Relic Weapons and Armor+Tailsmens/trinkets.
Relic Weapon's/armor's: These weapons are created by the God Dracul, as some of his first acts after he had become a Intermediate god on malleus. These tools of war are like that of the Daemon-Weapons of chaos, but rather then bind a unwilling spirit of chaos, malice, and utter hatred the spirit is born WITHIN the weapon during its conception. Thus the weapon and Order Daemon within it are one and the same being. This allows the Relic Weapons (by definition, anything like hammers, spears, swords, shields, maces, lances, even bows could become relic weapons), to act the same as a Daemon weapon, though much more willing to bond with its bearers provided they pass a sort of test of might, soul, and will. Each test is always different per a weapon. Some might be equivalent of fetch quests, either simple, complex, or hideously complex that is actually simple, or simple that becomes hideously complex. How the spirits can tell about how a quest is done or what kind of quest is needed is unknown to mortal-kind...though those that are informed are sworn to secrecy by their very blades that now bind them in the mortal realm.
This leads to the point where after a set period of time, provided that the mortal who has these relic tools does not perish against chaos, forces of destruction, or to simple time or accidents, can become what could be a lesser to intermediate spirit. A being more of the sea of souls and akin to a resident then a mortal in the material realm. This is the price the wielder must pay in service to their god and to the Relic Weapon/Armor's maker. The service itself can last for however long both the mortal champion (for only few are ever given these weapons, and almost always they are the champions and lords of the Forces of Order) and the God/Relic Weapon agree upon. Either service in life or in death, the price is always paid in full, even if the mortal casts aside the weapon (though not without consequences, as the penalty is ALWASY harsher for those that break the pact between them.)
Relic Weapons/Armor can be usually found again on Mortal champions of the material realm, though the immortal warlords and champions in the warp have been known to carry these tools of war within their service, and at times award them for a service well done or by a fair bargain between them and a representative in the mortal realm. (As always in such transactions, once the task is complete the tool is whisked away back into the armory and returns to the service of the one who originally held it.)
Forging Process: The creation of such tools is not one for the faint of heart, or the fact that intermediate gods have a harder time making such things rather then the greater gods (chaos gods), this means each Relic Weapon/armor must be crafted to the highest degree possible by the makers, usually from only the best material and tools available...though rarely does a mortal weapon gain enough "History" or rather "Narrative Weight" in the material realm that it becomes a reality in the immaterial realm, however such weapons and armor is rare to behold and has happened in such few times one could count them on one hand with fingers left over!
however, as the realm of Dracul expands and his reach ever grows larger, more and more of these weapons can become a reality...though it is difficult.
For each Order God, the process of making a Relic Weapon/Armor is always different depending on the nature of the god in question. From what little we know, Dracul's process is one of the few that is barely even known about, much less even talked about by the champions both mortal and immortal. For starters, 6 of the mightest emperor dragons within Dracul's realm, each governing over a specific wind of magic compile their power together in the Realm of the Dream, where this is the Heart of Dracul's power. Then as the compiling winds gather together, multiple spell-casters unleash the final two winds as a aid to the entire scenario, while great smiths constantly pound with terrifying hammers at a constant rate that makes one wonder if it is but one long strike rather then multiple repeated ones. This shaping then is quenched with a single drop of Dracul's blood that binds a new spirit into the weapon as it is given which case the Relic Weapon then decides upon its own shape and being.
Then once the spirit has taken its most preferred shape, it then is given a name and is refined under the weight of divinity of Dracul as his full authority is unleashed upon the weapon/armor. This allows a "Imprint" of sort, though the true process may never be known, such imprints allows the weapon to remain connected to Dracul, so that it may never be corrupted against its maker's. Once complete, the Relic is then taken to a "Vault", where it is stored until the chosen champion is elevated to a high enough rank to receive it.
However while the Daemon tool's of chaos are powerful, the Relic versions are often quite weak in comparison to their enemies, not because of the weakness of their makers mind you dear reader. But because unlike the tools of chaos, the Relic versions grow from their stories. Each narratively important event in the grand tapestry of the world and advances the plans and reputation of their god-maker/wielder allows them to slowly gain strength through sheer potential rather then instant victory.
this means each campion who has been given a Relic Tool has EARNED the right to be called a champion, and has not only the skill necessary to wield their Relic weapon/armor, but also know the complete in's and out's of their Relic tools powers. Allowing them to stand a far greater chance against champions of Chaos and win. This has been proven many times after the crisis of the end times. Where the forces of chaos were not only held back by these champions, but were able to establish breech heads into the realm of chaos connecting the polar regions of the world. Allowing for great acts of sorcery and rune-craft to slowly and carefully peel back the touch of chaos from those lands and purify them.
It is by these mighty tools the full potential of Order's champions and heralds that the armies of chaos were kept at bay until the final battle between the Ever-chosen of Chaos and the Ever-Herald of Order.
(more on the Ever-Herald of Order at a later date)
Tailsmen+Trinkets: With all these tools one must wonder why would the Order Gods create Talisman's and Trinkets the same way they have created Relic Weapon/armor? Well dear reader, it is for simple use of utility, as well as a test-bed for newer ideas. Such things as the Talisman and trinkets like rings, necklaces, and other jewelry are often made to be either one-shot items or short-lived creations that have a temporarily spirit or essence of Order Daemon that had been faithfully and truly bargained with. These can have numerous ranges from simple healing, to grand cataclysmic spells that can devestate entire armies. However such tools are rarely similar to that of the Relic Weapons given out without great need. At least, the more powerful and permanent ones at least...
Such trinket's and temporarily tools are more designed to give the wielder a small bit of respite against the foe they are facing, either to get away and live to fight another day, or to look for that one weakness that would allow victory to happen. Sometimes it can even invoke warding's that can repel the cruelest magics and return them unto their casters...
More on such things in later chapters...