When does the vote get called?

@Alucard Vampiry is it possible to count both my plan and fortifications for the long haul as one? Don't really want to split the vote to end up losing.
You should delete your plan and tag the person that voted for it you want it to be like that. Since your diplomacy actions are different voting for your plan and the others are different so you could upset someone if you try to have their votes count for a different plan.

Edit: also from what I've seen votes usually get called a day after they start.
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[X] Plan: Get To Work

I don't see the point in pushing to take the fortification actions if they aren't going to be done in time for the blood tide. I'd rather we wait until next turn and use our new actions to do the ten year versions of them.
You should delete your plan and tag the person that voted for it you want it to be like that. Since your diplomacy actions are different voting for your plan and the others are different so you could upset someone if you try to have their votes count for a different plan.

Edit: also from what I've seen votes usually get called a day after they start.

The hell?

Then why did he call his "Moar actions?"

Eh I'll just delete the vote, never liked regular action voting myself, I perfer to leave that to others. Mainly because I don't think I'm good at it.

When I was making my plan, the fortifications one had not gone up yet and the first one did not include the more actions part. Since both plans are essentially the saame bar one single action, I was thinking that number of votes per plan could decide the that one action but generally the rest of plan count as one.
When I was making my plan, the fortifications one had not gone up yet and the first one did not include the more actions part. Since both plans are essentially the saame bar one single action, I was thinking that number of votes per plan could decide the that one action but generally the rest of plan count as one.
That wouldn't really work since by that same logic the people that voted for get to work should also have their vote count towards it since both fortifications and get to work have the same selected diplomacy actions. And that's without getting into the other actions that are the same.

Edit: there is a reason people don't mix plan format voting with out of format voting. It always has to be one or the other.
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[X]Fortifaction for the long haul

@Alucard Vampiry has my omakes been all used up? if not then throw them at coastal fortifications...

otherwise next turn we will need to get hatcheries, magical school, and finish up cattle pens and farms next turn, hopefully with other things going on we will have 5 projects goin on each for our issues.

also with the +2 to personal actions we can finally push for full finishing of our learning of the winds of magic...

industrial revolution anyone?
we're getting to the fun -cough nuclear cough- stuff :)

lets not...because the enemy will scale with us. At most industrial revolution+napolean era tech. Which case iron-cads can be a thing.

also steam powered ships. Though getting dwarf help would be...well...an issue, but useful. good thing is with us as a god of knowledge we can go with the living forces being our elite units (aka quality) while undead are disposable trash units.

also however our undead rearment is comming along, so soon enough we will get another slot for martial, hopefully next turn we can make our living forces punch WAY above their weight-limit when we get rally fields, drums, flags, ect.

our standard battle line should be halberds/pikemen (which are fucking terrifying if you get the correct length of pikes and make them into a wall of fuck-you-spears...no one sane will charge that shit), then spear+shieldmen (which can dart inbetween the pikes/halberds to deliever blows against the enemy), then sword/axe/mace/hammer-men+shields (same as before), then artillery. Our archers+crossbowmen+gunners can be at the front to give off volleys before retreating into the battle-lines.
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Choose 3

[] Radio: Long range communications through energy waves, which replicates the original signal and sends the message. DC 95
Cost: 1,000
Time: 12 Years
Result: New Options

[] Oil: Your research team has theorized of a substance that will allow new avenues and progress. DC 75
Cost: 900
Time: 10 Years
Result: New tech trees unlocked

[] Improved Weapons I - Personal and crew served weapons for infantry as well as the various other bits of kit a soldier needs. Improved weapon models and more specialized equipment.. DC 40
Cost: 150
Time: 3 Years
Result: +5 To Units With firearms, new weapons.
Since it looks like your having trouble coming up with more learning actions here is some ideas you could use to come up with actions to put there.

-Forging techniques
-Ship schematics
-Cannons(if we don't have them, I can't remember)
-Advanced mining techniques/technology
-Advanced architecture/better fortifications

[X] Plan: Get To Work
I would rather we have some living troops since we could use them to assist the dwarves during the blood tide. The undead and dragons would probably unsettle them and make them worried we were planning on taking them over after the blood tide. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Also something to keep in mind is that turns are 5 years long. So the blood tide is at most 2 turns away since it was said they would be happening soon.
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lets not...because the enemy will scale with us. At most industrial revolution+napolean era tech. Which case iron-cads can be a thing.

also steam powered ships. Though getting dwarf help would be...well...an issue, but useful. good thing is with us as a god of knowledge we can go with the living forces being our elite units (aka quality) while undead are disposable trash units.

also however our undead rearment is comming along, so soon enough we will get another slot for martial, hopefully next turn we can make our living forces punch WAY above their weight-limit when we get rally fields, drums, flags, ect.

our standard battle line should be halberds/pikemen (which are fucking terrifying if you get the correct length of pikes and make them into a wall of fuck-you-spears...no one sane will charge that shit), then spear+shieldmen (which can dart inbetween the pikes/halberds to deliever blows against the enemy), then sword/axe/mace/hammer-men+shields (same as before), then artillery. Our archers+crossbowmen+gunners can be at the front to give off volleys before retreating into the battle-lines.
thing is, at this point it's inevitable, the nations will slowly but surely start cacthing up as soon as they see what's hapening here, and if we don't study the shit ourselves we won't even have countermeassures for the stuff.
we don't need steem powered ships dude, we're getting to oil fields. This means that we're close to getting planes and battleships of our own.
This will mean bie bie to this era's MO of doing war, for ex: 300k soldiers? bomb them , poison their cities with our bombers/and bomb their palace , build a trench and make a kill zone with heavy machine guns and holy canons, mines etc. So pikemen will get obsolete soon.
For a timeframe, it took from like the 1900's (1880--) till 1945 to have atomic bombs, without magic bullshit and a god of knowledge.
But we also have radios, that's like ww1 stuff. (1906 civilian use)

Support weapons I - Automatic weapons are becoming more portable. Submachine guns have already proven effective and the development of hand-held support weapons must continue. DC 20
Cost: 100
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 106

Automatic weapons have now become easier to hold and fire, sub-automatic has been given improvements as well, as well as other handheld support weapons.
first automatic weapon were used in 1892.

Point is, we're way ahead of everyone else, and stop worshipping the dwarf tech, they can keep their steamy shit for all I care

edit. since steam engines are 18/17 centurie stuff
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okay, you seem to forget WHAT franchise were in...so let me explain a few things.

1) WARHAMMER, thus melee combat is ALWASY going to happen regardless of what you want, that means swords, pikes, maces, ect. will be updated with newer technology and techniques.
2) MAGI-TECH, we will end up making the winds of magic a thing with our people, its already been irreversably changed due to the vortex being made that turned all people from psykers to wind-users...or divinity users if you want to talk about it.
3) ESCALATION, the more technological advance we get, the more chaos will focus on us, not to mention the constant danger of getting our shit kicked in...yes we have one of the best armies due to sheer mass of undead, but that can be defeated if the chaos gods decide to YEET this world to oblivion, thus we DIE.
4) CHAOS TIDE, were going to be hit sooner or later, yes were securing our lands, but the fact your expecting 50k swordsmen to suddenly become gun users is amusing...which leads to number 5.
5) TROOP TYPES WONT CHANGE EASILY, you basically train a person to use a sword for years, and then demand he use a long-bow or a gun when he/she has no experiance using them, plus even if we get living troops, they wont be a part of our campagins...why? Because were never going to field as many as undead we can use...and ild rather spend undead chaff then living units, and if you think our tech will make things easier we have a chaos god of INDUSTRY against us, as well as the fucking horned rat who has litteral millions/billions of bodies to throw at us, sure a great deal if almost 60-70% are skaven slaves or clan rats...there's still the heavier units and mad-engineering with warpstone we will have to worry about. A vermin tide can easily swamp us if the horned rat can round up the mad-shits together for a single go at something...

so yeah, even if we have BB's, Carriers, ect....it wont matter. Why? Because magic exists, and its kind of wasteful to make anything beyond cruiser range without and real good tech ideas, plus daemons will simply swamp our shit if we grow to powerful. Malleus/the old world is basically a proto-daemon world that got its conversion interrupted because the lizardmen, high elves, and dwarves all simultaneously fucked chaos's day up when they thought this would be a walk in the park. Despite that they STILL treat this as a playground game on their off time...and its only gotten serious because tzeentch decided to say "FUCK-IT" to the rules and let the time-loop collapse.

which case...

6) NEW CHAOS GOD OF ORDER, aka the star-father is going to show up...that alone should freak you out because its absolute obedience and tyranny...however its lack of creativity in its tools happens to be its Achille's heel.

so yeah, even if we get into WW1 tech the QM will just make everything much, much, much harder...at most we should stop before we hit WW1 tech for awhile...mostly to refine what we have before we make a massive cultural, social, economic, military overhauls, and yeah, "Phasing out melee" will never fucking happen in warhammer, its so deep into the narrative that its one of the best damn ways to beat daemons and other creatures that melee HAS to happen, or at least a very flashy-rule-of-cool way to do shit.

Also dwarf tech lasts for hundreds if not thousands of years...without much maintence...try that with a AK47.
Innkeeper Part 1 - A Time of Drinking and fear
innkeeper part 1 tale A Time of Drinking and fear
digger keppeson was a long-time innkeeper on a small hamlet . That meant many things, especially on bretonia or wallancia . It meant he had survived and dealt with bandits. That he hadn't been run out of business by the nobles 's men dropping by his place for free drinks for their 'hard work'.

A innkeeper stayed alive by being popular, being prepared, and being private. That meant he never drank his own products, otherwise he would be making a loss each time he do so. It meant he could have his sward and crossbow that was under his bar out and ready within a second. It was a momento of his younger days, when a a noble 'payed' so its significantly weaker . He kept it at hand, as he's never found a better way to somber people up than warning them off with a bolt. That a great many people would complained and tell him things he wasn't supposed to even own a crossbow and if this was the past he would have been exacuted for it . keppeson had survived a lot and while things had a massive upturn in quality of life since the the bringer of food had taken over, he wasn't about to start going soft now and end up dead, not when he had been raking in the coins with the nearby Militia Camp. At least lord Dracula s men payed for their drinks.

So when cheers were heard clear from the Militia camp to his bar, he started getting ready for a busy night. Happy men were drinking men, in his experience. Drinking men also were grabby men, so he warned the girls to keep an eye on them. They could handle themselves pretty well and he had a few men who could act as bouncers and handle any drunks who got too rowdy.

Still, it was shock when two men stumbled into the bar, looking paler than if they'd been turned to ice. They each had the look of men who had a deep and abiding need to be dead drunk. None of them were adventurers , they had been banned after the first explosion they set off. keppeson didn't know why the idiots thought it'd be a good idea to set off an explosive in a bar full of very flammable alchohol, but they had. Ruined his stock, so all he had was cheap swill. Still, the men drank the drinks as fast as he served them and each men seemed to be gathering a hill of cups as they continued drinking.

"What the blazes happened to you all?" one of his bouncers asked, confusion and worry evident to all.

As one they both turned and glared at him, turning him pale with fright.

"We were havin' a great time. Relaxin' all day, all of gear taken care of, nothing happening. Then we hear the good news." one of them said, barely pausing to speak before drinking another cupful of cheap alchohol.

"lord dracula decided to overhaul the army . Get us better gear, fix our stuff, get everything up to snuff like a poper soldiers instead of what the nobles gave us . No more strings and prayers holding things together." added another man, hard at work making the hill of cups into a mountain.

" but then we hear that the dwafes are comin here" said the other in his own half drunk state. at that moment keppeson paled . the dwarf or short folk ,as are often called are in his opinion are insane , and he dealt with the snobbish old nobles most his life . in his younger days when on petrol he, and his friend lenny brewed some alcohol from herpes he admit that it was shit but you make with you have so one day while joining a camp site of dwafes ,and eating bread near the fire getting splatterd with you friends blood is not what you expect . having a grudge declared for making alcohol (even if its shit ) is insane . breath digger breath its okay you are old and no one will recognize y-

"any why they well be here in 10 month" said the non drunk one , with that you have to leave early to go to the suppler to get a new wine getting the in destroyed b dwarfs isn't on hi plans this year .
the bringer of food : a name given to alexander with variations by the peasants for giving them enough food for two to three meals a day
dracula .a miss premonition of dracul heard from dragon but became popular and stuck ( that how vald tepes aka OG dracul got his nickname dracula it started his infamy )
the story is about how the normal react to the world there will be other parts
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Nice omake. Lots of spelling mistakes and pretty bad grammar but pretty good.
@Alucard Vampiry Has Deathfang (And Arsanil by extension) and Ceithin-Har (The friend/mount of the Heralds of Ariel AKA Naestra and Arahan) shown up yet? I'm curious and also for maybe omake sake.
Votes are Closed
Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on Jan 2, 2021 at 3:15 PM, finished with 39 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Get To Work
    -[X] Army of The Living: You have literally millions of subjects, you can start recruiting living troops off them. DC 25
    -[X] Coastal Fortifications (Northern Wallachia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 40
    -[X] Tilea Trade Talks: Open trade talks with the Tilean government. DC 50
    -[X] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 40
    -[X] Dwarven Negotiations (Grey Mountains) - Commerce talks with the dwarves f. DC 40
    -[X] Temples of Shallya: The goddess Shallya is very popular amongst your subjects, and you personally have nothing against her, so building temples dedicated to her will definitely increase your popularity among them. What's the worst that can happen? DC 20
    -[X] Cathedrals: Build grand cathedrals all over your empire where thousands can pray to your glory. DC 10
    -[X] Emissaries (Estalia): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
    -[X] Administrative Works: Contract administrators and other groups to handle most affairs giving you more time to handle other things. DC 10
    -[X] Support Radicals: Contact the radicals of the vampire civil war and offer support to their cause. DC 30
    -[X] Steal Technology (Kislev) - The people of Kislev have lived centuries off the frozen wasteland they call home, thanks to their environment they have developed several technologies both civic and militaristic to better survive their environment. DC 75
    -[X] Improved Weapons I - Personal and crew served weapons for infantry as well as the various other bits of kit a soldier needs. Improved weapon models and more specialized equipment.. DC 40
    -[X] Oil: Your research team has theorized of a substance that will allow new avenues and progress. DC 75
    -[X] Radio: Long range communications through energy waves, which replicates the original signal and sends the message. DC 95
    -[X] Practice Your Life Magic: The lore of life focuses itself on the manipulation of the woods and the waters of the world, the latter being in any state. 40
    -[X] Learn Heaven Magic: Azyr, the Lore of Heavens is the Blue Wind of Magic, and it is said to be a manifestation of the Aethyr's reflection of inspiration and that which is out of reach. DC 45
    [X] Plan MOAR ACTIONS!
    -[X] Border Fortifications (Wallachia)
    -[X] Coastal Fortifications (Wallachia)
    -[X] Elven Relations (Athel Loren)
    -[X] Estalian Relations
    -[X] Tilea Trade Talks
    -[X] Cathedrals
    -[X] Temples of Shallya
    -[X] Emissaries (Empires of Man)
    -[X] Administrative Works
    -[X] Support Radicals
    -[X] Steal Technology (Kislev)
    -[X] Radio
    -[X] Oil
    -[X] Improved Weapons I
    -[X] Learn Fire Magic
    -[X] Learn Heaven Magic
    [X]Fortifaction for the long haul
    -[X] Border Fortifications (Wallachia) - You have borders with various nations it is better to fortify them, just in case. DC 40
    -[X] Coastal Fortifications (Wallachia) - There are many threats that can come from the sea, from monsters to raiders, fortifying the coast is a wise decision. DC 80
    -[X] Dwarven Negotiations (Grey Mountains) - Commerce talks with the dwarves f. DC 40
    -[X] Tilea Trade Talks: Open trade talks with the Tilean government. DC 50
    -[X] Estalian Relations: Talking with geographic neighbors is always a good thing, and Estalia has much to offer, but first your diplomats must, secretly, reach them. DC 40
    -[X] Cathedrals: Build grand cathedrals all over your empire where thousands can pray to your glory. DC 10
    -[X] Temples of Shallya: The goddess Shallya is very popular amongst your subjects, and you personally have nothing against her, so building temples dedicated to her will definitely increase your popularity among them. What's the worst that can happen? DC 20
    -[X] Emissaries (Estalia): Send Emissaries towards the location to spread a new faith, your faith. DC 35
    -[X] Administrative Works: Contract administrators and other groups to handle most affairs giving you more time to handle other things. DC 10
    -[X] Support Radicals: Contact the radicals of the vampire civil war and offer support to their cause. DC 30
    -[X] Steal Technology (Kislev) - The people of Kislev have lived centuries off the frozen wasteland they call home, thanks to their environment they have developed several technologies both civic and militaristic to better survive their environment. DC 75
    -[X] Radio: Long range communications through energy waves, which replicates the original signal and sends the message. DC 95
    -[X] Oil: Your research team has theorized of a substance that will allow new avenues and progress. DC 75
    -[X] Improved Weapons I - Personal and crew served weapons for infantry as well as the various other bits of kit a soldier needs. Improved weapon models and more specialized equipment.. DC 40
    -[X] Learn Fire Magic: Aqshy, the Lore of Fire, is the Red Wind of Magic, and it is the coalescence of the emotional experience and abstract of passion in its widest possible sense. It is the projection of brashness, courage, and enthusiasm. It is also an expression of the mortal feelings of warmth and heat that is often felt in a state of high emotion. DC 69
    -[X] Learn Heaven Magic: Azyr, the Lore of Heavens is the Blue Wind of Magic, and it is said to be a manifestation of the Aethyr's reflection of inspiration and that which is out of reach. DC 45
    [X]Fortifaction for the long haul
-Forging techniques
-Ship schematics
-Cannons(if we don't have them, I can't remember)
-Advanced mining techniques/technology
-Advanced architecture/better fortifications
Adding onto the list from earlier we could also research quality of life stuff as well
- water filters
- air conditioning
- heaters
- lightbulbs
We might already have some of these but I can't remember