Dwarven Relations (Grey Mountains) - Build up good relations with the dwarves. DC 40
Cost: 0
Time: Complete
Roll: 1d100+35 = 106
The diplomats sent to the grey mountains say that relations with the dwarves are going well so well in fact that a non aggression pact, military alliance, defensive pact, legal migration, and maybe a bit of the dwarf technology and build tips are on the table. This is mainly because the trade between you and them, has made them richer than centuries of work had, the dwarven holds of the grey mountains are poorer than other holds which always prickled at their pride but the trade between you and them has made them richer and now they are on the level of a average hold in a rich resource area.
Results: New options, relations of the dwarfs are on incredibly good terms.
Meeting of Brothers: The von carstein are your lineage, you think it is time to finally meet your brothers and sisters. DC ???
Cost: 0
Time: Complete
Roll: 1d100+35 = 133
The situation of the von carsteins is quite complicated, there is ongoing civil war between two old timers of the bloodline, one of the two is the apparent heir of Vlad and Konrad this vampire being Mannfred who wants the turn the world into 'a world of perpetual darkness' you are quite sure that he is insane even if you diplomats didn't say that to you.
The other old timer, which you can't shake the strange feeling that you know her, is Velana a powerful vampiress who was one of the personal handmaidens of Isabella the wife of Vlad or so she claims, her goals are very different from Mannfred's faction for one her faction does not mistreat mortals and actually handles as benevolent overlords they just ask for a tax of blood which is taken without the one who gives dying.
You don't think there needs to be critical thinking to say who you will support and talk to.
Results: Contact opened with the Von Carsteins, civil war between conservative and radical vampires led by Mannfred and Velana respectively. New options.
Elven Outreach (Athel Loren) - The Wood Elves of Athel Loren are mighty and know the true power of nature, turning it on invaders and foreigners alike. Establishing relations with these proud dwellers of the forest may yield unexpected benefits. DC 95
Cost: 0
Time: Completed
Roll: 1d100+35 = 108
The talks were incredibly short, the wood elves or Asrai if you want to be practical in talks if you don't want to offend them in some way by not saying their name, said that they would not interfere with your business as long you don't mess with them. Short, blunt and exactly what you expected from the elves of Athel Loren.
Results: Talks opened with Athel Loren. New options