Heeeeeeeere's Yang! She's ready to not be bothered by anything Adam says. Blake now takes some time to collapse in pain - Yang will keep Adam's attention. Adam, for his own twisted reasons that I distinctly remember, accedes. They fight. Yang, not being quite as emotionally compromised, fares better.

Fun fact about this fight, part of it was actually made using animation that Monty had been working on at the time of his passing. My understanding is that the Yang and Adam fight back in volume 3 would have been a lot more even before he got the arm, but they decided it'd be better to go for the one strike version.

Which I do agree worked better, but it is nice to see his final work get used for his show after all.

In addition to always putting Blake down, and often dismissing the abuse she suffers at Adams hands... They always want an Adam that never actually existed, and only existed in fanon at best. He was never an anti-hero. He just pretended to be one to cover up what he really was.

A lot of it goes back to what you told me about earlier in this thread; Blake's story was written primarily as an abuse story using civil rights as set dressing.

The problem is that most people see the civil rights stuff as the primary part of her story, especially since it took quite some time for the abuse angle to step onto the screen. As such people were not primed to see Adam as the abuser he is, but as one of the Civil Rights Activiists. One who was obviously going too far, but that was part of his role in people's minds.

And then they let him keep the seat of being the man activist for 4 volumes straight. Which causes people to build up certain expectations in their head, which obviously Adam the abuser does not play well with.

Again, what the show really needed was someone, Illia, Sienna, any one really, else to be a leader in the Faunus rights subplot to take on that role and associated expectations so people didn't feel like they were getting a story where the main civil rights leader is this terrible of a person.

Also, at least with Adam, we do know that he himself doesn't have much of an antagonistic relationship with the Schnees. Apparently the writers confirmed in one of the commentaries that Adam got into an argument with a racist worker and the worker picked up a brand lying around

Ok but you see how that makes it worse right? Like the SDC is supposed to be one of the main racist institutions in the world, we have a character who has their logo branded into his face, and then the writers frame it as not only being completely unrelated to any SDC official actions or policies but something Adam deserved?*

It really shows how badly thought out the entire Faunus subplot is, and makes it clear that the story would have been better served by not having it and just focusing on the abuse aspect of the story from the start.

*The exact wording from the creator commentary

"We had this idea that, you know Adam, as a terrible of a person as he was, when we was younger, potentially got into an argument with someone at an SDC place and someone grabbed a brand and just let him have it and that lead to the injury that we saw on his face in volume 6."

Or in other words: Sienna Khan should have had more screen time

As I said, the one thing everyone in this fandom can agree on
Ok but you see how that makes it worse right? Like the SDC is supposed to be one of the main racist institutions in the world, we have a character who has their logo branded into his face, and then the writers frame it as not only being completely unrelated to any SDC official actions or policies but something Adam deserved?*

It really shows how badly thought out the entire Faunus subplot is, and makes it clear that the story would have been better served by not having it and just focusing on the abuse aspect of the story from the start.

*The exact wording from the creator commentary

"We had this idea that, you know Adam, as a terrible of a person as he was, when we was younger, potentially got into an argument with someone at an SDC place and someone grabbed a brand and just let him have it and that lead to the injury that we saw on his face in volume 6."
...what? How does that imply it was deserved? All it literally says is that Adam was a terrible person, and that he got into an argument in which he got branded. Thats it. Nothing about what the argument was, nothing about if the other worker got away with it or not, its literally just the reason the brand is on his face. Like, that seems like a pretty big jump to go from Adam gets into an argument with another worker, to Adam deserved the branding.

About the Faunus subplot/abuse thing, the abuse was the forefront of Blakes story. They tried to fix the White Fang subplot, but once we knew that Adam was abusive it became easier to see it from before the ending of V3(Willingly throwing Blake at the Robot so he could get into position in the trailer, She has drawings of him in her book(not something that would be considered a "normal" relationship after they split up), and he literally sent his Lieutenant after her). Its just that the White Fang seemed far more prevalent due to them being the mooks that served as the bad guys.
Again, what the show really needed was someone, Illia, Sienna, any one really, else to be a leader in the Faunus rights subplot to take on that role and associated expectations so people didn't feel like they were getting a story where the main civil rights leader is this terrible of a person.
Like a mention of Sienna saying that the White Fang would never disrupt a peaceful protest during that episode two news report, claiming that it was probably anti-faunus people trying to mess with them and shift the blame, which would put into people's heads that something is even more wrong with Adam's faction working with Roman and Cinder, with Sun's stance showing that Sienna is already loosing control of anywhere not under her direct oversight.
Like a mention of Sienna saying that the White Fang would never disrupt a peaceful protest during that episode two news report, claiming that it was probably anti-faunus people trying to mess with them and shift the blame, which would put into people's heads that something is even more wrong with Adam's faction working with Roman and Cinder, with Sun's stance showing that Sienna is already loosing control of anywhere not under her direct oversight.

I mean, Blake in volume 1 was already stating as much on screen when calling the fang out for working with torchwick. She said it quite often across all 5 volumes that the fang was losing control, to the point that even Faunus like Sun no longer saw them as fighting for them.
I mean, Blake in volume 1 was already stating as much on screen when calling the fang out for working with torchwick. She said it quite often across all 5 volumes that the fang was losing control, to the point that even Faunus like Sun no longer saw them as fighting for them.
Apparently that wasn't clear enough, especially with the lack of Sienna's old guard having even an implied presence until too late for some people.
Befitting his status as an edgelord terrorist, Adam proceeds to divide the thread and set it on fire.

Honestly, I'm not very sympathetic to any viewpoint that starts by calling Blake an "island getaway princess". Hell of a way to describe someone who ran away from home to fight for truth and justice, recursively. Whether or not she was right both times, that took some guts.
V06C12 Seeing Red

V06C12 Seeing Red

Oh hey, a slightly different gen:LOCK ad, cool.

The population of the military radar room is busy cheerleading Cordovin as she beats up on kids. None of them are the slightest bit checking the radar, so they miss the new contact.

Ruby climbs to safety and is incredulous that Oscar, stuck on the aircraft that's drawn the mech's aggro (which apparently did not get blown up in the cliffhanger), is more worried about her. Oscar reckons he's found its weak spot, apart from those already known and exploited. Nora, supporting an exhausted Jaune on his way back to the main gathering, would like to hear it.

As Ren supports his team, Oscar explains that the mech's missile launcher is mounted on the main gun's ammo selector, and sniping missiles in the deployed launcher could destroy the gun, leaving it without its primary and secondary weapons. As I said, concerningly skewed weapons load.

Ruby's skilled, but only on the edge of the required level of skill. And if she misses, they've blown it, because Cordovin won't give them a second shot. They'll have to stack the deck for the first shot.

Maria reckons she can give Ruby a straight shot down the cannon. I wonder how she'll accomplish this. /s

Not quite how I was thinking: Ruby gets on the aircraft.

Maria taunts Cordovin. The latter fixates on Maria again, ignoring her phone ringing courtesy of the base. This gives Ruby a good angle on the missile launcher. Unfortunately the mech's computer is pretty smart and picks up on Ruby aiming, bringing it to Cordovin's attention. She retracts the launcher in the nick of time.

Cordovin, now angrier than ever, fires lightning at the plane with intent to kill: even the glancing hit sends it haywire (and incidentally nearly fries everybody on the clifftop because they're colinear). This also fries Maria's eyesight. Oscar's no pilot at the best of times, and this is sure as h*ck not the best of times.

Clifftop gang are horrified to see the plane crash in the treeline. Qrow birdforms and rockets off to check how many niblings and/or role models he's just lost.

The answer, we see, is none yet. The plane is in one piece and everybody can at least crawl away, if not walk. Unfortunately Cordovin is coming to change that: they're hardly into the treeline at all, with a straight shot from the ocean. Wow Cordo, turn down the ...I'm not sure that's even Atlas supremacy any more, that's just straight-up insulting to everyone that isn't her. Caroline Cordovin supremacy, if you will.

Maria is still blinded, so Ruby sets out to draw aggro. Cue Qrow to try and dissuade her. I predict another argument.

There isn't another argument. Ruby gives him her best determined look and says "I need you to trust me", and Qrow decides to trust her.

Ruby reaches the cliff edge and makes another Ruby speech at Cordovin. I'm not optimistic about her chance of success, but I really do admire her optimism.

It does not succeed. Cordovin points the main gun at her and starts charging it. I predict one of two things:
  1. Given Ruby can fit down the barrel without even bending, this is a perfect chance to shoot something important in the firing chamber.
  2. Having recovered some Aura in the last few minutes, she Semblances out of the way at the last moment. ...Maybe not this plan, given Oscar, Maria, and Qrow are behind her.
Nobody else is thinking of any of those things. Team JWNR sprint over to try to accomplish something somehow.

I was half-right each: Ruby Semblances into the massive gun barrel. Even Nora thinks this is "nuts".

While the missile launcher deploys out, the massive Dust cartridges that power the gun deploy in to the firing chamber. It's literally impossible for Ruby to miss from here, and by the look on Cordovin's face she forgot which button unloads the gun or even cancels charging. Result: a really impressive containment failure on at least three cartridges that renders the gun a really expensive spiked club (and worse at that once the ice melts). Because Dust is halfway to magic it doesn't conserve mass, so it's also a really heavy spiked club that the mech can't swing, or even lift off the ocean bed. Shoulda just slapped her, Cordo.

The one minor problem is that Ruby didn't manage to Semblance very far out of the gun barrel before everything exploded, and she's now unconscious on a ballistic trajectory for the clifftop. Weiss spends the last of her available Aura on slowdown Glyphs so Qrow can catch Ruby without anybody getting (further?) injured.

Ruby awakens. "Told ya," she says.

They say a good landing is one you can walk away from, and a great landing is one where they can reuse the plane afterwards. Oscar's landing is upgraded from good to great as Maria regains remote control along with her sight. For comedy purposes, she complains about having missed the action.

Elsewhere on the north coast of Anima, Adam continues to Adam. Blake asserts that she can't die now, people are counting on her. Adam claims she promised him that too. Yang asks whether Blake promised Adam or "the person you were pretending to be". Adam continues to Adam.

All three resign themselves to resuming the fight. It was going pretty well for people not named Adam until they tried something slightly silly with Blake's weapon-ribbon to throw Blake at Adam for extra momentum behind her attack. Adam blocks. Blake bounces off him, bounces off a cliffside at the waterfall (Aura flickers), and ends up hanging off a ledge below.

Adam takes another moment to verbally attack Yang before recommencing the physical attacks, which seems to work judging by how it sets Yang trembling again. Or maybe it didn't judging by Yang holding her own.

This shot of Adam also shows Blake conspicuously climbing the cliff over there. Now Blake gets to be in focus and not quite as natural a cliff-climber as it seemed. But she has motivation, so that's something.

"Just hit me already!" demands Adam, having perhaps forgotten how much Yang's hit him already.

Yeah, Adam's losing it. Not the fight for now, just his mind. Yang opts to tank his Semblance. She must be charging hers. Yep, Adam makes an overly-elaborate jumping overhead sword slash into the cloud of dust he's just created around Yang, and Yang, hair on fire, has caught it in her mech-hand. Try chopping that one off. Wait, you already tried, and failed.

"Gotcha," says Yang, and punches Adam along so hard he leaves a trench as he lands. His Aura flickers as he regains his bearings. "I may not be faster," she says in refutation of earlier, "but I'm smarter," and throws his sword (which she was still holding on to) into the river. Adam is pretty torn up about that. As he looks down at where it went, Blake arrives, knocking him away in an explosion of violence to clear her own landing site.

All three combatants simultaneously notice the halves of Blake's weapon, equidistant between them, and run to collect them. Adam is slowest and gets stabbed from both directions for his trouble. "Oh," is all he says, before torturously stumbling to the edge of the bridge and falling into the river (bouncing off a lower outcropping on the way).

Characters have survived stab wounds - one at a time, in less-immediately-fatal areas, with medical attention close by. Characters have survived long falls into water - still water, with nonzero Aura and an ice coating to blunt the impact, and Maiden powers to help them get out. Adam has just fallen into a moving river with two major stab wounds. I think he's dead. Looks like he got what he deserved.

With the fight over, Blake's emotional suppression fails. Fortunately, Yang. Go Yang!

Meanwhile, Cordovin continues to have her own villainous breakdown. Her mech now has no functioning weapons: the gun is a write-off (expensive spiked club stuck on the ocean bed), the missiles are permanently pointed at the ocean bed even if they can be deployed without turning the ammo selector (also a write-off), and the mech can't leave its position and is too far from shore to make melee attacks against anybody onshore.

Cordovin orders all forces under her command to "eliminate these pests at once!". Oscar said a swear word! Maria just tells everyone to get on the plane, they're fleeing. Is that going to work when Cordovin has just implicitly scrambled the fighters? Even if this plane was in good condition, which it's not. I wouldn't want to risk a cross-continental flight on it.

There is a more pressing problem for everybody, as is revealed by the base comms officer who finally has a chance at Cordovin's ear. Remember that radar contact from the start of the episode? The base is already scrambling to respond to a major aquatic Grimm, exactly as I was expecting. Would have been nice to have a big mech to fight it with, eh?

Oh dear, it brought airborne friends. Smaller friends, but lots of them.

Next time: Suddenly, Pacific Rim!
The population of the military radar room is busy cheerleading Cordovin as she beats up on kids. None of them are the slightest bit checking the radar, so they miss the new contact.

Atlas military continues to be useless.

Maria taunts Cordovin

It's super effective!

"I need you to trust me", and Qrow decides to trust her.

Sometimes, even the depressed alcoholic has to accept Ruby is not going to give up.

For comedy purposes, she complains about having missed the action.

She missed out on Cordo being smacked like a bitch, can you really blame her for being upset?

Yang asks whether Blake promised Adam or "the person you were pretending to be".

Says it all.

"Just hit me already!" demands Adam, having perhaps forgotten how much Yang's hit him already.

She's also avoiding hitting his sword whenever possible, to the point of breaking off swings. She's refusing to charge his attack stat, and you know how Adam is when people don't do the work for him.

First appearance of the Fire Hair since V3!

Characters have survived stab wounds - one at a time, in less-immediately-fatal areas, with medical attention close by. Characters have survived long falls into water - still water, with nonzero Aura and an ice coating to blunt the impact, and Maiden powers to help them get out. Adam has just fallen into a moving river with two major stab wounds. I think he's dead. Looks like he got what he deserved.

Yeah. Abusive monster is dead. And along with all the details you pointed out, no one in the area has any desire or ability to recover the body. He's washed out to sea to give some fish food poisoning.

Also, minor note you might enjoy. CRWBY couldn't find a stock sound effect that worked for Adam hitting the water. In the end, they recorded the sound of something dropping in the office toilet.

With the fight over, Blake's emotional suppression fails. Fortunately, Yang. Go Yang!

The desperate insistence she's not going to leave again gets me every time.

It really says something good about the show in general that the death of a monster who spent years gaslighting and abusing her, who injured her new partner, tried to have her parents murdered, betrayed the cause he claimed to believe in and sold the White Fang to Salem, is still not treated as a victory in many ways. Blake has so many conflicting emotions about Adam at this point, there's still a part of her deep down that believes his gaslighting that it's all her fault... the way she just breaks here once the fighting is over...

Is that going to work when Cordovin has just implicitly scrambled the fighters?

Probably not, but they don't have much choice now that Cordos done what she should have done episodes ago, but was too angry and egotistical to think clearly.

Remember that radar contact from the start of the episode? The base is already scrambling to respond to a major aquatic Grimm, exactly as I was expecting. Would have been nice to have a big mech to fight it with, eh?

Yup. The entire reason the base had a giant robot, but she wasted it trying to take on Huntresses. Which, even if it wasn't people as talented as our heroes, was a really poor matchup. Huntresses have a habit of fighting things bigger than themselves, after all, while the mech didn't really have any anti-infantry weapons besides slaps. But she just had to make a big dramatic statement... That made everyone in the city think she'd gone crazy and start being very worried...
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She's also avoiding hitting his sword whenever possible, to the point of breaking off swings. She's refusing to charge his attack stat, and you know how Adam is when people don't do the work for him.
Adam's Semblance isn't just cheap, it relies on being able to block. Yang just has to get hit, anywhere will do (but the hair might be super effective?).

First appearance of the Fire Hair since V3!
Strong evidence that Yang is on the mend.

Also, minor note you might enjoy. CRWBY couldn't find a stock sound effect that worked for Adam hitting the water. In the end, they recorded the sound of something dropping in the office toilet.
I laughed out loud.

It really says something good about the show in general that the death of a monster who spent years gaslighting and abusing her, who injured her new partner, tried to have her parents murdered, betrayed the cause he claimed to believe in and sold the White Fang to Salem, is still not treated as a victory in many ways. Blake has so many conflicting emotions about Adam at this point, there's still a part of her deep down that believes his gaslighting that it's all her fault... the way she just breaks here once the fighting is over...
Blake gains another scar for Team RWBY's collection.

And, really, it's not much of a victory in terms of scale either. There's still so much out there hellbent on killing them. But hey, one fewer than yesterday; and it's not like Adam wasn't living rent-free in their heads for something like a year, so now they can safely heal from him.
Don't forget the crunchy bounces off his head and back on the way down!

Yeah, his death was painful at first, but I suspect he was dead before he hit the water. Which is a mercy. If he'd fallen of the bridge slightly to the right and been washed out to sea with just the gaping chest wounds, it would not have been a quick death. *shudder*
It's kinda neat that Grimm can get so big you need giant mecha to battle them. Now if only the protagonist groups hadn't just wrecked said mecha.
So, fun fact: Some time after this episode, CRWBY was asked what Weiss, Blake, and Yang's birthdays were (Ruby's had already been known).

Blake's Birthday was the day this episode came out.


But, now that the fucker is dead, I think we need to acknowledge what Adam does right.
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Characters have survived stab wounds - one at a time, in less-immediately-fatal areas, with medical attention close by. Characters have survived long falls into water - still water, with nonzero Aura and an ice coating to blunt the impact, and Maiden powers to help them get out. Adam has just fallen into a moving river with two major stab wounds. I think he's dead. Looks like he got what he deserved.
I have my own theory on how Cinder survived falling into the water unconscious and it's not Maiden powers (well, maybe they helped tank the initial impact). My theory is something pulled her out before she could drown. Something, say on the left side of her body.
V3C11 An enraged Yang blindly charges at an on his game Adam and he makes her pay for it.
V6C12 An enraged Adam blindly charges at an on her game Yang and she makes him pay for it.
But, now that the fucker is dead, I think we need to acknowledge what Adam does right.
And I thought I laughed last night.

If Bumblebee (the bike, not the ship) had a funeral, that is the song that should play.

Given its death was from being used as a weapon, we can count on Ruby to hold such a funeral.

I have my own theory on how Cinder survived falling into the water unconscious and it's not Maiden powers (well, maybe they helped tank the initial impact). My theory is something pulled her out before she could drown. Something, say on the left side of her body.
Much better theory than anything I've got, which is basically just that Cinder inexplicably got out of the water to foreshadow young Salem (briefly-)inexplicably getting out of the water.

V3C11 An enraged Yang blindly charges at an on his game Adam and he makes her pay for it.
V6C12 An enraged Adam blindly charges at an on her game Yang and she makes him pay for it.
Unfortunately for Adam, he retained sufficient consciousness and self-belief to keep attacking, leading to his tragic demise.
Much better theory than anything I've got, which is basically just that Cinder inexplicably got out of the water to foreshadow young Salem (briefly-)inexplicably getting out of the water.
Of course it does mean the Grimm Arm (which is probably a lot more than just an arm, considering what Ruby's silver eyes did to her) is capable of doing things on its own. But honestly, would that be a surprise?
V06C13 Our Way

V06C13 Our Way

Same gen:LOCK ad as last time. Hopefully there won't be many more now that it's been released.

Adam in the title sequence still wordlessly insisting he's not owned. But we know he's a corncob now.

First, a clearing in a forest at night, suitable as a landing pad for this Mistral-style airship (with side doors!). It lands. Neo un-disguises herself with her Semblance as she waits.

Here's Cinder, with her own new outfit, mainly to hide her Grimm arm. "It should get us to Solitas," she declares, and then hypocritically judges Neo's outfit. Or perhaps she was judging the airship's inability to fit in up there, because Neo bids her stop and (briefly) Semblances the entire h*cking airship to look like an Atlesian one. That's seriously impressive.

Cinder, you shut your lying murderous mouth about destiny. You don't get to spit on her memory like that.

The air garrison of Argus is not immediately overwhelmed by the aerial component of the Grimm attack, but the Leviathan serving as the naval component is impervious to anything that can be thrown at it. The garrison would like to know where their commander has taken their specialised Leviathan-fighting asset, and when she'll bring it back to help.

Cordovin, in the ruins of said asset, is busy raging at our protagonists for what they made her do. Totally, woman. /s

It is into this absolute mess that Blake and Yang rejoin them. Explanations of what on Remnant happened are delayed in favour of boarding the plane and leaving. Cordovin starts to run out of rage as they leave her behind.

Blake, being Blake, starts off by apologising. Fortunately Ruby and Yang won't have a bar of it.

Maria proposes they take this wide open opportunity to head for Atlas. Nobody else is interested: there's a threat to life, and it's their job to meet it. Ruby has a plan, which starts with Jaune and Ren being ready to mask them all.

The Leviathan is stopped by a hardlight wall (the outer of two layers) some distance from shore. I've seen Pacific Rim, I know where this is going. ...Yep. The military orders evacuation, stopped only by Ruby running for the comms and insisting she has a plan.

The plan is silver eyes. Maria isn't sure this is the best context to try it out for effectively the first time; "I don't have a choice," says Ruby. The air force tells them they're flagged as hostile (thanks Cordovin) so no help for them. Fine, says Ruby, we'll do it by ourselves.

The air force is getting overwhelmed as the gang's masked plane plunges through them on the way to the Leviathan. The plan is apparently to hover in front of it as it charges up to destroy the inner hardlight wall, but they don't arrive fast enough for that - the wall is destroyed, and the Leviathan's doom beam overpenetrates and damages buildings onshore. Hopefully nobody got killed. To make matters worse, Ren is out of Aura, even amped.

Plan B is for the plane to get the Leviathan's attention by Yang and Nora shooting at it, while Ruby rides a spectral Queen Lancer into what would otherwise be the danger zone.

Ruby focuses. Yang gets in her ear about something, to which Ruby discards her earpiece into the water below and resumes focus. We are treated to a montage of the things Ruby wants (and wanted, in the case of Pyrrha and Penny) to protect.

Ruby's focus fails as the Leviathan turns its attention to her. Far too late, she realises she's still carrying the Relic - that attracts Grimm. The Relic whose activation stops time, so her emergency measure is to activate it and not ask anything. Clever. Jinn says don't even think about doing it again but this time she'll allow it. Ruby resumes the montage as Jinn resumes the flow of time with a bit less haste than she (Jinn) arguably could have.

...Summer Rose? Looks like they put her cenotaph in her favourite place.

And here come the lyrics! Very ham-handed lyrics, but why argue with success? The Leviathan is now a statue. Now would be a good time to start shooting at it, everybody. Especially since it's apparently going to recover soon.

Fortunately Cordovin picks this moment to enter view in the mech, having field-amputated the main gun to restore its mobility. (The gun was the right arm. Left eyes and right arms, this show.)

The remaining mech arm turns into a drill. I should say something about that, but nothing comes to mind. The Leviathan is still mostly trapped in a layer of stone, making it easy pickings. Argus is saved.

Cordovin follows up by accepting Ruby's apology (Ruby is a way better person than me) and saying that probably nobody would notice if they lost one more aircraft, wink wink.

One 'lost' aircraft flies cross-continental, Maria reckoning they have fuel for the trip, if only just. Protip, readers: Carry more fuel than you need, in case of emergency or delay.

Qrow's proud of Ruby, even if he would like her to stop giving him heart attacks. Ruby appreciates this, and also appreciates that he thought twice about taking a drink after he said it. Qrow has doubts about his own performance, which it is up to Maria to assuage (she does).

Team WBY process things. Blake smiling gives me life. ...Yep, that pose is also going in the shipping file, isn't it.

Everybody looks at Ruby, who doesn't handle it well. Absolute mood. She diverts attention onto Oscar for managing to make a great landing in a malfunctioning plane. (Holy cow, a canonical age!) Oscar replies that it wasn't entirely him. Flashback to Ozpin resurfacing just far and long enough to provide guidance. Yang is slightly suspicious that Ozpin might have been watching the whole time. Oscar sees the glass as half-full: Ozpin was ready to be their safety net.

Qrow calls all those interested (Team RWY) to the cockpit to witness their arrival at Atlas.

What has Dust engines and flies? It's not a rubbish truck (this time), it's the Kingdom of Atlas, with the fleet in full defensive formation. Fortunately, the gang still have the transponder code that Argus told Atlas to expect.

I wonder what sort of credits music we'll have this time?

It's starting gently enough, but that's not a reliable indicator. Lyrics evoke Blake's view of Adam. Meanwhile in the credits, "Ozma" has two credited voice actors: Oscar's, and Ozpin's.

Yep, here's the rock song. It is very clearly a song from Blake about Adam - I don't even need subtitles to tell me that (which is good, because there still aren't any!).

I'm pretty sure they've misspelled the name of the motion capture director - it doesn't match all the times I've seen that name before.

Have they named a song after a Grimm before? Probably not by design, but still. Alas, the Adam that might have been. Good riddance, the Adam that he became.

Just under two minutes remain. How much for the obligatory post-credits scene, and how much to tell us more (or maybe the same) about gen:LOCK? Firstly, Mercury stares out a window in Salem's conference room. It's broken: nobody's repaired the windows, removed any debris, or even unflipped the table. Emerald comes to apologise or something, then realises he's staring out the window at something. She stares too. "What is she doing?" she asks.

Outside below, Salem summons a Beringel from a Grimmpool. Then she gives it wings. It joins a large collection of Beringels with wings.

"There's an old saying:" says Hazel, joining Emerald and Mercury at the window. "If you want something done right, do it yourself." Salem, too engrossed in her work to possibly hear them, summons another Beringel.

Just enough time left for the fifteenth-anniversary Rooster Teeth post-credits outro. So we might actually be free from gen:LOCK ads now. Maybe. Can't be sure yet.

Next time: Gini would be concerningly okay with this.
Blake, being Blake, starts off by apologising. Fortunately Ruby and Yang won't have a bar of it.

Also, I love the smile the sisters share when Ruby is hugging Blake.

The Leviathan is stopped by a hardlight wall (the outer of two layers) some distance from shore. I've seen Pacific Rim, I know where this is going. ...Yep.

Yeah, the wall is really designed to be used alongside the Mech and air support. Have a piece missing, you're in trouble.

Fine, says Ruby, we'll do it by ourselves.

I appreciate the camera cutting over to Cordo listening in. Starting to sink in here, although not enough to order the garrison to back the team up.

Jinn says don't even think about doing it again but this time she'll allow it.

Yup, we have ourselves a benevolent genie that appreciates clever thinking, and not just for asking questions.

And here come the lyrics! Very ham-handed lyrics, but why argue with success?

Indomitable is dedicated to Monty, and the lyrics are also about him in particular. The name also comes from an old quote of his

"I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve."

he remaining mech arm turns into a drill. I should say something about that, but nothing comes to mind.


A little too super robot anime in the sheer size of the drill, compared to the rest of the mech, but it works for me. Not sure about the deliberate reduced framerate for style during deployment though.

Cordovin follows up by accepting Ruby's apology (Ruby is a way better person than me) and saying that probably nobody would notice if they lost one more aircraft, wink wink.

This scene also, at the time of airing, was a major part of how I suspected the Atlas Arc might go, with Cordovin as something of an Ironwood-lite. The heroes would come into conflict with the Atlas military in some capacity, with both sides working at cross purposes, only for Ironwood to realize, possibly with some help from his underlings, the heroes and maybe oz if he shows up again, that his actions were self-destructive and would not result in the outcome he was aiming for, thus leading him to trying a better way. If I was right... Well, we'll see over the next two weeks or so, won't we?

Protip, readers: Carry more fuel than you need, in case of emergency or delay.

Or giant robot and grimm.

Ruby appreciates this, and also appreciates that he thought twice about taking a drink after he said it.

This and the way he admitted some of his recent failings to Maria, being honest about himself, gave me hope that he's starting his climb out of the abyss. And the fact he's trying to climb now no doubt influenced Marias decision to cut him a little slack compared to earlier.

Oscar replies that it wasn't entirely him. Flashback to Ozpin resurfacing just far and long enough to provide guidance. Yang is slightly suspicious that Ozpin might have been watching the whole time. Oscar sees the glass as half-full: Ozpin was ready to be their safety net.

Personally, I suspect he's pretty deep in Oscars head, trying to sort out his own shit, and also doubting his ability to contribute, but the sheer terror of poor oscar having to fly got his attention. "Well I can't fuck this up!"

Also interesting that he didn't take control, but seemed to talk Oscar through it.

Firstly, Mercury stares out a window in Salem's conference room. It's broken: nobody's repaired the windows, removed any debris, or even unflipped the table. Emerald comes to apologise or something, then realises he's staring out the window at something. She stares too.

A redo of the opening shot from V4, but this time, there's no window pane between them. Whatever the differences, they're on the same page about certain issues...
And to celebrate the end of V6, here's another Tumblr classic to go with the 'Like Gaston' audio above. V6 using SuperButterBuns audio.


Im Pretty IA Nowadays

Saw @firecracker-youtube reblog this and i freaked out so HEY HERE’S THE FULL VERSION OF THIS CRACK SERIES I’VE CREATED, YA’LL CAN THANK HER FOR THIS ALL CREDIT GOES TO @sbbofficialblog SO GO...
Our first real look at Summer Rose. Like v2 Raven she's kind of a Ruby recolor but she'll get her own proper individual model eventually. Did spawn "Ruby is a Summer clone" theories though.

Also love Ruby's memories are a better graphical quality than the original events lol

The FNDM of course dubbed the Leviathan 'Bubbles".

Remember back in the Atlas WoR how Qrow said Mantle was now in the shadow of Atlas? Who knew he meant literally.

And now the Wicked Witch has her army of flying monkeys...