Absolute lies, the amount of insight in your post is ridiculously high.
Thank you so much, I am so glad you thought it worthwhile!
Keeping in mind that it has been maybe three days since the dinner "party" at the Schnee live-in trophy cabinet. Nobody has had a break, and none of the painful words (or feelings) have faded.
Mhm exactly, we the audience have had time to process, they haven't and are running on fumes at best.
Mood, but also while I can't go into full detail cos spoilers, I do find it fascinating how early on Ruby & Yang both see the best in each other but cannot see the good in themselves nearly so much, both consider the other 'special'. But as many cool and or sweet moments as it leads to it is sort of also foundational in that they can't quite see the other without tinted glass.

In Yang's case they are rose tinted, she admired Ruby, even when she disagrees with her, and struggles to see it when Ruby can't or doesn't share that sentiment. Meanwhile Ruby's started out that way & thus she assumed Yang could handle anything but then they dimmed , hence the over correction into not treating Yang as someone to rely on for her own issues.

They fascinate and compel me.

Aside, have you read, watched or played any of the side materials, I still need to do a backlog read sorry life is busy right now but I intend to!
Aside, have you read, watched or played any of the side materials, I still need to do a backlog read sorry life is busy right now but I intend to!
A glance at the threadmarks would indicate that so far I've covered World of Remnant (such as it is) and both the PC videogames. I intend to go on to either Chibi or Ice Queendom next. Arguably I should be buffering for that already, but here I am watching AMVs instead :V
A glance at the threadmarks would indicate that so far I've covered World of Remnant (such as it is) and both the PC videogames. I intend to go on to either Chibi or Ice Queendom next. Arguably I should be buffering for that already, but here I am watching AMVs instead :V
My bad XD As it is I was more thinking of the manga's as I think Ruby explicitly confirmed she sees Yang as her hero when she was a kid, but I could be miss-remembering. Also big mood on the AMVs thing ><
V09C09 A Tale Involving a Tree

V09C09 A Tale Involving a Tree

The shortest Chapter of V9.

We are once again in the wonderful (/s) position of multiple characters appearing in the title sequence who have already died (at least by Remnantian definitions): the Herbalist, Ruby, and possibly Neo. And technically probably also Alyx.

During the storybook shots in the title sequence, the Curious Cat is chasing a mouse. This was probably foreshadowing of some kind.

If I look really closely at the silhouettes behind Neo, I can nearly convince myself that some of them resemble the departed characters of the past. Also Neo is in a spotlight, which was probably also foreshadowing.

Over a black screen, there is a rumbling noise. After a few moments, the narrator from Chapter 1 returns, saying
"A door opened for Alyx at the tree."
At which point a door opens on screen and lets us through into an entirely white space. I'd just about convinced myself that the door visual early in the titles didn't mean anything much. How wrong I was, eh?
Narrator: "Before she went back home-"

(fade to a visual of the Tree looming over the beach)

Narrator: "-the girl had a great many questions to ponder."

(fade to a mere drawing of it in a book or something)

Narrator: "After all the lessons she'd learned, and the friends she'd made - and lost - who had she become?"
By now we can partly see the narrator; and also the book cover, which resembles the one from the titles (title sequence foreshadowing strikes again!).
Narrator SUMMER ROSE: "Would she still be the same Alyx when she went back home?"

(two sleeping children, guess who)

Summer: "The leaves of the tree rustled, and on the wind, Alyx heard one more question:"

(cut to black, fade to what looks for all the world to be a statue of Ruby)

Summer: "'What are you?'"

I must say, that certainly just happened.

Team ABYS (that team name came to me in the shower, fully-formed) cling to Juniper for dear life as Juniper hurtles away from the soon-to-be-ruins of Neo's mansion in pursuit of Cat!Neo. Jaune is trying and failing to wrap his mind around the logic of the Ever After. Just accept that there isn't any, it'll be easier. Weiss could tell you that.

Juniper stops as they reach the ruins of the Paper Pleasers' village again. The Tree is beyond; they'll have to swim or something. Hopefully something - swimming is slow and tiring compared to other means.

Jaune is still not okay. Weiss has always believed in being able to reach the Tree, and now finds herself being the sorely-needed voice of optimism.

Cue a surprise Paper Pleaser. Not made of paper any more, but still. To Jaune's absolute incomprehension (and dawning optimism), they explain that they are (now) known as the Genial Gems. Then they start fixing up the place. It's not cartoon levels of rapidity, but neither is it the realistic glacial pace of flood-clearing.

And here come the lyrics!

Team BYS connect the dots that these are the Paper Pleasers post-ascension. Yang is pretty sure that the Gems are now immune to several of the prior catastrophes. Jaune now connects the dots that he was holding them back. Because of his own selfish desire to feel like he was accomplishing something, furthermore. Weiss partially disagrees, establishing that they've all been too hard on themselves for not being perfect.

{{I've heard it said that having Team ABYS look functional here so soon after Ruby's apparent death was bad writing. Two things. One, compartmentalisation: as the excellent Two Minutes' Silence posits (in between all the other things it posits, it's great), it's not great to despair out on a mission where the Grimm can swarm you, so Hunters get pretty good at delaying it until they're somewhere safer. Two, they're probably at least subconsciously thinking that Ruby may return in some capacity, as the Paper Pleasers did.}}

Team ABYS group hug! Briefly, anyway. Jaune voices that perhaps the Cat was right that the Tree isn't a place you go. Right on cue, the Tree blasts leaves at them. Leaf-transition to Team ABYS (and Juniper) now at the base of the Tree. They adapt fairly quickly.

After a bit of searching through vegetation, Weiss finds what looks for all the world like a statue of the Herbalist. (It took me a little bit to puzzle out their identity.) The sun shines down on it through a hole in the Tree's canopy, which I'm guessing is shaped a lot like the hole that the Herbalist was made to fall into.

Yang is first to see the Ruby-statue beyond. She runs over to it. Ow my heart. She starts ripping leaves and proto-branches off it. Ow my everything else. She snaps at Jaune when he tries to stop her. Ow my heart again.

Jaune and Weiss form a theory: They've done all they can to help Ruby. Now it's up to Ruby to help herself. Yang is trying not to have an emotional breakdown at the still-extremely-high risk of losing her sister. Right on cue, the Herbalist breaks loose of his statue. Now he has butterfly wings. ...Did they really just put him in a cocoon and transform him from a caterpillar into a butterfly. This show, I swear. He leaves. Meanwhile Blake is trying to convince Yang that Ruby's fate is for Ruby, and only Ruby, to decide. I get it, but the vibes are still awful.

Fade from the Ruby-cocoon to Ruby herself, in a liminal space resembling the Central Location. She's not really sure what's going on.

The sound of metal-on-metal hammering announces that Ruby has walked up to the Blacksmith. She's now stylised with what looks like a winding tree trunk on the back of her outfit (no points for getting that symbolism), and says "I didn't expect you here just yet.", to which Ruby says she wasn't expecting it full stop.

Ruby asks if the Blacksmith is the Tree, to which the answer is 'oversimplified, yes'. Ruby asks what's going to happen to her, to which the Blacksmith informs her that it's entirely her (Ruby's) choice. This closeup of the Blacksmith confirms that they were the weird gold statue seen later in the falling sequence in the titles.

"You don't know what you want, do you?" asks/realises the Blacksmith. Before anything further can be said about that, a pervasive heartbeat sound effect starts up.

The heartbeat is also audible outside. Team ABYS frantically look around for the cause. It develops into some kind of crystalline sound - maybe it was wood-on-wood knocking all along? - before stopping. Team ABYS find the cause: a door has opened in the base of the Tree. Jaune is pretty sure it's the way back to Remnant. Maybe the others are, but they haven't said anything explicit yet. Now how much trouble will they be in when Cat!Neo gets here.

Oh, they already are. The noise was Neo's body repeatedly running into the (open) door and inexplicably bouncing off it. I reckon it'll only let through those who have learned their lesson, and the Cat definitely has not. So probably not an immediate crisis, so at least we have that.

The Cat tries psychological warfare on Weiss, but that bounces off just as visibly. Then they theorise that Neo can't return because she has nothing to go back to. "She has failed me," they declare dramatically, "just like Alyx did.", and that lands worse among Team ABYS.

The Curious Cat proceeds to regale those present with its unsympathetic sob story about how Alyx promised to take them with her but had a change of heart and mind at the Tree (oh so that's where that opinion came from) and went back and patched things up. (Ah, this is why the Curious Cat doesn't put much stock in promises.) ...Ohhhhhh dear, she didn't get to. Lewis returned to Remnant (which I really should have seen coming given the author-name allusion). Alyx had the Curious Cat ambush and murder her before she had the chance.

"Trivial things" like becoming a better person, huh?

Team ABYS prepare for battle. The Cat almost starts the battle, but stops short when they look behind Team ABYS and see Ruby's cocoon. Cat Plan A is still on. Team ABYS object to that.

Ruby and the Blacksmith walk through the highway of Ascending souls. The Blacksmith wonders if Ruby's sympathy for them is just concern for her own fate. H*ck off, people are allowed to be compassionate.

Now back outside, where the battle music is absolutely fire. Blake dispatches an illusionary Cat!Neo; the real(?) thing reappears grappling with Yang, and twists the knife a bit by cuing up some illusions of what Ruby would look like crossed with an Apathy. That's horrifying and I'm glad Ruby didn't have to see it. Yang directs her anger into punching them out.

Now back inside, where Ruby is having the most important job interview of her life. Or an emotional breakdown. Where the hell is the Ruby Rose Protection Squad. ...Right, they're outside protecting her cocoon. Ruby is having severe doubts about what she can accomplish and who she's meant to be. "What if you could be... anyone?" asks the Blacksmith, summoning a great array of stone-like cases around them which I think all contain weapons, like the Ever After's twisted idea of a character select menu.

Now back outside, where it is Jaune's turn. Jaune yells that the Cat murdered, lied, and implicitly slandered Alyx; the Cat retorts that Jaune wasn't that great either, which I am choosing to ignore because the Cat is a lying liar who lies. Eventually Jaune gets it laid out on the floor and prepares for the killing blow. He hesitates too long, and the Cat illusions Neo into Penny, which pushes another of Jaune's unresolved-trauma buttons and makes him hesitate more. Then Pyrrha hits him in the back. This is getting (more) cruel and unusual.

Team BYS were standing around and not doing much. Cat!Neo kicks Jaune through the Pyrrha illusion, which shatters. Weiss notices the commotion and launches a fireball at Neo, who shatters to reveal they were colinear with Jaune, who takes the brunt of it and is knocked backwards - off the large tree branch that it turns out they were all standing on. No! There's been enough falling! Weiss is horrified, and understandably so. I hope his landing strategy still works.

Apropos of everything being metaphorically and now literally on fire, some music:

Ruby looks at some of the weapons. She stops at one - is it a briefcase, or a hammer, or what? - and asks who it belonged to. The Blacksmith, being herself, responds that "It's not about who did, but who could.", meandering through a flowery explanation that eventually boils down to 'pick what feels right, and become its wielder', "and leave Ruby Rose behind", which isn't horrifying at all (/s).

Ruby, forced to process her feelings, works out that she doesn't feel like she's enough and that isn't changing. "How do you measure 'enough'?" asks the Blacksmith (in a distinct callback to the jar of hope), as Ruby walks over to Summer's weapon. Callback to Summer's narration at the start of the episode as Ruby reaches into the case (which turns out to be glass rather than stone). Fade to white. Fade to black. No discernible gap in the music before the credits start.

Imagine the fanfiction that ought to have sprouted up from the inevitable headcanon that Summer is time-travelling Ruby. ...On second thought, don't. I tried imagining it and just made myself depressed.

Next time: Cosmology.
Cue a surprise Paper Pleaser. Not made of paper any more, but still. To Jaune's absolute incomprehension (and dawning optimism), they explain that they are (now) known as the Genial Gems. Then they start fixing up the place. It's not cartoon levels of rapidity, but neither is it the realistic glacial pace of flood-clearing.

The bit that always gets me here is that the Genial Gems not only kept their forms for the most part, they returned to the village, and so soon. The thing is, Jaune's actions towards them before this point were wrong, undeniably so. He committed an action once that didn't go well (to put it diplomatically) and it left scars, and that resulted in him responding to anything that seemed similar with a refusal to consider the differing contexts at best, and outright denial of other peoples choices at worst. But I feel that the Gems understood to some extent WHY he was that way. This didn't stop them from trying to ascend, as shown with the constant efforts Jaune had to make to stop them, but afterwards, they knew what they wanted to be. Pretty much the same, just more durable, to continue their work. And even without memories, here they are, showing Jaune that they're alive, and they'll be alright. He doesn't need to dedicate himself to a doomed cause from misguided beliefs and a desperate attempt to atone for past failures. If he wants, he can chose to move on...

And I think that's why he was finally able to go to the tree.

Meanwhile Blake is trying to convince Yang that Ruby's fate is for Ruby, and only Ruby, to decide.

While we know now that Ascension isn't suicide, Ruby saw it as that when she drank the tea. That difference is important, yet at the same time, irrelevant in many ways. They saw Ruby try to take her own life, and now all they can do is wait, and hope she comes back to them. Until then... they're helpless. I've been there before, and it's no fun.

"You don't know what you want, do you?"

The way she says that. So gentle, forgiving... She's not condemning Ruby for not knowing. She's recognizing how lost the poor girl is right now, and offering understanding.

The noise was Neo's body repeatedly running into the (open) door and inexplicably bouncing off it. I reckon it'll only let through those who have learned their lesson, and the Cat definitely has not.

Also, what does Neo have waiting for her on the other side? The door might not work for her because she's got no reason to use it.

(Bonus, cat and a screen door! *BONK*)

Alyx promised to take them with her but had a change of heart and mind at the Tree (oh so that's where that opinion came from) and went back and patched things up. (Ah, this is why the Curious Cat doesn't put much stock in promises.) ...Ohhhhhh dear, she didn't get to. Lewis returned to Remnant (which I really should have seen coming given the author-name allusion). Alyx had the Curious Cat ambush and murder her before she had the chance.

And the tragedy? Alyx likely wasn't going to break her promise, any more than RWBY would have. She merely wanted to fix her mistakes before they left. But the Cat was too impatient... Makes me imagine an AU where she discussed it with the Cat and her brother before Lewis went through, and either had that Cat go with him, or if the explanation would be enough to buy his patience.

Ruby is having severe doubts about what she can accomplish and who she's meant to be.
works out that she doesn't feel like she's enough and that isn't changing. "How do you measure 'enough'?"

God, Ruby needs hugs. And 'enough', gah... That's a personally familiar trap to me...
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I remember getting kinda annoyed by the episode lengths around now. They felt like each new episode went by very quickly - probably says good things about the plot.
I remember getting kinda annoyed by the episode lengths around now. They felt like each new episode went by very quickly - probably says good things about the plot.

I mean, they're not really any different in length to the last few volumes, but there's so much in them... Although I should note, this and the final ep were designed as a single ep that got split in two mostly because it would be oversized compared to the rest of the volume. I occasionally forget that and think they aired as one ep. Even over the past few days, I was occasionally thinking 'aw, only one more main show update from Micheal'
The shortest Chapter of V9.
Yup, not sure how much you care to know backroom drama, but from what I recall, a decent chunk of this episode had to be heavily re-cut and like half an episode was lost ><
I must say, that certainly just happened.

You cannot imagine how spare the FNDM was going over her, how rabid we were going at the mere thought, the mere prospect of Summer material.
{{I've heard it said that having Team ABYS look functional here so soon after Ruby's apparent death was bad writing. Two things. One, compartmentalisation: as the excellent Two Minutes' Silence posits (in between all the other things it posits, it's great), it's not great to despair out on a mission where the Grimm can swarm you, so Hunters get pretty good at delaying it until they're somewhere safer. Two, they're probably at least subconsciously thinking that Ruby may return in some capacity, as the Paper Pleasers did.}}
So deeply glad you noticed these aspects cos a lot of people don't, plus, given they are humans they may very well think Ruby will have just been taken to the tree and be spat out. Basically, they don't know enough to even know how upset, stress or worried they should be and the Gems given reason to hope something can be done.
Yang is first to see the Ruby-statue beyond. She runs over to it. Ow my heart. She starts ripping leaves and proto-branches off it. Ow my everything else. She snaps at Jaune when he tries to stop her. Ow my heart again.
Gosh this scene rips out my heart t, I love these sisters :'(
She's now stylised with what looks like a winding tree trunk on the back of her outfit
I love the Blacksmiths design so freaking much.
Team ABYS object to that.
Great name by the way and yeah, the cats definitely worn out a lot of sympathy points even if I totally get being vengefully obsessed with their creators.
the Cat retorts that Jaune wasn't that great either, which I am choosing to ignore because the Cat is a lying liar who lies.
I mean, he did try to control the narrative s much he sent Alyx spiraling into paranoia.
Ruby, forced to process her feelings,
Ruby: I am not used to doing this, I am out of practice with it, aaaah!
Imagine the fanfiction that ought to have sprouted up from the inevitable headcanon that Summer is time-travelling Ruby. ...On second thought, don't. I tried imagining it and just made myself depressed.
Funnily enough someone started writing a fic like that around/just after V3, though I think they stopped, but it was more like Ruby went back and possessed her moms body somehow and due to that Tai died on a mission instead of Summer. IE, before we knew 'anything' XD
And even without memories, here they are, showing Jaune that they're alive, and they'll be alright. He doesn't need to dedicate himself to a doomed cause from misguided beliefs and a desperate attempt to atone for past failures. If he wants, he can chose to move on...

And I think that's why he was finally able to go to the tree.
Great breakdown, I also think its notable in a sort of tangential way that the Red Prince low key seems to remember a lot more from his old life than other Afterans, which could reflect that they weren't ready to ascend and used it as a terrible coping mechanism, or that this stuff can be more fluid. But yeah I love how quickly they came back to contrast the Herbalist.
(Bonus, cat and a screen door! *BONK*)
I can't believe I never got that joke XD
While we know now that Ascension isn't suicide, Ruby saw it as that when she drank the tea. That difference is important, yet at the same time, irrelevant in many ways. They saw Ruby try to take her own life, and now all they can do is wait, and hope she comes back to them. Until then... they're helpless. I've been there before, and it's no fun.
They just need to wait to see if she gets the therapy she needs or if she ends up effectively dead after the ordeal. Basically like when someone gets taken to a hospital after a suicide attempt. Some people complain about them waiting to see if she's better instead of doing something else. What else that would be they rarely say, but it seems more a complaint without understanding what they're complaining about that anything else.
And the tragedy? Alyx likely wasn't going to break her promise, any more than RWBY would have. She merely wanted to fix her mistakes before they left. But the Cat was too impatient... Makes me imagine an AU where she discussed it with the Cat and her brother before Lewis went through, and either had that Cat go with him, or if the explanation would be enough to buy his patience.
RWBY is a show about people who would have got everything they wanted if they were only a little less ...themselves. But of course they can't be anyone else. (Unless, perhaps, they're Ruby?)

(Bonus, cat and a screen door! *BONK*)
My cats aren't so prone to that, so the joke flew over my head.

Even over the past few days, I was occasionally thinking 'aw, only one more main show update from Micheal'
Clearly, I am in some way succeeding at this!

Great breakdown, I also think its notable in a sort of tangential way that the Red Prince low key seems to remember a lot more from his old life than other Afterans, which could reflect that they weren't ready to ascend and used it as a terrible coping mechanism, or that this stuff can be more fluid. But yeah I love how quickly they came back to contrast the Herbalist.
Someone in the SB thread theorises that the sheer length of time they were stuck trying to Ascend gave the Paper Pleasers ample time to plan what they wanted to be afterwards, so they didn't need to spend long in the Tree.

it seems more a complaint without understanding what they're complaining about that anything else.
Shocking. /s
Also the fact NeoCat smashes into the doorway then tries to act all casual after like they did it on purpose is such a cat thing lol
V09C10 Of Solitude and Self

V09C10 Of Solitude and Self

"...and on the wind, Alyx heard one more question: 'What are you?'"

Summer closes the book, replaces it on the bedside table between her sleeping children, and turns off the light.

Cut to a view of outside, complete with shattered moon. Cut back inside, where Summer is looking out a window. Taiyang wanders down the stairs to chat about the mission on which Summer is abruptly leaving. They do an Ozpin impersonation in unison. "I'll be back soon," says Summer. "I know," says Taiyang. Chances are high that those are the last words they ever said to each other. :(

Cut to outside, where bird calls herald the arrival of Raven, who asks if Tai suspected anything. Summer reports that she fooled him into thinking it was a "typical mission". I don't like the looks of this. Raven wonders aloud if Summer was going to just ditch her children without explanation, and understandably gets "You're one to talk" in reply. Raven has/had some homemaker variant of imposter syndrome. Summer reckons they won't have to worry about it if this goes right.

Raven makes a portal and they both leave through it.

Cut to the Blacksmith dimension, where Ruby has just had that flashback beamed into her brain by the case containing Summer's weapon and is trying to deal with having her mental construct of Supermum, baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters, finally shattered. The Blacksmith chides her that she has not been the only person ever subject to high expectations, giving the examples of Alyx and "your mother".

...H*ck me, remember in Chapter 1 when Yang and Ruby said this?
"Damn it... You weren't supposed to be here."

"If you thought we wouldn't come for you then you must have forgotten who raised me."
An ideal that who-raised-Ruby has apparently not lived up to. The trauma train remains in service. No, I'm a bit dumb and it's worse, I managed to forget that functionally Yang did half the Ruby-raising. Not that that makes it any less wrenching for Ruby to get a Summer flashback. The trauma train is more reliable than anything I commute on.

Ruby pushes the case over to shatter (how metaphorical) and demands to know what the Blacksmith is playing at. The Blacksmith insists that that's still for Ruby and only Ruby to decide.

Meanwhile, outside the Tree, it is Jaune's turn to have a Herbalist vision. His past self occasionally flickers into superimposition on his present self; instead he is berated by Alyx, in her first appearance outside the titles or an animatic. The beration doesn't last long; she offers him the opportunity "to be the kind of man he always wanted to be". This is extremely ambiguous. He accepts it anyway.

Jaune stumbles out of the vision smoke in time to see an explosion throw flaming debris off the branch he came from.

Meanwhile, up on the branch, Blake is faring badly under the full attention of Cat!Neo. Fortunately she was just buying time for Weiss and Yang. On the other hand, they can't land a good hit. The festivities are interrupted by Jaune lobbing a branch at them from higher up and shouting at them to "burn the leaves!" - that's the source of the vision smoke.

As a smoke cloud forms around Cat!Neo, they laugh and remind Team ABYS that they're (the Cat) immune to any and all effects of the leaves. Yeah, says Jaune, but Neo isn't. Neo succumbs rapidly, forcing the Cat to abandon body.

Neo stumbles out of the smoke and gets some distance away before collapsing. The Cat is in the smoke cloud making growling noises (absolutely masterful sound balancing has used my headphones, with solely L and R speakers, to make me think that the growling is coming from about 45° anticlockwise of in front of me) that soon develop into more laughter as they emerge in nightmare form and pounce just in front of Team ABYS, knocking them all away.

Cut repeatedly between Team ABYS defending themselves against Nightmare Cat, and the Blacksmith pressuring Ruby to make a choice quickly - either to shed her burdens, or pick "someone who can bear them". I get it, but the vibes are still awful. - Did she just walk past Cinder's old weapons or what?

(Obligatory note that, in the real world where we don't have scriptwriters, time-pressure tactics like this are the hallmark of a scam. Take a deep breath, it might save your life savings.)

Now back outside. With Yang and Blake both on the floor, Jaune attempts an attack, only for Nightmare Cat to king-hit him nearly off the branch again and break his Aura. Juniper interposes herself as Team BYS try to distract the Cat.

Now back inside. Ruby has found Alyx's dagger, and despairs. Then, to Summer's voice (and last known words to Ruby), a weapon on the opposite side of the ring shines a bright red and all of the other cases unsummon. You will be shocked (/s) to learn that it is Crescent Rose.
"This one. What happens if I choose ...me?"

"Then maybe that girl is enough."

(Ruby is, sadly, surprised)
Fade to red as Ruby reaches for it. Cut to Team BYS continuing to fight for their lives as Ruby's cocoon, forgotten at the edge of the arena, begins to crack...

Ruby dives through some dark space to grab her weapon as it falls. I'm telling you this is the leitmotif of the Red Trailer and it's great.

Everybody has to shield their eyes at the sudden white light accompanying Ruby bursting free of her cocoon. It seems that she has Summer's rose pin back (yeeeeeeees). At Team BYS WBY's absolute incomprehension (and dawning optimism), Jaune (who has regained his breath) tells them that "she knew what she needed to be, all along".

Nightmare Cat declares this to be "perfect" for some incomprehensible reason (does it think she's still broken?), and leaps at Ruby. There follows a good fifteen seconds of Ruby styling on them (lyrics!). It's glorious. At one point the Cat grabs Crescent Rose and tries to grab Ruby, who looks panicked until she isn't, pulling literally her oldest combat trick of Semblancing away from the claws. Serious Red Trailer vibes.

The Cat now realises it's been backed into the middle of a Team RWBY square battle formation. The styling has only just begun.

Thirty seconds of getting styled on later, the Cat has been knocked out of Nightmare form. It tries some more psychological warfare, and if you think the last attempt bounced off then you ought to see just how ineffective this one is: Team RWBY has found its leader again and is not about to let her go (neither unappreciated nor in any other sense).

Ruby asserts that Team RWBY+J are returning to Remnant and the Curious Cat is staying put. The Cat attempts to pounce on their retreating backs but is intercepted in midair by the pack of Jabberwalkers, which last just long enough to kill it (goodbye, stay dead) before Neo runs dry on spite and collapses again. Ruby spares a backwards look for her before getting group-hugged by Team WBY+J.

Neo is joined by a presumably-illusionary Torchwick who commiserates about her alone-ness. The ensuing 'conversation' has definite airs of being a last goodbye. Sure enough, illusory Torchwick (whom I just typoed as "Trochwick", that's a new one for me) admits he's not real before dissipating into a cloud of pink shards. Team RWBY+J wonder what to do about Neo; she gestures at them with her sword (which unmistakably means 'stay back'), tips Torchwick's hat, and jumps off the branch to parasol-assisted-slow-fall into the liminal void. Any doubts about her fate that might linger after Ruby's line are cleared up by the appearance of a Neo-cocoon before their very eyes. Title sequence foreshadowing strikes again! (I don't know how to feel about this. Is she escaping the law? Yes. Is she escaping more-abstract justice? Maybe. Is she escaping consequences? No.)

Ruby has a remaining problem: "When I was in the tree, I never saw Little.". She has regrets over things left unsaid (and said) to them. Blake wonders again if they've done an Alyx New Game Plus and made things worse for every Acre they passed through; Ruby likes to think they've done "at least a little good", which is doubtless the writers again thinking they're riotously funny.

Cue a mouse half Ruby's height to dash into proceedings. Ruby immediately reckons that this is Little. They disagree; they don't remember Ruby, or much else of anything, and solicit suggestions on what they are now (and therefore what their name should be). Team RWBY all have suggestions. The mega-mouse decides that they're "somewhat" all of them, and adopts Somewhat as their name.

We now deal with the unspeakable awkwardness of meeting an old friend who has since acquired near-total retrograde amnesia, and having to immediately leave for another appointment. Somewhat does reckon something about Ruby is familiar, "like a happy dream I can't remember". The animators are getting a lot of practice in of characters crying. Somewhat remembers, possibly without realising, that Ruby described herself (partially) as a Huntress, which understandably hits Ruby right in the feels.

Jaune, who will also be leaving the Ever After, now bequeaths Juniper's care and feeding to Somewhat.

There is nothing left for them to do here; Team RWBY+J link hands and simultaneously step through the door to Remnant. ...Or maybe not; they all fall out of a portal in what looks like the Blacksmith's space but that had nice things like a floor. No! There's been enough falling!

No, wait, here's the floor. They all feather-land and walk in what feels like the right direction. (They land in RWBYJ order, because of course.) Soon they come across the Blacksmith, who has been busy making little figurines of the Ever After's cast of characters, and introduces the place as her workshop. It is Blake's turn to wonder if this is the inside of the Tree, and Ruby's to say it sort-of is.

Jaune steps up to the workbench. "I've been waiting a long time for you," says the Blacksmith. Jaune would like to know if the Cat was the slightest bit telling the truth about Alyx and Lewis. The Blacksmith confirms that only Lewis returned to Remnant, and wrote the fairy tale to depict what he wished had happened.

Ruby catches sight of two figurines, and wonders aloud if they are the Brother Gods. The Blacksmith confirms it, describing Them as "the Tree's earliest blossoms... The Tree did not foresee what they would become. But that is the joy of creating.". Evidently the Ever After does double duty as the Ever Before. Not surprising given its timey-wimey nature.

Looks like we're getting one last animatic. The Brothers were created as the Ever After's gardeners, clearing its overgrown space and giving roles and resources to its other inhabitants. After a while of this, they started creating their own things - first the Curious Cat to find things that needed cleaning up, then the Jabberwalker to ...clean them up. Then we go on a philosophical speech about balance which I have not huffed enough vision smoke to fully understand; short story shorter, the Jabberwalker does not 'balance' things by destroying them, and the Brothers did not agree on that. {{It has been alleged that this makes the Jabberwalker the first Grimm.}}

The animatic now goes on to extremely clear flower symbolism for Team RWBY. No Jaune? Sad. Anyway, the Tree was a bit tired of the Brothers creating new and disruptive things, so it created that big door and let them through to what would become Remnant, to create things there. And the rest is history. Literally.

Team RWBY+J now have a more accurate understanding of Remnant's cosmology and pantheon than anyone has ever had.

The Blacksmith now, by reference to Somewhat nee Little, gets Ruby to realise exactly how much of a positive impact she's had. Simple actions can have ripple effects for much longer than the actor expected: witness everything that sprung from Alyx breaking her promise to the Curious Cat (and with nobody to send the Cat in for Ascension); and imagine what will spring from Somewhat's empowerment, and effective succession to the Rusted Knight's mantle. Half of this is doubtless going over my head.

Anyway, the Blacksmith is now holding Alyx's knife, and Jaune now sees it. It was "a wish to fix what [Alyx] had broken". Jaune accepts it from the Blacksmith, briefly has a vision of Alyx's ghost or something, and then finds himself de-aged. Status quo is god sometimes, eh.

The Blacksmith lastly opens them a portal, looking a lot like the exit portal into Vacuo. Ruby asks where it will take them. "Not where," says the Blacksmith, "when you are needed most.". The background music kicks back in, sounding very denouement-y. Ruby is the last through the portal, stopping to thank the Blacksmith. I initially thought she didn't respond, but actually she waved goodbye. Ruby is on speaking terms with the god-in-charge, this is excellent.

Fade to white. Fade to a portal in the sands of Vacuo, from which Ruby emerges to join the rest of Team RWBY+J.

Before them, Vacuo proper. Somebody has dug up half an air fleet from somewhere to stand guard. Over there, somebody has done one better and refloated the entire Amity Colosseum.

Portal closes over the camera. Fade to black. Credits, music continuing.

Alternate credits music, probably:

Next time: The longest post-credits scene.
Was a real shame when this was, seemingly, the end of RWBY. It's a distinct cliffhanger for the next arc, for all that the cast progressed emotionally and in character growth. Hopefully we get season ten in the next few years from the franchise's new owners.
Raven has/had some homemaker variant of imposter syndrome.

Yeah, this is a big one. In earlier volumes, Raven has presented herself as leaving because of a belief that Oz was lying to them about/using them up about for the Salem fight, and that might be true to some extent. But her comments here, and her attitude towards Summer, make it clear that wasn't the whole story. I suspect she didn't truly descend into the bandit bitch we know and despise until after this event. So what happened after they stepped into that portal?

I get it, but the vibes are still awful.

Yeah, pretty sure the blacksmith knows what's going on outside...

"This one. What happens if I choose ...me?"

"Then maybe that girl is enough."

Possibly the most important two sentences in the entire damn show. And Ruby's smile there... She believes it, even if just for a moment.

This was what the blacksmith was always trying to guide her towards, without forcing the issue where possible.

Ruby dives through some dark space to grab her weapon as it falls. I'm telling you this is the leitmotif of the Red Trailer and it's great.

It's not just the leitmotif. The trailer music was Red Like Roses. The Nevermore fight in Volume 1 was Red like Roses Part two. This, is Red Like Roses part 3.

Also, note her smile when she catches her weapon.

The Cat now realises it's been backed into the middle of a Team RWBY square battle formation. The styling has only just begun.

Really, the Cat was doomed the moment it was knocked out of Neo. Now it's just a big monster. They take out a dozen of those before breakfast.

The ensuing 'conversation' has definite airs of being a last goodbye. Sure enough, illusory Torchwick (whom I just typoed as "Trochwick", that's a new one for me) admits he's not real before dissipating into a cloud of pink shards.

Also, note the last words there. Slightly accidental meta-pain there...

Team RWBY+J wonder what to do about Neo; she gestures at them with her sword (which unmistakably means 'stay back'), tips Torchwick's hat, and jumps off the branch to parasol-assisted-slow-fall into the liminal void. Any doubts about her fate that might linger after Ruby's line are cleared up by the appearance of a Neo-cocoon before their very eyes. Title sequence foreshadowing strikes again! (I don't know how to feel about this. Is she escaping the law? Yes. Is she escaping more-abstract justice? Maybe. Is she escaping consequences? No.)

I don't think it was a 'stay back' When she bows, she took her eyes off them. It's not much, but I think the bow was as genuine an act as she's ever done... And then, she walks away from vengeance in the hope of finding a better path.

If she ever comes back into the show, she'd have to face solid consequences again on Remnant, but here... As much as I've come to hate her, it's a good ending.

Also fun, no one's gonna be telling Cinder Neo stayed behind in the Ever After. When she learns RWBY made it back, her paranoia will be legendary.

Blake wonders again if they've done an Alyx New Game Plus and made things worse for every Acre they passed through

Which, given how the only 'crimes' they committed were being robbed, taking back stolen property, being magicked by a prince and being attacked, I can't really blame them for. Which works very well as a reminder of the events of the Atlas arc. They're not responsible for the villains actions.

Then we go on a philosophical speech about balance which I have not huffed enough vision smoke to fully understand; short story shorter, the Jabberwalker does not 'balance' things by destroying them, and the Brothers did not agree on that.

Also implies that the Brothers themselves have no understanding of balance, which might come back into play if they ever show up again...

Status quo is god sometimes, eh.

I take it as a bit of an apology from the ever after for the whole clock fruit mess that got him aged in the first place, but also that, from a narrative point of view, he wouldn't really be able to continue as a main character with that legacy visible, alongside RWBY and ORNE. He gets the lessons, and then he gets to be who he needs to be.

Ruby is the last through the portal, stopping to thank the Blacksmith. I initially thought she didn't respond, but actually she waved goodbye. Ruby is on speaking terms with the god-in-charge, this is excellent.

It's also a remarkable contrast. Ever since Volume 6, we believed that the gods of the setting were cruel, shortsighted and vengeful. And while they are in many ways, it's also because they're still young, relatively speaking. And their mother/creator? She cares for her children, and all their creations. She can't always be obvious about it, but she wants the best for them, to help them grow and find who they're meant to be. It's a remarkably hopeful thought, and that takes us into the ending of the Volume, and technically the end of RWBY so far (Beyond is partly set after this, and the second Justice League movie takes place after this point, but that's a sorta-loose canon). With a soft version of the volume 1 theme playing, the team look out over Vacuo, defended by ships from multiple nations, Amity floating above it. Times have been tough. There was deaths and defeats. But there is still hope.
Raven makes a portal and they both leave through it.
Low key surprised this one didn't leave you more flabbergasted, this one left the FNDM in hysterics and led to the spread of amazing Rosebird meme XD
absolutely masterful sound balancing has used my headphones, with solely L and R speakers, to make me think that the growling is coming from about 45° anticlockwise of in front of me
Rarely ever listening to stuff on head-phones I sometimes feel I am missing out but then I would also be so much more paranoid with stuff like this happening too XD
(Obligatory note that, in the real world where we don't have scriptwriters, time-pressure tactics like this are the hallmark of a scam. Take a deep breath, it might save your life savings.)
In all fairness, the Cat is also rapidly approaching Ruby's body, this is less the Blacksmith pressuring Ruby because she wants to (The Herbalist was there for like 30 hours) and more a case of, "I need you to make a decision now or the decision you would have made won't matter cos you'll be super dead."
(does it think she's still broken?)
I would say they do, Ruby didn't change into someone else, so in the Cat's mind she has all the same vulnerabilities as before. They likely think this is also because the tree couldn't ascend her, rather tan because she chose to come back as herself.
The styling has only just begun.
We love to see it!!!

Title sequence foreshadowing strikes again! (I don't know how to feel about this. Is she escaping the law? Yes. Is she escaping more-abstract justice? Maybe. Is she escaping consequences? No.)
Also, like with Emerald I tend to think its more important to change than to create consequences. I get seeking catharsis, in RL someone saying, "Oh I changed, totes feel bad now, no need to penalize me" can just be a manipulation tactic or escape route (though it can be real obviously) The Tree and the fact this is a story kind of remove both those options from consideration.
The mega-mouse decides that they're "somewhat" all of them, and adopts Somewhat as their name.
I adore Somewhat the mega mouse so very very much.
"like a happy dream I can't remember"
I legit cried at this line.
short story shorter, the Jabberwalker does not 'balance' things by destroying them,
I think it should be noted Darkness was against punishing their creations for their errors, while Light just wanted it dead for existing rather than like, to do anything to fix or adjust it. They also fucked up making the cat given it couldn't ascend and had to spend millions of years or longer as an unpaid therapist and maintenance worker. Like they're a dick, but I can see why they were so pissed off.
Jaune accepts it from the Blacksmith, briefly has a vision of Alyx's ghost or something, and then finds himself de-aged. Status quo is god sometimes, eh.
There's a reason for this, the writers wanted V9 to be a turning of the tide, triumphant and joyful thing. Jaune being kept as having squandered decades of his life, left in a still rather ruinous head-space even if he was sort of functional in that moment and otherwise still being stuck so deeply wounded from his time in the Ever After and now set to likely die well before all his loved one's and remain forever awkwardly disconnected would not do that. It would be interesting to explore, but it wouldn't match the tone the writers were going for.
Ruby is on speaking terms with the god-in-charge, this is excellent.
I'm pretty sure the Blacksmith is closer to a psychopomp than the Tree given there is a consistent effort to distinguish the two in the Blacksmiths narration.
Also this means technically the gods created death for Remnant...
Yup, I mean Light straight up called Remnant an experiment and we saw them blatantly violate their own rules on a whim and there be no consequences. Frankly the entire "There must be a balance" thing just seems to be a rule they agreed on rather than something cosmologically necessary.
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And since you're at the end of V9, time for a fanfic recommendation! Only two chapters in this one so far, but it's got nice scenes in it.

At the end of volume 8, team RWBY falls into the void, and find themselves in Atlas, in the distant past. Specifically, as Summer Rose is passing through on her final, doomed mission with Raven...


Ripples Across the Pond (RWBY)

After the events of Volume 8, team RWBY finds themselves not in Ever After, but in a still standing Kingdom of Atlas, some thirtreen years in the past. Before Summer Rose vanished, before one Cinder Fall was ever found by Salem.
Anyway, the Blacksmith is now holding Alyx's knife, and Jaune now sees it. It was "a wish to fix what [Alyx] had broken". Jaune accepts it from the Blacksmith, briefly has a vision of Alyx's ghost or something, and then finds himself de-aged. Status quo is god sometimes, eh.
He did keep the grey hairs.
So what happened after they stepped into that portal?
Salem would know.
Frankly the entire "There must be a balance" thing just seems to be a rule they agreed on rather than something cosmologically necessary.
Or they heard the Tree or Blacksmith talking about balance but didn't get it, so made up rules to try to follow to see if that was balance.
Random aside, but there's some very fun comparisons between Summer shoulder checking Raven in the V9 flashback and Yang doing the same in V5.
Or they heard the Tree or Blacksmith talking about balance but didn't get it, so made up rules to try to follow to see if that was balance.
Also possible, regardless, its intensely arbitrary on their part.