95. Shrouded Blade Hull at 65/200, 1d4=3. Engines Crippled, Speed reduced by Half.

Shrouded Blade attacks Infidel Raider 2

1d100= 85. Infidel Raider 2 Destroyed

Bird of Prey attacks Glorious Change

1d100=75 Glorious Change shields depleted, Glorious Change Hull reduced to 175/200

Eyes of the Mutator Squad Agility 4d10= 5, 4, 8, 5= 1 Success.

Eyes of the Mutator: 3/10

Just in that moment the Infidel Raider accelerates, moving closely towards the Shrouded Blade as if attempting to ram it, firing it´s guns at the same time. The Shrouded Blade moves out of it´s way, only to position itself under another barrage from the Glorious Change. This one catches the Mist Shrike vessel more out of position, and the damages are far more severe. Whole decks of the ship are purged of life as they are vented to the void, thousands of lives lost as whole clans that dwell on the bowels of the ship die crushed by rubble. The engines shudder as the plasma that powers them explodes or otherwise leaks out of the conduits that carry it. Despite this grievous wound that it had just received, its guns still roar, and the escort disappears as macro cannons shred it into scrap metal floating in the void. While it´s fellow Strike Cruiser struggles, the Bird of Prey positions itself, firing into the Eyes of the Mutator ship, killing it´s shields.

Aboard the Shrouded Blade, Aelius grits his teeth, watching the chaos that engulfs his vessel. Most of the bridge crew is dead, the left side of the room on fire as various sevitors spray foam in an attempt to put them out.

He opens a comm to the rest of the marines aboard the vessel. "This is Captain Catilina. Start evacuating the ship." He then moves towards the hololith, which to his relief still functions, and uses it to contact the Bird of Prey. "Sicae, we´re evacuating the Shrouded Blade, be ready to pick any escape pods once the battle ends." He steps back and starts running towards his own escape pod, turning the comms once more. "Captain Catilina to Gunnery decks, status report."

"Master of Ordnance Serino here." Answers a grizzled voice. "All guns are intact Milord, but a lot of wounded are moving towards the deck. Should we abandon the ship?"

"Negative, keep the guns firing. The enemy ship is about to fall, we just need one more volley." Lies Catilina without breaking his stride.

Ship Combat:

1d25= 16. Shrouded Blade regains 16 SP

1d25= 7. Glorious Change regains 7SP

Glorious Change attacks Shrouded Blade

1d100= 99. Shrouded Blade Destroyed

Catilina´s Evacuation 1d100= 90

Techmarine Shukov Evacuation 1d100= 22

6th Company Evacuation 1d100= 88

Bird of Prey attacks Glorious Change

1d100=56 Glorious Change shields depleted, Glorious Change Hull reduced to 126/200

Thunderhawks attack Glorious Change

3d5= 4, 5, 3 Glorious Change hull reduced 114/200

Stormbird attacks Glorious Change

1d10= 8 Glorious Change hull reduced to 106/200

Eyes of the Mutator Squad Agility 4d10= 2, 3, 6, 9= 2 Successes.

Eyes of the Mutator: 5/10

As Catilina reaches the nearest escape pods from the bridge, he realizes that the surviving bridge crew has followed him. He gets inside one of them, and despite briefly considering just ejecting it, he waits until the mortals fill it to capacity before launching it. The pod rushes into the void at great speed, and while Aelius as a Space Marine is unaffected by motion sickness, the common men and women beside him are not so fortunate. A few of them vomit, the young man seated in front of Catilina doing so in the captain's boots. He glares at him from behind his helmet, which the young man seems to notice judging by how he shrinks in itself as he looks at him fearfully.

"Milord, the Shrouded Blade is gone." Comments an older woman in shock as she looks at the escape pod Auspex, diverting the Astartes' attention. The captain of the 6th leans back against his seat before once more opening a comm channel.

"Captain Catilina speaking, the Shrouded Blade has been destroyed. I need a headcount of who has managed to reach an escape pod." No one answers for a few seconds, and the noble-born marine starts thinking that all the marines aboard have gone down with the ship, until the voices of his sergeants start to echo through his helmet.

"6-6 Reporting, no losses."

"6-7 here, all of us are still breathing"

"6-8 still whole Captain."

"6-10 all accounted for. The Lieutenant was with 6-9 and the Techmarine, I think they didn't make it Sir."

The terran grasped tightly the edge of his seat, denting the metal as he worked through his frustration. Those were his men he had lost, and now he could do nothing to avenge them as the drop pod floated through space. The other occupants of the pod wisely kept silent as they all waited for pick up.

Ship Combat:

1d25=6. Glorious Change regains 6 SP

Glorious Change attacks Bird of Prey

1d100= 10. Bird of Prey Shields at 40/50

Bird of Prey attacks Glorious Change

1d100=35 Glorious Change shields depleted, Glorious Change Hull reduced to 77/200 1d3=1 Weapons System crippled, Glorious Change now suffers a -25 to it´s attack rolls.

Thunderhawks attack Glorious Change

3d5= 4, 5, 4 Glorious Change hull reduced 66/200

Stormbird attacks Glorious Change

1d10= 2 Glorious Change hull reduced to 64/200

Eyes of the Mutator Squad Agility 4d10= 10, 5, 8, 10= 5 Successes.

Eyes of the Mutator: 5+5= 10/10

Eyes of the Mutator Squad Succeed in ???.

Return to the ship:

Eyes of the Mutator Squad Thunderhawk Agility roll 4d10=2, 2, 8, 8= 2 Successes
Mist Shrike Stormbird Ballistic Skill roll 4d10= 7, 9, 7, 6= 4 Successes

EofM Thunderhawk destroyed

Ship Combat:

1d25=17. Glorious Change regains 17 SP

1d25=1. Bird of Prey regains 1 SP

Glorious Change attacks Bird of Prey

1d100-25= 35. Bird of Prey Shields reduced to 5/50 SP

Bird of Prey attacks Glorious Change

1d100=100 Gaze of Tzeench activates. Rerolling attack.

1d100=76 Glorious Change shields depleted. Glorious Change hull reduced to 5/200

Thunderhawks attack Glorious change

3d5= 4, 4, 2 Glorious Change destroyed

All the marines in the bridge of the Bird of Prey smirks viciously as they see the Traitor Strike Cruiser take another volley from their armaments. They had seen the Shrouded Blade die and while they knew an evacuation of the members of 6th Company inside had been issued, they ignored how many of them had perished inside the ship. Each impact scored against their foe brought visible satisfaction to the Mist Shrikes watching, and none were more pleased than Karark Zel. The Master of the Forge had been in the Bird of Prey enginarium, only to barge into the strike cruiser's bridge once news of the Shrouded Blade loss had reached him. Watching the Eye of the Mutator lose most of their guns on the left side, he noticed something as their cruiser struggled to rotate in order to keep firing against the Mist Shrikes.

"Why aren't they moving?" He asked aloud, drawing the gazes of everyone in the bridge.

"What do you mean, Master of the Forge?" Asked Sicae, before focusing once more on the ongoing battle. His eyes narrow, before widening in realization. "Wait, I see what you mean. It is strange that they are waiting around the station instead of repositioning." A transmission from one of the aircraft outside comes through.

"This is Stormbird 4, I noticed a Thunderhawk departing the station, giving pursuit." As the minutes pass the exchange turns in favor of those loyal to the Imperium. While the Bird of Prey shields buckle after sustained fire, eventually the other Mist Shrike Strike Cruiser is avenged when the ship of the Eyes of the Mutator shares its same fight. A cheer bursts forth from the lips of everyone watching, which is interrupted by the Stormbird pilot reporting the destruction of the Traitor Thunderhawk.

"Send Squads 3-1 through 3-4 to comb the station, see why the heretics were interested in the place." Orders Falce. "Thunderhawks and Stormbird, locate any escape pods floating around, if it is one of ours, recover it, if it isn´t destroy it."

Aelius Catilina Perception 7d10 (SC 5)= 7, 8, 5, 1, 7, 2, 5= 2 Successes
Karark Zel Perception 8d10 (SC 5)= 6, 3, 3, 9, 7, 4, 4, 1= 2 Successes
3rd Company Perception 5d10 (SC 5)= 4, 2, 2, 3, 9= 1 Success
Karark Zel Intelligence roll 8d10= 3, 3, 1, 2, 6, 4, 3, 10= 1 Success.

After a day, all of the survivors from the Marine contingent of the Shrouded Blade have been found, and a complete reconnaissance of the Station has been made. As such, the officers aboard reconvene in the Bird of Prey, the mood sullen and angry.

"So we don't know what the Eyes of the Mutator were doing here." Asks Catilina, outwardly composed, the slight narrowing on his eyes being the only sign of frustration that he allows himself to show.

Sicae scratches his chin before replying. "They´ve been thorough in obscuring their purpose here. All the inhabitants on the station are dead, records and manifests of the station library or its storage rooms have been destroyed and whatever the Chaos Marines in that Thunderhawk had found was vaporized alongside it."

Aelius mulls the situation over before giving his opinion. "At least the Traitors have been killed to the last, and their plans here foiled, even if we ignore what those were."

"At too high a cost!" Shouts Karark Zel with such fury that the two officers of the 6th wince. "One of our precious vessels has been destroyed, may it´s Machine Spirits rest in the Omnissiahs grace, the Thunderhawks we sent outside all have taken various degrees of damage and one of our MK.VI suits has been lost!"

"We´ve also lost 12 brothers, Master of the Forge." Remarks Catilina pointedly. "Including one of your subordinates."

"I´ve not forgotten that, Captain." Replies the Master of the Forge." And rest assure, when we finally locate the Eyes of the Mutator new homeworld, all those slight will be repaid."

-Fate of Station 989 discovered. Eyes of the Mutator responsable slain.
-Shrouded Blade lost, 1 Thunderhawk gravely damaged, 2 Thunderhawks damaged, 1 Prototype Mark VI power armor lost.
-Techmarine Shukov slain, 11 marines slain. 22 Progenoids recovered

Q.M notes: Here is the brand new space combat system, feedback on it is, as always appreciated. Will update now the informational and the Action Results for turn 6 will come on Friday of everything goes according to plan.
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@ThunderOwl, You have a great quest going, really enjoying it and always a happy day when you update.

I think you need to perhaps think of some balancing around equipment, vehicles and ships being destroyed and the amount of points and actions available to the player base to counteract that destruction.

So far it seems to me we are one a path of constantly 1 step forward, 2 or 3 steps back.
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I think space combat might be improved with some sort of tactics roll to determine if a ship is able to attack its preferred target, or if it has to attack everything in range. It would reduce the tendency for everyone to 100% perfectly focus all their firepower on the optimal ship.
Son of a bitch! Down a Strike Cruiser, down a Techmarine, and with no fucking intel to show for it! I suspected that we'd need to recover data from the station computers which is why Karark Zel with his whopping 8 Intelligence was sent here, but he just couldn't fucking roll right. What a fucking waste.
@ThunderOwl, You have a great quest going, really enjoying it and always a happy day when you update.

I think you need to perhaps think of some balancing around equipment, vehicles and ships being destroyed and the amount of points and actions available to the player base to counteract that destruction.

So far it seems to me we are one a path of constantly 1 step forward, 2 or 3 steps back.

Isn't that the point? The 40th Millennium is dangerous, even a Space Marine Chapter should have to struggle to stay ahead of the ragged edge of attrition, never mind managing to build themselves up.
@ThunderOwl, You have a great quest going, really enjoying it and always a happy day when you update.

I think you need to perhaps think of some balancing around equipment, vehicles and ships being destroyed and the amount of points and actions available to the player base to counteract that destruction.

So far it seems to me we are one a path of constantly 1 step forward, 2 or 3 steps back.
Part of the problem is salvage. I don't know why but it seems like we're not able to recover anything from the enemy after we've finished fighting them.