Glad to see you back man. Anyone wants to eat this demon king for food?
I would seriously recommend not doing that.


this being is basically our drachen, and fighting it is going to be a deathmatch, only one is walking away...the only *GOOD* news about this shitshow is that its not made from dragon-kinds murder...only the murder the drauginir...basiclly the only way it can become a chaos god by my own thought is that if anath kills our avatar...which case well fucking done you bitch, you just made chaos *WORSE* not that she cares.

honestly, the dark eldar's pantheon needs to go, because they are all LOL EEEEEVVVVUUULLLL...
She most likely more sane then the other two, and forcing them to fight Chaos means they are forced to play the great game. Unless you have another idea to prepare another god willing to try to join this shit show.
Sane and Arianka do not go together. The other two are sanish but still insane her she is bat shit insane. It's like she's a combo of joker, harley, and esdeath insane lvl taken to 100.
Sane and Arianka do not go together. The other two are sanish but still insane her she is bat shit insane. It's like she's a combo of joker, harley, and esdeath insane lvl taken to 100.
Am I forgetting who she is? Given she is the one trapped in a coffin. Unless I am thinking of another, I mean would you rather Malice might start shit. Because a new Chaos might wake/activate Malice.
Am I forgetting who she is? Given she is the one trapped in a coffin. Unless I am thinking of another, I mean would you rather Malice might start shit. Because a new Chaos might wake/activate Malice.
Ok we are talking of 2 different goddesses then my bad. The coffin girl can work if we can fix her mind. Though Malice is a maybe since double edge sword on that one. What about the law goddess that's the math one? I forget her name but she has angels if I remember right.
eh the gods of law can be munched...but in all reality, not a great idea as those guys are the same as the chaos gods...just opposite spectrum.
The idea is throw them at the problem and kill the one who stands.

they are kind of weak at the moment, being in the turf where the chaos gods reign supreme and such...and probably not a good idea to unleash more genies in a bottle to throw at our enemies when we have enough problems on our hands rather then letting law and chaos get stronger and far worse...
i mean we got what 5 turns before the fucking imperial tyrant arrives? And we just got a fucking daemon-king on our ass now...thats just great...not to mention Hashut and the Horned rat are both going to be trying to gun us down and we havent been able to do SHIT about the skaven-holds in our area.
hell the black pit is open knowledge its a fucking skaven-hole as well as shit-fest of fucking evil crap, honestly suprised we havent tried to seal that up or deal with it.
This is bad, very very bad. The only other example of a Daemon King in Warhammer lore was powerful enough to challenge Tzeentch, and actually caused a civil war between his Daemons. Heck, that Daemon King was powerful enough to have its own Daemons!
Omake: The Palace of the Dragon 11

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 9:59 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus.

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Palace of the Dragon is a misleading title. Instead of a single standing stronghold it covers the entire realm. A truly vast realm of seemingly never ending lands and terrors. The actual stronghold is immense in terms of scale. The various biomes for lack of a better way of putting it being extremely diverse. Ranging from the vast halls packed with dark lore to volcanic wastelands. All the while space is warped to allow rapid travel and impossible geography while maintaining the sheer scale of it. Various vast monuments rise up from the ground and deep beneath it. Existing in impossible places and being material where there should be none. Each part of the Dragons vast machine and serving a valuable role for it. Helping it to bring the galaxy that much closer to being totally under the dark gods reign.

The Steel: The vile works of the dragon are many fold. The manipulation of the flesh into horrendous monsters of the Undead variety. The mechanical monstrosities that march forth from dark factories. And of course the cybernetic fusion of biology and technology in mockery of the red priests. That last one is what the steel represents.

A massive facility, partially underground, in the middle of the forest, somewhere above the Dungeon. Filled with all kinds of strange machinery, it always seems to be buzzing with activity. Here souls are dragged to meet a horrible fate. This is in fact one of the chief destinations for those unfortunates brought in from the docks. Dragged screaming to a gruesome future.

This is where the beginnings of many monstrous ideas are born. Vast arrays of tools and machines going about their gristly work. Everything from high precision saw blades to eye gorers can be found here. Molds and vast collections of meat hooks hang from the ceiling. All waiting for their next victim.

Here souls are subjected to forced modifications. Organs surgically removed and replaced with power sources. Limbs discarded and weapons fused to the bones. Eyes gouged out and replaced with sensors. Metal overlord underneath the skin. Ethereal flesh cut, torn, and sliced in every way imaginable. Here the many monstrosities of the Necrosurgeons are born.

This place serves as a neutral workshop for the servants of the Dragon. A place where daemonic and mortal minions can experiment freely if they earn the privilege. This usually comes at the cost of a regular tithe of souls or planet conquered. Here many other monstrosities are built to defend the dark realm. Acting as guards and regularly patrolling.

Here the daemon known as the Dollmaker resides. Endlessly experimenting and overseeing the work of others. All dedicated to finding a new kind of servant for its master. A task it is quite effective at.

@Alucard Vampiry
This is bad, very very bad. The only other example of a Daemon King in Warhammer lore was powerful enough to challenge Tzeentch, and actually caused a civil war between his Daemons. Heck, that Daemon King was powerful enough to have its own Daemons!

and this one was made by the four chaos gods...meaning its ungodly powerful.
@Alucard Vampiry i think making a daemon king was a bad mistake by the four, now that it's absolutely focused on murdering us, does that mean it will slaughter anyone who gets in its way? (Chaos or otherwise?) if it decides they are trying to take its prey?
@Alucard Vampiry i think making a daemon king was a bad mistake by the four, now that it's absolutely focused on murdering us, does that mean it will slaughter anyone who gets in its way? (Chaos or otherwise?) if it decides they are trying to take its prey?
One must understand that Ranath was already a Daemon King by birth. The only thing the chaos gods did was to wake him up faster than he normally would have, and also Ranath is not going to immediately gun down for you, for one striking you in your domain is a horrible idea because he is going to be whittled down (but not killed) by your Unborn servants and Dragons that achieved a transcendent state of being, the best option for him is to settle for a one-v-one deathmatch. And even in the first scenario, Dracul's victory is not completely guaranteed he just has better chances.

Also about him murdering everything between him and Dracul... yes and no, he could work with the forces of chaos (or other residents of the warp) as long as he is the one that murders Dracul and no one else. He will attack if he sees that someone is trying to steal his 'prey' from him.
Omake: The Palace of the Dragon 12

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:06 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus.

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Palace of the Dragon is a misleading title. Instead of a single standing stronghold it covers the entire realm. A truly vast realm of seemingly never ending lands and terrors. The actual stronghold is immense in terms of scale. The various biomes for lack of a better way of putting it being extremely diverse. Ranging from the vast halls packed with dark lore to volcanic wastelands. All the while space is warped to allow rapid travel and impossible geography while maintaining the sheer scale of it. Various vast monuments rise up from the ground and deep beneath it. Existing in impossible places and being material where there should be none. Each part of the Dragons vast machine and serving a valuable role for it. Helping it to bring the galaxy that much closer to being totally under the dark gods reign.

The Pits: A vast series of tunnels and holes deep under the Palace and not far from the teel. These tunnels are non Euclidean in terms of form. Branching and weaving through the depths of the earth on all directions. Interspersed among them are vast caverns that do not match with their outside dimensions. Directions have no meaning down here. Up can become down and back can become forward at a moments notice. You often find yourself back where you started without reason. Some are crude tunnels of stone and others become elaborate corridors finely carved from the rock. Trying to map this place is an exercise in futility.

Much of it is overgrown with strange fungi and entirely less sensible organisms thriving within that give off eerie glows. Alongside the twisted growths sit many small runes embedded in the rock. Glowing with their own fel light at random intervals. Small channels contain exotic fluids leading elsewhere. Elsewhere jagged spires of multicolor crystal arch from every direction from the walls. All of it maddening to look at for too long.

Here souls are brought from the docks. Many of them dragged kicking and thrashing into the depths never to see natural light again. At least not as they were. Here they are subjected to dark magics and mutagenic substances. Their minds disappear and their flesh warps under its influence. Eventually they are nothing resembling what they once were. Now little more than crazed beasts of horrendous form. All slavishly devoted to the dark god and the daemon who changed them.

Another purpose of this place is to create expendable forces. Both to guard the dark realm and provide extra troops to be used wherever needed in the mortal realm. Summoned forth by ritual to wreak havoc.

I have already spoken of the daemon that resides here. The Pit Lord goes about his twisted work with a dark glee.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Omake: Miscellaneous Technologies 11

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:17 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Space Cities: Space Cities are massive orbital or deep space constructs capable of colonizing space itself, allowing for a strategic or civilian presence to exist where a planetary colony is impossible. In essence an upscaled star station or metropolis that is placed in void conditions. A space city is often built with a narrow set of functions in mind, but can be built with a wide range of options and additional features to make it suit whatever the environment or circumstances demand. The location it is placed in is unsurprisingly based of its purpose in the plans of the Undead. These locations range from sitting in deep space between star systems to orbiting in asteroid belts.

The core of a space city is its central hub, a large armored spherical station section with a hollow interior from which the commands are relayed across the construction. Meanwhile the outer layers are where a number of docking bays allows for easy loading and unloading of cargo in a micro gravity environment while offering protection to docked ships from outside threats. In addition to docks capable of servicing a wide range of ships from the Undead fleets, the central hub provides a basic level of defensive features. These security measures include a wing of fighter bays and swarm drone bays in addition to enough weapon hard points to fend off would-be pirates or other small attacks, and enough interior room for operations such as refits and repairs to occur.

Making up the middle section of the star city you can find the hub. The hub contains a number of available open areas for expansion, allowing for up to on average six additional wards to be built and developed with more modules, weapon hard points, and other features as needed. Each ward is itself an entire district in its own right, with its own subsystems, life support, weapon systems, and living space for the staff onboard.

These stations serve multiple purposes in the Dragons plans. One could be used for harvesting vast amounts of valuable gases from a gas giant. Another could be used for the role extracting material from asteroid belts. Another still would be research and development of potentially volatile experiments. Along with several other possibilities.

These stations are of course far from defenseless. They are often guarded by multiple Undead vessels. This is in additional to large groups of attack craft and long range weapons. The hull is heavily laced with rune and sorcerous crystals to mark it far more durable. Dedicated ritual rooms serve to amplify the powers of defending witches. Meanwhile within waves of guardians and security barriers within prevent boarding actions.

When one of these stations has served its purpose and is no longer useful it is dismantled and recycled for use elsewhere. Or converted into another form.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Omake: Miscellaneous Technologies 12

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:24 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Star Citadel: One of the multiple variations of the Space Cities. This one being intended to aid in the Undead's war efforts. A powerful and purpose built military facility dedicated to force projection and rapid repair and resupply of military ships. This is one of the main methods for the Undead vessels to resupply when far from their own strongholds. Same for when operating separately from their proper fleets and the mobile factories that travel with them.

The hub of this facility is reinforced and heavily armored. The hull is heavily laced with rune and sorcerous crystals to mark it far more durable. Dedicated ritual rooms serve to amplify the powers of defending witches. Meanwhile within waves of guardians and security barriers within prevent boarding actions. Long range weaponry and automated turrets of all kinds guard against all angles of approach. Groups of autonomous drones and escorts also act to defend the installation at all time.

Typically these installations are placed around planets close to the frontlines of the war theatres. Often this is a newly developed planet that the Undead have recently claimed and are converting or is one that is likely to come under siege by other forces. Alternatively it could be placed in an area where patrols would be able to frequently come to it for maintenance. They often orbit gas giants in the latter case.

These facilities unsurprisingly are heavily fortified with all manner of sorcerous enchantments to make them harder to bring down. There are vast runic arrays covering the armor of the hull to make it significantly harder for the hill to be damaged in anyway. Other arrays act as coolant for weapons allowing them to fire faster and more often. More still act as a way to allow coordination of forces around the station and within it.

Various sorcerous crystals fulfill numerous functions in the station as well. Some act as extra reinforcement for the hull and enhancing the properties of nearby metals. More still act as support for various internal systems within. One being the flow of various fluids within it and the atmosphere as well. Another still being used to enhance various methods by providing a stream of sorcerous energy.

The most concerning of these being a powerful regenerative ability. This being fueled by multiple hextech power sources and the crystals. With this the station gains the ability to repair all manner of damage. Armor twists back into pristine condition. Weapons adjust back into proper position. Pipes and wires settle back into their places. It makes the whole thing much harder to break even in the midst of battle.

When one of these stations has served its purpose and is no longer useful it is dismantled and recycled for use elsewhere. Or converted into another form.

@Alucard Vampiry
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@Ancient One what about star fortresses or I think its called star bellows, it's where it pulls stuff from the star with out damaging it. Another idea for the palace is finding the resting place of souls loyal to the dragon.
@Ancient One what about star fortresses or I think its called star bellows, it's where it pulls stuff from the star with out damaging it. Another idea for the palace is finding the resting place of souls loyal to the dragon.

Yup he resting place is elysium, and dracul wouldn't allow a inquisitor there at all.

As for the star fortress or star bellows, rare tech but terrifying to watch and see.
Yup he resting place is elysium, and dracul wouldn't allow a inquisitor there at all.

As for the star fortress or star bellows, rare tech but terrifying to watch and see.
I meant as a passing glimpse not acutely finding it. You know like he's describing another place and happens to find ether a glimpse or info left perpasly to intice people to look for it as a trap. Dracul would do that like with trapping or self destructing old dragon nests.
Omake: Miscellaneous Technologies 13

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:29 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Databiter: This wicked creation is something truly vile to behold. The techno-sorcery wielded by these machines is something truly evil, something that all Imperial factions particularly despise when combating the more mechanical Undead. These mechanical creations have shown themselves to be a bane to all things electronic. The Adeptus Mechanicus have developed many countermeasures of varying success to nullify the threat they pose to the Imperium's war machine. Though they remain a persistent problem across the board as the Necrotects adapt their methods and mechanisms in response. Just one of these things can be a major problem if allowed to run amok.

Their form alone is an indicator of their evil. They take the form of a large mechanical spider a bit larger than the size of the average human's palm. They have eight sharp metal legs around their oval shaped body. Each limb ending in a sharp silvery point. Their face is a pair of sharp green eyes over a pair of razor fangs that glitter green. Upon their backs a small gleaming green center can be seen. The rest of their body is a deep black.

These nasty little things were create to cripple and subvert the technology of the Imperium. Their small and agile size allowing them to get close unnoticed. Their limbs also allow them to scuttle across all manner of terrain and climb along steep walls with ease. A method by which to corrupt and destroy the valiant machine spirits. To turn them to the service of the Dragon god.

Originally created for the purpose of fighting the Mechanicus. They are meant to corrupt the electronics favored by the machine cult. To subvert their greatest strength and turn it on them. A task they excelled at unfortunately. They scuttled forth from their masters labs and wreak havoc. Climbing into the machines of their foes and biting into them. Injecting them with their vile venom. A variant of scrap code that serves the Undead. Intended to corrupt machines from their true owners.

These creations leave little mark of their actions. Their venomous bite being more sorcerous than physical. On their own if found they have little threat rating. If not discovered or covered by an attack they cause chaos. Corrupting cogitators and servitors along with anything else. In the bowels of Hives it is much the same. Corrupting all they can without restraint. Preparing the way for a full scale invasion. Nothing electronic is safe.

The Tau are a favored target of theirs. The Xenos mechs and drones being easy prey for them. Sending them into a killing frenzy. Along with all of their automated technology and Abominable Intelligences. They of course have no way to defend against the scrap code. Simply chalking it down to some form of malware. Bah fools.

@Alucard Vampiry
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