Loyalty is its own Reward (A Traitor Legion Chapter Master Quest)

We should use both of our favors with the Angels Revenant and Crusader to get them to aid us in the Campaign, heres a force composition:
-both 2nd and 3rd Companies (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6 and 3-1 to 3-6, 6 plasma guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6 and 3-1 to 3-6, 1 heavy flamer to 2-9, 8 combat shotguns for squads 3-7 to 3-8
-squads 10-1,10-2,10-3,10-7,10-8,10-9 with 9th Company command squad
-squads 9-1,9-2,9-3 lead by Liutenant Jónás
-Both Spatha and Domitian
-Severus with honor guard and Dupont
-Chief Librarian Grigori with Ivan Polikhat
-Most of our vehicle pool (please fill in)
-At least 6 ships
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Sad to read about so many ours dying in death watch. Really hope my previous Omake will help them to survive.

Also, sad to read about PDF regiments going choas, but it gave my idea for promised Omake more substance and reason for. Sorry, fir taking so long with writing it, but I fell a little ill.
I'll describe idea here to not forget it. A Space Marine (Vitalevich Mikhail) goes on "vacation" to hunt some criminals and relax from burden of command by helping his homeworld to become a.little cleaner. He discovers what not all members of heretical regiments fled, some secretly returned to their cities-shelters to sabotage and spread misery in the name of their new masters.
But the scariest man he found in thus mess was one who didn't succumb to Choas. It was someone random citizen who looked at carnage and destruction and broke. And laughed.
We should use both of our favors with the Angels Revenant and Crusader to get them to aid us in the Campaign, heres a force composition:
-both 2nd and 3rd Companies (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6 and 3-1 to 3-6, 6 plasma guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6 and 3-1 to 3-6, 1 heavy flamer to 2-9, 8 combat shotguns for squads 3-7 to 3-8
-squads 10-1,10-2,10-3,10-7,10-8,10-9 with 9th Company command squad
-squads 9-1,9-2,9-3 lead by Liutenant Jónás
-Both Spatha and Domitian
-Severus with honor guard and Dupont
-Chief Librarian Grigori with Ivan Polikhat
-Most of our vehicle pool (please fill in)
-At least 6 ships
we cant seperate the command squad from the comapny captain they have to be deployed in the same deployment as him
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I still think we need to throw everything we have bar a single company + 1 strike cruiser at Yerma. Remember, this is the equivalent of a Chapter homeworld, one whose defenders know we are coming.
I still think we need to throw everything we have bar a single company + 1 strike cruiser at Yerma. Remember, this is the equivalent of a Chapter homeworld, one whose defenders know we are coming.
while true that about the defenders your not taking into account our allies we already have the blzing wardens sending a company plus we can cash in our favors with the angels crusader and angels revenant. WE DONT NEED TO SEND EVERYONE, we should send at most 3 full comapnys with the proper vehciles and psykers, plus we still need enough marines to take care of the other deployments in our sector
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[] Plan: Yerma Time
Chapter Master Severus
-Lead your chapter (Choose 3):
--[] Open diplomatic contact.
---[] Dark Paladins
--[] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)
---[] The Planetary Governor of Orellana (Inquire about a one time recruitment of neophytes from Orellana)
–[] Report Giscon Adherbal Crimes. (Choose one)
—[] To the Lord Sector

Master of the Keep (Choose 1 Action)
-[] Choose a new Master of the Keep
Chief Librarian Actions (Choose 1)
-[] Compile Lore about the Warp
Master of the Forge Actions (Choose 3. Production counts towards 1 Action):

-[] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
–[] Assign x3 Power Swords and x2 Storm Shields to Honor Guard. (Power Swords to Mezei, Lubomir and Pugio, Storm Shields to Lepidus and Mezei)
-[] Research Luctusian Refuges.
-[] Finance a Tech-hunting expedition on Luctus
-[] Production: x4 Vindicators (240 BP), x4 Predators (320 BP), x3 Power Swords (15BP), x2 Storm Shields (20 BP). (5 BP Remaining)

Chief Apothecary (Choose 3 Actions)
-[] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
-[] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
-[] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna II (Marrow Eaters) (Autocompletes when taken)
Master of Recruits (Choose 2 Actions)
-[] Train your Chapter
--[] Strength.
--[] Fellowship

-[] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
–[] 2nd Company + Captain Pluvia w/ Command Squad, 3rd Company + Captain Gallienus w/ Command Squad, Spatha & Domitian, Severus + Honor Guard, Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont, 10 Boarding Shields (assign to 2-1), 12 Melta guns (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6, 6 Melta guns to 3-1 to 3-6) 12 Plasma guns ( 6 to 2-1 to 2-5, 3-1 to 3-5) 1 Heavy Flamer (assign to 2-9) 8 Combat shotguns (assign to 3-7 to 3-8) 8 Rhinos, 5 Whirlwinds, 2 Razorbacks, Land Raider Dark Horizon, 1 Predator Tank, Codicier Ivan Polikhat, Master of Sancity Falce (Assigned with Fate Deined), Master of Fleets Hostilsus, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, Captain Secutor w/ Command Squad. Battle Barge Fear of Judgement Strike Cruisers Bird of Prey, Night Terror + all Escorts, 4 Thunderhawks, 10 Stormravens
-[] House Cleaning:
The two Chaos-corrupted Regiments have been found on the Refuge of Skroviste. The PDF is already mobilizing, but this is still a matter for you to personally deal with. Let none survive
–[] 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 10-10, Chief Apothocary Valzadai, Lieutenant Mircio, Unassigned Squad of Veteran Sergeants, Apothocaries in training Feher and Nicolescu
-[] Pillagers and Renegades:
A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
–[] 7th Company (minus squads in other deployments + Captain Logos w/ Command Squad, 10-4, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruisers Luctusian Dusk and Unavoidable Sentence, 4 Thunderhawks, 2 Stormbirds
-[] Blood on the Ziggurat:
A Khornate cult has risen in the Shrine World of Sobek. While the local faithful are still in control of the main cities, the jungle outside and minor settlements have fallen. Retake them before the situation deteriorates
–[] 6th Company (minus squads in other deployments) + Captain Catilina w/Command squad, 10-5,
-[] Call of Innsmouth:
The Fortress world of Fort Dagon is under threat due to a rebellion of the Neandor Abhumans that it uses as slaves. Attempts at crushing the uprising have failed, and so they are asking for assistance.
–[] 10-8, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, 9-1, 9-2, 3-6, 2-6, Lieutenant Csatar, 3 Stormbirds,
-[] Vector of Taint:
After both PDF and Guard Regiments suppressed a few Genestealers uprisings in the Carybdis Subsector, Inquisitorial agents discovered that the insurrections could be tracked to a Merchant consortium from Murus. Purge the source of the corruption at its root.
–[] Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade, 9th Company + Captain Mikhail w/ Command Squad, Techmarines Rozval and Orban, Apothocaries in training Istvan, Codicier Igor Blesk

Alright, here's the finalized version of my plan with deployments fulfilled. Please feel free to give feedback as towards the end I was just sort of throwing notables onto certain deployments. I also remember someone mentioning they wanted our Chief Librarian to not be in any deployments so Grigori isn't deployed but that can change as I was thinking of assigning him to Yerma regardless.
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Prayer from a Son
A sudden idea/Omake/vision born from fever. Episode happening in incoming campaign against the Eyes of Mutator.

Miron was a young Astartes, freshly from his training he was brought to ... Company as reinforcement. A Nowalijki.
Why couldn't he remember the Company number? He despaired again. But there was seemingly nothing in the darkness that surrounded him and slowly devoured his memories and sanity. He would have cried in anguish like a child he once was before Apothecary ministrations, but here in this darkness he had no mouth.

A Laugh rolled around. No doubt the accursed heretic enjoyed his suffering and humiliation.
Now Miron remebered. The jet bikes ambushed his squad, he and his two brothers got separated from the rest of the squad and then heretical sorcerer revealed his presence, paralyzed them with telekinesis and bragged about Book of Lorgar in his possession and how he gonna be torturing them.
And then Miron felt his soul leaving his body and being thrown into the Warp where some indescribable horror immediately catches him and put into this endless darkness.
He already tried to pray for the Emperor, but that didn't helped. The sorcerer just laughed at him from... seemingly everywhere and whispered about chance for freedom. Just to agree to serve him... as a slave.
Miron denied him of course. But he... yes, here, without his enhanced body, just as disembodied soul, he could actually feel fear again. And he feared what this dark Abyss drive him to madness and worse - Doom his soil to eternal Damnation.
But there was one more figure he could pray too. And maybe, He will answer, because legends of his childhood and what he learned as Astartes told him, what Darkness was His Domain.
Miron was a Mist Shrike, a Son of Ravenlord! And his Dadkest Hour he called for his Father!
He was a disembodied soul in the warp, he had neither mouth, nor throat, not lungs, he was surrounded not by air, but by formless warp. And still his wail echoed in spirit.

And, most importantly, HE answered.

There was flutter of wings, a whisper of feathers, a moonlit spark of metal claws... And the Darkness seemingly folded upon itself.
In His claws He held something... a construct made of screams and shadows and blood. A thing that tortured and held him just an indescribable moment before at the sorcerer's behest. Now it was held in the claws/paws/countless limbs/blades like feathers.
Eyes beyond Eyes looked in his soul and found him unworthy.
"You are not mine," said/whispered/proclaimed/cur Ravenlord and his voice was caring of countless birds. The Abyss of darkness was replaced by Abyss of madness and vision of crude stone corridor. "Audacity. Audacity?" The Claws held his soul.
"I am your loyal son," cried Miron without voice without body without blood without sin, yet sinner in the eyes of (his) Father. "I beg/Ipromise/Ipray!" He felt his soul dissipating.
The Ravenlord looked at him with disdain in his evershifting form. And Miron felt what he is crying again.
"Would you give yourself to me? No, would you accept me, truly, as your Father, knowing of all my sins, after all I've done? With all my fallings? Would you let me in? Would you trust me, knowing of dangers of the warp.and such dealings?"
Miron had no mouth, yet he Screamed his agreement. He felt His Presence entering touching using him...

... he came to his senses standing above the body of the sorcerer. His knife glistening with blood. He knew what Ravenlord' spirit has briefly wielded his body as glove to strike at sorcerer and destroy The Book Of Lorgar. His other hand was strangling a suvivng ambusher heretic. His brothers was alive if wounded. He was alive and in his own body. He finished the deed and fell to his knees in prayer to the Primarch.
He didn't knew how he could offend his gene-father, yet he was saved non the less. He couldn't remember entirely what happened and was thankfully for that, he felt a lot of memories will never return to him.
He knew were was a heavy price for the Help he got, he felt a burning of mutation in his own flesh.
Yet he prayed in gratitude for his salvation all the same.

(The idea is born from rhe notion what Corax is fighting Lorgar near constantly and opposing his plans and actions un the warp however he can, while becoming a warp entity in his own right. Also, what there is many copies of Book of Lorgar and often they serve as source of corruption as we could see in DoW2 Chaos Rising. I thought what Eyes of Mutator path to heresy could have started with such Book or what their sorcerer's could obtain such. And then I thought how Corax as warp entity a demigod react to his nephew really praying to him for salvation). The rest is fever speaking)
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[] Plan: Yerma Time
Chapter Master Severus
-Lead your chapter (Choose 3):
--[] Open diplomatic contact.
---[] Dark Paladins
--[] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)
---[] The Planetary Governor of Orellana (Inquire about a one time recruitment of neophytes from Orellana)
–[] Report Giscon Adherbal Crimes. (Choose one)
—[] To the Lord Sector

Master of the Keep (Choose 1 Action)
-[] Choose a new Master of the Keep
Chief Librarian Actions (Choose 1)
-[] Compile Lore about the Warp
Master of the Forge Actions (Choose 3. Production counts towards 1 Action):
-[] Research Luctusian Refuges.
-[] Finance a Tech-hunting expedition on Luctus
-[] Production: x4 Vindicators (240 BP), x4 Predators (320 BP), x3 Power Swords (15BP), x2 Storm Shields (20 BP). (5 BP Remaining)

Chief Apothecary (Choose 3 Actions)
-[] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
-[] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
-[] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna II (Marrow Eaters) (Autocompletes when taken)
Master of Recruits (Choose 2 Actions)
-[] Train your Chapter
--[] Strength.
--[] Fellowship

-[] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
–[] 2nd Company + Captain Pluvia w/ Command Squad, 3rd Company + Captain Gallienus w/ Command Squad, Spatha & Domitian, Severus + Honor Guard, Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont, 12 Melta guns (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6, 6 Melta guns to 3-1 to 3-6) 12 Plasma guns ( 6 to 2-1 to 2-5, 3-1 to 3-5) 1 Heavy Flamer (assign to 2-9) 8 Combat shotguns (assign to 3-7 to 3-8) 8 Rhinos, 5 Whirlwinds, 2 Razorbacks, Land Raider Dark Horizon, 1 Predator Tank, Codicier Ivan Polikhat, Master of Sancity Falce (Assigned with Fate Deined), Master of Fleets Hostilsus, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, Captain Secutor w/ Command Squad. Strike Cruisers Unavoidable Sentence, Bird of Prey, Night Terror + all Escorts
-[] House Cleaning:
The two Chaos-corrupted Regiments have been found on the Refuge of Skroviste. The PDF is already mobilizing, but this is still a matter for you to personally deal with. Let none survive
–[] 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 10-10, Chief Apothocary Valzadai, Lieutenant Mircio, Unassigned Squad of Veteran Sergeants, Apothocaries in training Feher and Nicolescu
-[] Pillagers and Renegades:
A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
–[] 7th Company (minus squads in other deployments + Captain Logos w/ Command Squad, 10-4, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk
-[] Blood on the Ziggurat:
A Khornate cult has risen in the Shrine World of Sobek. While the local faithful are still in control of the main cities, the jungle outside and minor settlements have fallen. Retake them before the situation deteriorates
–[] 6th Company (minus squads in other deployments) + Captain Catilina w/Command squad, 10-5,
-[] Call of Innsmouth:
The Fortress world of Fort Dagon is under threat due to a rebellion of the Neandor Abhumans that it uses as slaves. Attempts at crushing the uprising have failed, and so they are asking for assistance.
–[] 10-8, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, 9-1, 9-2, 3-6, 2-6, Lieutenant Csatar
-[] Vector of Taint:
After both PDF and Guard Regiments suppressed a few Genestealers uprisings in the Carybdis Subsector, Inquisitorial agents discovered that the insurrections could be tracked to a Merchant consortium from Murus. Purge the source of the corruption at its root.
–[] Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade, 9th Company + Captain Mikhail w/ Command Squad, Techmarines Rozval and Orban, Apothocaries in training Istvan, Codicier Igor Blesk

Alright, here's the finalized version of my plan with deployments fulfilled. Please feel free to give feedback as towards the end I was just sort of throwing notables onto certain deployments. I also remember someone mentioning they wanted our Chief Librarian to not be in any deployments so Grigori isn't deployed but that can change as I was thinking of assigning him to Yerma regardless.
a bit of a problem with your plan is Orellena doesnt have a planetary governor, we should go to Acronix if we want new recruits because along with getting new recruits we can also try and get a shipment of suonoium which is the sound absorptibg metal on the planet also we should make some dreadnaught this turn so we have them on hand for both our propehts and our normal marines
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Given that we're within Ultima Segmentum, any OC Necron Dynasty/Tomb World will be "subordinate" of Sautekh Dynasty (and thus Imotekh the Stormlord)?
@Centergg some gramatical errors and I don't think the QM would make this canon, but that doesn't make the concept any less cool. Bonus id Thunder said "yeah, that's pretty dope. Have my canon stamp of approval."
a bit of a problem with your plan is Orellena doesnt have a planetary governor, we should go to Acronix if we want new recruits because along with getting new recruits we can also try and get a shipment of suonoium which is the sound absorptibg metal on the planet also we should make some dreadnaught this turn so we have them on hand for both our propehts and our normal marines
Orellena does have a governor, all Imperial worlds do. Due to its nature as a Feral World, the Governor likely lives in a space station in orbit. We have enough on our plate for research as is, I'm not interested in getting another thing, fancy metal or not, to research. Plus we already went into Favor debt with Smilnay and asking a planet for its fancy metal will probably cost some favors. We are likely going to loose marines this turn if we commit to Yerma, I am more focused on building up our vehicle reserves than building more Dreadnaughts on a 'what if'. We can build more dreadnoughts before Falce's time runs out.
[] plan: start of the Yerma war
-[] Chapter Master Severus
--[] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)

---[] Governor Ulberto Costella (Acronix): Good
----[] ask for a one time 100 Recruits and a permanent basis of shipments of their sound absorbing metal suonoium
--[] Report Giscon Adherbal Crimes. (Choose one)
---[] To the Lord Sector
--[] Open diplomatic contact.
---[] Sons of Antaeus

-[] Master of the Keep
--[] Choose a new Master of the Keep
-[] Chief Librarian
--[] Compile Lore about the Warp
-[] Master of the Forge
--[] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):

---[] Relic Power sword Fate Denied to Captain Pluvia
--[] Investigate the Strange Device of Adapost
--[] Production.

---[] Dreadnought Chassis ("Restored" Contemptor pattern): 80BP/Chassis (reserved for falce ask what weapons he want on it)
---[] Dreadnought Chassis ("Restored" Contemptor pattern): 80BP/Chassis (reserved for Pluvia ask him what weapons he wants on it)
---[] Dreadnought Chassis (Castaferrum pattern): 60BP/Chassis X2
---[] Vindicator x3
---[] Repair vehicles:
----[] 4 Attack Bikes 10BP each
----[] 1 Thunderhawk 25Bp
----[] 1 Stormbird 50BP
-[] Chief Apothecary
--[] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
--[] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
--[] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna II (Marrow Eaters).
-[] Master of Recruits
--[] Train your Chapter
---[] Toughness: 5 300/600
---[] Fellowship: 4 360/500
-[] Deployments:
--[] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
---[] Write-in Dispatch Force: 2nd and 3rd Companies Severus honorguard champion Dupont Master of fleet Hostilius Master of Sanctity Falce Chief-Librarian Grigori Tomb-Champion spatha Squads 10-4 Squad 10-5 Squad 10-6 Squad 10-7 Squad Strike Cruisers Unavoidable Sentence/Bird of Prey Sword-Class Frigates Mind Killer/Steel Haze 5 Thunderhawks 5 Storm Ravens Land Raider Dark Horizon 5 Rhinos 5 Whirlwinds 2 Razorbacks 10 Stalker Bolters 10 Plasma guns 10 Melta guns 10 Lascannons 40 P-Corvus armor 10 extra Missile Launchers
--[] House Cleaning: The two Chaos-corrupted Regiments have been found on the Refuge of Skroviste. The PDF is already mobilizing, but this is still a matter for you to personally deal with. Let none survive
---[] Write-in Dispatch Force: force Leader Myrrok Kuthil all homebound Captains all the sergeants-in-waiting 9th squads 9-6 9-7 6th Squads 6-7 6-5 6-8
‐-[] Pillagers and Renegades: A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
---[] Write-in Dispatch Force: Sword-Class Frigate Necessary Discrepancy Battle Barge Fear of Judgement 5 Stormbirds 5 Storm Ravens
Captain Catilina 6th command squad Codicier Igor Blesk, 6th squads 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-6 6-9 6-10 9th Squads 9-6 9-7 under 9th Lieutenant Csatár 10 Astartes Combat Shotguns 10 Boarding Shields
----[] try to board and take the valuable strike-cruiser for the Chapter
----[] after the Deployment and delievering the Cruiser at luctus try to aid in yerma
--[] Blood on the Ziggurat: A Khornate cult has risen in the Shrine World of Sobek. While the local faithful are still in control of the main cities, the jungle outside and minor settlements have fallen. Retake them before the situation deteriorates
---[] Write-in Dispatch Force: Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk Tomb-Master Domitian
Captain Mikhail 9th command squad Codicier Ivan Squads 9-1 through 9-3 squads 10-1 10-8 under 10th Lieutenant Lanista squads 7-8 through 7-10 under Lieutenant Mircio 6 Stalker Bolters 5 Land Speeders 10 extra Heavy Bolters 1 Predator tank 3 Rhinos 12 Attack Bikes 6 Melta guns 9 Lascannons 3 Thunderhawks
----[] after Deployment try to aid in yerma
--[] Call of Innsmouth: The Fortress world of Fort Dagon is under threat due to a rebellion of the Neandor Abhumans that it uses as slaves. Attempts at crushing the uprising have failed, and so they are asking for assistance.
---[] Write-in Dispatch Force: strike Cruiser Night Terror Captain Secutor 10th command Squad 10th Squads 10-2 10-3 10-9 10-10 10 stalker Bolters P-corvus 22
--[] Vector of Taint: After both PDF and Guard Regiments suppressed a few Genestealers uprisings in the Carybdis Subsector, Inquisitorial agents discovered that the insurrections could be tracked to a Merchant consortium from Murus. Purge the source of the corruption at its root.
---[] Write-in Dispatch Force: Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade Captain Logos 7th command squad 7th squads 7-1 through 7-7 9th squads 9-4 9-5 under 9th Lieutenant Jónás 1 Heavy Flamer 6 Plasma guns 6 Lascannons
----[] after Deployment try to aid in yerma

First time i do a Deployment plan if anybody thinks it is good or something needs to be changed i like to hear it
I know the main focus of the geneseed studies is to improve how long our prophets last, but will we ever get the chance to improve the clarity of the visions? Or will it always be 1d10 for clarity?
[] Plan: Yerma Time
Chapter Master Severus
-Lead your chapter (Choose 3):
--[] Open diplomatic contact.
---[] Dark Paladins
--[] Negotiate with a Planetary Governor (You have to add a write-in specifying what you want to negotiate with them.)
---[] The Planetary Governor of Orellana (Inquire about a one time recruitment of neophytes from Orellana)
–[] Report Giscon Adherbal Crimes. (Choose one)
—[] To the Lord Sector

Master of the Keep (Choose 1 Action)
-[] Choose a new Master of the Keep
Chief Librarian Actions (Choose 1)
-[] Compile Lore about the Warp
Master of the Forge Actions (Choose 3. Production counts towards 1 Action):

-[] Assign Equipment Permanently to a company or character (Free action, can be taken multiple times):
–[] Assign x3 Power Swords and x2 Storm Shields to Honor Guard. (Power Swords to Mezei, Lubomir and Pugio, Storm Shields to Lepidus and Mezei)
-[] Research Luctusian Refuges.
-[] Finance a Tech-hunting expedition on Luctus
-[] Production: x4 Vindicators (240 BP), x4 Predators (320 BP), x3 Power Swords (15BP), x2 Storm Shields (20 BP). (5 BP Remaining)

Chief Apothecary (Choose 3 Actions)
-[] Investigate Mist counter-agents.
-[] Continue on Spatha´s geneseed.
-[] Study examples of Luctusian Fauna II (Marrow Eaters) (Autocompletes when taken)
Master of Recruits (Choose 2 Actions)
-[] Train your Chapter
--[] Strength.
--[] Fellowship

-[] Cleansing of Yerma: You have the location of the system where the Eyes of the Mutator have settled their new homeworld. For three millennia they have plagued this Sector, killing millions in the name of the God of Sorcery and lies. It ends now.
–[] 2nd Company + Captain Pluvia w/ Command Squad, 3rd Company + Captain Gallienus w/ Command Squad, Spatha & Domitian, Severus + Honor Guard, Chapter Champion Bertrand Dupont, 12 Melta guns (assign 6 melta guns to squads 2-1 to 2-6, 6 Melta guns to 3-1 to 3-6) 12 Plasma guns ( 6 to 2-1 to 2-5, 3-1 to 3-5) 1 Heavy Flamer (assign to 2-9) 8 Combat shotguns (assign to 3-7 to 3-8) 8 Rhinos, 5 Whirlwinds, 2 Razorbacks, Land Raider Dark Horizon, 1 Predator Tank, Codicier Ivan Polikhat, Master of Sancity Falce (Assigned with Fate Deined), Master of Fleets Hostilsus, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, Captain Secutor w/ Command Squad. Strike Cruisers Unavoidable Sentence, Bird of Prey, Night Terror + all Escorts, 4 Thunderhawks, 10 Stormravens
-[] House Cleaning:
The two Chaos-corrupted Regiments have been found on the Refuge of Skroviste. The PDF is already mobilizing, but this is still a matter for you to personally deal with. Let none survive
–[] 6-1, 6-2, 7-1, 7-2, 10-10, Chief Apothocary Valzadai, Lieutenant Mircio, Unassigned Squad of Veteran Sergeants, Apothocaries in training Feher and Nicolescu
-[] Pillagers and Renegades:
A Strike Cruiser of Renegade Astartes has been raiding ordnance convoys destined for the Imperial Guard. Assist the Navy in destroying this threat before they can become more dangerous.
–[] 7th Company (minus squads in other deployments + Captain Logos w/ Command Squad, 10-4, Battle Barge Fear of Judgement, Strike Cruiser Luctusian Dusk, 4 Thunderhawks, 2 Stormbirds
-[] Blood on the Ziggurat:
A Khornate cult has risen in the Shrine World of Sobek. While the local faithful are still in control of the main cities, the jungle outside and minor settlements have fallen. Retake them before the situation deteriorates
–[] 6th Company (minus squads in other deployments) + Captain Catilina w/Command squad, 10-5,
-[] Call of Innsmouth:
The Fortress world of Fort Dagon is under threat due to a rebellion of the Neandor Abhumans that it uses as slaves. Attempts at crushing the uprising have failed, and so they are asking for assistance.
–[] 10-8, Master of Recruits Myrok Kuthil, 9-1, 9-2, 3-6, 2-6, Lieutenant Csatar, 3 Stormbirds,
-[] Vector of Taint:
After both PDF and Guard Regiments suppressed a few Genestealers uprisings in the Carybdis Subsector, Inquisitorial agents discovered that the insurrections could be tracked to a Merchant consortium from Murus. Purge the source of the corruption at its root.
–[] Strike Cruiser Shrouded Blade, 9th Company + Captain Mikhail w/ Command Squad, Techmarines Rozval and Orban, Apothocaries in training Istvan, Codicier Igor Blesk

Alright, here's the finalized version of my plan with deployments fulfilled. Please feel free to give feedback as towards the end I was just sort of throwing notables onto certain deployments. I also remember someone mentioning they wanted our Chief Librarian to not be in any deployments so Grigori isn't deployed but that can change as I was thinking of assigning him to Yerma regardless.

I like the plan mostly but there are a few things I would change and add

-We should switch the Unavoidable Sentence with the Fear of Judgement. Theres going to be heavy fighting in space and I would like to have our beefiest ship in the Campaign

-Orellana doesn't have a planetary govenor (if I know correctly) so we should ask the Lord Sector if we can have it as a secondary recruitment world

-if we can negotiate with a planetary govenor we should ask either Faisal for a one time recruitment or Acronix for a one time recruitment AND the sound absorvers.

-I forgot to write in the 10 boarding shields for 2-1 when I wrote the concept deployment, can you please add them
I like the plan mostly but there are a few things I would change and add

-We should switch the Unavoidable Sentence with the Fear of Judgement. Theres going to be heavy fighting in space and I would like to have our beefiest ship in the Campaign

-Orellana doesn't have a planetary govenor (if I know correctly) so we should ask the Lord Sector if we can have it as a secondary recruitment world

-if we can negotiate with a planetary govenor we should ask either Faisal for a one time recruitment or Acronix for a one time recruitment AND the sound absorvers.

-I forgot to write in the 10 boarding shields for 2-1 when I wrote the concept deployment, can you please add them
1. Sure, not a big deal. I put Fear of Judgement on the Renegade Astartes to increase our chances of capturing that Strike Cruiser of theirs, besides, we'll have plenty of allies coming with us. I think we should be fine.

2. All Imperial Worlds have governors, its likely that Orellana has a governor in a space station in orbit. @ThunderOwl Orellana has a governor right? Are they in the space station mentioned in the opening posts of the quest?

3. So long as we are recruiting from either a Feudal, Feral or Death World, I will be content but let's run it by ThunderOwl before I switch it up. Also, I really don't have much interest in grabbing another research option when we have plenty of things to research as it is. The fancy metal from Acronix will still be there in the future turns. If anything, we are just going to get the metal and then not research it for awhile.

4. Sure thing, I can add that now.
I really tgink that sending only ~300 astartes is really underestimating the difficulty of the yerma campaign.
Unfortunately, we really are tight on manpower. Roughly 300 marines is pretty good when we've got confirmation that the Blazing Wardens will send at least a company, and we're cashing in the Major Favors with the Angels Crusader and Angels Revenent so at the minimum, we'll hopefully have 500~ marines, plus navy support, guard support, support from Smilnay and hopefully help from the Order of the Thorned Spear.
Unfortunately, we really are tight on manpower. Roughly 300 marines is pretty good when we've got confirmation that the Blazing Wardens will send at least a company, and we're cashing in the Major Favors with the Angels Crusader and Angels Revenent so at the minimum, we'll hopefully have 500~ marines, plus navy support, guard support, support from Smilnay and hopefully help from the Order of the Thorned Spear.
Is there plans to cash in the favor for the dark angel successor chapter? I don't remember that being proposed yet.
Is there plans to cash in the favor for the dark angel successor chapter? I don't remember that being proposed yet.
I've made mentions of cashing in favors with the dark angels successor and the angels revenant. We'll get a chance to call for aid just like the Lezoan campaign and that's where we can cash in the favors.
I've made mentions of cashing in favors with the dark angels successor and the angels revenant. We'll get a chance to call for aid just like the Lezoan campaign and that's where we can cash in the favors.
Ok so long as it's done that'll be good for the campaign. I didn't see that last turn to my confusion and I remember this turn is the last for preparations to go get more help against the Mutators. Or did I misremember?
Ok so long as it's done that'll be good for the campaign. I didn't see that last turn to my confusion and I remember this turn is the last for preparations to go get more help against the Mutators. Or did I misremember?
I think you are misremebering. Turn 12 is the deadline for when the Inquisition wants us to go after the Mutators, any more delaying after turn 12 will result in them loosing relations with us. Personally, I agree with that as I don't want them to build up anymore since we have confirmation from Falce's visions that they've improved their defenses in orbit, and put up a barrier that prevents us from drop podding in and forces us to use transports. Orbital bombardment is also not going to work until we destroy that enchantment.
I think you are misremebering. Turn 12 is the deadline for when the Inquisition wants us to go after the Mutators, any more delaying after turn 12 will result in them loosing relations with us. Personally, I agree with that as I don't want them to build up anymore since we have confirmation from Falce's visions that they've improved their defenses in orbit, and put up a barrier that prevents us from drop podding in and forces us to use transports. Orbital bombardment is also not going to work until we destroy that enchantment.
I think it's more of misunderstanding how the preparation works.

So last turn it was asking the forge world and the Blazing Wardens for help.

I then automatically assumed that Severus is the go to figure to go expend favors, get them or owe others.

So this turn I don't believe I saw plans to go see the other chapters that to that effect unless the favor can be expended when the mutator campaign is initiated with the forces sent there where the option to ask for more support is presented.
I think it's more of misunderstanding how the preparation works.

So last turn it was asking the forge world and the Blazing Wardens for help.

I then automatically assumed that Severus is the go to figure to go expend favors, get them or owe others.

So this turn I don't believe I saw plans to go see the other chapters that to that effect unless the favor can be expended when the mutator campaign is initiated with the forces sent there where the option to ask for more support is presented.
Yes, and I am telling you that like in the Lezo campaign, we will have a moment to expend the favors that are owed to us. When we first initiate the campaign, there will be a short update. In that update, we can call for aid, which will be where we cash in our favors with the Angels Crusader, Angels Revenant, etc. Not only that but we can call in the people we've talked with as we built up to the Yerma campaign. We do not owe these people favors because we talked to them ahead of time, and we will expend favors owed to us for help from the other space marine chapters.